classic's adoption center.
Are you new to role playing or are you an experienced role player but just can't come up with a new cat description? Well, you've come to the right place!
Just pick the cat you want and request him or her on the Adoption Thread.
You'll find cats of all kinds on this page. Several are made for clans while many others are designed specifically for the Revolutionary Groups.
If you would like to donate any cats you're not role playing anymore, please send them to me in a message. (Whitemuzzle)
If you would like to help out by writing some new descriptions, message Whitemuzzle.
If you are just looking for a name, check out this page. TUWNL
Adoption Page staff -
Whitemuzzle - Manager
WarraG- Assistant Manager
Nettlecrest - Helper
1 - There is a limit of three adoptions a month (that is within 30 days time) so that others can have a chance to adopt.
2 - Be sure to follow the instructions of the clan or group you want to join, such as posting the description onto their joining thread.
3 - You may not use these cats in tryout threads.
4 - All descriptions have been carefully screened for things such as god-moding, swear words, illegal names or anything else against Classic's rules. You have the right to change the descriptions to suit your desires BUT if you add things that go against Classic's rules, that becomes your responsibility and you will be warned.
5 - If you cancel your membership within thirty days of adopting, we have the right to take back any cat you have adopted and put them up for adoption again.
An average size tom with gray tabby fur. His tabby markings are a darker gray that give him the appearance of ripples in his fur. He also has dark amber eyes that always seem to shine with some type of adventurous plot. As a kit, he was all the time getting into trouble and dragging others with him. He was even held back one moon from becoming an apprentice for constantly sneaking out of the camp. Dinostorm has matured some since his kit days but still has a spirit for adventure. But no cat can say he isn't loyal to his clan. He would fight to the death for his clanmates if it ever came down to that. He would like to find a she cat to love someday but maybe not right away.
A dark gray tabby tom with a soft fuzzy pelt. His eyes are as green as the forest in the middle of Greenleaf. A scar runs down his left shoulder almost to his paw. He got that as an apprentice while fighting a fox that had snuck its way into their camp. Nothing seems to faze this down to earth tom. He just lets bad comments or criticism slide right off his shoulders. The only thing that gets under his fur, however, is when cats from other clans trespass on his clan's territory. They have their land, for StarClan's sake! They should stay on it. Fuzzyfeather would like to have a mate and kits someday, but if that doesn't happen he'll be fine with things as they are.
A tom with warm glowing sunset orange fur. A splash of white on his chest and a one blue eye and one green eye. His tail is a stub, and has black as night paws .His appearance is a little strange but he is as friendly as could be. Fireblaze is a flirt, he won't admit it but he is. Cunning, daring, and too mischievous for his own good. Fireblaze is not at all loyal, the concept of loyalty means nothing to this go-with-the-flow fellow. He has a dark side too. He killed his kits, all because he wanted to explore the world with his lover, Iceshard. He's still haunted by this awful deed and every night he dreams of what he had done. From there on, he swore to never to be so stupid but he doubts that any she cat will ever fall in love with him, because of what he did.
Rapidvelocity [Earthclan ONLY]
Zoom! What was that? You're kidding. That wasn't a cat. Pfft. Whatever. If you believe that its not, you're a fool. Silver in color, with dark spotted tabby markings, Rapidvelocity is his name. Born in Earthclan, this tom has grown up with a different skill set than the brawn that most of the other clan borns have. He was born with a feminine build, most mistaking him for a female at times. But, graced with a slender build, he is swift. And almost abnormally. Rapidvelocity is a stubborn tom, who often struggles for friends. Rarely does he brag about his fast body. Why? Because he knows its only result of being like a she cat. Due to this, he's rather insecure about himself. Though, he dreams at night of a place where he will truly be accepted.
Thrushflight [SummerClan]
A brown tabby tom with a white tail tip and chest and green eyes. He is a thoughtful cat and accelerated in his apprenticeship, being the first of his littermates Ashpaw, Coldpaw, and Jasminepaw. His mom, Firestike, an ex-WinterClanner who joined when he was an apprentice and never met her beforehand. His father is Hawktalon. And now he has five new siblings Thrillkit, Stoatkit, Breezekit, Galekit, and Summerkit. He is a kind and thoughtful tom who keeps to himself and doesn't usually talk, although keeping things to himself can make him have outbursts.
Chestnutfur (SpringClan Only!)
A spiky brown furred tabby tom with green eyes. He can be a rather snappy tom with a temper and can be rude. He was once a rogue named Chestnut but his gang was wiped out and he sustained serious injury. Almost dying when the medicine cat took him and saved him, surprisingly he met a fellow member of his gang, a cat now named Frozensoul. Now he stays because he feels like he owes a debt to SpringClan, being a cat of his word.
Luckycharm (SpringClan Only!)
A sandy colored tom with green eyed. A kind happy tom who tries brighten anyone's day. He's a bit flirtatious but if he had a mate he wouldn't be going around and betraying her. He is a very lucky tom, as a kit he fell into the river and managed to find his way, relatively unhurt in SpringClan, thus being picked up by a warrior and set to live in SpringClan. He is a lucky tom, who dodged many close calls. Hopefully the luck doesn't run out for this adventurous fun loving tom.
Northwind (SpringClan only)
A light gray and dark speckled tom with light blue eyes. A quiet but swift tom who has a small problem of making up his mind. He enjoys racing through his home and is very sociable. Somewhat daring, Northwind is always up for an adventure. Full of energy, this tom always needs to be doing something.
Southskies (SpringClan only)
A ginger tom with sky blue eyes. He is a real flirt, flirting with any and every she-cat. At times he can lose his temper, but you'd have to do a lot to enrage this cheeky tom. He is a loyal clan cat with a fierce desire to protect his clan with his life. If he ever had that special someone, he'd probably be as loyal to her as he is to the clans.
