
Fireflystar // rphasodic.xoxo

If you wanna get with me, there's some things you gotta know. I like my beats fast and bass down low." Party girl she is. Music is what she was bred on. But how does she know about it? City cat in the downtown club area! Duh! It was some time after a new DJ moved into an appartment above a dance club. This woman loved cats, and had to have one. Firefly came along then. A beautiful she cat with intriguing interest in twoleg music and nightlife. So Firefly, called Zora by her twoleg friend, lived in the club. But Firefly wasn't just any cat. No, she had a reputation to uphold. Cats in the city aren't just easy to get along with. You're in a gang, a kittypet or live in poverty. And Firefly? She was part of the Blitz, a newly risen gang that was based mainly on female power. It was one late night when Firefly was invited to a party out in the woods. Apparently, there was an amazing hot spring. And indeed there was. Firefly spent the night living it up. But he friends dared her to go further into the forest. So, her being as stubborn as she is, did. Of course she got lost. Lucky for her she knew how to fight and hunt from gang life. She trekked on for days. But it didn't bother her. It was a new adventure. In the next couple days she came across Earthclan. Emberstar saw the strength and value of the newly arrived she cat. After long consideration, Firefly was given the name Fireflyspark and declared the new co deputy. Now, this angered many cats. They uproared. But all it took was a flash of her dauntless smile and she won them over. Every she cat wanted to be her and every tom stared for hours at her, wishing she could be theirs. That is one thing Fireflyspark holds dear. Popularity. Being known. Attention is what she feeds on, and how she breathes. Fireflyspark is a rude cat at times. If you say one thing to make her mad, she will pop off. But perhaps its her bark that is worse than her bite. Even so, she has charm unlike anyone else. Yet, there are those that see right through her angel act and looks her demon right in the eyes. Her hobbies? Aside from making her lessers cry is the tauntingly perfect allure she has on tom cats. It's likely she could turn the most loyal tom in a relationship to a cheating liar. But, she doesn't see this as a bad thing, rather something to be proud of. Fireflyspark loves to toy with tom cats. Definitely not she cats though. She's straight as an arrow. In fact, she detests homosexuals. However, she keeps this one disgust to herself and plasters a smile on her lips. Fireflyspark will most likely be a cat of... interesting leadership. With little belief in Starclan and the unability to follow rules, her performance will be one to remember. Though she isn't all bad. At times she genuinely cares for her clan mates, though she rather not always show it. Fireflyspark misses only one thing from the city. Club music. The booming of a bass sent thrills down her. It won't be a surprise when she returns someday. As towards her looks, she is a brown she cat with three white downward streaks under her eyes. Her tail tip is white as well as a diamond on her chest. Orange is the color of her eyes, with yellow ringing them, giving them a glowing effect.

Ospreytalon // Desertstorm16

As the osprey dives down for the fish it feeds on, it's large broad wings keep it soaring until it hits the water. Ospreytalon would rather catch fish by slipping into the water and hooking his claws and teeth onto any living prey he can find. Ospreytalon is a big, burly tom with broad shoulders. His muscles are quite prominent, which makes him a formidible opponent. He is a light beige, with a cedar brown stripe going through his eye on each side. His muzzle is obsidian black, and he has terra cotta fur shoulders down. His underbelly is a soft pearl white, a slight smear of darker beige. His paws are white, with oblivion black claws. His claws are lethally curved, unlike most cats. He can get very aggressive, with makes him tough to deal with sometimes. His outrage, if unleashed on a battlefield, can be quite devastating to the opposite clan. He gets touchy about his past, because his parents were brutally and raucously mean. His eyes are a glowing sulfur, and when a glare comes across his face, you'd hope it isn't shot at you. His dream is to fight a pack of wild dogs - and win. He would like a mate and kits, as he loves little younglings dearly. He likes them because they would grow into big warriors. He isn't too ambitious, so it's alright if he doesn't take the throne yet. After all, isn't it good to enjoy yourself before you grow old? Ospreytalon thinks so. "A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." If bravery didn't get him this far, what did? Compassion? Spirit? Courage? No one may ever know.

.C.O. .D.E.P.U.T.Y.

.M.E.D.I.C.I.N.E. .C.A.T.
Jupiternebulous // AvalonSoul567

You do know the planets, correct? Well, this one extraordinary tom was named after the largest of the planets, though he is one of the smallest of the cats. He dances with the stars, comets leave misty kisses within his thick black pelt, and his serene orange eyes are as big and round as the colossus planet itself. His chest is splotched with rusty red fur, the same hue as Jupiter's red spot. This is JupiterNebulous, the tom of the stars. He was born unwanted. His cruel-hearted parents slaughtered him, and he was reborn in Starclan. They knew it was unfair of him to just be born, and to have his life swiftly stolen away, so they gave him a second chance. They renamed him Jupiter, and placed him within the sky. He was a giant, red orb living within the stars. Many thought his drifting spirit was a planet, yet it wasn't. It was Jupiter himself, waiting. Waiting for the perfect chance to return to earth, and live his life to the fullest. Starclan allowed him to return to earth after some time, so he did. Jupiter landed in the forest right along EarthClan border, so he simply trudged right in. He introduced himself as Jupiter, so they allowed him to keep his name. He became Jupiterkit, the cat from the stars. He told intricate and elaborate stories about his stay in outer space, which no one believed, yet everyone loved all the same. They thought it was a cute little kitten act, but it wasn't. Jupiterkit truly lived with the stars for some time. Well, time passed, and our little planet grew up. He became Jupiterpaw, and it was time to begin training. He was excited, since he'd never known what clan cats did for training. He was taken out, and his mentor showed him how to hunt. He pounced on the prey, and killed it. Jupiterpaw watched the light drain from the mouse's eyes, until it died. He was so disturbed by this subtle act of violence, that he ran off. He hid in an oak tree, in the highest branches. The distraught tom survived off of bark, and the water that dripped from dew-covered leaves. Jupiterpaw hid in the tree for close to a moon, until he had enough courage to scramble down. Then, he returned back to camp, a ghost of his former self. All life had been drained from his handsome orange eyes, in the same matter the mouse had. Many of his clan mates attempted to converse with him, but he would simply decline them with a dismissive flick of his tail. They'd bring him fresh kill, but he'd brush aside that as well, in the same matter as he did to his clan mates. But one day, a Starclan cat visited Jupiterpaw in his dreams. It convinced him to shake off the misery, and to live life to the fullest. He was reminded of how badly he'd wanted to live on earth, during his time as a wandering spirit. When he arose, the lithe apprentice was back to his regular self. He actually talked to others, and even smiled. Though they were forced, spiritless smiles, they were still smiles all the same. Somehow, the smiles never made it to his eyes. Once, those eyes were striking enough to make any she cat swoon, but now, they did nothing except repulse. They weren't ugly, no, not at all. It wasn't the unattractiveness that'd sicken them. It was the soullessness lingering within there; the unrest, turmoil, the disturbance. Though this tom may seem bright as day from the outside, what lingers within, is a dormant monster. One day, as Starclan foretold in a dream to him, a cat will fix him. A cat will do something, something so extraordinary, that Jupiterpaw will have to know that this is the special cat, the one Starclan promised him. But until then, just remember, you've been warned..

