
"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Phoenix

Peace, love, SpringClan. We are the cats who tend to prefer peace over war, love over hate. Don't be mistaken, though, if you wrong us we will fight you, and we will win. Many mistake our kindness for weakness, but we are just as strong, if not stronger, as all the other Clans. We love everyone, and will give everyone a fair chance to speak their mind. We accept anyone into our Clan within reason, and will love them just as we love all of our other Clan-mates. Every member is loyal to SpringClan, and will willingly fight to the death to protect our Clan. We strictly follow the Warrior-Code, but are not afraid to do what we believe is right for the Clan, even if it strays a bit from the code. We are intelligent and smart, and often use our minds rather than brute strength to win a battle. Brute strength, of course, is not a strong-point of those living in these flowery plains, but that doesn't mean we can't win a battle. We are charismatic and easy to get along with. We tend to be the kind of cats everyone wants to be around. Well, one thing's for sure; You don't want us as enemies.



When you're the second copy of something that's perfect, theres no going back to that. You're just a mistake and a monster, a lovely, beautiful creation formed from hate and longing. In her first life she died deputy, and expecting at that. The second, the daughter of the tom that previously owned her caged heart; the leader of her clan. Now, she's in the third sector of her time here, perhaps the last, or perhaps its just the beginning. Heavy cascades of dark red entwined into lightings of a brighter scarlet surround her, engulfing her pelt in a plethora of living, dancing flames. As lively as her unstable spirit, she defines fire at it's very core, its very being. It's brightest white, its deepest blue. Her eyes shine as comets, still retaining the firey glow of yellow and red, burst of blue and yellow blurred along with them, shining brightly when her interest spikes, her anger blows, or her heart melts. The only thing that doesn't shine on her is the mark covering her heart, shaped as what it hides, it's black, as dark black that it would meld cleanly with the shades of the dark forest itself along with the white tip of her tail that shines like a star that fell straight from the sky, a soul that fell from StarClan itself. Maybe that's where she comes from, maybe she was a horror of a cat, and perhaps she dropped from the sky and hit her head. Or maybe she's from StarClan, and was born as innocent as she is now. Yet the latter is generally tossed aside, happily dismissed because of her mismatched memories that no one around understands save for herself and her father, whom she's without. She's alone in her world that's filled with small feelings of pleasure that is set aflame with joy by her happy smile and glittering eyes. Everyone knows her as the one who's pretty yet the one who's strange. Toms pine after her but are taken aback by the innocent- pain filled looks. There's only one like her that can understand her feelings and mixed business of emotions, and she can never have him, let alone show him love. Filled with hope she'll live out your days until once again she lies still, for the third time, her face painted with the dead bliss of ignorance, and then maybe she'll come back the true monster and failure that she truly is. After all, true peace and love only comes when you're happily dead.

Rped by Shyfyre




With a pelt as black as coal, Phoenix can blend into the shadows seamlessly and effortlessly, eyes of scarlet peer out through the fires of combat which eternally attempts to stoke. His honor is his most restricting feature. He would wade into the heart of battle with but a word from superior, but would never attack she-cats or those not of equal strength. His tongue is as sharp as any claw, and his sarcasm doubly so. His muscular structure very well built, allowing him to continue fighting for ages against even the largest of opponents. Despite his usual play on ignorance, he is extremely intelligent and can sit down and figure something out with ease. His biggest draw back is that he does not operate in the day nearly as well as he would at night, preferring to stick to the shadows to protect his night-sensitive eyes from the harsh light. Nothing about his history is known, and he prefers to keep it that way, and will mearly give you a smart comment for your troubles.
Rped by Deatheye

Mate: None
Kits: None


Name Here
Bio Here


Medicine Cat

The mere beauty, breathtaking beauty, of the setting sun. That perfectly defines Sunsetradiance, the good she-cat gone bad. She was born the daughter of a leader, spoiled rotten by him and everyone else. Sunsetradiance was loved by everyone, a cute, sparkling gift of joy. She was beautiful, her bright orange fur softer than any other's in the forest, her yellow eyes like glimmering chips of the sun. Then came the day, the dark day as she calls it, when the sun turned black. All the light was gone, the whole forest was bathed in unbearable darkness. A Starclan warrior came, telling the leader the sun would be returned only if he banished his daughter, Sunsetradiance, from the clan. He was torn, but chose to keep his daughter, not wanting to lose her, the one true happiness in his life. With all the strength of Starclan, the ghastly warrior returned, and sent Sunsetradiance to the deepest pits of the Dark Forest. Her name was changed to Destroyingdarkness, and was kept that way all throughout her life in the Dark Forest. Her heart shriveled up, the life drained out from all the evil and hatred accumulating in that horrid forest. One day, the Starclan warrior came, bearing a great white light that paralyzed all the evil in the dark forest momentarily, giving the warrior precious time. The warrior opened a gate to the earth plane, allowing Destroyingdarkness to leave the Dark Forest. She ran through the forest, not knowing where she was going, but just following her paws. She came upon Springclan, and as soon as seeing the camp, she knew it was her birth clan, she was home! But it was so far into the future, even the kits from her childhood were far deceased. She changed her name back to Sunsetradiance, never wanting to bear the name Destroyingdarkness ever again. After some time, cats became to trust her. She recieved the position as the Medicine Cat, to her amazement. Sunsetradiance still has nightmares of the time in the Dark Forest, the monstrosities of it had permanently scarred her mind. The dark side of her body sometimes takes control, her tongue sharp and unforgiving. But don't worry, the sweet, angelic, spoiled rotten diva is still in there somewhere, just waiting for its turn to rule.
Rped by AvalonSoul567

