
I'll make this page all pretty someday. C=

BUT NOT NOW. 'Cuz I'm on a bread high.



Still 'Swoop' to those closest to him he DID have silght issuses with changing his name. 'Swoop' had always been his name and it felt wrong to change it, in fact sometimes he forgets his name is Swoopingstar abd doesn't answer when called. A powerful and handsome brown tom. His upper body is a darker brown then his lower half. His bright blue eyes seem to catch everything. As a kit his life stared out hard. His siblings are: Featherfern, Tigerleap and Runningfire. Featherfern is a PondClan warrior, Tigerleap a FallClan warrior and Runningfire is a sister he has yet to discover. Swoop was tricked into murdering his mother by his father. His father, a murderous rogue, told him that his mother Sarah, a harmless kittypet, was planning on killing his siblings. Even as a seven month old cat he was shockingly strong and silencing his mother was easy. Since that fateful day he has been guilt-ridden. Eventually he learned the truth from a rogue, and friend of Slash's, named Shadows. Shadows helped free Feather, Tiger, Comet and Swoop when they were nine moons old. However on the night of the escape, something strange happened. His siblings had no idea who they were, much less who he was. Swoop, to this day, believes that StarClan gave his siblings a chance to start over. Swoop sent them each off in different directions. He himself went back to Slash. For moons he worked for Shadows and Slash. Shadows secretly fed him and helped him but it soon became to much. Shadows left first. Vanishing one day without a trace. Slash, furious, demanded Swoop to find and kill him. Little did he know the two toms had planned everything. Swoop left, travling far away to a two-leg place where he met up with Shadows. For a few moons they traveled in strange territory, until one day Shadows fell in love. His friend left him for a silver tabby named Featherfern, he even changed his name to 'Shadowdancer'. Swoop instantly recognised the she-cat. It was his sister, Feather. She had fallen for the cat that helped save her from a life she didn't even remember. Afraid of being found by Slash he decided to join PondClan as well. But he was to late, Slash found him and attacked him on the way to join. Only the arrivel of Featherfern, Shadowdancer, Frogjump, Sunflash and Seaflight saved him. Shadowdancer almost killed Slash. Swoop himself had a nasty wound on his leg. But that day wasn't all bad. He met the love of his life: Seaflight. In the end Slash got away and Swoop joined PondClan. He became Seaflight's happy mate. But life won't let him be happy. Seaflight's ex-mate showed up, causing billions of problems. Then there was the problem of Seaflight not being sure if the father of her unborn kits was Swoop or her ex-mate, Bolt. They fought for days but finally he accepted it and they became close again. Problem solved? If only. Swoop finally got up the courage to tell Featherfern everything when she had her kits, but she ended up trying to kill him. As she was fleeing Slash reappeared with a deathly vengence. Swoop, Seaflight, Stonetail, Feathermist, and Stream all tried to help. In the end it cost Stream, Seaflight's daughter, her life. If that wasn't bad enough Stream was expecting kits. They were able to get one surviving kit. They named him 'Wolfkit' and he loves him like a son. Together they ended Slash's life, but it was to late for Stream. That day he realized what a blessing his life was. He even grew to respect Bolt. When Seaflight had her kits he named two. One, a tiny copy of Seaflight and Stream, was given the name: Streamkit. The other, a black and white tom, was named after two cats: Slash and Bolt. His name was: Changingkit. To this day the six kits true father is a mystery but Swoop loves them all the same. Although he does all he can to deny it a piece of Slash lives on in him. Swoop is fiercly overprotective. He also has a kind of blinding rage that engulfs him when enemy's stir. Swoop lives everyday in swirling mix of fear and happiness. No matter what his life seems to have something to torture him with. Whether its his fear of water, unknown to everyone but Seaflight, or his raging anger at times. There is secret fear he lives his every heart beat with: What if, one day, he can't stop his anger? What if he ends up like his father? A murderous, evil, blood-thristy rogue? Yet everyday he gets up, hunts, trains, and loves. He now revolves around his family and clan life. He will forever be devoted. PondClan comes first, always.
Mate: SeaflightRPed by Nightdream14

A snow white tom with soft yet glowing amber eyes. This tom stumbled upon PondClan by mistake, and stayed for only one reason. Alpha is the son of a rouge who knew Slash. His sister, Beta, is the opposite of him. When Alpha first made his spying presence known it was to a she-cat named Seaflight, who happened to be the deputy at time, Swoop's, mate. Seaflight ended up loving him but he realized that Swoop and Seaflight truly belonged together. Even though her had no intentions to take her his heart still skipped whenever she walked by. As he sees the pair walk around camp a piece of him dies but he puts on a brave face and continues to be friends with Seaflight. When Seaflight went missing he searched everywhere for her, she's still missing and he misses her now as much as he did when she first disappeared. But he was able to move on, somewhat, his love fell to the SpringClan deputy Strawberryswing and they ended up having kits together, though he's never seen them. A few moons ago he recieved news that Strawberryswing was dead, the news struck hard. So he does beleive he's cursed, like his father, Swoop. His father, as Swoopingstr was driven crazy with grief because of Seaflight so he stepped down after he was wounded. Alpha was named co-deputy, much to his surprise. Since then he's become leader and fallen in love with a she-cat named Harlequin. And he loves her more then he loved Seaflight or Strawberryswing. They had kits together, Divinebeauty, Angelessence , Mosspatch, Stormysea and Dahliadream. He also got deathly ill for quite awhile, almost dying and leaving his home, but he fought it and lived. He's been to weak to make the trip for his nine lives but he'll be able to soon, then he'll be called Alphastar. But in all this he feels as if he's losing part of himself, the part that kept him alive as a rouge, he'll be leaving Anaklusmos behind. His true name has never been revealed as Anaklusmos but he's always cherished it, now, when he is named Alphastar, Anaklusmos will truely be gone.
Rped by Nightdream14
Lives: 1 out of 1 Currently.
Mate: HarlequinKits: Litter in SpringClan {Names unknown}, Mosspatch, Angelessence, Stormysea, Dahliadream, Divinebeauty