.M.E.D.I.C.I.N.E. .C.A.T. .A.P.P.R.E.N.T.I.C.E.


Jackalfang { Simbadog
With a bit of a hero personality, Jackalfang can be a bit extravagant. But that may also be because he's extremely protective of his Clanmates. Since the fawn-colored tom never knew his parents, it doesn't matter to him how different he is from the other warriors. They're his family now, and that's all he cares about. A little afraid of his past, this long-eared, yellow-eyed cat is sharp and one of the best hunters in the Clan. But watch out - when it comes to protecting his friends and loved ones, he can be a formidable fighter as well. He uses his lithe shape to his advantage, slipping in and out of his opponent's reach. Underneath his seemingly distant personality, however, a sweet and kind cat lies within. For now, his heart is too fragile to easily love someone, but he longs to have a family someday.

Butterflyash { Masqueradetrick
Hope. That's all she's ever known. Sootfall... her wonderful mate... gone in a flash. Even that didn't bring her down. And so, looking at this pretty mottled tortishell she cat, you'd think, 'oh she's weak'. But you can see in her beautiful gold eyes that spark with purple and blue flecks, that she is strong. Life started for her as a loner. She traveled many places, saw many things. She didn't ever know of the clans until she was an adult. But almost 6 moons ago, she had been in Earthclan, joining into the land of tall trees. Butterfly was her original name, simple and graceful sounding, just like her. So it was decided to call her Butterflyash. She lived in the clan for around a moon until she finally fell in love with Sootfall. Her mate treated her fair and true, even though she was ditzy and strange in the new surroundings. Giving birth to beautiful kits was her most favorite thing of all. The only of her kits to survive was Treasurekit, or later known as Treasuregaze. The little kit grown up so fast, it made Butterflyash seem old and out of style, compared to her cute calico daughter. And then... it happened. Sootfall died. And soon after, Treasuregaze. Butterflyash felt her world crumble. She became more or less a shell of the happy cat she used to be. Depression was her only emotion known. And after long days of misery... she left Earthclan. She went into the world all on her own, alone and desperate. She lived at a cave in the mountains, a spring near by. She liked the loneliness, to be honest. She didn't want to be with anyone. Until it was one day, a family came passing through. They stayed in her cave, and that's when Butterflyash had a painful memory of her family. She went outside, looking at the stars for guidence from the ancestors she cared so deeply for. A falling star shooted across the sky, towards Earthclan, followed by another. She knew it was her mate and daughter leading her home. She gave her cave to the family, and trekked on back to her home. Her true home. Earthclan. Her clan mates welcomed her back, even though her name was long forgotten. Cats loved her gentle kindness, and pure nature. They wanted to be like her, love her. And so, that is how she came back to her home.

Coyotesun { Simbadog

Handsome, teasing amber eyes gaze out at you from the undergrowth. Coyotesun is probably stalking a mouse; seeing how long it can go without sensing him. Best friends with Silverstorm and quite a trickster, Coyotesun happens to be a great fighter, but his hunting has always been a little less so, what with having such a large build. His older brother is Jackalfang, but unlike the fawn-colored tom, he is not afraid of his past, nor his parents, who are loners. He knows that they did what they thought was best for him and his brother when they left the two in EarthClan - of course, the two brothers would be safer there than outside in the cold without shelter. Coyotesun has always looked up to Jackalfang, but when he is not around to give comfort or advice in tough times, Coyotesun knows he can always turn to Silverstorm. He loves trying to get Silverstorm to laugh, despite her normal serious demeanor. The two met each other when Coyotesun and Jackalfang had first been delivered to EarthClan, as kits. As soon as the two saw each other, they knew they would be the best of friends, and it is so to this day. Coyotesun has never seen Silverstorm as a mate, but perhaps one day this trickster will change his mind.

Monarchwing { Masqueradetrick
Grace. It's a thing that comes naturally to this beautiful tortishell cat with bright orange eyes. Never has there been a cat like her, that's for sure. But when it comes to skill she isn't to talented. All that graceful movements and she can't manage to hunt or fight with any sort of style. It's ironic how she has mastered the normal movement, but when it comes to the key things a wild cat needs, she fails. Monarchwing is a very upbeat cat however, and she never gives up on her training. When it comes to her social scene, well she is a social butterfly, which makes sense with her name. She would be a wonderful lover and mother, and she hopes she soon gets the chance.

