
-- dayclan members
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i'm coming with you


Cinderstar { wolf }
Roleplayed by xxflickeringlights

"The only thing impossible is impossibility." Cinderwolf lives by these words, and this has made her one of the freest spirits to ever touch foot on land. If you can't put a name to her face, call her 'the dreamer,' because there is really no difference between the two at all. At the same time, it's unlikely that you'll even forget her name; there are just too many things special about her to have your mind slip and forget her name -- whether its her imagination, her beauty, or something else. Although she is strikingly simple in appearance, there is something enchanting about her. She is built lightly, with satiny fur draping her petite build in a soot grey pigment. Her eyes are a golden color, the hue of honey, and are often seen shining with cheer. Regardless of what you call her, Cinderwolf is untouchable -- a cat of action who will make her aspirations happen.
dear maria, count me in
Roleplayed by Icefire1
A mask covers all sorrows. This is the philosophy this black and white she-cat has followed throughout her entire life. Yet, even beneath this joyful mask, she is as brave and as strong as any other warrior. Never doubt her loyalty. Though she covers her true emotions, she would still defend her clan even if it meant giving her life away. Life is a strange concept to Neophantom. It’s there one moment, happy and healthy, but could be swept away in a moment without a second warning. Ever since she was a kit, she had kept her heart locked up and tossed away the key. She was not always living beneath this mask of her’s. No, there was a time when she was as outgoing as the most rambunctious kit and wouldn’t fear giving away her emotions to anyone. What happened to this happy cat, one may ask? Life happened. Her leaf colored eyes saw things that no little kit should ever see. Her beloved father, the single tom that ever held even a sliver in her heart, murdered her precious mother right in front of her eyes. Since that day, she has been afraid to give her heart to another tom, in fear that she, too, would be killed one day. She has put on an act for everyone, showing them the cheerful face that she once had. A black mask of fur covers most of her face, leaving only a small sliver of her white fur showing. Her tail and right paw also share this same black color.
there's a story at the bottom of this bottle
Roleplayed by username

medicine cat
Roleplayed by valiance.
Her soft black pelt and those faded silver eyes will eternally make you question all that there is when you take a single glance in her direction. She is a beautiful she-cat; there is no doubt about it. She is active, adventurous cat. Even though she may be meek, she is a very curious cat and she tends to take the road less traveled by. She is the type of cat that has reason to believe that everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. This she-cat isn’t afraid to speak her mind, or stand up for what she believes in. She’ll always take the side that she believes is in the right, whether her friends are on it or not. Reliable could be a word that you can describe her without having second thoughts. Although, she is not afraid to tell anyone the word, ”No.” She understands that her life is of her own, and no one else’s. But she does indeed do all she can do for the greater good. She is a strong believer in karma. What goes around comes around; which is probably why she gives all that she can give to everyone around her. She knows little about her family and what they were like. She knows only of her brother, Blackpool. He is all that is left of her family as far as she is concerned. They are very different from each other, in almost every way except for their appearance. That is probably why they tend to get into heated arguments, or end up not talking to one another for a long while. Yet she knows that even though they may have an iffy love/hate relationship she would never truly hate him. He is all that she has left of her kin, after all. What would her life be like if there wasn’t an older brother to bother? She surely wouldn’t like to find out.
and i'm the pen
medicine cat apprentice
Roleplayed by username
When Mintpaw was born, she was called 'a miracle'. During her mothers labor, each and every kit that came out before her were already dead. Her mother and the medicine cat were surprised when they thought it was over, and out came Mintpaw wheezing for breath. Apparently the oxygen to her mothers womb had been cut off too soon, and the kits who couldn't hold out suffocated. Little Mintpaw who had been the farthest into the womb should have as well, but for some reason she didn't. So her mother named her Mintkit as she had been hidden among the dead, but managed to somehow survive and last to the very end when it counted. Mintpaw though, due to the trauma she received while being conceived developed a breathing disorder. She couldn't run and be active with the other kits, because if she tried to she'd enter a fit of coughing which would empty out her lungs, and leave her gasping for a breath of oxygen which would never seem to come. Because of this Mintpaw has a habit of counting each breath she takes when she isn't doing anything which requires her full attention. To her each one she takes is precious, because even though its usually excessive activity that triggers the event, she sometimes feels one creeping up behind her like a ghost. Mintpaw is a stubborn cat though who knows what she wants to do, and when she wants to do it. Taking orders and following them word by word isn't something she's very good at, as she likes to mix things up and create new possibilities. She has a strong love for StarClan and mysteries that involve events that are impossible to explain- because her life is one. How did she survive when all of her brothers and sisters didn't? Was it Luck? Or was StarClan watching over her? Deep in her heart she hopes it to just be luck, because if it was anything else she thinks she wouldn't be able to live up to their expectations or hopes. Mintpaw's pelt is a light sandy gold with white streaks on her head that stretch down the back of her head to the base of her neck. She has green grape eyes with brown flecks around the edges.