A powerful and huge brownish-black tom with intense and somewhat scary amber eyes. As the son of Shadowdancer and Skychaser he is quite used to having no stability. His parents were forced together but they did end up falling for each other. His father tragically died when he saved a clanmate from a badger. His mother, Swoop's sister, was taken by Slash as leverage for Shadowdancer to obey. One day his mother padded into PondClan with a 'hiya' and a shy smile. At first he refused to believe her but as time went on he finally accepted it. Wickertail, formally 'Wicker', is a strong and loyal cat with excellent warrior skills. Whenever he thinks of his past a depressing cloud settles over him. Now he is a devoted clan cat with a understanding of the true meaning of friendship, family and most importantly: Trust. He has a crush on a pretty she-cat named Ivywhisper.
Rped by: Nightdream14
A pitch black tom with gleaming yellow eyes. His attitude matches his looks. Neverlove is a dark tom with a dark personality. When you see him there is always an empty look in his eyes and a sneer in his voice. Many wonder just what happened to this tom to make him like this. The truth is, once long ago Neverlove did love a cat, her name was ‘Watcher’ but she died bearing their kits. Out of all 6 kits only one survived, only to be run over by a monster. His past still haunts him and everytime he thinks about it he cries. His name, ‘Never’ referred to his black coat. Everycat in Shadowdancer’s family has had brown in their coat, all accept for him who has the same black as his son, so when Neverlove was born he swore this wasn’t his kit. Maybe he was just trying to hide from the responsibility. Anyway he convinced Slash to take his neices and nephews. Neverlove has no love for his deceased father or his mother for aiding in Moss’s death. One day maybe he could be happy again
Rped by: Nightdream14
A white she-cat with a ginger and white striped tail, a ginger ear, and green eyes. A former rogue named 'Lily' she is the sister of Barkingfox, Wickertail, Neverlove and Moss, though Moss is dead. Barkingfox left suddenly and she misses him quite alot. Her parents are Skychaser and the deceased Shadowdancer. Lilybliss is a terrible flirt and loves to tease toms. In reality Lilybliss is just lonely. When she sees mates she is filled with jealously and loneliness. As a kit she was given to a rouge named Slash for some odd reason. Since then her life has been a weird combination of happiness and grief. Swoop saved her and her siblings when she was younger and since then she has secretly been in love with him. The one cat she is most jealous of is Seaflight, Swoop's mate, because she has everything. Seaflight has kits, friends, Swoop and a happy life while she has nothing. One day she vows to be just as happy as Seaflight, even if it's not with Swoop.
Rped by: Nightdream14
A pretty cream and brown tabby with amber eyes. She was born as a rouge, and wants to join a clan. She is a very good swimmer and loves to climb trees and run. Leafheart doesn't know who her parents were ~ Or where they are. She was had no brothers and sisters, but that's why she wants to join a clan, because she is lonely. Her friends are Hollydew, Billystorm, and Featherstream. An old friend was Lionfeather, but she was gone one morning when they all woke up.
RPed by Nightdream14
A black tom-cat with a white underbelly. He has the same attitude as his father, Swoop and the caring nature as his mother, Seaflight. As one of the youngest he is shy but fiercely protective. Though they don't know, he overheard his parents talking about a tom named 'Bolt' and the possibility that he is their father. Changingheart was horrified by the news and has never told anyone. Part of his calm attitude is due to uncertainty. He his a powerful tom with a promising future. When he gets older he wants a mate and kits.
Rped by: Nightdream14
A ginger tom with darker tabby stripes. He has amber eyes. He was found trying to chase a fox when he was only five moons old. He is a fantastic fighter and is always on the prowl for anything that could hurt his clan. He is strong and loyal. He wants a chance to be deputy one day! Tigerleap would give his life for his clan. His mate in named Poppygaze, and he loves her so much.
Roleplayed by Nightdream14
A bright orange tom, his fur almost looks golden in the sun with dark amber eyes. Shockstrike is handsome and eye catching, always polite and perfectly sweet. Shockstrike is any she-cats dream, though he doesn't see it. Shockstrike is an amazing hunter and an average fighter, though he doesn't like to hunt. One day...maybe...hopefully...he'll find a mate and kits, but until then he's living life. One paw at a time.
Rped by: Nightdream14
A cream colored she-cat with green eyes. The daughter of Mistycloud. Vanillaswirl isn't the nicest cat. She is stuck-up, snobby, and mean. For reasons unknown she went from sweet to pure evil. Her only friend, and constant companion, is Flashfoot, who is equally as rude as her. Does she like Flashfoot? No, but she loves him as a brother. Never hiding anything from him its great having such a good friend. But she has a secret: One day she wants to be a mother and have a family.
Rped by: Nightdream14