Eastriver (SpringClan only)
A silver tabby with blue eyes. He is a good swimmer and a rather intelligent tom. He can get a little emotional, but it's not annoying. He is a good comforting tom and a loyal friend. He enjoys helping others and one day wants a mate and kits. He can be a very romantic cat and would do anything to keep a special she-cat safe.
Westpath (SpringClan only)
A gray tom with green eyes. His moral compass isn't exactly north, but it isn't south either. He stands somewhere in between, not afraid to kill but not wanting to if it's for no reason. He only fights battles he believes in and if he is chosen to fight one he doesn't, he won't fight. If it was a battle he believed in, he wouldn't hesitate to kill without mercy.
Badgerchaser (SpringClan only)
A black tom with amber eyes and a white blaze. An over-confident tom who does dangerous stuff that no one else would do. He likes showing off and can be a bit annoying because of it; he also brags. He is a great fighter, but his lack in patience makes him a terrible hunter. He can be smart, but he usually does stuff without thinking things through.
Redfur (SpringClan only)
A red-orange tom with amber eyes. He is a somewhat dark tom, wanting to get his paws dirty with others' blood. Than only happens when he loses his real self, the one that could be a great leader. He has two personalities and often fights with himself. He is reserved because cats tease him. He is a great fighter and okay at everything else. He is intelligent and well-built.
Greensight (SpringClan only)
A brown tom with green eyes. A tom who is rather skeptical of anything he's told. He is a good climber and when there's trees, he often attacks from them. He has a hard time trusting others and sometimes can be harsh with his truthfulness. He is a good cat though, ready to help his clan when needed. He enjoys being alone, but won't turn away from company.
Bluestorm (SpringClan only)
A gray blue tom with stormy blue eyes. He is a quiet tom who observes from the sidelines. He is a very passionate tom with whatever he's doing, as long as he likes it. He is a good swimmer a good fighter. He is really intelligent and hard to fool. He is also a very good reader and can tell if someone is lying or is feeling blue. He can be a sweet tom but if you're an enemy he's fighting, his stormy eyes become fierce.
Cloudcatcher (WinterClan Only)
He is a white tom with forest green eyes and long fur. He is rather light-hearted but can get grumpy for one reason or another. He also has a great memory of things and remembers the very day his younger sister, Angelkit, went missing. Being a protective big brother he went to find her but got lost while he did so until he got lost and ended up in WinterClan. His sister is from SpringClan, he is loyal to his clan but when it comes to his sister he can't bring himself to hurt her He's sad she doesn't remember him but he won't try to divide her loyalties between the two clans.
Leopardclaw (FallClan Only)
A sleek, short furred, brown spotted bengal cat with green eyes. He is ready to give his life for his clan, the only family he's got after a fire destroyed everything dear to him. He wandered the earth till he found Fallclan, who took him in. He is strong and has built a wall around him to keep him from getting attached to cats, he's friendly, but he just doesn't get attached. He doesn't want to be brought down again, but that doesn't take away his devotion to the clan. He has a strong belief Starclan, making him not afraid of death, he has other fears he will not reveal, which could be used against him.
Spottedfire (SummerClan Only)
A male calico, he has splashes of red on top of a his gray-brown and white pelt. He has leaf green eyes. He's a bit of a hot head and he is short tempered, he has a stump of a tail but that doesn't stop him from climbing. He attracts she-cats with his good looks, but he isn't very fond of any of them. He likes to mock and tease other cats for fun and is quite playful and sarcastic. Sometime that's how he show his feeling, well hid his feelings, not wanting to show them to anyone so he tries to push others away.
(Message littlesnowpelt when adopted)
Flamepatch (SpringClan Only)
White tom with orange spots on his back and amber eyes. He is a serious cat with a well tempered mood. He'd rather be out doing something for his clan rather than just sitting around and doing nothing. He isn't very sociable but he's friendly if you start a conversation first. He is a good fighter and enjoys leaf green more than any other season. He arrived at SpringClan when he was a loner, traveling about and becoming bored swiftly. When a warrior took him to SpringClan. He liked it as soon a he arrived, soon earning the name Flamepatch because of his glowing patched of fur.
Coalface (WinterClan Only)
A long haired, black faced cat with a silver neck with more black on the rest of his body, he has yellow eyes. He is a calm cat, not afraid to show what he's feeling. He often can't make up his mind, having difficulty choosing what he wants, but eventually he'll chose. he has determination and doesn't like to give up. Not long ago he was once a loner with his three siblings, Max, Molly and Poppy. He also traveled with his sister-in-law Leaf, who was a queen at the time, that was until a mountain lion chased him and his family into a river where they all went down a different rivers, Coalface managed to pull himself out of the water, being a good swimmer he watched but he could not find one. With a heavy heart he wandered around the mountain until he found WinterClan and decided to join, hoping it would take the easy of losing a family, until he went to a gathering and found, to his surprise all his siblings, but his sister-in-law had died not long after. His siblings renamed Oakstripe, Moondust and Poppypetal. He also learned that he had one nephew, who was an apprentice then. Now he fears the time when he has to face them in battle. When he was a loner he was close to his brother and Moondust, Poppypetal annoyed him at times with her hot headed and stubborn ways but he still loves her like any brother would.
Oakstripe (SpringClan Only)
A long haired, brown and black striped tom. Has light leaf green eyes. He is a stubborn tom, stuck in his was and hard to sway but he's loyal and doesn't go back on his word. He doesn't know how to express himself very much but he will alone, or with cats he trusts. He usually goes for the obvious attack rather than thinking things through. Not long ago he was once a loner with his three siblings, Greg, Molly and Poppy. He also traveled with his mate Leaf, who was a queen at the time, that was until a mountain lion chased him and his family into a river where they all went down a different rivers. He and his mate managed to find one another in a watery mess, both of them unaware a waterfall awaited them. The two went over, Oakstripe clawed his way to the surface where he saw his mate, with a big gash on her head. He quickly went to her and dragged her out of the water and onto the shore. Despite being weak already and tired she managed to give birth to three boys, the first one was a strong healthy tom while the rest were still born, his mate soon died afterward because of her head injury. With no one around Oakstripe let himself cry, he quickly finished up with fire in his eyes, but he glanced at his living kit and sighed tried think of a name for him before he just sighed and picked the kit up and looked for someone to help feed him. He soon arrived at SpringClan and join, Oakstripe received his name and finally got help naming his kit, Tarantulakit. He was beginning to adjust to clan life until he spotted his family, when he knew they didn't want to leave their new homes he sighed and stayed were he was. They took the names of Coalface, Moondust and Poppypetal. He doesn't get along with his sister Moondust because she can be a bit emotional but she's family.