Medicine Cat Apprentice


Bio here

Rped by username



A hundred days have made me older since the last time that I've saw your pretty face. A thousand lies have made me colder & I don't think I can look at this the same, but all the miles that seperate disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face. I'm here without you baby, but you're still on my lonely mind. I think about you baby & I dream about you all the time. I'm here without you baby, but you're still with me in my dreams & tonight it's only you & me.. Matrixsnarl is a large white tom with black paws & amber eyes. If you looked for one simple word to describe Matrixsnarl it would be, broken.. When he was an apprentice he was in his love with his best friend; Fawnpaw. She loved him as well, they did everything together and were always with each other whenever it was possible. She was his everything. The most beautiful she-cat he had ever seen, on the inside and the out, he loved her with all his heart. They had promised each other when they became warriors they would become mates & one day start a family. On the day of their warrior ceremony they decided to go out and celebrate by having one last hunt as apprentices, it would be Fawnpaw's last hunt. They wandered into the woods and were soon met by a badger, Matrixsnarl had wanted her to run & get help but she refused to leave his side. They fought the best they could but Fawnpaw recieved a deep gash in her neck before the badger had left, Matrixsnarl lifted her onto his shoulders and rushed to camp as quickly as he could but there was nothing to be done. Fawnpaw had lost too much blood to be saved. He stayed by her side until she gave her last breath and when she died he was never the same. He became a warrior and Fawnpaw was buried, it should have never been that way, they should have been warriors together, they should have been mates, they should have had a family. It would never happen now. He keeps to himself usually, he doesn't really let the sadness show but it is still very much there, only few know the story. He acts utterly normal, not to happy & not to sad, just normal. He smiles rarely though & he doesn't believe he will ever be able to let Fawnpaw go & love again. He only wanted a mate & a family, he only wanted happiness, but in the blink of an eye everything was taken from him.. When someone becomes close to him he becomes very protective of them, he cannot afford to lose another cat that is close to him. Matrixsnarl is very loyal to his clan & would do anything to keep his clanmates safe, they are all he has now. He will not let his sanity slip from him, he refuses to give up, he must press on and make his clan proud, he must make something of himself. He will do this for himself and for Fawnpaw..

Rped by beauty♥undefined

Silence is a key to a locked heart, guarded by heavy chains and complex alarm systems. It pushes others away like a force field, not allowing anything to escape or come through. It's redundant and bulletproof, uncaring to whom or what pleads to enter. It's simply a mirror, something that you can only watch self-destruct. Destroying herself from the inside, and behind locked doors. Soft, kitten-like cream-colored fur embraces her lithe and rather small frame, gliding along her spine like waves of silk. Alice eyes, round and bluer than the azure seas themselves are finely centered to her petal pink nose, a thin rim of black inking around the bejeweled gems, almost like tear stains from all the cries. She doesn't speak. Silentlamb is passive on the exterior, coming across shy, bashful, and completely misunderstood by others. But the inside is where the dynamite lay, slowly wearing away until the flame reaches the end. She's distraught, hurting, alone. It's funny how she chooses to be that way. Why should she drag another to her fate? Silentlamb can't control her thoughts, feelings, emotions, the casualties skyrocketing and taking it's heavy toll upon her heart and mind. For any poor soul who does get a chance to peek into her past, disapointment will seep into your bones like you've never expected. One would be looking through a glass wall, seeing her trivial thoughts that shroud her into darkness. And there's nothing anyone can do. Nothing. Silentlamb prefers to keep to herself, unwanting of company and friends. It would take a persistent cat to change her mind about that, somone willing to suffer along with her. Love will never be an option she decides, knowing that any tom in their right mind wouldn't care for a corrupted cat like her. He would have to be insane to even try, nevertheless actually succeed. Eventually there will be a cat who inquires about her past, seeking the truth of why Silentlamb's life is crumbling, falling apart piece by piece, and then turning to dust. She was born cold, surrounded by the corpses of her mother, who died from childbirth, and her four siblings, who were too malnourished to survive. She asks herself frequently why she was the one who made it. The only one who was meant to face the world, and to do it alone. A stranger, still unknown to her by this day, rescued her, taking the kit to SpringClan, where Silentlamb now resides. The ivory she-cat still wonders today who saved her many moons ago, and if he is still alive. Her world began with that mysterious cat, and it will probably end without knowing. Silence is a key to a locked heart, guarded by heavy chains and complex alarm systems.
Rped by .:FantasyRose:.