Pure, feathery white, she-cat with sky blue eyes. Not the friendliest cat but not the meanest. She sees PondClan as a current residence but her loyality? She doubts its with PondClan. Lilywhisper is headstrong and has a sharp-tongue. All her time goes into combat training. This pretty little girl loves the rush of battle and anticipation of defending your clan. When she fight, she fights anyway possible. Fair, unfair, anyway she can. Lilywhisper is still quite pretty and she draws alot of toms eyes. Her bitterest enemy is Finallyfree. That soft, fragile she-cat annoys Lilywhisper to no end. Where ever her loyalities lie PondClan /is/ her birth clan. She'll protect it.
Rped by: Nightdream14
A spotted Brown tabby Tom with Yellow Eyes. Cocky. Rude. Snide. All good words to describe this arrogant tom. He seems to match his best friend, Vanillaswirl, perfectly. Everything about him speaks "angry". Flashfoot is strong, a good hunter, and an excellent fighter. Always seeming in a bad mood he doesn't socialize alot. And when he does he always manages to get on other cats nerves. Once upon a time he was nice, but "Stress" changed him. However one day he does want a family of his own.
Rped by: Nightdream14
She-cat. A dark ginger, almost red ocelot cat with brilliant green eyes. She is Nightsky's and Runningfire's daughter, she was born in DayClan but when she was 6 moons old she left, traveling around. Lotusblossom hopes her place is with PondClan because she really wants a home. Most of her fmily resides in PondClan, thats why she chose it. Awhile back she went to DayClan to see her mother and father. Althought she misses them and her siblings dearly she'll never go back to living in Dayclan, all she wants is to be is a loyal PondClan warrior.
Rped by: Nightdream14
This calico tomcat is one fierce fighter and is one of the fastest runners out there. Once his amber eyes have a target in sight , he will never go off track to get to that goal. He is the exact opposite of his father Eaglepeace, and is similar to his mother, Amberstrike. One thing he hates the most is someone picking on his sister, Sweeetkit. In his mind only he can rough house with her and can pick on her. His rights of being her twin.
Rped by houndour
A spikey furred black tom kit with orange eyes. He is playful, happy, and amazingly friendly. Always looking on the bright side of things, nothing seems to bring him down. Only one thing worries him....his secret. His scary, scary secret. Comfreyleaf refuses to tell anybody. But there is a not-so-secret. He wants a mate and kits one day....hopefully. Comfreyleaf also wants to be the best warrior possible, though he doubts he'll ever be called, "Comfreystar".
Rped by: Nightdream14e


A silver tabby she-cat with soft, almost invisible light silver ocelot markings. She has silvery yellow eyes that look like the moon. Since she was a kit she's always been a good hunter, she caught her first mouse at four moons. Artemis has way of seemingly gliding through the forest towards her prey. She only fights when needed, and though she loves it she doesn't hunt anymore then needed. Artemis is kind, beautiful, warm hearted and loyal, and she will always be a PondClan cat. She was born in DayClan, but followed her friend, Leapingkit here. Both of them ran away from DayClan, got lost, and some warriors broguht them here, she's now happy to call this place her home.

Rped by: Nightdream14



Beautiful gray she-cat with soft blue eyes. She loves to sing and is very sweet. An excellent hunter. Imaginedance is shy, she never really talks uness shes talked to. Anything she is told to do gets done, fast. Everyone loves this delicate she-cat, simply because most cats say she has a beautiful personality. Whenever she feels sad orangry she likes going for a walk, it helps her blow soom steam off. This she-cat, the daughter of Hollyfire and Creeksong, has always had a crush of Flashfoot, but she doubts anything will ever come from that. When she is ready she'd love to have a mate and kits, but for now she's happy giving everything to PondClan.

Rped by Nightdream14



White she-cat with light grey ocelot marking. She has long legs and soft yellow eyes. Her name speaks two things about her. She loves fishing, and because of her long legs, she is an excellent jumper. Leapingfish was born in DayClan, her parents are Meltingice and Tigertail. This means she's related to Swoop, and she's proud of that. Though she is headstrong, and sometimes cats doubt her loyalty, she wants only to give to her adopted clan. Leapingfish hunts,fights and works harder the most other cats to prove her worth, but some, like the rude Vanillaswirl, doubt her loyalty. One day she'll prove it to all of them.

Rped by: Nightdream14



A dark brown tom with big blue eyes. Originally a DayClan cat, born to Runningfire and Nightsky. He was brought to PondClan by a mystery cat who kidnapped him. He misses his family in DayClan, but he's found an older sister,Lotusblossom, and met een more family in PondClan. Now that he is settledin with PondClan, hoping Runningfire and Nightsky will forgive him. His aunt, Featherfern, takes care of him, and he loves her for that. Maybe sometime he'll see his parents and explain that PondClan is his only home now.

Rped by: Nightdream14



This brown tabby tom is one strong fighter and stands up for what he believes in. He takes after his father, Eaglepeace/star, when it comes to his loyalty and friendships. But after his uncle, Cyto when it comes to everything else, including his looks. PondClan should be glad Hawkkit loves PondClan with all his heart and strength, because his amber eyes do have the bloodthirsty gleam that made his grandfather feared among the rouges, and his uncle feared to those underground.

