



King Monotonous || Cheap-Carny-Ride
Novice: Ashpaw ;; Mate: None ;; Kits: None
Sure, a plain, dark-grey pelt could be boring. Monotonous, if you wish to call it that. That 's the only way to describe Monotonousfur's pelt. There wasn't one spot of a different color. He makes sure that his short fur is well-groomed. Those eyes, however, were two brilliant pools of liquid fire. Around the edges, they were a bright yellow color, gradually getting darker until that color reached the center, which was a pretty, bright orange. Monotonousfur's nose is dark grey in color and almost perfectly blends in with that ash-colored pelt of his. His thin, elongated whiskers branch out in all directions. Some twist up, while others droop towards the ground. He has a muscular build and his body is long. Despite his name, Monotonousfur has a bright and vibrant personality. He enjoys talking to others, and doesn't mind helping out a fellow clan mate. The tom thinks selflessly when it comes to others. He'd gladly give up some sleep or food if it meant making someone else happy. But don't let that fool you. Though he might say it politely, Monotonousfur can be assertive if he has to be. No way would he let some other cat push him around! Undoubtedly loyal is a great way to describe this cat, also. He would die for his clan, no matter how painful it might be. Determination has gotten him far in the past. If he sets a goal, you'd better believe that he'll do everything in his power to complete the challenge, no matter how insignificant or grueling it may be. His history isn't dull at all. It is, in fact, the complete opposite! He was born with only one littermate, a calico she-cat. Their mother was killed by invading dogs soon after their birth, and they were taken in by another Tatawanna. When they became Novices, his sister ran off for unknown reasons. He's never heard from her since, but thinks about her every day and refuses to stop searching for her.

Prince Flame || Lilyfeather
Novice: None ;; Mate: None ;; Kits: None

Maybe RubyClan isn't for him. That's what you'd be thinking if you didn't know this tom. On the outside, he has deep ginger fur that shines when the sun's rays hit it. His eyes are dark brown, not hiding anything at all. He is not flawed with old injuries or scars. Even his voice may fool you. Not deep and throaty or high-pitched, either. Just a bit simple. No accent. No edge of anger. Just normal. He may even look... soft. But in reality, he is everything but. His muscular frame lets him fight with the force you should be frightened of. He creeps up on you with a silent tread, the ultimate assassin. He could kill you as silently as a fish's breath, but you wouldn't know it, would you? His name? Flamestep

Crusader ---- || ----
Novice: None ;; Mate: None ;; Kits: None
Tryouts will be held shortly.



Herbalist Mousepoppy || Rped by Ashenfate
Taken from her mother's side at such a young age, she was told she was the only hope that the clan may have. Mousepoppy was just a kitten, harldy old enough to open her eyes when King Monotonous told her she had to learn from StarClan, and that she was the only one for the job. Scared and confused, Mouse agreed, though it was not without several protests from her mother, the former Queen Little. Mouse simply told her mother it was her destiny, that passing on the blood-lines of her mother could go to her siblings, as she would follow the path that StarClan had laid out for her. This small cat is still a kitten with the full name of an herbalist, but she does her job the best she can, learning with each day. Her fluffy grey furs are like feathers almost, and her paws are almost as if she stepped in snow and it stuck. She had a small white patch upon her chest as well, her eyes a dark green color, just as her mother's. Mouse is the sweet one of her siblings and family, as she cares for others, even those of other clans. Mouse would not leave any cat to die or be hurt if she could help it. Though she is kind and caring, she is also still a kit at heart. Being forced to grow up, sometimes she sneaks in a little play time in secret, but she will always miss sleeping by her mother's side, safe and warm.. Without the worry of lives on the line.
Herbalist Novice || Tryouts Being held




The Knights of Nine

Rped by Houndor
Novice: Tinypaw | Mate: None | Kits: None
A small black tom with a brown underbelly and green eyes. He has a huge scar on his foreleg from when he fell on a rock as a kit. He lost his mother in a fox attack when she was traveling with him to teach him the ways of a loner. Luckily an InfinityClan patrol was near by and chased off the fox, taking the small kit in. He has no known knowledge of his father, but he believes he was a loner like his mother and he was. He doesn't like being around kits because he is afraid of hurting them. He is a hyperactive cat that believes that the code and what the leaders say is law, and will never step outside of those lines. He likes using his speed to get ahead of other cats and loves pulling jokes. He dislikes fighting but will do what he is told. He loves to learn as long as he doesn't have to sit in one place for long.

