

1. Only єυρhσяια, Whitemuzzle, Woofles, or FallenBrook may edit any MoonClan pages.

2. Your cat's bio must be at least six descriptive sentences, two to three on physical character and three or more on personality.

3. You may reserve a warrior name for your kit.

4. Reply to the joining thread to join MoonClan. (Thread)

5. If your queen is about to kit, give others a chance to RP a kit by RPing only one kit yourself from the litter.


Joining is open! (Thread)

Our AC is completed.

Congratulate Woofles our
new co-deputy! =D

Congratulate our new
MCA -- Valentine.!

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Tasmanianstar { devil }
Rped by єυρhσяια

A unique tom splattered with warm colors of chocolate and chestnut, with what appears to be syrup and honey dribbled all over his pelt. This combination usually draws eyes away from his other physical features, like his muzzle, which slopes smoothly out, resembling a fox's or more accurately, a rat's, and his curiously speckled nose. His snout may protrude more than your average cat's, and he may have an unbelievably massive body structure, but his eyes are beautiful dark pools of chocolate, though bittersweet, that rival his pelt's unique design. For his eyes seem to harness all the colors of the spectrum and all those in between, wrapped into one tight bundle of pure, overwhelming color and then mellowed out by a soft brown. Tasmaniandevil has an intricate design of swiveling black lines all across his iris, with little flecks of golden brown here and there. Sometimes you just want to melt into those eyes of his, shaped like almonds, to just be absorbed into those pools of melted chocolate. Other times, his eyes are so dark and impassive you can't seem to reach into them at all, though he can extend a probing thought and reach right through to you, as though you're just air. The bittersweet quality that hovers about him, eternally present, baffles some and yet inspires others. Although he was plagued with the rugged, unappealing features of a Tasmanian devil, a rat-like creature, his wondrous pelt seems to just envelope you in warmth and in all these different scents, like honey suckle and blossoms, and yet also pine bark and mint, all fused together to equal one heck of a guy with one heck of a personality. In battle, he is like a bat out of hell, swooping down at enemies from above with his dark eyes, shining black claws, and mixed dark pelt. He has an innate ability to discern the subtleties of other cats' personalities or desires, because most cats, to him, are to some extent, quite readable. However, he finds that a select few cats of MoonClan are a complete mystery to him, simply guarded against him. He has his own brand of fighting, and is quite clever. Behind this torn, devil mask he must wear for all time, cursed by a rogue gene, is loyal to his clan above all else and has the heart of a lion. Though some secrets stay hidden below the surface, and mysteries ache to boil up and reveal themselves.

Rped by Whitemuzzle

Rped by Woofles

Rped by FallenBrook


Rped by Valentine.


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Angellewing's Cats
Silentbreeze <> Warrior
Black calico with green eyes, and as silent as the night, this young she-cat wants nothing more than to protect her clan, and live a happy life. Small, yet lethal. Everyone outside of MoonClan knows her as quiet, moody, and not friendly. With a tongue as sharp as her claws, Silentbreeze keeps to herself. Cats in her clan are granted to see a different side of her. Happy, witty, and friendly. One day, Silentbreeze wants to climb her way to the top, to be leader. But to do it the right way. She will be the first to shut you out, treat you as a different clan cat if she even suspects traitorism. In her mind, its guilty until proven innocent. Sometimes this she-cat is hard to live with, even unbearable at times, but she is loyal to the bone, with only best intentions at heart.

Skyfang <> Warrior
Look up into the sky on a partly cloudy day and that's what Skyfang's coat will remind you of. A white tom with patches of gray along with his bright blue eyes will give you that impression. Skyfang is quick like a speeding falcon streaking across the sky. He is one of the swiftest runners in the clan. He would much rather be hunting than fighting but don't under estimate him. He could knock the fur off of just about any cat. He has an easy-going disposition and doesn't anger easily. One day he'd really like to find a mate to share his life with.

Archerkit's Cats

EternalPain <> Warrior
Eteranal pain. Eternal regret. It lasts forever and you can never get away from it. This is what this shecat feels every minute of the day. You cant run from yourself. You cant run from your emotions. You cant run from your past. This poor cat has had more than her share of pain and regret. She lived with twolegs til she was ran out...by her sister. They were arguing and her sister did something bad. Their twolegs blamed it on her and threw her out. This is the regret EternalPain has; that she didn't get a chance to say sorry to her sister before she died. Their parents found EternalPain and told her that her sister was dying. They ran as fast as they could, but didn't make it in time. When they got there, her sister was dead. Her name was Petal. Eternal regret. Eternal pain. Eternal regret. Eternal pain. It never ends. The thoughts that fill this shimmery white shecat has to do with that pain and regret. Eternal pain. Eternal regret.