Rped by houndour



Silver she-cat with green eyes and a kind heart. Her mother and uncle named her after her grandmother and aunt. Seaheart grew up listenng to stories about Seaflight, and since then shes been doing everything possible to be just as great. Sadness sometimes seems to stick to this light-hearted she-cat. For along time she struggled with the fact that she may never know her father, Stonetail, Seaflight's oldest son. Stonetail disappeared without a trace along with Margo and Seaflight some moons ago. And Featherfern, her mother, always seems so broken. Seaheart is a great hunter, and an amazing fisher, and one day Featherfern, Swoop, Stonetail, Seaflight, and PondClan will be proud for what she has given to her clan and family.

Rped by: Nightdream14



Beautiful white, silver, and brown she-cat with medium length fur, a light pink nose the color of sweet briar, and pretty dark green eyes. Briarstep is not a fighter. She hates conflict and usually has to force herself into a fight. Briarstep is opinionated but she's careful about it, she doesn't jump in with no plan. She thinks on it. Most call her clever and quickwitted. But she does have some mean cats in her life. She doesn't get along with Owlchaser or Leapingfish. Both cats are way to fight prone and annoying. Along the way she's found a best friend in Artemis, and she couldn't ask for better friend. One day, maybe, she'll have a mate and kits.

Rped by Nightdream14


A firery ginger she-cat with a black-tipped tail, black-tipped ears and black patches on her fur. She has green eyes. She is very spirited and protective. As one of the oldest kits she makes it her job to protect her family. Her parents are the two cats she trusts more then anyone. Her mother, Featherfern, is like her best friend and her father, Shadowdancer, is a cat she knows will be there for her forever.
Rped by: Nightdream14

This snow-white tom is a tough cat. His gentle periwinkle eyes give the impression of being a caring cat, and he is, when it does something for him. This cat is all about what will suit him best in the long run. He is one tough fighter and has the teeth and claws to prove it. Fighting is this toms only answer to almost everything, including who is Hawkkit’s closest follower.
Rped by houndour


An orange she-cat with purple eyes. Her voice hardly ever rises above a soft tone. Creamysnow is shy, nervous, and most of all, misleading. This cat seems sweet and shy...but she can fight like nothing you've ever seen. Creamysnow is ruthless, and the thing that worries her family is she loves to fight. Feeling the fur between her claws and hearing the yowls of battle is extrordinary. Maybe being in a peaceful clan isn't much entertainment for the fight-prone she-cat, but she always hopes. Most cats see that sweet and shy personality, until they she her extend her claws. She loves the thrill of battle, and if she fights foxes and badgers, the thrill of the kill. Is she evil? Well, thats the question isn't it?
Rped by Nightdream14


A pretty light brown she-cat with slightly darker tabby stripes. She has the same amber eyes of her father. More to come.
Rped by Nightdream14


A slender she-cat with silver fur and bright blue eyes. She is very friendly to those who are kind to her, but she can get very hostile when she is mad. She is afraid of fast-moving streams, because when she was younger she nearly drowned. Her best friend is Blackfrost, and she hopes to become his mate someday. Dewheart has always wanted a lot of friendes, and to become one of PondClan's greatest warriors1 However, she would never want to be a leader.

Rped by ~LoveAngel~


Dark, majestic ginger tabby she-cat with elegantly long legs, a white dash on her chest and three white paws. Her radiant green eyes shine like dew on fresh morning grass. She is an outgoing, loyal, intelligent and a bright cat, but can have a very subtle side to her. If a cat really got to know her they would see there is a lot more to her than what meets the eye. Insightful and open minded she always has her own view on things. She doesn't judge others and is willing to except and help anyone who would treat her the same way. When she isn't spending her time hunting or practicing her battle moves, Scarletkiss spends her time walking around camp chatting and sharing tongues with her clan mates. She always puts her clan first and will do anything to help.
Role played by Sweetsilentlullaby.
Come midnight, come daybreak, gotta find me a namesake. I got faith but don't need bibles. Starclan may watch over us but hear my recital; I hold the title. It was wrong, this is wrong, but it feels so right. He didn't want to be the leader of a messed up generation and you wouldn't believe him if he told you the reasons why. Why he is now here. Basically Honorabledestroyer was born in Waterclan, raised as an apprentice in Waterclan but decided that clan wasn't right for him. So now he is here, walking among Pondclan. He doesn't fit in yet he knows this is the clan he should be in. Still, his reasons are his own. He often questions if he took it to far to abandon his clan and come here but still he marches on; you never see the last of him. With him it's no half mast, raise the flag. He likes to be the centre of attention and isn't the nicest of cats you'll meet. Though he is a handsome chestnut tabby with bright with intelligent amber eyes his name really shows his personality. Any honor he receives he destroys, not on purpose but he can't help his actions. If you hate him that's fine with him. He just grows to override the emotions of others round him. Honorabledestroyer's only weakness against pride is she-cats. They get to him at times. Making him question his life choices. But no worries; he always has to win and see you at the finish line.
Rped by Cobwebpaw
Small white she-cat with amber eyes. She is Kind, gentle, and caring. Her and her siblings were seperated at birth. She was raised by the Pondclan With her brother. Her sister is Snowfire. She wants a mate and kits someday.
Rped by jaymist
Small jet black tom with amber eyes. He is very grumpy alot, but is really sweet. His siblings and him were seperated at birth. He was raised by wolves, then joined Pondclan. He wants to be leader someday and have mate and kits.
Rped by jaymist
A white tabby she-cat with red stripes and green eyes. Her personality is like a copy of her sister's. She and her sister have a thing where they can feel each others feelings. They came together after being seperated at birth. She is a shadow in the night even with her white pelt. She is like a lion in battle. She can be sweet when she wants to. She wants to be leader.
Rped by jaymist
a blue-grey she-cat with pool blue eyes.She has two sisters and one brother. She is light on her paws in battle. She is and awesome hunter. She is the best hunter in the clan. She wants a mate and kits some day.
RPed by jaymist
A dark gray cat with many lighter gray spots on hiss pelt. He is a dark and mysterious cat, his amber eyes are always focused, which makes it very hard to tell what he's thinking. He seems very mean at first, but if a cat took the time to get to know him, he is a very sweet and compasionate cat, although no cat has ever taken the time to get to know him. He had a tough life as a kit, his parents abandoned him at birth because they didn't think he was worth the struggle of taking care of him. A small she-cat found him one day and nursed him back to health, but the day he was abled to eat his own food, she left him, she told him that he should be called Hawkeyes and that he should go join thhe Clans. He did as he was told and now he is here, living a very happy life.
RPed by: catlvre