Cowear { SierraJarvis
A moment after pricked her ears up, her left ear dropped. She glared at her reflection in the shining water, especially her droopy ear. It seemed that no matter what she did, this large she cat could never get it to stay straight. Her huge brown eyes stared dolefully back at her, deep and caring. Her dark brown eyes were the same color as the splotches that were on her body, covering huge sections of her otherwise snowy white pelt. These eyes always glint with a trace of sadness, for she had lost her kits the leaf-bare after her birth. Though she lost her children, she never lost her maternal instincts. Cowear tries to take care of everyone, so no one has to suffer the kind of loss she did. But don’t mistake this caring for weakness- if anything; her loss makes her a fiercer fighter. She would do anything to protect her clan and those she cares for. She also has an air about her that just makes everyone want to trust her.

Pebblebeam { Simbadog
With flashing green eyes that seem to mesmerize you, and silky tabby fur, Pebblepaw is surely a sight to see. She is not entirely fond of unkind or conceited cats, and enjoys hanging out in large crowds. She also seems to think that shy cats are rather sweet on the inside. The advances of toms often go unnoticed by her - normally, this beautiful light brown tabby tends to think they just want to be friends. Pebblepaw is extremely talented in hunting, but less so in fighting. However, she has the dedication, the spirit, and the drive to keep doing her best, no matter what obstacles cross her path. This she-cat wants to get along with all cats, no matter how rude they may be. She's patient enough to give them a chance. Most cats seem to enjoy Pebblepaw's easygoing style, and friendly demeanor. Patient, true, hardworking, and loyal, Pebblepaw will be your forever friend.

Mallardbreeze { SierraJarvis
Suave, handsome, friendly and a total flirt, Mallardpaw is certainly a character. His pronounced orangey muzzle sets off his deep blue eyes, swirling with lavender and flecks of gold. The rest of his pelt is a light brown that shimmered in the sunlight, covering a lithe, muscular body. Though certainly a fighter and hunter, he does have a softer side. He flirts with every she-cat he sees- beautiful or plain without discrimination. Deep down, he thinks everyone is beautiful and that they deserve to know others think so too.

Silverstorm { SierraJarvis
Piercing gray eyes scan the river for prey. A cloud-colored paw flashes, scooping a silver fish from the rushing waters. With a slice of a claw she slices off the head of the fish, which she buries by the river. It’s an odd ritual, but it’s one she’s kept in practice since she started to hunt. Picking up the decapitated fish, she stalks back to her clan’s headquarters, the dappled forest lights blending into her beautiful dark gray rosettes, her gray pelt vanishing into her surroundings. Her abnormally long whiskers twitch, sensing someone approaching. She turns her head toward the disturbance just in time to see her best friend Coyotesun pounce on her in a flash of gold. Her long silver and black striped tail puffs up, and he starts to laugh. “You look like a squirrel!” he laughs. She glares at him, smoothing her tail so the kink near the tip is clearly visible. She picks her fish back up and continues to walk to the camp with even more grace, Coyotesun right behind her.

Swallowstream { SierraJarvis
A chocolte, caramel and cream calico she-cat, who generally stays quiet but is still cheerful and sweet. She likes to hang around her denmates and littermates and is very fond of each and every one of them, appreciating their quirks and differences. This gentle kit is very fast, very intelligent, and extremely talented in the area of hunting. She doesn't entirely like the idea of fighting, but if needed, she'll die for her Clan. She is liked by all her Clanmates, and she enjoys spending time with her little sister, Robinkit, who is fragile and delicate. Swallowkit is certainly the maternal type- she feels the need to look after all her siblings and make sure they stay out of trouble. With soft amber eyes she is serene and demure, as gentle as the ocean splashing softly over the shore. Swallowkit won't be searching for a mate for a long time, even though she would make a fantastic mother as most of her time is occupied by looking after her siblings.

Falconember { Masqueradetrick
A creamy brown tom cat with darker brown stripes. His face is highlighted by ember red and eyes are icy blue. Falconember is a brave tom cat that is loyal and full hearted. He is your typical goody two shoe cat that can be a bit of a bother. Either way he does his best to make his clan proud. And he easily succeeds. Falconember is from a barn and ventured to the area of Earthclan. He joined willingly. His brothers are Cinderash and Jetdevoid. His best friend his Blazingemerald, who is his cousin.

Cinderash { Masqueradetrick
A black tom cat with gray eyes. His fur is very short. He has a feminine figure that he often gets made fun of for. Cinderash is a quiet cat that rarely speaks to anyone but his brothers and cousin. And if he's on his own, he's training. He wants to be able to make his skills perfected. But of course that isn't possible for any cat. And he will have to learn to accept it.

Jetdevoid { Masqueradetrick
He is a cream and brown tabby tom cat. His eyes are pale blue and sparkle full of life. Jetdevoid is a cat who is stuck between his brothers. He has the one that over does everything, Falconember, and the quiet shell, Cinderash. Jetdevoid wishes just to be normal and not classified under any certain category. He likes to be himself. He only joined Earthclan because his siblings and cousin wanted to.

Blazingemerald { Masqueradetrick
Cousin to the three brothers of the barn, Blazingemerald is a unique tom cat. He is black and white in color with brilliant green eyes. He is a very fun loving tom, which gets him into mischievous trouble. He gets along best with those who don't hold him back from adventure. And those who do have to put up with his very extraordinary personality.

Shimmersky { xx.sapphire
You may or may not have heard of Shimmersky. She is the kind of cat who reads like an open book, and this feline isn't the brightest. She is quiet and kind, rarely snapping on anyone. She almost never lets anyone in, although most get to anyway. She has a pale, soft yellow pelt with light blue eyes, with darker auburn streaks running down her pelt. Although she hasn't found the right tom and doubts she ever will; Shimmersky is a romantic feline. She wants to have a family, a mate that loves her, and envious glances from her clanmates. She loves to fantasize about her future, even though its doubtful.