Rped by BluestarRocks!
Novice: Crabpaw | Mate: None | Kits: None
A light blue-whitish she-cat with shining snow colored eyes. She's a brave but shy Lady that can smell a rabbit before the rabbit smells her, even if the wind is in the rabbit’s favor. She has two brothers who went in different directions than her, Darkstream, a warrior of PondClan still on the hunt of their father who killed their mother, and Glow, her once-gentle brother whose heart turned as cold as the ice he now lives in when he joined WinterClan. When she was only two seasons old, her name Blizzard, her older brother being three, his name being Tsunami, and her younger brother one, his name being Glow, his father supposedly killed their mother, Nature, for some terrible wrong Tsunami did. Darkstream (Tsunami), her (Blizzard), and Glow (Glow) ran away from their father, trying to get away from the blood-crazed tom they once loved. After a moon of running they went their separate ways, her to RubyClan, Darkstream to PondClan and Glow to WinterClan. Lilliclaw knows where both her siblings are but she never dares to visit them for fear of being found out. She is usually kind to others unless she doesn’t know them, She’s very quick to jump to her own defense and fight back. Lilliclaw may not be the kindest soul, but true love might help her along and unsnare her from the legacy her well-known CrowClan brother has left and continues to leave.

Roleplayed by Ashenfate
Novice: Skypaw | Lives 9-9| |Mate: Blackwing | Kits: Expecting
The sound of Thistlestrike’s wails… The calls of a brother, Lionflame, at the time, Lionkit, at her side… The slow, labored breathing of her mother as the final blow was landed. Then, death… the silent embrace… the end of an era for RubyClan… A mother lost, a part of her, forever disappeared, and a father that receded within himself. There was nothing Littlecomet could do besides leave. She couldn’t handle the loss, confronting the memory of her mother’s death day after day. Lionflame might have grown distant and aloof while remaining a member of RubyClan, but that wasn’t how Littlecomet was, she never will be that way. No, Littlecomet is a cat of action, a cat of heart, a cat of soul… the true heir to the throne, the oldest of Queen Ashen’s remaining litter. She is the cat of destiny and the cat of failure, but don’t be mistaken, those days of hurt are far behind her. She is here for her clan before all and she will never abandon it like she did when she was younger. Authority; the power to calm the sea of anger and dissent that RubyClan can become…. She holds the power, the voice, the integrity this clan needs to continue forward, she always has. Little does this she cat know, she takes after her mother in more ways than one. Her ability, her voice, her regal stature that can shake the clan to its bone… they all belong to her mother’s residing spirit. She is strong willed, lithe, and agile. Her white furs are short, perfectly lining her well muscled form. She’s a flirt, though many don’t notice it upon first glance. She enjoys playing mind games when it’s possible, though, now that she is queen, she rarely ever shows her joking and flirty side anymore. Instead, she is quiet, aloof, a model of the perfect queen. At times, if one listens closely, they can hear her one major flaw…. Littlecomet may not show it, but she has a bit of an attitude when she speaks, especially when somebody has upset her. She works hard to hide it though, mostly because the clan doesn’t need to know that she still has a hatred towards them for forgetting her mother… she still holds the memories of her death in her wake. Seeking the truth, justice, and possibly love, this she cat is willing to go to the ends of the earth… she will fight for liberty, loyalty, and nobility… especially with VenomClan and the likes of CrowClan in her backyard. She will do what it takes to restore balance to her clan, even if it kills her. Her green eyes glow with a wise and knowing attitude, she exudes confidence, though deep inside she is afraid to follow in her mother’s footsteps. This is Littlecomet, strong, independent, and wise, but she is also Littlecomet, quiet, shy, and afraid. Will you ever get to know both sides? You’ll just have to wait and see.

Roleplayed by .:FantasyRose:.
Novice: Wavepaw | Mate: n/a | Kits: n/a
Blood roars in your ears, veins pulsating as adrenaline races through your body vigorously. Wind whips your face, lashing out as you dance through the tall pines, feeling energized and rambunctious. Safari, what a free soul to meet. With a wild mandarin coat, and emerald green eyes, he seems to be lush with life. His paws are white, as if they were each dipped in creamy paint. Always wearing a smile, this giddy tom never ceases to let a little rain bring him down, nor make him a pessimist. Everyday is a new adventure to unfold, and Safari, plans to entitle himself in each one. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, he wakes every morning, expecting nothing more than accelerating heartbeats and a soaring spirit. His limbs are long and slender, making him an agile runner as well as hunter. Stealthy, speedy, and well built, this broad tom could take down a water buffalo if you’d let him, though of course, that is impossible. In his active mind, Safari believes he can do anything that comes to mind with the right kind of attitude. If you doubt yourself, you will not succeed in the task at hand, but if you have the ultimate faith, anything is possible. He seems to carry a warm and sunny personality, making friends and companions at ease. He doesn’t cage his heart in, but lets it roam and find its way freely. Safari can be a bit quick-minded, always bursting into a situation without much thought, but he finds it valuable to learn by cause and effect. Born under the care of his mother’s sister, Safari had grown into a fine cat, living by the code of friendliness and respect. After Zenaya died, the only caretaker he had ever known, he promised to make a change in this darkened world, and repay her by giving back to the cats who need it the most. He has a good way of handling trouble and obstacles, and keeps his patience with any being he comes across, even the feral ones. Nothing is better than a warm, blazing amber sun, especially when all seems drowned in winter.