Tarantulafur (SpringClan Only)
A dark brown tom with black mixed into his pelt and amber eyes. A freshly made warrior he isn't exactly the friendliest cat, in fact his big frame and eyes doesn't help. Nor does his attitude he's very hot tempered and ambitious. He was named after the large spider because of his size and his coloring. He is even bigger than his father. He lost his mom when she fell off a water fall, soon after giving birth to him and two other still born brothers, but he doesn't care, they were weak. He doesn't like weak things, he finds SpringClan to be weak himself, he'll try to find a way to change that.
Brackenclaw (FallClan Only)
A white tom with brown and black patches along his back, with green eyes. He is a calm intelligent tom winning his battles by wits rather than by force. Sometimes he's too calculating and that makes him a bit of an odd ball. Always thinking instead of taking action unless he's made a decision to act. He loves his sister and one day he wishes to have a family of his own. He's not too good with the she-cats but wishes to be, kinda lost in this hopeless romantic kind of tom.
Ghostwhisperer (SpringClan Only)
A white tom with gray eyes. He is a silent tom choosing to keep to himself rather than socializing with other cats. His whole family is dead, is mother passed away at birth. His sister killed by a fox and his brother by a hawk. After that his father was killed on a thunderpath. When he was an apprentice he had green-blue eyes, until the day he died. He feel into the river and drowned. If it wasn't for the talents of the a cat that brought him back to life by giving him CPR. When he reopened his eyes though, they were a silvery gray color when he looked into the water. He blinked in surprise as he saw his father who died before he made it to the clans. He spoke to him and he replied back but the cat that saved him looked like he was crazy. Afterward apprentices started to avoid him because many spirits came to him and he often appears to be talking to no one. Thus earning him the name Ghostwhisperer and many find him weird. He's a nice cat though and he just wishes to have a few live friends.
Sandwhisker (SummerClan Only)
A sandy colored tom with some black stripes about his body, he also has dull green eyes. A flirty, smart tom who likes living a little dangerously, always taking risks for fun and games. He enjoys the sun and hates getting wet he always enjoys a good laugh. He's a good fighter and an okay hunter. Sandwhisker has no problem getting the she-cats and often has more than one. He's a heartbreaker, leaving before he gets too attached, but he is very friendly. The reason being was when he was younger he feel in love and became mates with a she-cat, but she ended up cheating on him, breaking his heart and ever since he's been breaking others. Except for his best friend Daisypetal, the two grew up together and she was always someone he could count on.
Tigerfang (WinterClan Only)
A russet orange tom with black tiger stripes and yellow eyes. A courageous tom with a fierce bite, but don't worry, he won't bit unless he has to. He can be a humorous tom but usually doesn't show that side of him until later. Choosing to be sociable when he wants to and when he doesn't he doesn't mind being on his own, preferring to be some times. He grew up as a loner so he likes being alone but company never bothers him. Unless you annoy him on purpose, which may cause him to be mean.
Timidheart (SpringClan only)
A white tom with a black back and nose. His ears are folded so it looks almost like he has none, his eyes are gray color and he has a black nose. He is a sweet but shy tom, who is very good at anything but running and hiding. He is often teased by other cats and become insure about himself but if you show that you like him at least like a friend he might become less afraid of talking to you. When he was young his parents were killed by rogues along with his siblings, making him this how he became afraid. Sometimes though he'll surprise someone with an act of bravery.
Yuletide (SpringClan only)
A dark brown tom with a sandy underbelly with a tint of red. He has yellow eyes and is a good fighter, but he isn't a great hunter. He's often trying to find something to do. He has a hard time paying attention to detail, which makes him such a bad hunter. He's also quiet a joker, always try to play a prank on someone or is always sarcastic, making him appear rudder than he his. He can be a sweet tom, but sometimes he can be a butt. He's always up for an adventure and tries to drag others with him, which can lead to trouble, but he'll own up to it and won't desert his friends, he can also be a bit of a rebel. He was born here but his mom and dad died by a badger just before he was a moon old, so he doesn't remember them.
Falconsoar (SunClan only)
A tall, brown and white tom with yellow eyes and a striped, tabby pelt. Falconsoar is a kind and loyal cat, who prefers smaller groups of cats to large ones. Don't get him wrong, however, this tom is not shy, just soft spoken and feels rather uncomfortable among more boisterous, rowdy felines. Falconsoar is actually quite friendly, and always goes out of his way to include timid or reserved cats in the conversation at hand. He is a frequent hunter, who loves the tranquility of nature. He could lie on the forest floor or sit in a tree for hours, just listening to the birds chirp and the wind whip through the grass. Falconsoar is one of those cats who value the little things in life, and has never been an extravagant warrior. He would be more content as a loner if it wasn't for his devotion to his clan, clanmates, and of course the love of his life. Falconsoar adores kits and would make a great father one day. He has no ambition to become leader, or even deputy, but is just happy to be where he is in life. However, if he had no other choice than to step up for the sake of his clan, Falconsoar would do it in a heartbeat. His heart lies with SunClan, and will always, regardless of the sacrifices that he or his family has to make in the future.
Snakecharmer (SpringClan Only!)