Ashenfate's Cats
Birdleg <> Warrior
Birdleg is a gorgeous, pure white she - cat, with gray dappled markings on her back. Adventure seems to shine out of her sky blue eyes. Her name comes from her exceptionally long legs which gives her swiftness and the ability to leap higher than most cats. Birdleg is shy around new cats she meets but will open up around those she allows to get close to her. Not a lover of battling, nevertheless she is a formidable opponent and will account for herself well. Hunting is what she really loves and will try to get onto any hunting patrol. Birdleg loves kits and hopes to have some of her own someday.

Threetears <> Warrior
Interesting tom indeed. The first thing you notice, is that he is a solid black color. Such is common for MoonClan cats. Though one thing is rather different about this sky-blue-eyed tom. He has three little white specks under his eyes, and a white muzzle. Such gave him his name, Threetears. The tom is rather cocky, and somewhat rambunctious. He has the attitude from fire, and is quick to jump into a fight. He holds his head high within his clan, and does not seem to back down from even his leader, which seems to get him into a lot of trouble. To put it simple, he is one of the best fighters in the clan, but there is a flaw. He doesn't know when to stop...

Pebblepaw {path} <> Apprentice
Oh dear, do be careful around Pebble. She's a jumpy little she-cat, and skiddish at that. Shy is something that would define her as well. Her white furs are dappled with soft browns and dark blacks, giving her the name of Pebble. Her deep orange eyes seem to always flit back and fourth, showing she is nervous. She tends to be the one full of fear, yet always asking questions of how things are done. Pebble is a hard cat to describe, but the best way to know her, is to be around her, for sure.

Meadowlark <> Warrior
Meadowlark is a beautiful, light brown she-cat with content, leafy-green eyes. A middle-aged she-cat, Meadowlark can mostly be seen chatting in camp with the elders or other senior warriors, and, occasionally, hunting with a large group of friends in the summer sun. Though she is not considerably outgoing, the she-cat is extremely well-liked and respected in her clan, due to the fact that she is kind to everyone and takes many troubled kits and apprentices under her wing. Meadowlark never seems to have a bad day; she always looks on the bright side of life and tries to think of others before herself. She has a strong connection to StarClan, despite not being a medicine cat, and is thankfully for everything she has. Her parents, who died a season after she became a warrior, taught her to love everyone and everything, even if they hurt you in the past; they were also very close to their starry ancestors and were the ones who encouraged Meadowlark to be more religious. Despite her strong connection to StarClan, Meadowlark does not force her beliefs on anyone, though she would be happy to talk about them to anyone who is interested in hearing her thoughts. Middle-aged or not, Meadowlark dreams of finding a mate and having her own kits. If that never happens though, Meadowlark would still be happy and content with her life.

Mallowshine <> Warrior
A tall she-cat with white and gray colored fur dappled with black stripes and green, gray eyes. Mallowshine loves to swim and hunt, she is a very swift huntress. She is very intelligent and brave, Mallowshine is very honest. Mallowshine is clan-born and her sister Tansypool was slain by a fox, so she never hesitates to chase a fox off the territory. Mallowshine has a lot of experience with training apprentices since her sister was a moon younger then her.


Alex20877's Cats
Dreampaw <> Apprentice
A jet black she-cat, with sharp hazel eyes, she is a five moon old kit. She is quite silent, and doesn't really speak much to the other kits. But, even though she doesn't speak all the time, doesn't mean that she doesn't interact with them. She is always up for a game of chase, showing to show skills in being quick. As she doesn't talk much, she gets many weird stares for cats who meet her for the first time, but as cats start to learn more about, they learn that she can be very active, and not exactly a loner. She a thinker, and tries to think about the consequences of what she and the other kits are doing, but she is mostly a follower, and not a leader, following another kit's lead most of the time. She, unlike many kits her age, is a little respectful of her elders, and likes listening to stories of battles they've had and lived through. Her history is quite secretive, because at a young age, her mother, a loner Dreamkit claimed, disappeared. Oh, she said she'll be right back. That she would soon bring prey. That she'll come back before sunset. But Dreamkit waited. And her mother didn't return. Soon, the she-kit became restless, and wondered if she could find her mother. So, she went on, to search for her mother. But Dreamkit found nothing. Only a faint scent trail, which led to nothing. And she had no idea what had happened to her father. Alone, helpless, and lost, the she-kit wandered through a forest, unsure where to go. But soon, she was found by MoonClan, and she is certainly glad to be somewhere she could call home, but as shes quiet, she is even more quiet about her heritage. She answered no ones questions about her mom, at all. Why did she keep so quiet about it? No one knows. But ignoring her mysterious past nevertheless, she is quite an interesting she-cat, and is very kind.