This beautiful she-cat is outgoing, loyal, and talented. She is white but her face is black, and she has bright blue eyes. Shyness does not desrcibe her she is really outgoing she is not afraid to says what she thinks, which could also be a weakness. Cheerful and well liked throughout the clan. Despite her cheerful self no one really knew what her previous life had been. She is full of secrets. When ever anybody asks about her past she would hiss and walk away. Only her closest friends had a tiny peek at her past.
Rped by Brightspirit717
A Tom black as night. His golden gaze seems to pierce through your pelt. Pantherleap is all bite no bark. Or meow anyway. Pantherleap is a //massive// black dapple Tom with golden eyes like the stars liquified themselves and became his eyes. He seems to have eagle talons for claws and knives for teeth. His enormous paws boost him up in size. By the time he was apprenticed he was the size of a warrior! He loved with all his heat his dead mate Moonfeather. She was going to give birth to his kits. He has been quiet and deadly ever since then.

Divine Beauty. Inside, and outside. This cat seems to be nothing more than an illusion to most. A legacy, she is trying to become, to redeem herself from her past mistakes. A kind cat, she is, though she has a dark aura, misleading most cats to think she is evil. Hazelraccoon tries to be stand-outish, due to her past. Her battle skills are very good, though her tracking skills are the best of the best. Hazelraccoon is the daughter of Northernlights and Wastedflame. She has light cream colored fur with brown rings around her tail. Her past lies deep in only this cat's memories, as she tries to forget the cat she once was. Actually, she wasn't a bad cat in the past, she was simply a nusiance. She was unwanted, unneeded. So, she began to fill with hatred. That's where our story begins. Hazelraccoon was born in Winterclan as Hazelkit, with her three siblings, Hollykit, Missingkit, and Skykit. Hollykit and Hazelkit were the upmost best friends. They were always together. But in Hazelkit's downside, she was always the shadow of her sister. Her sister Hollykit was cooler than Hazelkit. She was smarter, stronger, and more mischevious than Hazelkit. This made Hazelkit grow envious and filled with hatred for every living thing. So when she became the age of an apprentice, she had given up. None of the cats even knew she was living in the clan, in fact, she was once accused of being a tresspasser. So one day, Hazelraccoon left. She simply left, without a trace. The she-cat never told anyone she was leaving, nor told anyone where she was heading. She traveled for a couple moons, going past many other clans, and many cats. But then, she met an old loner by the Pondclan border. The loner was named Wally. Wally hated Hazelraccoon's attitude and decided to teach her a lesson by giving her a large lecture. So suddenly, Wally whacked Hazelraccoon across the head, making her black out. When she awoke, she was in Pondclan camp, obviously in the Medicine cat den. But Hazelraccoon had felt unusual. It was like she saw the world in a whole new way. She felt kind and happy for once. It was like that old loner had knocked some sense into her. When she was well enough to walk without a headache, she faced the leader of Pondclan herself and begged to let her join this peaceful clan. Her time in the medicine cat's den had given she time to gain friends in Pondclan, friendships that she couldn't bear to lose. So, the leader of Pondclan accepted her. Ever since, she has lived in Pondclan as a warrior. Of course, she hasn't gained full acceptance yet, though day by day she is getting closer to having everybody accept her as a full member of Pondclan. Hazelraccoon loves her clan like nothing else in the world and she wants only the best for her clan. And when it comes to her motto, slow and steady wins the race.