The Errants



The Lords and Ladies

Rped by: houndour
This roughin, toughin, high strung cat is one big powerhouse. His dusty brown fur is always tufting out in different directions, making him look much bigger than he truly is. He also has this oddity of speakin in slang, never backin down from a fight, and tryin to make himself appear ten times bigger than he normally is. Some avoid him because of this, others? They just call him a Lonestate.


Rped by Valiantconqueror
Her eyes, the color of a sheet of ice which lies upon water. Specks of gold freckles sprinkle around her pupils with a light blue background, fading merely to a pure white towards to edge of her iris. Her pelt blends with brown, black, light orange and white patches and stripes. Grey tips cover over these patches throughout her lithe body. Her chin, chest, and underbelly consist of white, stripes of brown and orange piercing into the white patches every so often. Her nose of a deep red, her paws of grayish orange and white. Her appearance is, as most say, very alluring. Her structure is very, well, little. Although, her legs lift her taller than most cats. She towers over them all, having to crane her neck down to see upon them. In what she lack of body built, she makes up in endurance, persistence, agility. She strives for that feeling of air brushing against her pelt. Faster, faster, faster. The embrace of wind, she craves it with every ounce of her soul. It fills her heart to the brim of everything content.. A heart so filled, so sanctified.. With such a heart, this she-cat has a lot of her heart to give. She gives, and she gives. Her persona is like that of a social-butterfly, yet she has a tight hold on her tongue and the way it moves. This she-cat’s soul holds the wisdom of youth, the forgiveness and undeniable trust of a kit. She welcomes everyone and just about anything in with an open mind. Being a strong believer in everyone's innocence, she is able to understand any cat's sins. She holds the power of a strong intuition. No matter what a cat may have done, she can always see a light in the path they have chosen to go down. She is not known for holding grudges. She was never one to remember the bad things in any cat. With the right punishment, any cat can be forgiven. She believes that any cat can turn good a bad reputation that they uphold. Her eyes see every solution, every answer. She speaks her mind, and it is up to you to hear her. Advice. This she-cat is a wizard for it. Conjuring up options that you would have never thought to think of. Brilliant, is what she is. She is quite the cat for inspiration, too. You might not think she would be the cat for it, but she can be quite insightful when she lets her mouth free to speak her deep, hidden thoughts. For her, it is very habitual for her to open her mind and heart to strangers. It is also likely that she has been hurt from doing so. And she has, more than once, had her heart torn by others. Yet she chooses to see that emotional pain as a test to make her stronger. She has learned much from being hurt, and she shares her experiences with those of whom ask, but mainly to those who are about to repeat history. She hates to see others in the pit of their own self-created agony, stabbing themselves to death left and right. Her desire overwhelms her to try and save them from making horrible mistakes. Because of this desire, she can't help but want to become every cat's savior. And that want, that desire, that sharp engraved sense of kindness, is inevitably tearing her apart. Always giving more than she gets. Always.

Rped by Valiantconqueror
Cautious. Patient. A very careful, very understanding, wise cat defines the very outline of this grey tabby tom, and of that pelt lays a soft, sleek shine. His eyes are shrouded and edged with silver and white jagged lines, a small hint of yellow and orange fogging within them ever so gently. Much like his deceased parents had been, he is a selfless soul. His main reason for living is for the well-being of others. He feels it as his duty to never let any cat go passed him without a smile on their face. He is the type of cat you would want to bring to a peace-talk. Sure, he will fight undoubtedly alongside his clan. But in all of his honesty, he would only fight if he found it in his heart to be the right thing to do. He'd need something worth fighting for. And of course, his land, his home, his clan mates and kin, but above all, justice, are worth fighting for, to him. There is no uncertainty in his mind that he wouldn't fight for the right thing. His soul is of nothing but hope, of faith and liberty. Honor and respect. Yet, I will not say that he is pure. That he is always of innocence. No, he can be very sneaky, very sly. He is a quick liar, and can put his stories together with ease. But, his intentions are always directed in the path of good no matter the situation.