Songpaw(heart) <> Apprentice
An all gray she cat with streaks of silver that run down her back, not across horizontally. Her crystal blue eyes sparkle with her love of life. Songheart's voice is like listening to a soft melody. She can soothe the angriest of cats by just talking with them. Songheart loves to hunt and excels in this activity. One hunt she brought in two rabbits, three squirrels, two sparrows, and four mice! It took her four trips to bring in all in. Needless to say, the clan fed well that night. Songheart has no love of fighting and will do so only if she has no other recourse. But when she does bare her claws, enemies better be beware! She's no push over by any means. Songheart loves kits and hopes to have at least two litters before she joins her ancestors in StarClan.

Leopardkit(fur) <> Kit
The sleek she-cat is a small, but swift cat, that seems to sometimes blend into the night. Her fur is a dark, golden-like color, with black circular designs on her back, each circle with a black dot inside it. Her eyes are a deep emerald green, which can sometimes seem to peer right inside you. Her littermates are Lionkit, Cheetahkit, Tigerkit, and Jaguarkit. Her mother and father was Servalpelt and Ancienteyes. She is a thinker, and usually thinks things through, but often enough she comes up with a plan to lead the other kits straight into trouble. Sneaky sometimes, it proves that she can come up with strategies that can succeed. If she hears someone boasting, you'll notice that the she-cat will just roll her eyes and go along with it, not bothering to comment about it. She is a skilled hunter, and is great at sneaking up on things. But in a fight, she could be silent, and deadly, as her sneakiness isn't to be underestimated.


Ambrosia`'s Cats
Hushedvixen <> Warrior
A problem shared is a problem halved or so they so, but what about a heart? Once given it was not returned, swept up by the passion of a momentary romance rocked by the force of a hurricane. A secret came down upon them like a rain of fire, blistering the bond into a cowed mess. The white flags were waved in the aftermath and the promised forever became an agreed never. And even after the secret remained nothing, but a dark cloud at the back of her mind. Her silence was guaranteed, even if it was just to extinguish the dying flames of their broken hearts and from the debris, plant the hope of a future friendship to secure the future of their kits. Saving them from being caught in the crossfire and to forge a peaceful path to wade through the sea of shed tears and regrets. It is her wish to raise them ignorant of their father’s secret, just another detail to hidden behind her pretty smile. She’s turned a few heads in her time, but only with wonder. Just what is she hiding, they ponder. Fragmented secrets she’s collected over time like relics of her life, present in a scrapbook of memories. They were gained through Hushedvixen’s reputation of being a great listener and on rare occasions, known for giving sensible advice. It sent confessions and guilty consciences seeking her ear. It became a burden, weighed down by so many problems like the coast battered by the tide, endless and consuming. It filled her with the need to get involved one too many times and she can come across as pushy, but only because she cares too much. Soft and gentle like the rusty ginger fur smothering her limber form, bristling like a brush at the very peak of her fox-like tail. White is splashed on her paws, but is curtailed half way up her chest by the same russet colorings. A vixen-esque she-cat in more ways than one. She prowls like a whisper in the wind, hiding secrets in her honeydew gaze. A librarian of confessions, never to be shared with another soul.


No "B" names yet



ClanCat61's Cats
Silverstripe <>Queen
Silverstripe is a fun, loving she-cat from Moonclan. If you get on her bad side though, you will never see the kindness in her eyes again. With emerald eyes, long legs, and a silver pelt with black stripes, she a stunning cat. She started as a rouge, but came to the clan in an unusual way. While she was a rouge, she had run into camp with a dog at her heels. She was almost ready to give birth to 3 kits, when she found the camp. Her mate (Pine) was killed by the vicious dog, and yelled at her to run and save the kits. Silverstripe then agreed to join the clan with her kits Dewkit(Dewdrop, male), Honeykit(Honeyfur, Female), and Goldkit(Goldflame, Female). (I will put them up sometime if you allow me.) This she-cat is right now a queen, but will become a warrior when her kits reach 6 moons.