Dark brown tom with glowing amber eyes. He can do very well at keeping his emotions locked up, and other times he's not very good. He hates sitting down quietly when really he just wants to jump around and play. He would do almost anything for his sibling without questioning them, and sometimes it's gets him into trouble, not them. He's actually very smart, he learns quickly, and likes to watch the older apprentices learn how to fight and hunt by their mentors when their in camp. He can be very ambitious and his eyes would flicker if he's angry or is thinking up something for revenge. He has a dark side which sometimes takes hold of the good he actually has in him. But, in all he just wants to be a good warrior.
Rped by Heathersong981

A large tom with flashing blue eyes. His pelt is a bright ginger color and his paws are pure white. Foxkit may be large but he also has a kind heart inside he is playful with his siblings and feels like he needs to be there for them. But, he does have a rough side, and sometimes he hurts others without knowing it. He is really close to his brothers mainly because he can tell them anything. He's always had hopes and dreams of becoming a strong warrior in his clan and he thinks that hopefully one day he will. He loves his mother and father to death, and would die for any of his clanmates any day.
Rped by Heathersong981

A small ginger tabby she-cat with bright blue eyes. She has always been a loyal member to SpringClan and will fight to the death with any cat if they threaten her home. Many think that she is mysterious but she is actually just shy. She enjoys hunting and going on patrols and hopes to have a mate and kits one day. However, even though she has always been loyal does not mean that she was born in SpringClan. Her parents were loners who didn't really want a kit so Daisy ran away when she was really young and ran into a patrol of SpringClan warriors who took her in and raised her as a Clan cat.
Rped by Creekfall


Crosswinds is, usually, the perfect little lady. She says ‘yes, sir,' or 'yes, ma'am,' and ‘thank you’ and 'please,' and has his social etiquette rules ingrained into her head to the point that she does them automatically. But then, that all comes crashing down when her words get away from him. Crosswinds can have a horrible mouth. She is blunt, terribly so, and never sugarcoats her words. She doesn’t know when enough is enough, and could go on insulting a person until they are in tears. She doesn’t even do it consciously, some of the time. Her favorite phrase is, 'It's always nice to know how to act properly, so you can choose when not to.' To prove that Crosswinds unique looks are endearing to many, it's simply needed to take a quick peek at her messy love history. So young - but all ready a heart-breaker. When she was a kit, alone, toms moons older fell into her unconsciously deployed trap, praising her beauty with saucy words, and jesting boldly that when she was older, she'd be sure to return their feelings. She never did. Not to say she didn't enjoy the attention; Crosswinds is one who denies elation at being in the spotlight, and her answer is partly true. She's wary at stepping up to, say, to show a move to a new apprentice, for a fear of messing up. But for one so insecure, she relishes the consistent compliments, even if she has no intention at keeping any of her flirty responses true. To describe this she-cat in five words, it would be flirtatious, a socialite, impulsive, confident, and narrow-minded. She's unwilling to let anyone dictate any of her choices, though she'll reluctantly not protest if it's a superior. It's a hassle to argue with this she-cat, as she refuses to change her belief about anything, or to listen to reasonable facts and persists in blundering along in her own world, where she assumes, not knows. Crosswinds is like a cat not seen in most Clans; she is truly a sight to see, a object of such pure, untainted beauty that is a rival to most everything else of natural visual perfection. To first begin giving you an accurate impression of this she-cat's form, it would be fit to begin by informing you that her figure is that of average, if slightly more curvaceous than usually found on a female feline's - slender and lithe. Her frame is the appearance of little strength; there's a certain look to her flanks that give no hint to the battle hardened muscles knotted under her fur. But to even this first assumption out, she has strong, limber legs, allowing the she-cat the usual nimbleness and easiness in which she can strike, leap, and turn. Crosswinds' fur is muted, or so they say. Snow colored white overcoats her fitted frame, giving her body that basecoat of an everlasting snow. A beautiful sunsetted color of orange, sleets of silver and grey, and soft tan rawhide lash out from the spine, coating over the white fur. As if it was shredded into white, the faded colors don’t blend together. They cut off in sharp looking shards upon her fur, yet giving it a sharp look. Even with the sharp look upon the colors, it is also that simple elegance that makes a she-cat, well, pretty. With that said, her legs are of the same mixed colors. Noticing that the mottled pattern fades around her body, it managed to go to her tail. Marbled markings only hit the top of her long, lashing out tail. Snow coated the bottom half of her tail, as if there was a simple battle that goes with the colors of her tail. The tip of her tail is the bright snow white color that hits the top of her body. She has a small splash of snow white on her muzzle to tie all the colorings of her pelt together. Crosswinds' eyes resemble that of a body of water reflecting a clear sky. A metallic grey-blue, the teal color of the shallows of many lakes and ponds. This warrior is the picture of the most desired she-cat in looks, but the worst regarding her personality. Watch out for this slender she-cat.