Rped by Valiantconqueror
A light ginger she-cat with a splash of darker orange on her flank, dazzled with pale green eyes. She is a relatively kind and generous cat, and could never refuse giving help to a cat in need. She has a huge heart, and bases most of her decisions on how she feels rather than what she thinks. Which in this case; that happens to be a good thing. She is never spiteful and tends to be very forgiving. She follows her heart (for the lack of a better term). She can relate to other cats very well, and loves the company of many cats in one area at once.

Rped by Valiantconqueror
You'd find her to be a very intimidating she-cat at first. Maybe it's because of her beauty? Is it her fluffy black pelt, and those
ocean blue eyes? Is it the way her pelt is sparked with hints of white, or the way the puffs of her ears are tinted a light grey? Probably. Those white paws, and that fluffy white chest.. Some toms will forever wonder how it feels to be nuzzled by her white chin, to be caressed by her tail.. Or maybe it's her strong personality that intimidates you? The way she takes control over the simplest of situations could make you bow under her in respect. Yes, she's a bold she-cat. Fearless and courageous. She has a lot of sass, and she doesn't exactly like to take, "No," for an answer. She's one tough nut to crack into; being the stubborn and headstrong she-cat she tends to be. Though, once you can get close enough to her, she might actually begin to show you some bits of kindness. If you can put up with her, she'll show you the kind of cat she is under her rough shell. That cat, hidden away under the skin, is a, believe it or not, gentle cat. That is, only if you can find it, and even when you do, she'll deny it with every bit of her being. Maximumflight? Kind and caring? No, no. She'll have none of that.

Rped by Valiantconqueror
His eyes are grey and glazed. His grey fur has dark ripples that gave him an appearance of having scales. This tom you have stumbled upon is blind and handicapped. A badger took his sight in one nasty battle. But, regardless, he might as well be the best fisher you’ve ever met. He has a history and the makings of a good swimmer and an excellent fisher. He was built for the rough waves, and unlike most cats in his clan he tends to love water. Though, he fears the thought of drowning. He dares not stray out too far into open water in fear that he wouldn’t find his way back to shore without his sight to see which direction he’s going in. He sticks close to the shore, secretly wishing that he could swim in the deep ends like he used to.

Rped by whteswift
A fiery she cat with a beautiful tortoiseshell coat and terrifying golden eyes. Her eyes are very wolflike, hence her name, they seem to glow in the dark. Wise and strong, she holds herself with pride and grace, masking her self- doubt. Her cheerful attitude is very helpful, she makes friend easily and is easy to talk to, but she is somewhat level headed. She can fight with words and actions and will snap back to anything she knows isn’t right. Loyalty and courage are the first two words that could be used to even try and describe her. Her past is shrouded by secrets that even she doesn't know about. She believes that Rosepetal was her mother to this day, but what she doesn’t know is that she was the daughter of Queen Sky, born of a forbidden romance. Plagued by dreams of her mother, real and fake, and of an unknown tom, her mind is in turmoil. She feels the weight of the secrets around her, though she doesn’t know what they are or what they mean. She stands by her beliefs and holds them dear because that is one of the few things keeping her sane. She fell in love with a tom named Brokeneagle and gave birth to Ozonekit, Knightkit, Evanescekit, Cheshirekit, and Duckkit. Despite everything that is revolving around her, she continues to do what is best for her clan. Past Queen of Rubyclan.

Rped by qwerty1234567
A large white short-haired tom with blue eyes. He is a very quiet presence, but can be the main source of attention when he wants to be. He can play some small mind games, but nothing that hurts anyone, at least not permanently. He shows his emotions, but in a quiet way that someone would have to pay attention to. In some weird way he is a loner, but the loner who has a clan, if that makes any sense. He is fully loyal to his clan, and would never plot or be involved with any betrayal, unless it was being possessed or something around that. He has little faith that he'll ever have a mate, or be loved by another cat. He imagines ending up dying early, and if not being a laid-back elder, telling the small stories of his life to any kit that took interest. He is more solid in battle than he is smooth and fast, and he's decent at detecting the next move of the attacker.