A beautiful, sleek black she-cat with green eyes. She is both graceful and elegant and knows how to get the toms. Charming the most snake like tom there can be. She is beautiful, nice, caring, helpful, everything a tom could want, only she has the hard choice of choosing these toms. So unfortunately she'll have to break a few of their heart, not that she wants to hurt anyone. Another bad thing about her is that she has problems making a decision and sticking to it. She was also born and raised in SpringClan.
A beautiful brown tabby she cat. Her stripes are a dark brown, almost black in color. Her two front paws a bright white, dazzling like new fallen snow. With light forest green eyes that seems to turn tom's heads, Falconclaw would make a fine mate. As an apprentice, she trained hard and now she's become a wonderful warrior. Although she never knew her real family, Falconclaw really wants a mate and kits. One of her favorite pastimes is to play with the kits in the nursery. Overall, she's a happy cat with a good sense of humor and very a pleasure to be around.
A very beautiful calico she cat with amber-gold eyes. She has white ear tips and the tip of her tail is also white. Jet black spots are randomly placed all over her coat giving her her name. The rest of her fur is orange and brown. Spottedcoat is a friendly cat who enjoys making friends. She can be a bit shy around toms though. Sometimes she enjoys going off into the forest alone just to think. She never told any other cat what she thinks about though. Maybe she will someday. Not being much of a fighter, Spottedcoat hopes to become a mother when she finds the right tom to settled down with.
Springsong (SpringClan only)
A calico colored she-cat with green eyes. She is a spunky, perky optimistic she-cat with a love of adventure. She is a helpful she-cat who is a great runner and climber. Full of energy, she always tries her best at anything and everything she does. Sometimes she can be annoying, but she has a good heart trying to help and will stay loyal to SpringClan.
A pretty gray tabby she cat with light green eyes. She has one white paw, her front right one and a white spot on her chest. Sparrowflight is a small cat but is an extremely scrappy fighter for her size. Many enemies can attest to that fact. Hunting is one of her favorite things to do. She absolutely loves hunting for birds in the trees and has become very skilled in this arboreal activity. Seldom she comes back empty pawed when hunting. Sparrowflight can tend to become prideful of this fact, boasting about her prowess. Other than that, this gray tabby is a pleasure to be around.
Squirreltuft (SpringClan Only!)
A brown she-cat with hazel eyes. She has a slender figure. She has a tuft of fur on her head that looks like a piece of fur from a squirrel. That is how she gets her name "Squirreltuft." She is good at climbing trees and likes to climb them. She is also good at hunting in the trees to catch squirrels and birds in them. Squirreltuft is a chatty, social cat who likes conversation and going to Gatherings. She is an energetic cat who is bursting with energy. Even though she gossips, she never gossips negatively about her friends. She will keep a secret for a friend. She never annoys cats in a bad mood; in fact, she will leave them alone. Squirreltuft is optimistic and faithful to her clan. She hopes to mate with a tom she truly loves and be a mother one day.
Summerdance (SpringClan only)
An orange tabby she-cat with blue eyes. A warm and sometimes temperamental she-cat, Summerdance is the kind of cat that everyone wants to hang out with. She is sensible and sometimes stubborn, but knows when to have fun and when to do her duties. She is a good and trustworthy cat, one day she'd like to be a queen.
Autumnrush (SpringClan only)
A pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes. A gentle and soft-spoken cat who often feels left out of things. She is a great climber and is somewhat shy, she is often the one others go to for comfort. She is sweet and hates seeing someone down in the dumps. She can be sensitive, but not many cats like hurting her feelings.
Wintergaze (SpringClan only)
A white, silver patched she-cat with icy blue eyes. She can be a cold and silent she-cat. Her glare is enough to freeze one in her place. She maybe a bit icy but if you were just warm to her, she'd be nicer. She is smart and, for the most part, doesn't like listening to others.
Ignitedfuror (WinterClan only)
A tawny brown tabby she-cat with long, wispy fur and burning amber eyes, like a reignited flame. She has lived a life of pain and confusion, what with her mother committing suicide when she was an apprentice was brutally hard, being an only child, and her father retiring to the role of a loner and never contacting her again until after her mother's death. So, as you can imagine, her apprenticeship was brutally hard and she barely got through it to be made the strong warrior she is today.
Rosebud (SpringClan only)
A ginger she-cat with a pink nose and green eyes. She is a sweet cat; sometimes her sharp thorn-like claws show no mercy. She has a bit of a temper, but it takes a lot to anger her. She is a flirt and most likely will not settle down, but who knows?
Orangeblossom (SpringClan only)
An orange she-cat with green eyes. She is a sweet and happy she-cat who likes to be unique. A bit crazy, in a good way. She likes being daring and adventurous and anyone thinks that she's just a pretty face has another thing coming to them. She is a fighter and will fight for anyone who needs help and her clan.
Petalwhisper (WinterClan Only)
Petalwhisper is a calico furred she-cat with a rosey pink nose and sparkling blue eyes. She is the daughter of Dawnlight, and the sister of Dreamkit, Copperflame, and Dewkit. She is an observante and manipulative she-cat who knows how to make someone do something for her with a few bats of those blue eyes. She cat be nice at times and other times she can get vain and snobby but she has a good heart. She is also very gentle toher clan mates but when with other clans she can get defensive and hostile with them. She has a hard time trying to believe in StarClan when they have so much bad things happened and while she won't voice it she's mad at them for giving her a father who left her family. Which she can be a bit sensitive with this subject.
Rainheart (SpringClan Only)
A long silky fur, that's a silver, she-cat with a white underbelly, her front paws are white and halfway up her hind legs. She also has a white chest, she has blue eyes. She is a spunky, adventurous cat who has curiosity gets the best of her and winds up with her getting in trouble. She is friendly and kind, in a battle with her friend in a rival clan she will try to avoid them unless they are attacking a clan mate she likes. She enjoys being with friends and hanging out with others who enjoy her company. She is a very compassionate and understanding cat with a good heart.