Rped by stuck-in-reverse

Tiny, delicate she-cat with light-grey fur. Her back and sides are adorned with gorgeous midnight black rosettes, while her limbs and tail sport stripes of the same colour. Spottedsnow's wide olive-green eyes never fail to get themselves out of trouble or worm their way into someone's heart. A natural born flirt, she loves to wind toms up and have them chase after her, even though she'll only go for one with very mature energy, like hers. Very energetic and easily excited, this is someone you want to hang around all the time! She is like a shot of honey, a sweet happiness elixir. Her bouncy, bubbly energy will never fail to uplift you - and if they do, you'll always have her cunning wit and sense of humour to fall back on. Spottedsnow is a true friend; loyal to the end, supportive in times of need, and always there for you. Not only is she a lovely companion, but to a tomcat she could be all that and much more - Spottedsnow dreams of having a big, strong warrior at her side as her mate, someone she could have kits with. She is happiest with (by choice) the kits and queens in the nursery, dreaming of once being there with her own young ones. Quite the socialist, she can always be found hanging around other apprentices; even warriors, as she is extremely mature for her age. Around other cats is where she's happiest. She loves hunting too - her personal favourite prey is shrew.
Rped by Prettykittywithclaws

This tomcat has sleek, blubbered creamy orange-tinted fur that provides perfect insulation. His webbed feet make for an excellent swimmer, as well as easy travelling across marshy or muddy land. Hind legs, unusually longer than normal cat's, are so powerful he can pounce vertically upward more than three cat-lengths - and also help with horsepower when in water. Frogripple's eyes are the exact shade of the green marsh-frog that largely populates PondClan territory, where he was born. Very active, he likes to engage in water games, even as a warrior. He's more interested in play and excursions then hunting or fighting, but will make halfhearted attempts at the latter. Even without trying, he tends to excel. He can't help it; he's a natural at anything he attempts. Frogripple has absolutely no interest in she-cats, and has no clue how to flirt, nor how to recognise it. The idea having a him having a mate and kits is just silly; he's too flakey to hold down a relationship, and as for fatherhood, the youngsters in SpringClan's Nursery are better equipped to raise kits than he.
Rped by Prettykittywithclaws

Most would say, “Look! A kitty pet! Just as soft and playful as the rest of ‘em!” But, you’d be completely wrong. Crescentmoon was indeed a kitty pet, but not a soft play toy like they truly are. His heart was, and always will be, a block of ice. His heart was frozen ever since birth, when his mother felt pride over all her other kits, and cast him away to be shunned for the rest of eternity. In their family’s lineage, any deformed or misshapen kit was to be killed immediately at birth to prevent corruption in the family’s crystal clear bloodline. But since his mother’s heart couldn’t stand the thought of killing her own son, she just slyly dumped him off in the heart of the two leg’s city streets, predicting he would be killed in the very close future. But instead a band of rouges found the kit and welcomed it in with open paws, simply plopping him in a rouge she-cat’s litter. They raised him to be just as merciless and spiteful as you can get, becoming a true killing machine. He won the rouges many fights throughout the moons. Though one day, a beautiful she-cat passed through the city. Crescentmoon saw her and his heart became irrevocably fixated on her. He followed her everywhere she went, forgetting about his stay with the rouges. Eventually he worked up the courage to talk to her, only to find her in an alley-Dead. His heart? Of course, once again broken. Crescentmoon left the city, wandering along, not caring about his empty stomach and worn paws. Eventually, he came upon Springclan, for once, truly feeling like he belonged. His tabby fur is silver, the same metallic shade as the moon. His eyes are an attractive shade of amber, glistening like the sweetest honey. Crescentmoon has a stocky build, muscular arms and legs, and sharp claws. He’s quite handsome, always getting second looks from she-cats. Crescentmoon always offers to help others, and is respective to every cat. But beyond his cold-hearted demeanor, there’s warmth and kindness. You just have to search for it.
Rped by AvalonSoul567