rped by -Finchwing

Pale faded shades of grey, blue, black, and anyother shadow. One could say she collects them, though not in jars, not in bowls. Not even in her mind. Her heart is filled with the things - their lapping edges permanently staining her life. The shadows seem to have seeped through her fur - her pelt a dark shade of grey, her under belly lighter, and her paws, chin and ears even darker; almost black. Her eyes reflect midnight, and in complete darkness, if your eyes are sharp enough to catch them, you can be rewarded with tiny glimmering dots which fade after a few heartbeats. On a perfect cloudless night she would be scarce in camp, needing to hide her eyes. Why? They turn the palest, purest white. Though only if the night is crisp, the breeze settled, clouds invisible, and the stars at their brightest. Most think of her as mute, as her history doesn't raise her voice. It doesn't raise the voice of an assassin. Yep. Here in the clan they have an assassin from the past - though that's her history, many believe an assassin is never ceased.

Rped by Ashenfate
Leaf looks just as her sister, yet her orange pelt clashes with her bright green eyes. That is the only difference in the twos looks. Green eyes that seem to glow in moonlights. Though she may look a lot like her sister, she is different in personality. She can be shy at times, but she tries not to be. Once she opens up, she is a very nice she-cat, and rather playful at times. No doubt that she makes a good lady for the clan that found her and her sister.

Rped by Ashenfate
This she-cat is a gentle orange like color, seemingly, it fits her name. Smooth and the color of honey. Her eyes are the same shade as her pelt, quite simply odd for a combination of colors, yes? No worries, she loves the colors of her pelt, and now tends to take rather good care of it. Honey is a rather beautiful cat, she came to RubyClan with her sister, Leaftwist. The two had come starving and alone, and rather scared. They were took in without hesitation, and they are not a part of the clan. Honey seems to be really calm and collective, and would do anything for her clan.

Rped by Leafpool12
The moon hangs heavy in the velvety obsidian sky, washing out any stars brave enough to glow next to it. The moon is a force of nature to be reckoned with, as eternal as the crystal that lines RubyClan's famous caves and caverns. It is stoic as death, the guiding light to StarClan, some say. It is playful, tempting kittlings to imagine images on it that don't exist. Either way you look at it, the moon is untouchable. Forever out of your reach. These same words can be used to describe Crystalfatality. She is detached from the world, so perfect, it makes her seem untouchable. Her pelt appears to be kissed by the moon's silvery rays, her eyes pools of liquid moon beams, swirling endlessly around her iris like smoke. Her pelt is nothing less that what would be expected from the divine she-cat. Long shimmering silver strands of fur billow in the wind, giving her the appearance of an ethereal being, her very essence too pure to be formed into a material body. But it was done. The air around her seems to be charged, like the breeze that kicks up before a storm. Delicate paws give her the ability to seemingly dance on the wind, her small form giving her the dexterity to be quick and light. Stealthy and silent, she's the ideal hunter. Within those deft paws, however, lies curved death. Wickedly long claws can be revealed during battle and used to spatter blood across the battlefield. Her personality is distant and airy, as though she always has something on her mind. This very remoteness drives most cats away, though if you try to crack into her shell, you'll find that, like the coconut, the harder the shell, the sweeter the prize that lies within.

Rped by *Jaypaw*
She is a bright she-cat with violet eyes. She is toirtesshell. She's the mother of saphirepaw and wirepaw. She is a gentle she-cat with gentle looks. She is always nice and never snaps at anyone. Like her kits she is hyper even for a grown cat. Her heart is always open and she loves to take care of everycat around her especially kits and Novices even if they arent her own. She sometimes gets in a bad mood and tends to snap at other cats she hates being depressed but, she doesnt have a choice sometimes . She is humorous and is always filled with laughter.She is strong and is a brilliant hunter.

Snakestripe- The crushing power of the bite of a snake. But this snake is rather large, with short brown fur, laced with twisty black stripes and dark amber eyes, penetrating your soul like a-thousand suns. Snakestripe's past is a sad one. He was born inside RubyClan's camp. An attack by DayClan was launched. Snakestripe's family was brutally mudered. He had a quite stro connection with his mother. When he saw her lifeless body, that's when the revenge started. His soul became dark and empty. But the query is... Will he /ever\ leave his shell of madness?




Roleplayed by ForestWing
Mentor: Honeystone
A fairly small she-cat with hazel brown eyes and a light caramel brown coat. She has a very happy spirit and loves laughing with everyone. She is fair and kind, never over stepping her boundaries. Although she is adventurous she is wise and would do what's best for the clan before putting what is best for herself. She loves fishing by the lakes border and sometimes she likes to sneak away to her favorite sunning spot, right at the edge of the Ashclan border. She makes friends easily and truly believes Starclan exists, even though she has never spoken to them before. Her heart is pure and honest as she tries her hardest to please everyone. Her heart thumps like a rabbits ambition.