Dancingice { xx.sapphire
Everyone has that one friend that just flirts with anyone and everyone, who everyone is jealous of, but is undeniably beautiful. Well, Dancingice is that feline. She is the definition of diva, and the pinnicle of beauty. All toms want to get with her, but she isn't that easy. She will make you work for her attention, much more herself. She is savvy and witted, always quick with her comebacks and condesending with those below her. She is devious, and she will not hesitate to wreck a relationship. In fact, she will often go out of her way to destroy a relationship. With her shiny black fur and eccentric blue eyes, she truly is a coniving, irristible feline.

Planetflash { *Jaypaw*
Planetflash is a dark tabby tom with yellow eye's. On his chest is a white splash like a snowflake landed on him and melted. He like's to be by himself and like's to stay in the shadow's away from all the other's.He want's to be a good hunter and a good fighter though he never practices ,his mother and father died and he wandered in the territory half dead when someone found him.He is dark and mysterious though he's not evil or anything. He doesn't believe in starclan that much, but then he does. He has many dream's of becoming leader , and deputy before that. He want's to prove he's not the same helpless kit that he was when he got here. Planetflash doesn't remember much about what happened before he got to the clan but, his best friend is the warrior Venusfrost He like's to play with that warrior only otherwise he is kind of shy.

Leopardspirit { *Jaypaw*
Leopardspirit is a short-haired, silver spotted tabby she-cat with amber eyes. Leopardspirit is rambunctious and full of curiosity. She likes to appear brave and tough in front of her siblings. On the inside, and outside she's rambunctious, strong, brave, and tends to starts fights.Her name comes from her marking’s uncanny resemblance to the mighty leopard, speckled all across her silver pelt. She has no mate,but she wants one greatly, and she wants kits. She has a lot of scars from the battle when she fought like a TigerClan warrior. She is a great hunter and fighter, with her long leg's and strong haunches. She is able to jump from the ground to the first branch. She is very fast with her long leg's, all of her ancestry was strong and fast. Don't underestimate, this lithe she-cat with a bad temper. She is sweet and nice, to all kit's.

Saturnwhisper { *Jaypaw*
Saturnwhisper is a handsome Golden Bengal , with orange eyes. Saturnwhisper is a funny, energetic tom with a problem of working too much. He would rather be defending his clan, hunting and patrol then goofing around. He is always really serious. His senses are sharp, he can detect the slightest sounds in a quiet camp.Saturnwhisper was found wondering around in Earthclan territory. He used to live in the mountain's. He is part Earthclan that's why he came here. Saturnwhisper has the small frame of a hunter but, is an excellent fighter.He can leap from branch to branch in the territory without even touching the forest floor. When the sun touches his pelt he seem's to glow, but when the moon touches his pelt it makes the black spot's glow too. Everyone in his family thought he was a gift from the ancestors for he looked like one of the ancient big cats. He communicate's with everyone and stick's up for his clanmate's and he tries to stop fight's between clanmate between clanmate. He had a kit named Planet and a mate Moon. she died from the claw's of a wolf. After she died Planet disappeared and Saturnwhisper never saw him afterward's so he left , when he got to Earthclan he found his kit again, he joined Earthclan and was given the name Saturnwhisper. He hasn't forgotten Moon but, he would like another mate and more kits.

Venusfrost { *Jaypaw*
Venusfrost is a handsome golden tom with darker golden circles , with moss-green eyes. Venusfrost is a funny, energetic tom with a problem of goofing off too much. He would rather be having mock fights than hunting or patrolling. He is hardly ever really serious. He can try and act like he is but his slippery mouth always gives him away. Although he really does have small ears, his sense are sharp, he can detect the slightest sounds in a quiet camp.Venusfrost was found wondering around in Earthclan territory. He doesn’t remember much before that. He has a vague image of what might have been his brother, but he cannot be sure. All he knew when they found him was that his name was Venus then given the name Venusfrost. He is almost positive that he dreams about his past life, but when he wakes up he can never remember. It leaves a lingering taste in his mouth like he had just eaten stale prey. Try as he might he cannot bring back any sense of what had happened to him. His life is as big a mystery to himself as it is to others. He has a brother, Blue the rogue, but he doesn’t know it and if he had a mate, he doesn’t anymore.He like's the small kit known as Planetkit he Venusfrost like's to play with the dark kit, because he know's he's shy.

Duskowl { Masqueradetrick
Have you ever seen a barn owl? Beautiful and deadly creatures they are. They are graceful and swift. Now take that image and transfer it into a cat. His base coat is a cream color, like a farm fresh egg with brown hues. Along his back spots sparkling brown and orange flecks. His legs are covered in ashen brown spots. His chest, muzzle and eyes are lined in white. As towards his eyes, one is gold and the other is blue. Its odd how they reflect against light. Duskowl is an apprehensive cat. Rarely does he trust anyone. Perhaps its because he can hardly trust himself. But that is because he can never let himself make a correct decision. These decisions? Mostly about love. See, he is a hopeless romantic. Simple and pure. Back in his days before Earthclan, he fell in love with many cats. Mostly she cats, a couple toms. But he never could find the right partner, and each relationship ended as badly as the one before it. Therefore, Duskowl doesn't trifle in love anymore, just the rare hookup. He couldn't let himself fall in love ever again. Duskowl is a tom cat who is strong and brave. He fights valiantly for his clan and makes sure they are proud of him. He aims to be leader one day and hopes for the best. Besides his strength and weakness of love, he is a very thoughtful cat. He worries about everything and everybody. Not really surprising for a cat like him though. So, just like an owl your encounter can either be beautiful or deadly to your heart.