Bluepetal is a blue grey she cat with sky blue eyes. She has only one dream and that is to be a loyal warrior of Springclan. Her mother Lillyfrost was killed in battle when she was newly apprenticed and she never met her father. She thinks that the warrior code is the answer to all of her problems. She will stick to the warrior code untill the day that she dies. She is a thinker. She likes to think through her problems and then act upon what her thoughts find as the best solution. She has always dreamed of serving her clan as the leader, but she knows that this dream may not come true. She works hard and continues to serve her clan as she tries to prove herself worthy. No matter what happens she will continue to serve her clan. She has heard stories of what happens to those who try to take power when they do not deserve it. It usually ends very badly and she has decided to go about things the right way. She is very sweet to her clanmates, but she has no love for the other clans. She keeps her distance from them unless she has to go to a gathering.
Rped by Blazespirit

A four leaf clover...often a sign of good luck, right? Well, in this case, it would fit perfectly well with Cloverdream. Her past? A normal mother, father, and family. No hardships, adversity, or anything of the sorts. Her looks? Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Slim body, angelic clover green eyes, and glossy white and grey tabby fur. Great hunting skills, perfected battle tactics...everything about her is undeniably perfect. Cloverdream's constantly in an optimistic mood, always searching for the bright side of things. She's not easily upset, and not one to get angry over most things, unlike most cats. She would love to have a mate some day, a tom who'd truly love her. Not for her flawless appearance or pristine hunting and battle skills, but for her heart, the one true thing that counts.
Rped by Avalonsoul567

Beyond all the pure white fur, hides a burning flame. This is Snowflame. His thick fur's a pure snow white, his eyes a burning crimson inferno. No one ever loved him, not even his parents, who were murdered in cold blood by his own brother, Poisonousvenom. Snowflame was born a rouge and had a fairly standard childhood, all until Poisonousvenom noticed his parents favoring Snowflame over him. He, in a burst of rage, slaughtered his parents in their sleep. Snowflame was devistated. He turned on his brother and killed him, feeling the blood pool around his paws. This made him feel the rush of dangerous power hidden within himself. Snowflame turned to the dark side, leading bands of rouges in attacks to camps just to murder their inhabitants for the pleasure, nothing else, winning every time. Every time until Springclan. It went just as planned, a quite easy battle. Until he went for the nursery and saw the kits. His heart melted at the sight of them, never seeing kits in his life before, the pleasure of the kit-killing solely other's duties before. In his moment of weakness, the warriors attacked him and held him captive, while they shooed out the rouges, instantly weakened by the loss of their leader. His thirst for blood now gone, they allowed Snowflame to stay in the clan, watching him in case he chose to revolt again. But he didn't, so eventually, everyone came to trust him. So far, nobody knows the reason he'd froze then in the nursery, and hopes to keep it there. Could you imagine the embarassment he'd feel if anyone found out? His complete hardcore reputation would be completely soiled! He's quite handsome, a devilish, "Bad Kitty" air to him. From all his experience in the past, Snowflame's a flawless fighter in battle and an excellent hunter. But you might want to think twice before trusting him, or his traitorous side just might reappear. You never know.
Rped by AvalonSoul567

Beauty isn't always immediately obvious. And quite often, strikingly beautiful cats can be jerks. However, Spiritdance is beautiful in her own way. Big, wide azure blue eyes, which cat any available light and hold the rays captive in her gaze. They're gentle, and no amount of effort can make her seem deadly. Her pelt is short, silky to the touch, and a beautiful dappled color, blending black, orange, and white together perfectly. Her frame is small, and lithe, allowing for more speed than strength. Spiritdance dislikes violence anyway, and prefers playing mediator. She is a bit of a klutz, sometimes stumbling or dropping something. She's very sweet, always willing to talk to anyone in need of a shoulder to lean on. She came from a pampered life, being a kittypet until she found Springclan. She was extremely shy and bumbling when she first joined, but grew to have a crowd of close friends. And it isn't hard to like Spiritdance, because she cares for everyone.
Rped by xxsunlight

Spinningly, Cuddlyheart's fur is a fuzzy white-black with a mix of brown. Bright amber eyes approach her, and light pink nose fits. Small fluffy white paws walk on the earth, and she freezes from the chattering wind. Her original mother, Frostfeather, had recently died. Cuddlyheart mourned for days. Sadness prickled at her heart every time the thought came, and she didn't like to mention it to other cats. Cuddlyheart had travelled warily, her paws starting to ache. She came upon a clan border, SpringClan, to be exact. She had asked for refuge into this clan, and they had brought her in. Cuddlyheart was happy with her surroundings, and her clan-mates were friendly and brave. She had been taught many new things, and she learned to hunt better. She even learned more fighting skills! She was glad where she was, and that she got here. But the fact that her mother had died, doesn't change anything. She still looks up to her mother in StarClan, and she speaks with her in her dreams.
Rped by .SilentMist.