Rped By Heathersong981
Mentor: Leaftwist
Dusty red she-cat with deep green eyes and a long white tail. She has sandy gold paws and a small scar across her little chin. Piperkit is active, hyper, and she is always up for a play fight. She likes to follow the Queen sometimes, when there's nothing else to do. When she gets older, she hopes to at least get the chance to be Queen, even though she knows its close to almost impossible. She likes playing with the kitlings and teaching them secretly some of the battle techniques she learns from her mentor. And right before she sleeps she likes to race into the elders den and ask them about how the other camp looked like, and how life had been for them there. She hopes to have a mate and kits one day, and her wish is to stay a live to a long time.

Crimsonpaw (leaf)
Rped by Valiantconqueror
Mentor: Yeweyes
What could a pair of bright yellow eyes and a beautiful dark, reddish brown pelt get you? Trouble. That's what. This she-cat is a sucker for all things devious. She's the cat to come running to for a few malicious ideas, if you needed them. Skinny and swift, agile and blunt. Those are just a few words that begin to describe what kind of cat she is. But, in more detail, the words rude, delinquent, and careless would better describe what she's really like. Always looking for an adventure. Always chasing some dream. She'll deny her flaws, and she'll accept nothing less than the best. Her ego is one big wall you're going to have to climb over if you'd ever wish to get to know the good parts of her. But trust me-- You'll be grateful that you did. That is, if you do.

Crabpaw (claw)
Rped by Cheap-Carny-Ride
Mentor: Lilliclaw
Crabclaw. His fiery orange fur isn't the only reason why Crabclaw was given his name! Though this tom has fur that is indeed the color of a crab's shell, his name is probably related to the fact that he is 'crabby' almost all of the time. This feisty tom has been known to go from content to aggravated in a matter of seconds. Cats around him had better watch what they say, because it only takes one wrong word to make him angry! If he's cross, Crabclaw will most likely raise his voice and yell at who or whatever deserves his fury. Oddly enough, Crabclaw isn't the kind of cat to look for fights wherever he goes. In fact, unless his fighting skills are absolutely needed, he'd prefer to keep his claws sheathed and steer clear of trouble. Of course, with that temper of his, it's hard to avoid the occasional fight between others. Crabclaw would rather slit those bright yellow eyes of his and glare at someone than smile. Crabclaw rarely ever smiles, unless he's extremely happy about something.Crabclaw is a very dominant type of cat. When he was a kit, he wouldn't play any kind of group game with his littermates unless he was the leader of them. He will always try to have the most dominant rank in Rubyclan that he can get. The orange tom is strongly attached to any friends he manages to make, and he will do anything he can to protect them. It isn't surprising, but Crabclaw isn't the best at making friends because of his explosive temper. He is more easygoing and is easier to talk to when he's around close friends or family. Crabclaw does have an interest in getting a mate one day, if there is any she-cat in Rubyclan that could actually /tolerate\ him. When he does start to develop feelings for a certain cat, Crabclaw will most likely not tell anyone, fearing that his secret would somehow get back to her. Though he doesn't have a lot of patience, Crabclaw looks forward to possibly having an apprentice and maybe even some kits at some point in his life.

Tinypaw (sky)
Rped by Ashenfate
Mentor: Scarflash
Bio to be added.

Ashpaw (tail)
Rped by Valiantconqueror
Mentor: King Monotonous
A white tom with grey paws and ears. His tail is also grey, along with a few patches of grey along his back. His eyes are light brown, concealing no fear or shyness behind them whatsoever. This tom has a kind and brave soul. He has the heart of a butterfly; soft and gentle on the inside. But in turn, he has the fierce impression of a lion; bold and courageous. He is a very considerable and logical cat, you see. He takes his time to think things over before he takes action, and he’s reluctant to go running into things unless he is aware of where he’s headed

Wavepaw (splash)
Rped by Valiantconqueror
Mentor: Safari
A white pelt, mixed up with those deep ocean blue eyes. She is silent, always watching over everyone with her keen eyes. She is always the last one to make a decision, to take a step into the unknown. She is the one who will look through every detail before she approves of anything. She doesn’t like many cats, and rarely goes out of her own way to do the things others think right to do. Though she might give off a kind first impression, but most cats that have come to know her well than the average passer-by have seen that she is more of a selfish and shallow cat.