Dawnfire { *Jaypaw*
When you think of a star what do you think of? What are the words you use to describe it? Beautiful, bright, shining, a lot of them? Very well, that works. Now this she-cat is nothing like a star, but her sister is. Herself, she's more like dawn . A nice dawn, where you can still see the faintness of the fading stars. This she-cat looks nothing like her sister, besides the grey on her paws, and chest matches the grey on her sisters pelt. She may look nothing like her sister, but they act the same. You can see a great resemblance if you look past their fur. Dawnfire is a pale orange she-cat with silver/grey paws and a spot on her chest. Her fur resembles the orange of Dawn, and the grey the fading of the stars. Her mother named her Dawnkit, and made sure her name would be Dawnfire. Dawn for the Dawn, and Fire for the hotness of the stars. Her sister, and herself has a lot in common. They're parents died when they were apprentices, but they both enjoy talking about their parents. Of course, they have let go but whats the harm in remembering the old memories. They both have long lithe bodies, short silky fur, and they both enjoy running, and hunting. In battle they both pair up and attack the cat's with tooth and claw showing the power, of the Stars and Fire.

Puffinclaw { Simbadog
The minute you see this adorable ball of fluff, your heart stops and you can't help but let out a little "Awwwww....". With paws that are way too big for the rest of his body, fur the color of fresh snow, and huge brown eyes like melted pools of chocolate, Puffinkit may at first look a little awkward - but you can't help loving him. He stumbles a lot and doesn't think he'll make a very good warrior, but his siblings believe in him, and so he follows their judgement. He really wants to hang out with the older warriors and would one day love to be leader of EarthClan, but for now he wanders around camp with his brother and sisters, clomping around on his fluffy white paws. Older, more experienced cats need to keep a sharp eye out for him, or else he might wander out of camp on the trail of a wayward butterfly. He often drifts off when he's supposed to be paying attention, but most don't seem to care - they just love his adorable face and forgive him quite quickly. Puffinkit isn't spoiled, however. Much the opposite. He wouldn't care to be spoiled and leaves that job to Robinkit, the youngest and most fussed over. He doesn't like to draw too much attention to himself and wants to become less clumsy. For now, he doesn't care what he looks like. He just wants to grow up to be the best warrior he can be.

Whimsicalfantasy { Masqueradetrick
This is a magical feeling overwhelming you. Spreading from your ears to tail tip. She smiles at you, her yellow eyes glowing like street lamps in a city. Soft silver and white fur, like velvet calls you in. And she is all genuionly sweet. Loving. Caring. All of that. So how is it she doesn't consider herself worth it. Or perfect for that matter. Why is she so entrapped by darkness of depression. Her light, its squished out by dark. Whimsicalfantasy can put on a brave and happy smile, but inside she pretends she has no worth in this world. Even with the warmth of her friends, family and Earthclan, she considers herself to be nothing but a soul wandering in the trees. It's sad really, how one so beautiful and great doesn't have faith in herself. And she doesn't even know why she feels this way. Maybe it was the fact she had no faith in Starclan either. Without the light of her ancestors, perhaps she can't see the light in herself. Her siblings constantly remind her to cheer up, knowing her pain. Though she keeps it even from her mother Aspendust. Sometimes even... she scratches and cuts open old wounds on her skinny legs. Along with her self harm she rarely eats, causing her to be rather frail. But still, she hides behind a mask of friendliness and fun loving nature. Nobody would suspect her to have such a dark aura around her.

Dancingmoonlight { SierraJarvis
Graceful. Beautiful. Quiet. Mysterious. Different. A shining figure, cloaked in silver stripes with glowing amber eyes, Dancingmoonlight is all of these things. Born in a storm that took one of her siblings, just outside the Earthclan Camp, this daughter of Willow couldn’t be more loyal to her clan. Kind and gentle, Dancingmoonlight has a way with words that makes everything sound poetic and dreamy. She is sometimes distant, lost in her own faraway world. Her laugh is like the gentle tinkling of a bell, and is easy to make. But she has a darker side. As the moon is bright and beautiful, it can be dark and mysterious. Dancingmoonlight can be moody, can shut herself up inside and not speak for days, left with the tempest of her thoughts. If you cross her, she explodes, angry and powerful. However, after these eruptions she is as sweet and soft-spoken as before, though she never forgets. This interesting trait causes some not to trust her. Graceful. Beautiful. Quiet. Mysterious. Different. Dangerous…?

Leafquiver {SierraJarvis
Huge leaf-green eyes give this cat his name. Leafkit was born to apprentices Mosspaw and Pebblepaw and has two sisters and two brothers. With such a wonderful family, one would think that Leafkit would be brave, bold, daring- but in truth, the exact opposite happened. Leafkit is the most nervous, cautious, frightened kit most of the cats of Earthclan have ever seen. Though extremely shy, this handsome little reddish brown tom is as sweet as can be, once you get to know him. With his friends, he laughs easily, smiles constantly, but rarely speaks, even when surrounded by those he already trusts. Because he keeps to himself so much, Leafkit thinks very deeply, and he thinks very deeply very often. He thinks about all sorts of things- from the classic “What is our purpouse?” to the more immediate “what will I do today?” to the absurd “What if the sky was… orange?” But the quandary most often on his mind was whether he would ever be brave. He has yet to be in a battle, but many believe his courage will come to him when he is called upon to protect his clan.

Petalwing { Simbadog
Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle... Petalkit is an altogether irresistible cat, one who knows she does not merely go unnoticed. No, that is impossible. With her sharp and gorgeous ice blue eyes and a flawless, silky pelt, Petalkit knows she is spectacular, and is proud of it, too. She has practiced the art of flirting and knows how to twist any tom around her tail - but when they become attracted, bam. Just like that, she becomes a heartbreaker, elusive and smirking. Nobody can catch her. She is the perfect mix of mock innocence and sly intelligence, and she knows how to get her way. She knows that other she-cats can become easily annoyed by her, but she honestly doesn't care. She likes this cunning, sly life, with its risks and games, and it's certainly never boring to her. All this is a game. Oh, I'm still not sure what I stand for...