A long scar runs from the base of her right ear all the way across her eye and stops at her mouth. It horrifies here, for the mere fact that it reminds here of her past life, as a nobody rogue. She had all the right skills, but no one dared give her the respect she deserved. Every hair of her dark brown tabby coat is burned with memories of her family's death. Back when her family was alive, her mother, father, sister, and 2 brothers, they all travelled together, spreading knowledge. She loved her brother, Montage, the most. He taught her how to be kind, and considerate, and she was, until those clan cats killed them all. She doesn't know why she joined the clans any more. She's just glad she did now. The one thing she always does no matter what. is get up right before sunrise, and watch the, well, sunrise. Even is you can't see it. It was a tradition for her family. Just watch out for her. Those who her blue eyes watch are being examined, being determined as an enemy, or friend.
Rped by *Twinkle.Twinkle*

Nightmares. Nobody likes them. They cause us to leap from our beds drenched in sweat and breathing like a monster was chasing us down. They make us reluctant to go back to bed for we think of no dreams but nightmares instead. Everlasting nightmares. Now that is something we fear. A vulgar nightmare, they scare us and taunt us and fill us with fear. One that never ends. We all know what we can call this. Well, he can relate. Everlastingnightmare is a cat, too. A handsome cat, very very handsome. With gingery brown locks of soft sweet fur. It’s auburn chestnut tone is the pure example of Fall itself. His eyes are precise and sharp, their fern green color can be illuminated to a limeade shade that makes your mouth water. Temptation. He can be a very flirtatious cat, always impressing the females and daring to go beyond the limits set out for them. He is very arrogant and childish often, but can show off an adult appearance with pride and wisdom he lacks. He hates it when he spots families enjoying each other’s company. His mother was a runner, never staying with the same tom for long. His sister became the same way as their mother. His brother became a bully, a gang cat, mugging city cats who walked down dark allies. His dad was an abusive tom. His mother only staying until he was 4 months old, running off to have kits with another tom. Starclan only knows how many have siblings he really has!!! His father often gambled, yes, cats can gamble-just in a different way, in the old garage of a tom cat named Scratchy. Scratchy often held parties, you could say he liked this little kit-who happened to be named Nightmare. Scratchy was like Nightmare, and his siblings Monster and Bling’s godfather. When their father came to gamble, Scratchy would slip the kits a sardine. Even if Nightmare never got to eat his because Monster would beat him for it, he appreciated the thought. As Nightmare aged older, he would join Scratchy for parties. Drinking the sewer water was a replacement for alcohol and catnip was drugs. Even though they were always provided, Nightmare avoided them. His father was an addict. One night, his father beat him hard and violently. Nightmare was terrified and ran away. He came upon Springclan. They fixed the kit up and let him joined. Some part of him didn’t want to, fear maybe, but fear also wanted him to join. In the end he did. They didn’t call him Nightmatepaw though, with care they called him Everlastingpaw. But somehow, he still got the name Everlastingnightmare. He has a thing for she-cats and showing off to other tom cats for dominance.
Rped by randomkitty333

Deathbringer is a scary tom no one likes to be around. He was first named death as a kit because all of his family died at his claws except for one his sister. Him and his sister are here and they want to stay. Deathbringer a large black tom with broad shoulders and strong legs who's surprisingly light on his feet. His icy blue eyes pierce any cats heart and leave thorns behind. If you trespass in his territory you don't get time to even think that it was wrong. He has a tattered past and never liked his life much but for now he's content with his living style. But hopefully that's gonna change. His sister dragged him here his warm hearted sister. He wont disobey her, to him he wants to protect her but also when she's angry she's even scarier than him. He is a great hunter i guess it comes naturally for him. He catches any prey and when he catches it everyone knows it was him because he just slices off the head. He doesn't bother to break its neck it just cuts off its head. He is a great fighter to go with it he can decapitate a cat with just a single flick of his sisters tail. He is like her secret weapon and she does use him when she can't handle things on her own. She calls his name "death" and the cat is decapitated in a matter of seconds. So will you keep him as a weapon or will you throw him out like a monster.
Rped by YoursTrulySpitfire

Downfall is a horrifying she cat especially when she has her brother with her. She controls him with a flick of her tail and when you get on her bad side she might just finish you off her way. The slow and painful way to die is through her. If your looking for a quick suicide go through her brother. She is lithe and small unlike her brother who is tall and broad shouldered. Her black pelt blending into the midnight sky is when she loves to hunt. Her bright purple eyes scare you into thinking your about to die. No cat has ever survived their wrath. She is a kind and sweet she-cat at heart but in the daytime or as she likes to call it "in reality" she's a terrifying cat that no one wants to get near. So will you keep them as weapons or will you disown them as monsters.
Rped by-YoursTrulySpitfire

A pretty silver she-cat with beautiful white markings and blue eyes. She is sweet, kind, and caring. But don't judge her too quickly, she is a excellent fighter and hunter. She will risk her life for her clan. She will always be there for you.
Rped by WarriorCats#1Fan!!!