Goldkit(flame) <> Kit
The one in her litter most like her father. She has intriguing emerald eyes, a golden pelt, and white paws. Daughter of Silverstripe, and the rouge Pine, she has a mix of both personalities. She is kind to almost everyone (Except if you hurt anyone in her clan), and silly. She is adventurous, and will usually go on little outings, even if she isn't allowed to. She is also very secretive, and never would tell a secret you told her. She is very flirty, and would love a mate one day.


Cleaver:D's Cats
Brightpelt <> Warrior
A soft-hearted yellow warrior with white spots on her flank and a scar running across her beautiful face. As a kit she wandered from camp and into Sunclan territory, where she met a fox that scarred her for life. she stayed there for healing before returning to Moonclan. Brightpelt is loyal to Moonclan but feels a tug to repay her debt to Sunclan and will hesitate before launching into battle with them. Brightpelt is hoping for a mate, once like her brother. Her dear brother who died fighting Nightclan.


Catlover1023's Cats
Snapdragon <> Warrior
The snap dragon flower looks so sweet, innocent, charming, and delicate. But its name gives a different image. It gives anyone the image of a dangerous, roaring, beautiful beast that is made up of red, orange, and yellow scales and can breathe fire. Snapdragon is obviously not able to breathe fire nor is made up of scales, though his pelt looks like it. His pelt is smooth and sleek and shiny like the scales of a dragon and his pelt also has patches of different shades of orange and brown. A dragon's eyes are like a lizard's or snake's, narrowed and devious looking. Snapdragon wouldn't want his reputation ruined by looking cold and evil. His eyes are a great, shining yellow that are honest and flirty. Oh, how he flirts! It is as natural as breathing for him to flirt. He is pretty easy to be around. He is loud, outgoing, and straightforward, so he would never lie to his friends. He is a great warrior, with amazing hunting skills, quick wits and paws, and a charming and persuasive smile. His arrival to MoonClan was different. He wasn't found of connected to the clan in anyway. He found it and walked right on in. Just right into camp, asked where their leader was, and told the leader he was joining MoonClan with the name Snapdragon. He wasn't a liar so he just told them that he was a traveler that found MoonClan and joined. He tells anyone this story. Everyone is mostly unsure of his past, but he seems like a nice guy, so what harm can he do?


Desertstorm16's Cats
Summerblaze <> Queen
A golden-orange colored tabby cat. She has a white bib and four white paws. She loves laying in the bright sunshine as her golden pelt warms easily. Summerblaze can feel insecure around other cats who can do things better than she can. She is working through that because she wants to be the best warrior she can. She loves to hunt and her favorite kind of prey is voles. Despite her insecurity, she would do anything for her clan and would even die to protect her clan mates. Summerblaze is looking for a tom to share her life with him.

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єυρhσяια's Cats
Tasmanianstar <> Leader
A unique tom splattered with warm colors of chocolate and chestnut, with what appears to be syrup and honey dribbled all over his pelt. This combination usually draws eyes away from his other physical features, like his muzzle, which slopes smoothly out, resembling a fox's or more accurately, a rat's, and his curiously speckled nose. His snout may protrude more than your average cat's, and he may have an unbelievably massive body structure, but his eyes are beautiful dark pools of chocolate, though bittersweet, that rival his pelt's unique design. For his eyes seem to harness all the colors of the spectrum and all those in between, wrapped into one tight bundle of pure, overwhelming color and then mellowed out by a soft brown. Tasmaniandevil has an intricate design of swiveling black lines all across his iris, with little flecks of golden brown here and there. Sometimes you just want to melt into those eyes of his, shaped like almonds, to just be absorbed into those pools of melted chocolate. Other times, his eyes are so dark and impassive you can't seem to reach into them at all, though he can extend a probing thought and reach right through to you, as thought you're just air. The bittersweet quality that hovers about him, eternally present, baffles some and yet inspires others. Although he was plagued with the rugged, unappealing features of a Tasmanian devil, a rat-like creature, his wondrous pelt seems to just envelope you in warmth and in all these different scents, like honey suckle and blossoms, and yet also pine bark and mint, all fused together to equal one heck of a guy with one heck of a personality. In battle, he is like a bat out of hell, swooping down at enemies from above with his dark eyes, shining black claws, and mixed dark pelt. He has an innate ability to discern the subtleties of other cats' personalities or desires, because most cats, to him, are to some extent, quite readable. However, he finds that a select few cats of MoonClan are a complete mystery to him, simply guarded against him. He has his own brand of fighting, and is quite clever. Behind this torn, devil mask he must wear for all time, cursed by a rogue gene, is loyal to his clan above all else and has the heart of a lion. Though some secrets stay hidden below the surface, and mysteries ache to boil up and reveal themselves.