Rp by Tempestfrost


a sleek silver tom with green eyes. Torrentpool is your average cat, he loves hunting, fighting, and being part of a clan. But he also loves swimming. In PondClan maybe thats not such a big deal, but in other places cats that swim is strange. If he could Torrentpool would live in the water, he once told his friend, Leapingfish that he feels so free when he's swimming. Torrentpool used to hate the water though, when he was an apprentice he fell in and nearly drowned and for moons he was to scared to swim again, but when Leapingfish, an amazing fisher, and Artemis, a cat also afraid of the water, persuaded him to join them he tried it again. Leapingfish was a good teacher and both he and Artemis learned to swim that day, ever since then if he has free time he's at the pond. Sometimes, when someone is looking for him, someone will tell them to look at the pond. But swimming isn't his whole life, he still hunts, fights, patrols and wishes to have a family one day. See, normal right?
Rped by Nightdream14.
A gray she-cat with four white paws, and piercing bright blue eyes. She was born with much curiousity, and she always looks forward to being a warrior. She always takes after her mother, and she'll do her best she can for her clan. Her favorite food is rabbit, vole, water vole, and her favorite time of year is greenleaf. She hopes to have her own mate and kits some day, and she loves to go out and hunt whenever she has a chance. She is a strong, courageous, dependent cat, and she is always ready and waiting to be assigned to go out and do something else for her clan. PondClan is her home and birth clan, and yet no matter what happens she will always be loyal to her clan PondClan.
Rp'd by Icehailed

Lethal. Fierce. Unforgiving. Eternal hatred. Nightfright. Just his name will send chills up your spine. He has a definition like no other. His bi-polar disorder makes him switch from sweet to deadly in one moment. If words could kill, every cat who has ever talked to him would be dead. If looks could kill, every cat existing would be dead. Furious, yet blank midnight blue eyes stare through your soul and seem to slash through your flesh. Onyx black fur with a hint of glossy grey makes him perfect for night-hunting, which is obviously what he prefers. Silver tings his muzzle and flecks around his deep eyes. His wiry build makes him easy to slip and slink through small cracks and openings and through close trees. His short fur is always well-groomed and never gets snagged on twigs and thorns. Nightfright's long black claws could kill a cat in a split-second, but surprisingly, he would never do that. He was known to be abusive when he was younger. His children, Venomfeather and Cinderpool, could tell you that. He has since then tried to be better and does not lay a claw or tooth on a cat unless it's playing around or in a battle.
RPed by xPumpxItx


She's beautiful and tall. Sweet and innocent unless in battle. Caring and passionate. She is Runningfawn. Her pretty light brown coat is marked with little white dapples, just like a fawn. Her eyes are a crisp, leafy green that shine with an unnatural dazzle. She's light on her feet and wonderful at hunting. A small stubby tail makes it a bit hard to balance, but it also adds to her deer look. She is very quick, of course, due to her long legs, and can get things done lickity split. Her soft voice and big eyes make her even more attractive so toms have a hard time talking to her which makes her laugh. It's quite an annoying laugh that squeaks and is very loud. That instantly makes the toms run away, which, in turn, creates a river of tears from Runningfawn. Her graceful appearance can't hide that crazy laugh of hers. She is very fragile, both mentally and physically, so she spends an incredible amount of time with the Medicine Cat. She's determined to prove herself and she's determined to quiet down her obnoxious laugh. She dreams of having a mate and kits someday but she's not too focused on that. Right now her duties to Pondclan come first.
RPed by xPumpxItx