Whiterabbit ;; Roleplayed by Ashenfate

Dainty, like a rare flower that prefers to bloom at night, Whiterabbit is an easily excitable young she cat with a strange defect, her pelt is a pale opaque white color and her eyes are pink. She is an albino, an outcast in her own clan. This young she cat never knew her father, MadHatter, and her strange defect is considered to be because of her mother’s old age. Her ears are delicate and small, her fur, a graceful medium length, and her tail is long and fluffy. Whiterabbit is energetic and silly, a lover of games, and a hater of harsh words. She doesn’t take well to being made fun of, and is always wanting to learn more about her mother and father. When she was born, her mother kept her hidden from the outside world the best she could, not wanting others to know of the strange young kit’s abnormalities. She is very sweet and kind to others because of her mistreatment. She has a very strong sense of justice and love and hopes to instill it in others of her clan.

Cinnamoncloud ;; Roleplayed by Catlover1023

When you picture cinnamon, you see it as a dark ginger kind of color that you would put on toast with sugar. Well, this Cinnamon is not ginger, does not going on toast, and hardly has any sugar. She is a light brown she-cat with darker brown stripes and white stripes. Her right back paw in jet black but hardly anyone notices it. Her eyes are a soft baby blue that sometimes hold love and kindness and other times, fire and hatred. She was born into DayClan from Novemberbreeze, her loving mother, and Grayfox, her stick-it-out loyal father. She has 16 other siblings! They are Cardinalsky, Shatteredfire, Kestrelfall, Creeknose, Stormfallower, Fallowwind, Bouncetail, Raindance, Exidestorm, Hallowleaf, Bangleheart, Summerglow, Phoenixrunner, Pinefrost, Skykeeper, Cascademountain. She is fiesty, easy-going, lazy, and sometimes short-tempered. It's not really her fault she's this way. She shared a nest with 17 other cats in her kithood! It wasn't very quiet then and her siblings always left her out of things. But she still loves them anyways. You can always find her lounging in a comfortable spot somewhere in the sun or by a river. She loves to swim and climb, but anything that involves extersion of energy that's not being used to help her clan, she hates. She would do anything for DayClan, whether that means dying or leaving or just helping out. Its unknown to anyone whether she thinks about a mate and kits or not but she is always worried that if she has a mate and kits, she will end up like her mother and have 17 kits to care of.

Icestream ;; Roleplayed by Raspy2
Agile. Lithe. A deadly warrior. Icestream gives every second of her life to her clan. She has strived since her apprenticeship to be the best warrior she can be and it's working. Her mentor, Splashpool, who is now an elder, understood Icestream's drive to be great. After countless days in the baking hot sun Icestream's success made her a warrior. Finally what she had always dreamed of. But she wasn't going to stop. She trained harder and longer now that she was a warrior, with older more expirenced warriors and with her former mentor. Icestream's became a formidable opponent in battle, she had finally reached her goal. She proved her skills when a badger attacked a patrol of cats in her territory. Being on the patrol, Icestream lept into battle for her clan. Slashing and clawing, she used all the knowledge she possessed to help take down the black and white animal with her clanmates. Icestream was proud of herself as she watched the badger hobble away on three legs. As she and her clanmates headed home she realized that she had proved her worth to her clan and, she could finally calm down. Not long after "calming down" Icestream gave birth to two young kits and she loves them with all her heart. One of the kits, named Stonekit, looks exactly like her mother. All black pelt except for her paws which are white and bright, shining green eyes. She is really hoping to help them become the warrior she herself had been and always will strive to be.