Minnowreflection <> Warrior
A light brown tabby tom with fading marks and a little white, with hawk-like lemon-yellow eyes. He is a bundle of joy, full of energy, life, and enthusiasm. He greets the day with open paws and loves to play new games that he devises. He always pressed his sister, Pallidkit, to play with him, which she almost always declines. But he just plays with her anyway; he was never taught that it took two to play, and often goes over board, injuring his sister without meaning too and causing his mother, Jellycloud, stress. He can annoy warriors with his activeness and badgering, and can sometimes be whiney when somebody won't play. He has an enormous appetite, justified by the amount of energy he burns every day, which is endless. He is a little piggish, but cute in a young way. As an apprentice, he is now full of undying confidence and an eagerness to prove himself and just have fun while he's at it. He is also very speedy, thus his name, for he is as quick as a minnow. So if he isn't smart enough, you know he'll always be fast enough. As a warrior he is bright and willing to serve his clan in any way, though he can sometimes be skeptical of others' ideas and insist his own. He can be a bit prideful or rash, but he's really got a big heart, and he's got his heart in the right place, too.

Pinebark <> Warrior
a tawny, ruggedly handsome golden tom with scruffy brown tabby stripes, set off by perceptive, deep amber eyes. His stripes are quite similar to the dark rings on a pine tree. This tom may be muscular and come off as intimidating from afar, but when you talk to him he is the biggest sweetie there is, really. This is party because he has a family and beloved mate, and he loves his kits Honeykit, Dewkit, and Goldkit dearly. He is the best father out there and spends as much time as he can with his little ones, for he enjoys teaching them new games and tricks, and training them early to be a warrior: it is his fatherly pride that he invests in them. His mate, Silverstripe, is the light of his life and he would never leave her, in a thousand years. He had eyes for her since the first day he set eyes upon her as a loner, since they were both not in the clan at the time. At one point, Silverstripe thought him to be dead, but he reappeared later, returning to her side and joining MoonClan to be with her and his family. He has a surprising amount of patience and will protect his family at all costs.

Bubblerainbow <> Warrior

A blue-gray tabby she-cat with a cream-colored, almost white belly and chest, along with beautiful silver eyes. She is kit who just has this everlasting joy to her, a bubbly, happy air to her that makes her look so at ease with the world, so free. But when she was a younger kit, she was kidnapped by brutal rogues, and that experience opened her eyes to the tragic real world. She is not evil or mean, or petty or deceitful, even if her captors were. She is still the same naturally joyful, bouncing baby girl who loves to spend time with her large family; her favorite game to play with her littermates is hide-and-go-seek because she loves the tension of waiting to be found and the excitement of being found. She loves surprises and also looks forward to surprising other. Although sometimes she feel scared and lonely, for she looks back to when she was kidnapped and it makes her feel insecure and sad. But she always finds something else to look forward to, to keep her mind off that disturbing past. It pains her to see others in pain, and she has a hard time making decisions. She is a peaceful cat who loves walks under the moon, sunny days when you can nap all you want, and a good game of tag or hide-and-seek. She shares her mind and isn't afraid to be the funny little talking machine that she is. Her littermates are Rainheart, Salamanderkit, Rosesong, and Snowspot. Her parents are Skyhawk and Moonspot.

Jellycloud <> Queen
a fluffy ginger and white she-cat with the ginger arranged in patches and criss-crossed with faint stripes. Her eyes are wide, kind, and understanding, and a vivid blue. She is always very measured, cheery, and helpful, and gets right to the point. She trains her kits to have good morals, and to be strong by using her intellect, patience, and love, for she is not a violent cat. However, she is very sad inside, for whatever reason. When she is alone, she cries silently. Walks under the moon at night. She does things solo a lot, despite having kits. She tries to spend as much time with them as she can, flashing her bright smiles and emanating happiness. But it is a fake happy personality. A sort of post-kitting depression. It happens. But she doesn't show it, she only lets her true emotions flow when she is alone. She has no mate to support her and is frequently lonely, though usually she comforts herself with her two kits. She used to have a strong, fiery personality and was productive. Most times, she naps, nurtures her kits, or goes off somewhere to be alone.
Mate: Unknown
Kits: Pallidtinge and Minnowreflection

Pallidpaw(bunny) <> Apprentice
a pale, creamy kit with faint golden tabby markings and round green eyes. Daughter to Jellycloud and sister to Minnowpaw. She is very quiet and hides within herself, sort of shr

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