Susurrationmelody { AvalonSoul567
Charm. Pure, indubitable charm. His seductive viridian gaze pulls you in, swirling you into a pit of unescapable glee. Partnering with his handsome eyes, is his lustrous smokey grey pelt. Long and flowing, silky, and as striking as a pile of ashes. He always knows the perfect words to say at each and every occasion, whether it be poems, or just plain old words of wisdom. His parents were older when they had him, resulting in their death early in his lifetime. But he doesn't mind, this tom just keeps moving on. He is kind and welcoming, charming, and witty. His jokes cause others to laugh, hard enough to possibly burst and organ. You'd definitely want this tom as your companion.

Foxfire { Rped by Masqueradetrick
Delicate as a rose, tiny as a dancer. You'd think she would've kept her role as medicine cat. She is perfectly made for it after all. With a small body and dainty paws, she is rather adorable. And to add to it, she looks like a miniature fox. Her fur is the lightest fiery ginger, with dark brown markings around her white tipped tail and black paws. Her chest is poofy and white, along with her tail that looks as if it was dipped in white paint. Her eyes are the most of icy blues. They reach into your heart, begging you to make contact. But is she truly a delicate flower? A wrong decision would be yes. Foxfire was once Nightclan's Medicine Cat. She was a cat loved by all. But not much after she picked Kingdomhearts was picked as her apprentice, she had turned dark. Much like her own mentor, Freckleface, she was drawn to the idea of a mate. She had soon fell in love with her best friend Patchwater. But of course, nothing good comes from that. All Foxfire now wanted was to be a warrior. She got her wish, but in a deadly cost. You see, Foxfire betrayed her clan. She chose to fight against them with Cedarflare, who promised her he would be strong. She lost herself in the lust for blood. In the last battle, she was a true terror. And as she finally snapped out of her trance, it was to late. Freckleface was killed alongside Cedarflare. And her mentors dying words were " You're not sorry." Foxfire's realization that what she had done was wrong. Her regret killed her. But when all seemed to smooth out, she became pregnant. Patchwater abandoned her and left her alone. So now? She lives with anger and hatred. And to think she was once a sweet and bubbly cat. All things change though. And that it did. Foxfire soon left Earthclan. She took her daughters with her, Desirebite and Searose.

Desirebite { Rped by Masqueradetrick
A laugh echos in your ears. Blue eyes like ice a visual from the mist. And next thing you know, you're dead. Desirebite is a master of trickery. She seems all sweet and innocent at first, delicate like a tiger lily, but past her delicious looks, she is a cold blooded malicious cat. Desirebite has deep crimson fur with black paws. Her eyes as mentioned already are very light icy blue. Much like her mothers. Yes, many forget that she was born to Foxfire, the once Medicine Cat and betrayer to Nightclan. She was raised to reject Starclan and everything they stand for, to rather look to the Dark Forest. She has no ounce of loyalty to Nightclan, but stays there by her mothers wishes. The one cat she absolutely hates is Patchwater, the cat who was supposed to be her father but abandoned her before she was even born. She moved to Earthclan with her mother later in her life to get away from her old home.

Cheetahdust { Rped by Masqueradetrick
Egyptians worshipped a type of cat known as the Egyptian Mau. They were like tiny cheetahs, some silver or fawn in color. We know of this ancestry from the various paintings featured in pyramids and other Egypt temples. These cats were gods and goddess in the eyes of the Egyptian people. And to them these cats were highly to be respected. So here enters Cheetahburn. Born to a kittypet basket, this tom was in a litter of pure breed Egyptian Maus. He lived a comfortable life, one full of luxuries. But that didn't satisfy the little tom kit. Cheetah, as he was called, lived for adventure. All he wanted to do was explore. But of course his mother wouldn't hear of it. She needed her babies clean and well kept in order to get them good homes. Ones that maybe would showcase them in cat shows. Though little Cheetah didn't want that. He wanted to venture to the streets of the city. And beyond that? The legendary forest. So he snuck out one night. It was a hard task to do. He went out through a slightly cracked window, having a rough landing. Once he was free, Cheetah took off running. He intended to come back of course, though fate had a different plan. At this time, cats of Avalon Everlasting were still around. Though they were crumbling and near dead, most still held strictly to their territory. Even kittypets like Cheetah were now considered threats. That night he snuck out, a fierce cat named Avery caught him. She was a harsh she cat. Attacking Cheetah, she had no idea of his age. Cheetah couldn't fight back whatsoever. Avery soon realized he was a kitten. But she felt remorseful. Avery took the kitten to an abandoned alley and healed him. She grew attached to Cheetah. She began to raise him. And Cheetah, through the training and hunting practice, forgot about his family almost entirely. The story of the clans fascinated Cheetah the most. But as soon as he was old enough to take care of himself, Avalon Everlasting disbanded. Avery and Cheetah were on their own. More menacing groups formed from the ashes of the Avalon's cats. They were soon confronted by a group of cats. Avery told Cheetah to run. He did. He never saw Avery again. So then he was on his own. And he knew exactly where to go. The clans. Picking the name of Cheetahburn, he ran to the forest. And with his clan he would stay.