A kind figure, not particularly. A venomous figure, might as well be. Her eyes are cold, along with her heart. She opens up to few and even then, those shards of ice don't reveal any of her dark chasm of a heart. Her dreams are nightmares and casual rain is a storm. She's very emotional and quick to anger, which is very unfortunate for the cat on the other end of the conversation. Her pink tongue drips poison with every word, seeping into your soul and messing with your sanity. Iceblue's coat is just as you would imagine it; white, kind of long. She is a Singapura cat and this is obvious through her fluffy tail. She's pretty tall and quite graceful; really just a beautiful cat overall. In the past she was a loner named Ice and lived with her brother, Rowan, then he fell in love with a Springclan cat and had two kits. His mate soon died from greencough and he decided to join Springclan with his two kits. Ice, being inseperable from her brother joined also and soon became Iceblue due to her eyes.
RPed by Color-Me-Blue(:

His eyes are full of warmth and bring a since of joy to others. He believes life is too short to always be upset, unlike his sister Iceblue. He's a sweet tom with an ultimately good heart. At times he can be snappy, but he is a single dad. A bunch of moons ago he had been a loner and ended up falling in love with a beautiful Springclan cat named Sweetbud. Eventually she ended up being pregnant and while she was pregnant she stayed in the clan. In the meantime, Rowan remained a loner, checking up on her by talking to one of her friends. She died from greencough soon after giving birth to their two kits, Kiwikit and Yamkit. Sweetbud's friend, Sorrelwing took care of the kits when they were young but she ended up dying as well. Rowan finally decided to join the clan and became Rowantwist for his twisted paw. His fur is semi-long and a dark reddish color. He has large black paws and pointy black ears. He is very muscular and a really good fighter. Sometimes he let's out all his stress in fighting.
RPed by Color-Me-Blue(:

Her body is coated from head to toe in sable-hued fur, dark as a moonless night. The fur is long and fluffy, much like her brother’s, and often proves to make her look twice her size. There is no part of her fur that is not tainted with black, the color covering her body like a thick coat of paint. One of her most distinguishing features are the bright yellow eyes, intense and fiery, and her fierce gaze can often make some of the strongest warriors shiver. Beneath the long fur of her pelt lies a sparrow and willowy build, the opposite of her muscular and burly brother, but many are unable to tell of the secret lithe and agility. This proves to her advantage in most fights where her opponents underestimate her speed, often proving to be their downfall. Looking very much like the smaller, more delicate cats, one’s worst mistake would be to take her lightly as the easier opponent. Whilst very similar to her brother at first glance, one would find that she may be the complete opposite with her outspoken and talkative demeanor. If she dislikes you, she will show it and if you so happen to be unlucky enough to get on her bad side, she will stop at nothing to make your life miserable. Easily annoyed, this she-cat can get aggravated by even the smallest of things, many of which other cats have no choice in controlling. Of the many things she dislikes, Eveningwind loathes insincere cats. Even if you may not intend come off as insincere, it is one of the things that she despises in character and many a cat has become victim to her cold shoulder. However, should you pass all of her tests, she can be a great friend and one to trust. Fiercely protective, she fights for the things she loves and will put her life on the line to keep them from harm. One of which is her unfortunate brother whom, while she may not show it, she cares about dearly.Short-tempered and aggressive, she often relies on the coldest of glares to get her point across and despises having to resort to paw-to-paw combat. Having grown up with two brothers, she herself grew apart from them, straying from their boyish habits to groom her fur and talk to the other she-cats.
Rped by Redemptoin'

Three words to define her? Integrity. Loyal. Fierce. She is always honest, undoubtedly loyal, and in combat, her fierceness could be compared to the ambition of a small fire, feeding on the dying bark of trees and leaves. She blends in perfectly with the moonlight, in which she somehow finds comfort amongst. At night. Bathed in moonlight. Silver presses tightly to her skin, sleek and shiny, almost a pale gray. But with some remaining shimmer despite all she's been through. Soft white brushes as barely a lighter hue on the underside of her chin, and outlining tall, pointed ears. You can catch her with a spark of happiness sometimes, but you would have to find it first, get her to unlock her doors. Slanted, almond shaped eyes sit atop a small, petite face. Crystalline blues, lights and darks, ring and hook and twirl in her eyes. She is the size of an average cat, not with a massive frame, nor a small scrawny figure. Just as she should be, with a slight thinning in her body whatsoever. Not long claws, but long enough to inflict real damage. She is not a very outspoken she-cat, but would rather stay to herself, only speaking as a reply to someone. She had seen it all. Most of it, at least. She had lived through the pain but does not speak of it. She does not enjoy crowds, but instead a simple little cluster of cats to be around. As for combat, she is remarkably strong. But uses more strategic tecnics to take down her opponents. She would fight to death for her clan, and despite the fact that she is not very close to her clanmates, would die for them.
Rped by bluefire3667