Flarespark ;; Roleplayed by *Jaypaw*

He is muscular, and lithe. He fights for his friends, his clan, and his family. He can defeat most opponents, with tooth and claw and nothing stands in this toms way. His tail tip, has a tuft of white fur, and on his chest is a white splotch. He is orange eyes, that observe everything to the smallest of details. He has a heart of fire, with just a speck of spring and fall. He isn't cold or mean, just fierce in the time of need. Just a small growl, sounds like a rawr of a dragon. He has long sharp claws, and blazing white teeth. He isn't secretive, all that much. He keeps his feelings to himself, and he always keeps a blank face.

Russetmask ;; Roleplayed by *Jaypaw*

Fire moves through a forest blazing red, the trees feeding the fire, igniting them and spreading it. The fire may be dark, and misfortunate, but its bright and lights up the forest, and the sky. Then the clouds release, cold drifting snow that puts out the blazing fire. Now if you mix all of this together, and put it on a cat this is what it would look like. Or at least this is how Russetmask looks. Russet/Red fire fur with a mask of snow, and snow boots. Orange orbs, shine out from under that mask of snow. Russetmask, is like a fire she isn't dark besides her fur but, she is bright, and she spreads out. She's in everyones, minds and hearts, shes as bright as day. Now the snow, she isn't cold, but she's soothing and she comes in a flurry. Russetmask, is lithe, fast and strong. She has long legs, making her able to run fast. She is very determined, and whatever she believes in she fights for it. She's a mixture of ice cold snow, and hot fire. Just because, she has a mask it doesn't mean that she has secrets. Well, maybe she does maybe she doesnt. On the otherhand, shes kind and gentle, until it comes to something else, then she is unleashed and spreads, nothing can stop her then. Who knows if she has secrets, no one will no. Not until she tells you, and thats unlikely to happen.

Lionroar ;; Roleplayed by *Jaypaw*

A golden mane around his head, warm orange eyes, long claws that curve with sharp points. Wide chest, powerful haunches, and large paws. First glance you'll think it's a large majestic lion, and your shocked. Closer look you can see it's a cat, that resembles a lion greatly. His fur around his head is a little thicker, then the rest of his short but silky golden fur. Lionroar is just like a lion, his appearance, his attitude, his body structure. He's a fierce and independent tom not needing anyone's help. In times this tom can be kind which he is most of the time but other times his temper snapped and you should be afraid. During battles he's right in the front fighting for his clan. Most of the other clan cats are afraid to face him in battle, with his flashing claws and teeth. In battle is when he most looks like a large and majestic lion with his muscles rippling under his fur, and his large fangs bared as he injuries cats around him. Despite being all muscle and bulk, he can hunt well better then most fighters. He is arrogant, and rude sometimes, and Sweet and Kind the next.

Blackpool ;; Roleplayed by valiance.
A large black tom with foggy, grey eyes. His pelt is sleek, and his attitude is sour. This tom isn’t the kind of cat you should mess with. He doesn’t like company, and he definitely doesn’t like cheery cats. He judges quickly, and doesn’t really ever change his opinions on things. He’s stubborn, always questioning and challenging everyone other than himself. He’s prideful, egotistical, and headstrong. He’s the type of tom to refuse help. He wouldn’t take your advice to save his own life. He figures that he can’t trust anyone but himself, and that there’s no one in the world who would be worthy enough to become a close friend of his. Sure, he may have casual conversations every once in a blue moon, but other than that, the only kind of conversation that leaves his mouth is protest and debate. There is no getting to this tom once he’s made up his mind. Bite your tongue while you can when you’re around him, because you just might not live to regret it. He has a bunch of trust issues, and you probably could say that the only cat he ever has cared for is his sister, Larkwing. To many it is questionable, yet to Blackpool it is undeniably true. She is really the only cat he trusts even in the slightest bit, although he would deny it if anyone were to ask him of it. Secretly, he would die for his sister. He would do anything to protect his younger sibling, always remembering their days as kits together. Despite her age, he always views Larkwing as a little sister. Even though it may at times seem as though he despises his sister, inside he knows that he could never truly hate her.