Lightkpaw (feet)
Rped by Valiantconqueror
Mentor: Wolftear
She’s stubborn, if anything. Even what’s even worse: She’s pretty. She’s short and lithe, but she’s fast. I wouldn’t put anything past this agile she-cat. It’s easy to underestimate her, but that might as well be the last mistake you’d ever make. She’s feisty and snappy, although, once you’ve gotten used to her bossy attitude you’ll see that underneath it is a kind and gentle she-cat that only wants the best for everyone.

Rped by whiteswift
Mentor: Littlecomet
A beautiful pure white she-cat with shining sky blue eyes. A silver teardrop mark on her forehead stands out against the snowy fur. Her beautiful sky blue eyes have her mother's wolflike quality to them. She has her mother's incredible intelligence, strong determination, and sense of loyalty. Delicate paws that can help her guide the way are small, but strong. A long, fluffy tail flicks back and forth when irritation is provoked. Nature gentle as a butterfly and compassionate as no other. She cannot stand to see one hurting without reason. Her mellow, caring attitude allows her to gain the trust of others easily. Named after her grandmother, she moves with a regal grace that is hard to duplicate. The incredible strength and love for all things around her is what makes her so special. It is imprinted in her very nature to care for others and take care of them. A small and fragile shape sets her apart, though she looks breakable, don't underestimate her she is strong. She is a fast thinker and a very good planner. She can think miles ahead of her opponents which is her greatest weapon. The last of a litter of three, her siblings didn't survive the night, but the runt did. She was born at a time when her mother was on a mission, connected to Starclan, and so the tiny she-cat has developed her own connection with the ancients. She is the last living daughter of Queen Tear and Brokeneagle.

Solarpaw (light)
Rped by -xXMoonyXx
Mentor: Fishpelt
Solar is a tom with gold and silver fur and beautiful green eyes that sparkle and shine and make him look like he was born in Starclan, which he was. though he doesn't know it, His parents are cats who rest in Starclan. He and his 3 siblings, white, eclipse, and polar, were separated as kits, each taken to a differant clan. He doesn't know his parents, where he came from, or how he got to Rubyclan. All he knows is that he wasn't born here and these cats aren't his family, but he will defend his adoptive clan, parents and protect his Queen even though it may cost him his life. He wishes one day to fall in love and have kits, but not abandon them as her belives his mother and father did to him long ago. He knows he must do anything in his power to find his roots, family, and come back home, in rubyclan, where he belongs...

Rped by *Jaypaw*
Mentor: Flamestep
Saphirepaw is pretty mature for her age she is a Dark red peach color with violet eyes. Not many cats know her but, her eyes always sparkle. She knows alot for her age to. She is happy always even when she should be sad she is a great hunter and fighter. She kind of wants a mate to be close to but, then again she doesnt. She can never make up her mind . she is hyper and her brother is wirepaw . Her fur is soft and smooth . Her claws sharp and her eyes gentle. Her tongue is only sharp when she gets mad and thats rarely . She rarely talks to and when she does her voice are like bells.

Rped by *Jaypaw*
Mentor: Crystalfatality
Wirepaw is a energetic tom his fluffy grey fur is always sticking out in clumps. He's hyper and fast . It's like he was hit by lightning. He is a funny tom with humorous blue eyes full of laughter. He never takes anything serious and always runs head over heals into a fight he is strong though. He is often clumsy but, is a good fighter. The only thing he's really good at is being funny and a good fighter. He's a high wire sparkling cat. He gets the attention of everycat if its being annoying or if they like him everycat knows this energetic cat .




Rped by Ashenfate
Mate to Blackwing
See Knights of nine

Rped by Ashenfate
Mate to Lionflame
A beautiful grey she-cat with darker patches of grey scattered across her furs, like a lynx. Her eyes are a milky blue.. Sightless.. Blind. Ashenlynx was not born blind.. but that is another story, a very long story that she never wishes to relive. Back to the point, yes? Ashenlynx was not born in RubyClan, or anywhere near. Actually, she was born a loner, then went to DayClan. Became a trusted medicine cat.. Then one day.. she fell into the river. Was rescued by Lionflame.. They fell in love. Soon, she knew she was expecting kits, but never told her mate. When she finally knew she had to tell him, was when she was giving birth. She had been afraid that he would not wish to be a father, not to kits born of her, anyways. But he did, and he loved the kits as any tom should.. As a prince should. Her kits are heirs.. But that does not stop her from fussing about and keeping them clean as she should, if not , worsens it. It is clear she was meant to be a mother.. and nothing more.