The sensation of speed. The adrenaline pumping through your veins, the scenary flying by you and your fur tangling in the wind. Is that the only kind of speed in life? What about the rush to grow up? Or the desire to help your clan in anyway possible? Make sure you watch closely, otherwise you will miss this she-cat. Her fawn colored fur is only long enough to stand the cold and is a quick fix after a long run. The color is darker than expected and fades as it gets closer to her skin. Her long plumed tail is mostly a light fawn with a darker fawn stripe down it. Her frame is light and her legs are long, a running machine. Her rarely resting eyes are the rich color of honey. Her life truly reflects her name. She grew up in Springclan with only one thing on her mind; to grow up. She impatiently waited for apprenticeship to come, and when it did, her speed proved a quick downfall when she broke one of her legs a training accident. Did that stop her? Not a single bit. She trained twice as hard, determined to catch up even with the disability in her leg. All her hard work paid off and she got her warrior name along with her friends. Clearly, speed is her main thing. Nothing can slow this cat or bring her down. Her positivity is amazing and she lets it show with a smile. At least, when you can catch that smile. She is always on the move, only stopping to sleep or eat. She is always ready to hunt or fight. Her courage is boundless and she doesn't seem to fear anything. However, her speed gets the better of her. She doesn't always pick up everything and ends up missing crucial parts in a mission. Her patience is miniscule and she simply cannot wait for anything. Despite her cheery demeanor, not a lot of cats get a chance to see it. She doesn't socialize easily and her desire for a mate is at a zero. There doesn't seem a chance for her to ever slow down for someone, but you never know who will catch her eye.
Rped by *Bakuraluvr4evr*

Her eyes, one the blue of innocence so fragile and pure. The other of a green, so enlightened and gentle. The colors fade out in a white fog at the edges. And her pelt, a stainless blanket of snow white. Beautiful, is she. A beckoning temptation is she... And as for her personality, a part of her screams out for admiration. She wishes only to be a role model for those who look up to her. Determination keeps her striving for it, the love and affection of surrounding herself by family and friends. She is the kind of cat who sends out nothing but positive influences. She wants to better everyone, everything, to the point of peace. Of tranquility. She is the cat to pick you up when you feel low. Her goal is to prevent anyone's sorrow, to mend their grief, to heal their hatred. There is no soul that can't be helped, who can't be accepted and appreciated, in her mind. Anyone can become innocent. Anyone can be pure again. No one is to ever be left behind. She believes in hope, in faith. That is the kind of cat she is, to forget what has happened, to accept what has come of it, and to make the future become better for it.
RPed by Valiantconqueror

Tigerbane is a very quiet and mysterious tiger orange tabby tom. He never speaks out of line and only speaks when needed or when he is spoken to. With red amber eyes, Tigerbane seems to stare into the souls of other cats and can tell a lot of the time when they are telling the truth. Tigerbane grew up in Springclan, born to a recently passed queen named Panthersight. His mother had two sets of litters, but all of the kits died of greencough except him. Many thought he would have a deficiency in strength and endurance, but he had shown all of them that he was capable of anything if her set his mind to it. In fact, his body is pretty slim, for agility purposes, but he also has some strength in him, strength of the tiger, hence the name. He is one of the best fighters in Springclan, and is a pretty good hunter, but he sometimes is a somewhat clumsy when he is trying to be a little bit sly. He had a life changing ordeal of being taken away from the clan and almost drowned because of some rogue cats catnapping him, which caused him to have a guarded heart and mind about severe punishments. He never wants to see a cat go through the pain that he went through or the trials he went through. From having greencough, which made him almost immune to it, to to being catnapped and 'tortured,' this tom has seen and been through a lot.
RPed by ஐℱearless۞§erenityஐ


A pure white she-cat with one white eye and one pale green eye. She is a quiet cat that likes to observe her surroundings but will speak out for what she believes in. She zones out often, but don't mind that, it is jut Harmony in her own little world. She prefers to go by her first name, Harmony but lets a few of the other warriors call her Whisper if she trusts them enough. Even though she was born in the clan, she does not

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