(Message littlesnowpelt when adopted)
Poppypetal (SummerClan Only)
A long haired, ginger she-cat with a white belly, she has golden eyes. She is a playful she-cat, with energy to waist. She can have a bit of a temper and over react at times but that doesn't last long. She likes to flirt, sometimes.She also sets her bar a bit too high but it takes a lot to have her give up. She is very sociable but can be a bit stubborn and rash at times, but she's a good cat. Not long ago she was once a loner with her three siblings, Max, Greg and Molly. She also traveled with her sister-in-law Leaf, who was a queen at the time, that was until a mountain lion chased her and her family into a river where they all went down a different river. She almost drown, unconscious until she reached the shore, surprised she survived seeing as she can't swim. When she felt how warm it was she loved it, soon finding SummerClan and agree to become a clanmate just to be there. She met her siblings at a gathering and love seeing them again but she liked they way she lived, and they all seemed to think the same thing, well most of them. She like their new names: Oakstripe, Coalface and Moondust. She does get along with Coalface very much because his in ability to make up his mind but he's her brother.
Mouseheart (FallClan Only)
A short hair white she-cat with brown and cream dappled fur covering her back. She has dark blue eyes, her brother is Brackenclaw. She is a sweet and shy she-cat who is easily scared by things and is quiet gullible. She cat be stubborn when it comes to her brother's bossiness but it doesn't dampen the love she has for him. She is calm when there's no danger around but if she begins to get scare she starts to get panic attacks till someone can calm her down. She and her brother were found on FallClan boarder as kits, their parent were killed by what looked like a badger, which was indeed what killed their parents and made her so afraid of the world.
Limestone (SummerClan Only)
A gray she-cat with a white chest and light lime green eyes. An average looking she-cat, nothing special about her, she thinks. Her eyes though are a extremely pretty, making you feel safe with what you tell her. She likes thinking things through and a very trustworthy cat, never going back on her word. She is a great friend and will try to comfort others when they're upset. She is an average fighter and hunter, sometimes she chooses to be social and other time she isn't. She is a very down to earth she-cat, where she believe nothing but the bond with cats matter. She sticks up for those who can't and does her best to do so. She was born and raised in SummerClan, her parents dying of old age.
Wildflower (SpringClan Only)
A black and orange dappled she-cat with an orange chest and green eyes. A snappy, sassy she-cat with an attitude. She's hard headed and stubborn, and she gets annoyed easily but if you can become her friend then you'll have a loyal friend. Even if she has a hard time saying so and she has trouble expressing herself once she trusts you she'd die for you. If you cross her though you'd shatter her trust and you better watch your back. She may not kill but that doesn't mean she'll help you if you're hanging on the side of a cliff. She was born a rogue, with an abusive father and a mother that died from kitting. She hated living there until her older brother helped her run away. The two ran until they found a clan and joined. Everything was great until her brother died, leaving her alone in a sea of faces, but she promised her brother she would stay, so she did, for him, but she built herself a wall, but some walls are meant to be broken, can you break it?
Snowlynx (WinterClan Only)
A silver she-cat with a few spots on her. She has a cream white underbelly and golden eyes. She is a bouncy, ready for action kind of cat who will flirt with any tom she talks to. Not that she means too all the time but it happened to be a habit she formed when she was a loner. Always trying to talk her way out of trouble and getting places to stay when she talked to toms. She never went any farther than though and tries not to flirt when she's talking to a tom that isn't single. She has a lot of energy and can ramble on about anything. She's also a gossiper so don't trust her with your secrets, not that she means to revile them but just can't control her mouth very well.
Cheetahfur (SummerClan Only)
A golden she-cat with black spots on her body. She has light yellow eyes with a little bit of light green outlining the pupil. Smart, swift and silent, she's a great huntress, always calculating the next move her prey will make. She is a very beautiful she cat although she'll deny that fact that she is. She is an honorable she-cat and doesn't enjoy fighting and killing unless she must. When she was little she use to have a family in this clan but they all died, so she's the last of them, but someday she'd like to have
Brindlepelt (SpringClan only)
An elegant-looking, beautiful brindle brown-furred she-cat. She has light green eyes and has a slender frame with just the right amount of muscle. She is known as a great huntress due to her on-par stalking skills, her excellent concentration, and her ability to catch prey with efficient skill. She is also good at battling and can be cunning, but she fights with honor as well and hunting is her main specialty. Brindlepelt likes to be all-rounded in terms of skill and always has a main specialty. She is a kind, friendly, and peaceful cat who will rather talk things out first then battle. If talking fails, then she will fight. Just because she is nice doesn't mean she is a pushover. It's easy to gain her trust although she will check on you to make sure you're not doing anything she considered suspicious or doing any back-stabbing. If you have gained her trust, she will help you if you're hanging on the side of a cliff and she will risk her life to protect your life. But if you ever broke her trust on accident, she'll forgive you but warn you not to do it again. However, if you break her trust on purpose, take her kindness for granted, or take advantage of her kindness, she won't trust you with your life if she doesn't have to. If you're in trouble, don't expect her to directly help you if you crossed her. Brindlepelt will either wait for help or get you help, but she won't help you. Brindlepelt's looks attracts mate-less toms and she is a bit of a flirt. But only with toms without mates. She will be a polite, friendly cat to toms with mates. Brindlepelt hopes to get a mate that is devoted to her, will love her, and have kits together.