A shy pure white she-cat with bright blue eyes clear like the sky after a rainy day. Her grandfather Mousefoot took her in after her parents died in a rouge fight. She is extremely uneasy around others and therefore tends not to make friends easily. Most cats would look at her and call her a freak for not interacting with others but to be truthful she is just scared of everything. Seeing your parents die and being held back to watch them bleed to death isn't exactly the imagine a young she-cat as herself should grow up. Skypaw always had the hard life but she would never complain about anything, always keeping it inside. For instance, after the rouges killed her parents they captured her and did terrible things. Some how her grandfather found her skinny and barely breathing in the woods after the rouges discarded her to die alone. He took her back to the camp after the incident she was brought back to the camp of Pondclan where she lives now.
RPed by ForestWing
With a long, silky brown pelt and deep, dark oceanic blue eyes, it's hard not to like Toris. Even from a distance he has a naturally friendly look about him; maybe it's his weak smile that he usually wears on his countenance - or the way he laughs at a joke; it's a light, soft laugh, a timid one. Either way, Toris is easily likeable, but maybe that's because he can appear so vulnerable - he's often taken advantage upon by larger cats. Because of this he can get bullied around a lot, and has become nervous and timid, beginning to tremble and shiver whenever others are around. His timidness can often be mistaken for shyness, but this is not the case. Toris isn't shy, and has no trouble talking, especially when he's hanging around Feliks, a friend of his. Toris enjoys the simple pleasures of life, and doesn't mind Feliks' obnoxiousness or inability to have a serious look on reality. He's a nice tomcat, he really is, but his timidness can make it hard for him to make true friends, and even then it's rather impossible to not even accidentally take advantage of him; he's just that sort of cat. He was once a loner, occupying the streets under the control of a stray cat gang. Bullied around and often viciously abused, Toris didn't have many friends, his only friend being Feliks, whom also liked to take control of him and push him around like a dead mouse. Depressed and timid, the tomcat trudged through life carefully, hoping not to ignite the wrath of a tough rogue tom that enjoyed picking on him. When strange occurrences began happening on the street he lived in, and when cats began disappearing, Toris grasped the chance to flee the alleys with Feliks. With a bit of persuasion Feliks and him took off in search of a new life, leaving past friends and enemies behind. It was a long, arduous journey, but in the end Toris and Feliks finally arrived at PondClan. Accepted into the friendly community of cats, Toris and Feliks had no idea how tough it would be to adjust to their new lifestyles. On the streets it was 'every cat for himself' - but here it was 'protect your clanmates' and 'be loyal to your Clan.' Toris had difficulty getting used to his duties as a warrior. Even to this day he and Feliks have still not fully adjusted. Their hearts do not lie with PondClan, and both toms know this - yet they have no where else to go, and life as a Clan cat is their only option left. So they try to accommodate life as a warrior into their reality; they do not, however, accept warrior-names, liking their original names much better.
RPed by ♠åçë·ôƒ·šÞåðëš♠ ---
His pelt is a soft, shaded blonde, seeming to shine when exposed to the sunlight; his eyes are a deep, dark green, greener than freshly sprouted grass in spring after a long and dark winter; he's long-legged and long-haired, his golden fur seeming to drape like curtains over his skin. Lithe and quick, from the distance he looks regal and powerful, a true tom of PondClan; however, when you approach him and and he opens his mouth...well, you can't judge by appearances, right? Feliks may look strong and magnificent from afar, but when he starts talking you see him in a different light. He has a rather feminine look about him, and when he speaks his words are often broken by the usual 'like' or 'totally'. Yes, he certainly speaks like a female, and even looks like one. Some judge him for it, claiming he's 'too feminine' or 'too weird' for a tomcat. But Feliks doesn't really care what others think of him. In fact, you could say he's quite oblivious to it all. He's always cheery, and never takes anything seriously. His carefree nature and his lack of ability to view any situation without an ounce of seriousness can be considered a fault, though to Feliks it's just a part of his unique personality. Feliks can be obnoxious and self-centered without even knowing it, but he does have a good heart, and cares deeply for his friends, though he doesn't like to show it. He's fun-loving, and enjoys joking around; he's usually seen with his friend Toris, who puts up with his obnoxiousness and hangs around him. Feliks was originally born a loner, and wandered the streets for a few moons. He was associated with many other cats, though he was mainly close to his friend Toris, whom he formed an 'alliance' with. However, as the moons passed, many things began to occur on his beloved streets. More twolegs appeared, scurrying around in their bright orange, artificial fur.They seemed serious about something, and though Toris became quite distressed by the disturbance the Twolegs were causing all the strays, Feliks didn't worry; instead he dismissed his troubles and casually went about his business. Things changed, however, when the loners and rogues occupying the streets began to disappear mysteriously. The worry amounting upon the strays turned to a heavy, startling fear as reality hit the cats hard; the twolegs were doing something that destroyed the possible future of their lives. Many loners departed their allies, choosing to journey and find a home elsewhere, while others stayed, refusing to leave the streets because of some 'annoying twolegs.' If it wasn't for Toris Feliks would have been among the ones that stayed; so, reluctantly, Feliks and Toris left. The other cats, whom Feliks had come to known as friends, had already ran off to different Clans, while some stayed behind. With Toris he trekked for many days, the future clouded with uncertainty. Of course, for Feliks, the journey was just a fun adventure. With his inability to take even the most grim of situations seriously the feminine tomcat ran ahead, casual and laid-back, obviously enjoying their fun adventure. Finally the two came across PondClan. Feliks, being extremely shy of strangers, hid behind Toris while his companion did all the talking and found acceptance for both of them into the Clan. It was difficult for Feliks and Toris to adjust; they were used to the city-life, where every cat looked out for himself. Even now they still have trouble knowing their place. Feliks often lazily refuses to preform his duties as a warrior and Toris has difficulty facing his fears and looking out for his Clanmates. The two refused warrior-names, Feliks claiming that 'they were so, totally not cool' and Toris explaining, a little more tactfully, that accepting new names and discarding their old ones would be like having a new identity all together.Adjusting to a different life would be hard enough - but having their identities stripped away from them would be too cruel.
RPed by ♠åçë·ôƒ·šÞåðëš♠
Blackheart is a mischeivious young warrior with, you guessed it, a shiny black pelt. He is rather quiet, and this often causes him to be consider shy or a bad listen--neithe rof which is true. He listens to every word spoken and digests it, and often returns with a much more pronounced response than most. He always thinks before he speaks and considers himself a good helper. He is a massive cat, but he does not enjoy fighting and is often determined to avoid conflict. He is a charming cat with deep blue eyes that show concern when need be. He is not easily frightened, thus young apprentices like to make games out of scaring him--though they have never succeeded.
RPed bydrizzleheart


A small, lean she-cat with brilliant hazel eyes. Her multiple colored pelt makes her stand out the most of all cats. Her pelt consists of shades of dark gray and black. A dusty blue color is also included in this list. Now, others think that this cat is a sweet and just plain out obedient. But, that is a false statement. She is actually more of a obstinate cat. Ambitions rise in her soul, though they have yet to come out. Her ambitions are not cruel but aren't merciful either. She just wants to be respected and she would do anything to be respected throughout the clan and other clans. But, no, she is treated horrendously and let's just say she doesn't like that. Thunderousdance just needs to grow up from her childish ways. She has to figure that out before she can grow up and become something more than just herself, a nobody. Thunderousdance's desire is to grow up and have kits with someone special.
Rped by.::MadHatter::.---