Vampirekiss { Rped by Masqueradetrick
Who said good looks were nothing but trouble? Not for this fiesty girl who has the beauty of Aphrodite herself. But oh wait... what about beauty on the inside? Bah, who needs that? Surely not Vampirekiss. She is a light silver she cat with dark gray leopard markings and blueish ocelot markings over top of the leopard ones. Under her eyes are dark jagged vertical lines in black. Her neck fur is spiky and fluffy, unlike the rest of her body. Vampirekiss's eyes are crimson, and to add to the 'vampiness' she has really sharp canine teeth. But as said, is beauty all there is? What about her heart? That is a cold subject. Frosted over her soul is very thick ice. But she isn't a cold or negative cat to her clanmates.... pfft thats a lie. She is constantly harsh, especially to older cats. She cant stand having someone act better than her. To accent her harshness is her intelligence, causing cleaver, rude comments. And of course who can't forget that drop dead beauty. The one that causes toms to drop at her feet like like groveling weirdos. She can flash a smile, even though its rare, and make a heart skip a beat. Boy or girl. Yes that's right, miss popular can sometimes go after she cats. Vampirekiss isn't just the type to go after toms and shecats, but sometimes she can be caught flirting with other cats of different clans. However don't dare doubt her loyalty. Out of all cats, she may be the most loyal. She would take a bullet for her clan if need be. Through that icy heart she really cares about everyone. Inside she is like a kit, screaming to be released from who she grew up as.She is a strong believer in strength in tough love. But she does have a soft spot for kits. Reason being her history. She was born in a nice family, true and fun loving. She had two brothers, Werewolf and Wizard. Her parents obviously loved the supernatural. Vampirekiss, who was named Vampire at the time, ventured away from her family. Along her adventure, she stumbled into two, evil tom rouges from the forest who had once been part of the clans. They captured her, taking out their anger on her by violently abusing her. No warrior code lasted in them. Vampirekiss never even learned their names. But when she told them hers, they gave her a 'proper' name as they called it. Vampirekiss of course. She had the most deadliest touch if she knew how to use it. Beauty, and the toms were weak to it. As Vampirekiss grew older, she began to understand this more and more. One night, the lesser of the two toms grew sick. He died in the night. Vampirekiss took this chance to run. When caught by the 'leader' of the two, he almost killed her, but by her charm she stayed alive. Weak and alone, Vampirekiss wanted to see these 'clans' the two toms hated so much. She journeyed into the forest, her wits coming to their end

Witchhunter { Rped by Masqueradetrick
Cunning yellow eyes stare into your soul. You begin to question everything about yourself. Why am I here? Do I look okay? I hope she thinks I look confident. Don't back down! The she cat approaches you. Her paws are tender in step, soft egg shell white in color. Her pelt is long and silky, drawing your own movements towards her to get a touch of that tempting fur. She is a mousey gray color, with hints of brown. The stripes on her pelt are darj black. He chest is white along with her paws and fluffy tail tip. Her eyes on the inner side are lined by white, while underneath a soft burnt orange. As towards her yellow eyes, they are big and bright with the lightest touch of green. Her name? Many kniow it. It's whispered in the shadows. Witchhunter. Witchhunter is a mysterious cat, but by no means harsh. Well at least not anymore... But we'll get to that later. As a cat with a high regard for what is right, her faith in Starclan is strong. Even in her darker days, she had always had faith in a higher power, just never specified. Witchhunter can be a very judgemental cat for that reason. But instead of hating them, she tries to fix them. However sometimes she fails this. Reflecting off of this comes self blame. Witchhunter is highly intelligent and strategic. She trains her clan mates with great vigor. Her determination is always eviden. Born away from the forest that she now calls home, Witchhunter was the name given to her. It was given to her for a very specific reason. She was to hunt witches. Crazy right? But to the cats in the society she was born in, witches weren't fantasy. They were female cats that inside dwell evil souls that must be vanquished. Witchhunter was taught feom the time she could walk to fight. At the age of an apprentice, this once ruthless cat was given her first mission. Her first and many more after were always successful. So many lives she took. Until one day her best friend Morning Glory was trialed as a witch. Sentenced to death, it was Witchhunter's job to carry out the execution. But she ran away that night, refusing to watch or kill her best friend. She now realized all those lives she took had been innocent. And she was corrupted by it all. Though from there out she swore to live a life of purity. Honor. She found her self in clan. There she works hard daily to prove to her own mind she isn't an insane killer.

Marshcluster { Cherrywish
Clusters of wamth spread to her, untouching anything else. Breezy air flounces around her aura. Yes. Her aura: flashing, rosy-pink stars, mashes of green clumps; marsh. Marshcluster lives a happy life, full of nothing but . . . happiness. This doesn't happen in real "Warrior Cat Clan" life. Why it happens to Marshcluster? nocat knows. You may be able to find out, but she--we all--doubt it. As a small kit--here comes the life story--Marshcluster was a perfect, happy little fluffball. Ya. The main scenario. Well, that may have happened in the past, but Marshcluster knows her present and future like the back of her--paw. Battles sear through her eyes, causing pained memories to drift about that open head of hers. She won't let anything come in, nor come out. But what doesn't matter is that she isn't stupid or fox-hearted. Just nat smart enough to outwit her Clanmates . . . yet. No-no, you think, this will not do: Marshcluster has a terrifying secret. And she does. But since she hasn't come up with it yet, there's no real way to find out anything about it.

Stormstinger { *toxic**love*
A stop and stare, muscular, blue/grey tom, with black stripes that rap around his long body. The tips of his ears, tail and toes are black while his eyes are a dark stormy blue. There is nothing this cat cant do, he can climb, swim, fight like theres no tomorrow, and is one of the greatest hunters in the clan. Hes not afraid of anything, not even death and her wares his scars the are hidden underneath his sleek, thick fur with pride. His muzzle has criss-crossing scars from claws of his enemy. Many cats hold there own from his claws and teeth. Its hard to get a good hold on Stormstinger in the mist of battle. Most she-cats just drool over him, wanting him for their mate but it will take a special she-cat to get this tom to open up his heart. Hes full of ambition and is no afraid to let that side of him show, though he would never kill to get power. He'll wait for his turn to become a magnificent leader of his clan.