Sereneapathy (SunClan only)
A sleek, silver-toned she-cat with apricot blue eyes and light tabby markings. This cat is beautiful as a waterfall in slow motion; she is everything that is eloquent and charming, from her ears to her tail tip. Her fluffy tail moves ever so slightly when she walks, as if buffed by the wind, and her voice is a soft as newly spun silk. Every part of her is captivating, but nothing compares to the beauty of her eyes, which are so pale and icy that one can scarcely look at them without feeling a strange pain in his or her temple. When she treads across the grass, it seems as if she is actually floating, as her movements are graceful, almost angelic in appearance. Don't be fooled by this gorgeous creature's outward facade, however, for she is nowhere near an angel. Sereneapathy is not evil, but rather quite indifferent about most events involving the forces of right and wrong. She is avoid of any emotion, and has never once felt happiness, envy, anger, or hatred, even after her mother abandoned her and her siblings at the SunClan border as kits, not caring if they lived or died. While her siblings mewled for help, crying for their mother to return, Sereneapathy just sat there passively, facing the opposite direction in which the she-cat had disappeared. It was as if she was born in a plastic bubble, unable to relate or understand those around her. To some, Sereneapathy would make a decent serial killer, but that is not so. She is unable to feel anything, nevertheless amusement from murdering an innocent cat. That being said, Sereneapathy has no loyalty to the clan that took her in, and showed no sign of sadness when her two siblings were abducted by a hawk and presumably eaten. She will never know love from a male cat, nor will she know jealousy. She is forever a robot, set to hunt until nightfall and then return to her den to sleep.
Applewanderer (SunClan only)
A petite, red-brown she-cat with green eyes and a white forepaw. Applewanderer is a shy and timid she-cat who lived most her life as a loner. She was born as a kittypet, but escaped from her nest at four moons, after her mother and five other siblings were adopted and given new homes. She managed on her own for a while, hunting in a section of territory near her old nest, until one day, Applewanderer met River, a new arrival in the area. He was young, feisty, and full of life, and it wasn't long before the two fell for each other. A moon later, Applewanderer was pregnant with River's kits, but their territory wasn't large or abundant enough to provide for a growing family. Determined to find a suitable home for his offspring, River went in search for a slab of land that would feed them all. He left Applewanderer, promising that he would return soon with a vision in mind of where they could live, as he claimed she was unfit to make the journey, seeing as though she was pregnant. Applewanderer waited for several moons, never giving up hope that he would return. When she finally gave birth, nine months after he had departed, the loner started to lose faith in her mate, thinking he had abandoned her and the kits because he didn't want to be a father. Together, they had conceived four scrawny bundles of fur, two of which resembled River, one that looked like her own mother, and another that was a mix of both parents. The two youngest died a few days after their birth, as she was unable to shield them from the cold weather that was starting to plague the area they inhabited. Weak from kit birth still, Applewanderer could hardly feed herself, nevertheless her two remaining kits. Eventually, the oldest kit, the one who looked like River, died of starvation, leaving her with only one child left, the most massive kit of the litter, who she named Plum. Eventually he died as well, for when she took him out hunting, he wandered off and was easily snatched up by a hungry hawk. By then, she had learned from another loner that River had been killed in a rogue attack a few miles away from their old camp. Distraught from losing everyone she had ever loved, Applewanderer traveled from place to place for countless moons, never fully awakening from the haze she was in until she reached SunClan territory, starved and dehydrated. She was instantly welcomed into the clan and given the suffix 'wanderer' for how they had found her the first day she arrived. Despite the care she was shown by her clanmates, Applewanderer hardly ever speaks to anyone, and if she does, it's in a low voice that is hard to hear. She is, however, kind and gentle once you get to know her well enough. She misses her kits and River dearly, but really wants to start a new family, as she is very lonely.
Tigerkit (slash) [EarthClan ONLY]
Aggression isn't his game, though you'd believe it to be so with a name like his. Actually, this mahogany tabby tom is the opposite. Docile and shy, Tigerslash prefers to be on his own. Being around others doesn't interest him, for he fears they won't like him. That they think he's strange. Tigerslash is a strong cat though, if only he realized it. He has natural born EarthClan talent in his blood. But with his lack of self-confidence, it's not easily shown. Sometimes he wishes he were brave and unafraid. Tigerslash will do anything for his clan though, even if he doesn't know his self-worth.
This tom has been blessed by StarClan with a beautiful gold and brown pelt. His amber eyes tend to blend in with the rest of his body too. During Leafbare especially, he can almost hide in plain sight! He uses this to his advantage whenever hunting or in battle. Autumnfur has learned to be quiet when passing through the forest. Whatever he's stalking is in for a big surprise when he strikes! He enjoys being used as a spy for his clan but don't get him wrong. He's not sneaky by nature. Autumnfur's heart is as good as gold when it comes to loyalty to his clan and clanmates. Many she-cats have padded after him, but he's not ready to settle down yet. But someday he'll find the she cat that will make his heart pound and will take her for his mate.
Slatekit (claw) (EarthClan only)
Slateclaw is a muscular, dark gray tom with orange eyes. He is a hard-working tom who cares about his clan and his clanmates. He is especially good at fighting, but he is also good at hunting. Even though Slateclaw seems gruff, and is, he is also friendly and is a bit of a jokester. If he is angered, he has a bad temper though he is controlling it. He is not a bully, depsite his gruff appearance. He is proud to be an EarthClan cat. Slateclaw is a flirt and hopes to have a mate with the she-cat of his dreams.
Fallingkit(fall ) WaterClan ONLY
Fallingkit is probably the loudest tom in the clan, just like a waterfall. Fallingwaterfall is in love with swimming and water, you'll always find him there. He's lithe and fast, with blue grey fur and glowing blue orbs. He has strong legs since he's been swimming since he was a kit. Fallingwaterfall joined the clan as a kit, and as a loner without any family. He had a lot of trouble in his past but he hides that with a smile, and a laugh. He's very flirtatious, and flirts with every she-cat he sees, although sometimes he's actually has a real interest in them. He has a dazzling smile, and is sometimes overly confident and he loves to have fun more then training.
Coldkit (SpringClan only)
A tom with short, ice black coat and chilling blue eyes. He is a rather shy and quiet tom who can have a temper if you annoy him. He isn't very adventurous and will only do something risky if his sister, Warmkit is in trouble, being the older brother he is very protective of her. He is very good at holding grudges and doesn't really show what he's feeling, but his sister seems to be able to get something a out of him. He isn't the greatest fighter but he is good at hunting.