He has dark golden fur. Light green eyes, more striking than any of his features. This tom has a history. One that has never left him. He is Ferretscar. Born a young kit in PondClan, this tom was far from normal, or a cat that anyone would want to be around. He was a trouble maker, and most likely got his way half of the time. Ferretscar is large and has wide paws, and long sharp talons that he sharpens almost everyday on barks of trees in the forest. He is gravely aware of the cats who watch him. The ones who talk about him behind his back. It's no surprise to the tom. His ambitions carry him around the day. He watches the leaders he has, and has opinions that he is not afraid to voice. To any cat. On the inside Ferretscar is tough and brooding, but on the inside he is slowly withering away. He knows he is depressed but can't help his crazy and rude ways. It's how he is. Ferretscar does wish on a long life and a mate that will get who he is. One that will not judge him for the things he can't control, but the cat he is inside.
Rper Heathersong981


BrambleHeart is a loving and kind soul. Being the shy cat she is, she doesnt have many friends. She wants that one freind who is your best, the one you spend your best times with. She has deep, but light hazel eyes. Her pelt is that of a maine **** cat. With a muscular body and sharp teeth, she makes a good warrior. But hunting her is best ability. Needles for claws, and the hearing of a bat helps her in the search of food. She often connects with starclan in her dreams, but hasn't told anyone. One day, she hopes to find the love of her life, somone whom she can tell all her deepest secrets.

Rp by AwsomePawsome

Like a simple melody floating on the air, Bluejay makes her way through life. With long, messy blue-gray fur and dazzling blue eyes, she soars above the rest, in a land of her own. A land where happiness, dedication, devotion, and faith dominate, leading her to a beautiful existance. 'Optimistic' is an understatement in the case of this energetic furball, in fact, her outlook on life could be compared to the warmth and light of the life-giving sun. This little ray of sunshine wasn't always so content, though. There was a time when she was lost, depressed, and disconnected from the rest of the world. It was before PondClan; her mother birthed her, but when Bluejay finally opened her eyes, it was emptiness that greeted her. After a moon of tender love from her mother, the plump little loner left her birth-home, foraging in twoleg trash cans to keep herself alive. She knew neither where she belonged, nor who she was or would be. Finally, she stumbled upon PondClan, where she asked to be accepted. Her wish was readily granted, and from that moment on, her devotion to her leader and Clanmates has flourished. StarClan lead her every step of the way, and the anticipation for the small she-cat's future is fiercely burning, along withg her happiness and easy acceptance and love of others.
Played by Amberflame

Applepaw [orchard]
Mamma's girl at heart. Always has been, always will be. A splitting image of her mother. Maybe a few shades lighter in colour. Coat as white as a freshly bloomed snowdrop, as fluffy as the creatures called 'sheep.' A pure crisp white. Her eyes are a gleaming apple-green, hence her name, which shows true beauty and innocence. Though many don't get to see her stunning eyes. Shyness is her best friend, her mothers side her favorite place, even as a warrior. She usually has her head bowed when speaking to new cats or those she doesn't know particularly well. However, she has the sweetest of natures! Loyal and trustworthy. She is well liked by everyone who gets to know her. Appleorchard has a tendency to become jealous of others at times, though she doesn't voice her opinions, and wishes she could be more confident and out there. However, what she doesn't know is that people are jealous of her. Of her beauty on the inside and out. This she-cat is pretty incredible when it comes to common knowledge, knowing the names of most of the creatures she comes across, seeming to know the gossip from other clans etc. She is a wonderful ally and a great friend. Just, don't throw yourself on her otherwise she'll become very shy and won't open herself up. She loves her siblings a whole lot, from the same father or not, she doesn't care. Neither does she hold anything against Lemonfrost. She loves her father, Honorabledestroyer, though he sometimes intimidates her, and her mother, Hailquiver, really is her idol and safe-haven. Loving; Shy; Beautiful. Want advice? Get to know her.
Rped by cobwebpaw

*Hartpaw (spring)
a long-legged, red-gold tom with dark gold eyes and short, thick fur. He is a fantastic runner, can swim proficiently, and leaps over obstacles with ease; but is not very fond of climbing trees. His personality, headstrong, dignified and occasionally arrogant, can be irksome to some cats; but Hartspring’s unswerving loyalty, courage, and utter concentration in the face of danger redeems his other characteristics. He is also a fierce fighter, fond of springing high in the air over his opponents and diving down on them, claws extended; a decent hunter as well. His history is proud and ancient: after the olde CreekClan was scattered to the four winds, the bloodline of noble Stagstar of CreekClan was scattered too. Hartspring of CreekClan was a direct relation to Stagstar, and one of his descendants found refuge in PondClan when the clan was driven away. This Hartspring can trace his lineage straight back to both aforementioned CreekClan cats. And, similar to his ancestors, he is regal and aristocratic, courteous and gallant. But hopefully he will not endure the same problems that his namesake was forced to face, all in the name of love.
Played by warriorstar.


A pretty silver tabby with white paws and bright green eyes. She isfun loving and kind, a friend to everyone. She is a good fighter and a great hunter. She has no ambition to be a leader and if she did one day become one it would be because of her loyalty and skill. As a kit she nearly drowned and as a result is a bit skittish about water, though she can swim. As far as she knows she has no living kin. She wants kits one day, she wants her kits to have a family because she didn't have one.
RPed by Nightdream14
A firey ginger she-cat with a black-tipped tail, black-tipped ears and black patches on her fur. She has green eyes. She is very spirited and protective. As one of the oldest kits she makes it her job to protect her family. Her parents are the two cats she trusts more then anyone. Her mother, Featherfern, is like her best friend and her father, Shadowdancer, is a cat she knows will be there for her forever.
Rped by: Nightdream14

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