Instinctivereaper } randomkitty333
Reapers. They are mythical beings and reality. Their stories change every time. Sometimes they are gods who send souls to a better place. Sometimes they are the demons that attack demons and humans. Along with that, it’s natural for all animals-including humans- to rely on instincts. So allow me to conclude with this and start with another. Instictivereaper. That is the name of a silluette of a cat. He is pitch black with amazing neon blue eyes. His father was a rough. Always fighting and very proud, with pitch black fur and bright yellow eyes that gleamed with delight of battle. Instinctivereaper never met his father, he died before he was born in a gang fight. His mother was the most beautiful she-cat he had ever seen. She was a kitty pet originally named Butter Ball, but was then adopted by a man who renamed her Athena because of her beauty and strong will. She was a creamy pale yellow with soft blue eyes. Instinctivereaper remembers them well, her smile as well. They are the leftovers from his faded memories as a young kit. His original name was Perceuse. He was born a kitty pet very soon after his father died. His father’s killers hated his father so much his body was overkill, his remains scattered. His mother feared deeply for Instictivereaper’s safter. If her mate’s killers hated her mate so much, they would hate his son. His uncle was a clan cat, named Inevitabletruth. He was his mother’s older brother, originally named Kronos. Yes, Greek Mythological names ran about the family. His uncle refused to accept his father’s relationship with his mother, always telling her the tom was a bad man. He told his mother he would take him in, and in which he kept his word. He became Instinctivekit of Earthclan. He was always very quiet and serious, took his work well. He hopes to someday meet his mother once more and yet feels no connection to his father.

Firebreather } Rped by CottanCandii
A smoldering amber gaze, rippling red and orange fur like the surface of the sun, and the heated soul of a warrior. Firebreather radiates, everything about him is powerful and bright. His personality- prideful, haughty, passionate, angry. He's a creature of extreme emotions, and can sometimes be harsh on others. He doesn't try to be nice, he doesn't try to fit in, and he never lets down his burning shields. He is himself, for himself and no one else is let in. No one has ever even tried, so why should he let someone in who wont put their all into him? Not even his mother could care less about him. This tom doesn't hesitate on violence, doesn't care if something is "right" or "wrong" because that's for him to decide. He's only loyal to his clan, and that's only a half loyalty. Firebreather burns bright and independent, not having found explosive air to accompany him. But of course why would he need anyone else? He's perfectly fine on his own. The only other cat to get past his defences is his friend, Huntingfox, and even then they share a very strange sort of relationship.

Droppingbird } rped by CottanCandii
She fell from the sky, the misty white clouds laying against the beautiful blue of the clear afternoon sky. It wasn't graceful at all, she was a screeching black ball of fur before dropping in the midst of a conversation between some cats, and then jumped up and scurried away. She was 'trying to catch a cloud' from leaping out of a tree. This is an example of the way she thinks. Droppingbird is a naive and young-minded she-cat, sometimes scatterbrained, but always the most optimistic cat you'll cross paths with. She always believes there's no such thing as a bad guy, everyone has some good in them, no matter what.

Brokenmask } rped by CottanCandii
He has storm-cloud grey eyes, a powerful body covered with smooth dark and smokey grey fur, and an overpowering fierceness to him that repels others. There's always a dangerous glint to his eyes, not always the harmless type of danger either. He revels in scaring and hurting others, however he keeps that to himself. He can be reckless, devious, murderous, and just plain evil, but he holds it all inside. The only thing others see is an intimidating tom that keeps to himself. He's the perfect warrior, fierce and strong, a great hunter, and loyal. But loyal to who, is the good question. He mostly stays away from the clan, and wraps himself in his own sometimes dark fantasies and dreams. He's always careful to show a smiling, welcoming face when around other clanmates, but it doesn't always work. Maybe its that tainted, feral look that's always in the back of his gaze, but then again he wouldn't know. He just slips behind his broken mask and goes through life.

Huntingfox } Rped by CottanCandii
She has silky orange tabby fur and light brown eyes, sparkling with her kindness and good heart. She tries to be kind and fair, but can have a short temper. Always, as a kit and apprentice, she would volunteer to help others and would show great friendliness towards others and eagerness to learn. Something that always fascinated her was love. She wasn't sure she'd ever felt it and wondered what it would be like. She's seen other cats become broken with sorrow and grief, or finally put together by it like it was the glue giving them life. She didn't understand it or how it worked, but she knew she'd have it some day, for better or worse. Other than the thought of love, she is a spirited she-cat and an amazing hunter, always trying to cheer others and provide for her clan. Her closest friend is Firebreather, although they have a strange friendship.

Ashenberry { xx.sapphire
Being picture perfect makes a perfect picture, right? Ashenberry is nothing short of perfect. She has beautiful creamy white fur with a pinkish hue to it. Her eyes are that of a crystalline blue, difficult to look at under the piercing gaze you are bound to receive sooner or later. She has a frail seeming frame, making you feel protective of her, like a younger sister. She is very submissive, her voice rarely rising above a soft murmur. When it does, however, her words deliver a sting like no other. She grew up in her brother, Darkkit's, shadow, leaving her a shy and codependent feline. However, her brother is dead now, so she had to learn to adapt to simply sticking to the shadows. She has a naturally alluring personality, although she dislikes the attention, often isolating herself from others. She enjoys spring weather, just warm enough. She hates it humid and hot, and will often spend her days in the water during the summer. She is sensitive to others' feelings, often holding in her true opinion simply to spare others' emotions.

Jaguarsong { Simbadog
True to her name, Jaguarkit's golden fur and dark rosettes give her a fierce look. This contributes to her tomboyishnes

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