Smokekit (WinterClan Only)
A fluffy black tom with clear, mysterious grey eyes. His front right paw is white, the only other color on him. He barely shows emotion, and when he does, it's not much. Looking at his siblings, he stays out of their games most of the time, thinking of it as "immature" and "a waste of time." And when cats talk to him, he usually only makes a short reply or doesn't speak at all. But behind the walls he puts up, he is a cat with strong feelings which he can choose to show to anyone.
Lionkit (SpringClan Only)
A ginger tom with a white muzzle with some going up the bridge of his nose, he has white paws a brilliant green eyes. He is a strong and brave cat who enjoys flirting and showing off to others. Sometimes he's a bit too bold and ends him up in stick situations but he'll figure out away to eventually. He is a great fighter but not so much of a hunter, he can become a bit loud at times, because he gets impatient easily. But he's a good-hearted tom willing to give his life for his clan.
Lonekit (WinterClan Only)
A gray tom with white spots above his eyes and a black circle around his left one. He has a white chin that goes down to his belly; he almost resembles a wolf. He has amber eyes. His story is a sad tale, his parents abandoned him and left him to die, and he doesn't know why. Cats don't usually give him a friendly look, whether it's about his looks or his personality, he doesn't know. He is a lonely cat that doesn't know how to make friends. He can be a bit rough, but doesn't know his own strength. Each day his sadness turns into anger, soon enough giving him a bad temper.
Spiderkit (WinterClan Only)
An ashy gray cat with dark stripes and green, yellow eyes. He a thinker, very calculative and cautious but when he strikes he usually gets a good blow in. He isn't very strong but he's fast, he often likes to use the shadows his advantage. He's not too fond of outsiders but won't make fun or tease them out loud. He is a quiet cat that misses the mother he's never know but is glad to have Oakrush as his father. Spiderkit will try his hardest to prove his worth and protect his clan till he's dead.
(Message littlesnowpelt when adopted)
This spunky little she cat has beautiful light green eyes that remind you of fresh, new spring leaves that just came out from a long, cold winter. Her fur is a pretty silver that has a hint of blue. Lovelykit is a lively, happy cat. She loves to hunt and enjoys a good fight. Many say that she has strong leadership abilities and might be chosen for deputy some day. Although Lovelykit really doesn't have aspirations for leadership like many cats have, it encourages her to hear that from her clanmates. What she really wants for her future is a mate and a family. Who knows? Her wish just might come true.
A small, dusky white and orange she-cat with an attitude. She has short fur, yet her pelt seems to hang off of her body. She is not fat, just lazy. Orangeclaw should be lean and scrawny, but nevertheless, she refuses to not eat 3 meals a day. She hunts for herself if she has to. With no mother, father, or siblings, it's a hard life to live for little Orangeclaw. She sort of hangs back from other Clan cats, including her own! She has almost no friends, just enemies, who always look down on her. She is not even sure that her clan leader thinks she is worth being in her Clan! Orangeclaw doesn't act like most cats; she has a mouthy attitude, and tends to NOT be the cat with a "Go get 'em, tiger!" vibe. She loves living her life, but is having second thoughts about if she was meant to be a Clan cat. Oh well. Too bad so sad, for little Orangeclaw.
Waterfallkit (rush) (WaterClan only)
A beautiful blue/grey she-cat with dark blue eyes. Her paws are white and her fur has small streaks of silver mixed within. She is a sweet, fun-loving cat who enjoys the water and the animals who live in it. One of the best swimmers and fishers in her clan, she is respected by most young cats. She loves to play and have fun. Waterfallrush had a hard time becoming a warrior because she goofed off a lot when she was an apprentice. Now, she is a great hunter and amazing fighter. She makes friends easily and wants to have kits of her own one day.
A small silver she-cat with soft green eyes and dark gray stripes. Silverkit can't wait until she learns how to hunt and fight. She practices on her own each day so that she'll be ready when she's finally apprenticed. Most consider her to be shy but she's a very nice cat to be around. She's always kind and seldom thinks of herself. Silverkit dreams of becoming a warrior and even someday becoming the clan leader.
Mosskit is a stocky little she-cat with a dappled gray pelt. Her eyes remind you of a lush green forest, the incentive for her name. She can tend to be easily startled but she's loyal and very trustworthy. She is very sweet and makes friends easily. She doesn't especially like to fight, but will do so if it becomes really necessary and watch out when she does! She has defeated many foes. Now hunting is one of great loves. She really enjoys tracking and stalking her prey. Birds of all kinds are a special favorite of hers. Someday she dreams of becoming a mother to several litters of kits.
Warmkit (SpringClan Only)
Warmkit is a white she-cat with long fur and yellow eyes. She is very outgoing and social, with a kind personality. She is very adventurous and always try to find a way to risky. She is sometimes annoyed that her older brother Coldkit is protective about her, but she loves him. When it comes to emotion it's like you are reading a book, and she doesn't try to hide it. She's a bad hunter but when it comes to fighting for something she believes in she's great.
Weaselkit (SpringClan Only)
Small light brown she-kit with golden amber eyes. As her name suggests she is a mischievous little she-cat with the love of causing trouble an having others take the blame. She has a bad habit of lying and does it often, sometime she doesn't even mean it but they just fly out her mouth. At least if you tell her a secret she wouldn't tell about. Although she spreads rumors and such that aren't true. Lucky for her she is a great lier so it doesn't take much for someone to believe her. She is also a sarcastic cat with the love of excitement, whether it's be stirring up trouble or spreading a good rumor she has a knack of causing chaos. How long can she live this way without it ruining her life?
Fernkit (SummerClan Only)
Fernkit is a sweet little cat with dark green eyes and a gray brown fluffy pelt, she has a red pink nose and has a white muzzle. She is a mature cat that doesn't like goofing off, but likes to hear a few good jokes. She is rather adventurous and likes to hang out with cats, being social, but not too talkative. She was an orphan in SummerClan during a war were her mother and father died protecting her. She is a good hearted cat looking for a family she lost.