Care Takers



Monarchkit (Butterfly)
Rped by theoretically.
Breaking my back just to know your name - seventeen tracks, and I've had it with this game; but heaven ain't close to a place like this - anything goes, but don't blink, you might miss. Arrogant and defiant, Monarchbutterfly is anything but the poised little she-cat everyone wants her to be. In reality, though, she's just misunderstood. Bring it back down tonight - never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight. It's not confidential, I've got potential - a rushin' around. Despite not quite living up to everyone's expectations when it comes to her personality, she does live up to the expectations when it comes to appearance. Her frame is petite and elegant, clad in a calico pelt of ginger and ebony. However, her most striking feature is her eyes - a jade green primarily, but with strikes of neon green, pale green, and olive green. Ready? Let's roll onto something new - taking it's toll, and I'm leaving without you. Pace yourself for me, I said maybe please - but I just don't know how, when all I wanna do is try.

Royalkit (blue)
Rped by Ashenfate
Beautiful grey furs, just as her mother's were. Deep blue eyes, like none. Royal is simply dashing, simply beautiful. And prissy at that. She is rather obsessive about her looks, and tries to keep them as spiff as possible. With all that, she is a true beauty. Sometimes toms look at her as if she were a rose in the winter. She doesn't mind though, she knows she is beautiful. She tries to be kind as well, but sometimes she can be rather snooty.

Description~Who was that in the shadows? looking at you as if you were a book, and fliping through every page. I can't tell, for it was a Secret. Secret is a silver she-cat with gray stripes that seem to eligantly droop down her back. Her 2 front paws and left back paw are white along with her tail, muzzle and underbelly. Her eyes are a beautiful shade of light green and shine like the stars in silver pelt. She was born as a Rubyclan kit but her mother died in a battle won by the oppisite clan. Her Father soon after, couldn't stand the sight of his kit, who was the exact replica of her mother, so he left. No one knows where he went or if he lived and Secret remembers none of this. Her name was brought on by the fact that her parent's relationship was a secret they kept from the whole clan. When she was born they took her to the camp and explained to the clan. No one shamed them, why shame them for love? But many didn't trust them anymore and tryed to keep away from them as best as they could. Soon after her parents died the nursery came to love this little ball of fur and dicided they would all watch over her. Though her past has been unkind to her she keeps a can-do attitude. She can be a bit sarcastic at times but is mostly just a funny kind cat who you woul never know had a rought past. But is her story really over yet?

Rped by whiteswift
A beautiful light soot colored she-cat with amazingly gentle, pale blue eyes. Her pale eyes have a misty dreamlike quality that is extremely calming to whoever gets caught in her dreamy gaze. Her voice is slow and has a pleasant to listen to quality. She can calm the fiercest of warriors with her mellow voice and pale blue eyes. Her fur has the soft, cloud like quality that is usually only found in kits. She moves about as if she is in a dream and is extremely graceful. Her attitude truly lives up to her name. She is laid-back to an extreme. She is truly not a cat of action, but she is loyal to a fault. She gives great advice to those who seek it, but is also extremely blunt at times. She would much rather laying out in the sun to playing anyway and is extremely hard to rile up. She loves water, though one would not be able to see it from appearances. She is very zen and mellow with everything she does. She believes everything happens for a reason and that everyone has a destiny that they make. She is not affected by many things and is often viewed as strange. She has an almost fae-like attitude because, unlike some cats that bury their emotions and act as if they have none, she truly does not understand emotions at all. She has an odd habit of appearing exactly where she is needed.



Rped by Valiantconqueror
His fur is matted, his teeth are yellow, and his claws are jagged. This tabby tom isn't exactly all that nice, either. This is grizzly, whinny, sickly-looking ol' Sneezenose. His name wasn't placed upon him for no reason, either. He has a horrible sneeze that never seems to leave him. Though, it doesn't seem to bother him. His nose tends to run quite frequently as well. His pelt is singed with the sands of time, all dark brown and untidy. He's a grouch. You could probably try to find a million ways to please him, but your futile attempts will fail. Nothing cat put this cat in a good mood. He's constantly bickering and complaining. Though, if you were to ask him anything; he'd bluntly answer your questions. He believes in truth, and nothing less. There's no insinuating around old Sneezenose. You've found the cat to come to for real, solid thoughts. He's not afraid to tell any cat of what he truly thinks. He might be rude, he might be insensitive, but he has his points. Wise and blunt are his main traits. Ask any cat around; they'll assure you of it


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