(Message littlesnowpelt when adopted)
Snowkit (WinterClan Only)
A spinning image of her mother Snowangel is a silvery blue she-cat with front white paws and back white socks. She is always trying to help those in need. The baby of Snowflake's first litter, the youngest of them. She is a bit feisty but loves attention and enjoys being with others. She is both a dreamer and adventurer and once she sets her mind on something it's hard to talk her out of it. She isn't hesitate to fight for what she believes in as long as she knows it's the right thing. She is a very moral cat and hates lying, and being lied to.
(Message littlesnowpelt when adopted)
Secretkit (FallClan Only)
She is a white gray with light gray color-point face, along with the same gray color ears and tail she-cat with long fur, she also has blue eyes. Secretkit is great at keeping secrets, never breathing a sound to anyone. Why? You may ask, well she's mute, she loves her family but sometimes she likes to be alone. Sometimes she wishes she could talk but she doesn't mind it to much. She just wishes she could tell those she loves how she feels but they'll just have to read her face, if you could look closely, and perhaps into her eyes you'll be able to see into her soul. Her parents are Whisperingbrook and Blizzardbliss, which was once a WinterClanner but he decided to join her mother's clan so they could be a family, she gets her coat from her father, while she gets her personality more from her mother. She has Tangledkit, Carpkit as a brother and Applekit is her sister.
Sunkit (SpringClan Only)
Is an orange tabby she-cat with blue eyes and the only she-cat in her litter. She is a bright little she-cat prefering to out wit others to win her battles. She is a social butterfly, always needing to talk, she isn't good hunter because of it. She loves her older brothers but wouldn't say so aloud, and at times wishes she had a sister. She loves sunny clear blue skies and can be stubborn sometimes. She is a loyal cat that loves to be with other and have fun, enjoying life. She was born to Rainshower along with her siblings Jaspersprite, Mooneclipse and Wolfrain. She never knew her real father but Bloodsong is a good substitute. She doesn't care where anyone one is from and believes that love comes from the heart, not who you were born to.
Frostkit (WinterClan only)
A light silver tabby she-cat with icy blue eyes. She is Snowflake's second litter of kits. She is a wiry she-cat who is always on the lookout for trouble, although her niece, who is older, tries to keep her out of it, in a way they're more than aunt and niece, they're sisters. She hates the fact that she is younger than her nieces and nephews and will get annoyed if you tease her about it. She can be a bit harsh and maybe too honest, but she is loyal to her family.
(Message littlesnowpelt when adopted)
revolutionary groups.
primal instinct.
Adder [Primal Instinct]
Deserted. Disdained. Deserted. Adder has been all of these things, and more. All his life, he's been cast out and abandoned from his homes, all for various reasons that he sees as pathetic and petty. His sarcasm and scorn got him booted out of his first home, a small cave by a stream that his goody two shoes parents and siblings lived in. His morbid sense of humor got him booted out of his second home, BrookClan, an annoying Clan that was also full of goody two shoes. His boldness and back talk got him booted out of his third home, a small group of rogues that was full of not so goody two shoes. Now, he's in Primal Instinct, a place where he fits in. A place where he can talk about killing all he wants and it's okay. A place where he can question his fellow members' motives and it's okay. Regardless of his strange appearance - a pelt of patched together dark brown and snowy white paired with eyes of brilliant blue and murky hazel, he /fits/ in. Adder. Primal Instinct. Those two things never fit together better.
Wrath [ Primal Instinct ]
Vengeful. Vindictive. Venomous. Anger and hatred consumes Wrath like a snake consumes its prey. She falls victim to it easily, and is downright frightful when she's angry. Her normally soft blue eyes become bloodshot and nearing red, and rage is a second shield that covers her ginger fur. A beast of beasts, Wrath's, well, wrath is uncontrollable and is always followed by a plot of revenge. Step lightly around this female, because you never know when she's going to snap.
renegade regime.
Kenshin-kedi (Renegade Regime only)
A dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes that seem to sparkle quite a lot. He is a "messed up" kit because even at this young age, he has had bad influences. He hates his aunt Nazumi, for she never praises him and makes him feel like a failure. Nazumi, more or less, neglects him for she feels that he has no potential. But Kenshin-kedi does have potential--to be an amazingly deluded, evil cat. Not good. But nobody seems to care for he is of VenomClan, and in their eyes, evil is good. But maybe he will become so evil, he will assassinate his own clanmates. Will he? It might come to that. In past times, he had been a curled up whimpering ball, but he is tired of crying and strives to impress the clan, not just his aunt. He really takes what cats say deep inside himself and always remembers grudges. He vows to never give up and never rest until he found his place and show Nazumi that her lack of effort to communicate with was so, so very wrong.
Zohan [Toxicity]
An unusual cat indeed. This tom has an odd accent, thick which makes his words roll on his tongue. Oddly enough, this intrigues female cats, and he seems to get a lot of attention from them. Though, he doesn't seem to mess with much of them. He doesn't much care to. He'd rather spend the day hunting or training. For some reason, this chatty tom isn't interested. His almond colored furs are long and flowing, which sometimes seems to annoy him, yet attract the ladies. Though, ladies beware. He IS a Toxicity cat after all. And all of them snap quickly if pressed right. Don't let him fool you, this grey eyed tom does have a dark side to him...
Chewy [ Toxicity ]
Picking fights and starting trouble and drama. Chewy is the cat that seems to cause it all. He tends to enjoy such things, it would seem. His dark hazel eyes seem to laugh along with his ugly little smile. Taunting each cat, his fighting skills are incredible. This white tom is not one to mess with. In fact, he seems to bully the younger cats into getting exactly what he wants. Handsome, and a bully. The typical human high-school jocky. The typical cat gladiator... popular, of course.
Kidder [ Toxicity ]
The jokester of the bunch. Always making jokes, sometimes not the most funny either. Kidder is a bright orange cat with green eyes. He has a very small build, and isn't much of a fighter. He's always trying to talk his way out of things, which works...most of the time that is. If you rea