Brownleaf ;; Roleplayed by valiance.
A brown she-cat with large light brown eyes. She's a kind she-cat, and fairly smaller than the average cat. Yes, she is short. But her attitude is anything but small. Brownleaf is good-natured and high-spirited. She loves to laugh, but even more than that; she loves to make other cats laugh. As for the bad side of her.. She could never hold a grudge. This she-cat is fortunately a forgiving soul.

Nightmarestalker ;; Roleplayed by *toxic*love*
A pure long-legged black she-cat with white socks and bright blue eyes. Pain. Always pain. Never love nor happiness, only pain. Deep scars lay hidden beneath her thick neck fur from claws. Claws of her father. He should have loved her, she look just like him, acted just like him when she was a kit. Same carless personality, same pelt, same eyes, same everything. What happen? The death of her mother is what happen. So much blood once covered those white socks of hers, so much pain filled those bright once playful eyes. Her mother was attacked when her and her brother Rain went wondering from the den. A fox caught them off guard, her mother gave her life for them but her father stole that life given to her brother from him. Blaming them for the death of his mate he killed Rain right there before those blue eyes of Nightmarestalker. Blood was splattered across her pelt, her brother's and mother's blood mixed on her fur and in the dirt. Before she could her father struck her across the throat but his blow was clumsy and off just enough to allow her to live. He disappeared after that thinking she was dead, never to return to her except in nightmares, as a shadow stalking her. Watching. Waiting for the right time to finish what he stared. To steal her mother's life that was given to her when the fox took the only love she had ever felt. The sounds of her brother's shrill wail cut off but the sound of gurgling blood still haunt her ears. The sight of her mother and brother's blood mixing in the dirt still shown every time she closes her eyes. Nightmarestalker has become a great hunter using the shadows to hide herself and stalk her prey. She amazed her clan mates by how well she could fight, how hard she would fight, how hard it was to get a grip on her. It's not easy to pin this she-cat down nor is it easy to get out of one of her tight grips. Nightmarestalker is a lot stronger than most thing and they end up underestimating this beautiful she-cat. She hopes to find love within her clan and would love to have kits of her own one day.

Eastrain ;; Roleplayed by Secretkit
Delicacy at its finest, Eastrain is one of the most slender she-cats you might ever meet, her muscles evenly toned and richly strengthened from moons of training in DayClan's Training Hollow along with her brother Southwind, and her beautiful face evenly distributed with a pair of perfect brown eyes and a pink, pert nose. Her mouth is almost a confection in itself, a slight pink maw with sparkling rows of sharp teeth behind them. Her pelt is a tapestry of colors, patches of black and the darkest yet lightest possible hue of grey clouding over her misty short furs along the bottom of her belly, as well as her paws and ear tips. As a kit, Eastrain was headstrong and fiery, but as she has grown she has gradually progressed into becoming a quaint, friendly she-cat with every intention on doing what is right for the Clan. Don't be fooled; although Eastrain may seem to be the model cat, she can go through what she calls rebellion streaks. Don't catch her during one of those, or you might possibly either regret befriending her, or wish you'd befriended her sooner. The life of a she-cat such as hers is fine and simple, and consists of battle training, as well as several hunting patrols, as the thrill of the hunt is one of her favourite thrills. Adrenaline is one thing you'll find she has no shortage of, for as she is a quick runner, and decision maker. This is Eastrain.

Southwind ;; Roleplayed by Secretkit
He is the definition of equality and wisdom. Although still a very young warrior, Southwind prides himself on his knowledge of both the inner and outer borders of almost all of the Clan from careful listening and planning and night adventures, yet in some other senses he is almost completely idiotic. His pelt is rather patched, with gold and black inky splotches, almost seeming misplaced. His eyes are centered carefully in the centre of his countenance, and his dazzling whiskers are just the right length. He deserves to find the right friends, but somehow he just keeps becoming friends with the worst of cats, which has led him into a troubled past history. Don't be afraid of him; however handsome and strong he may be, on the inside he's just your regular long-haired pussycat who loves to be talked to, and who loves to roll around in the dirt on a hot summers day. He often trains with his sister Eastrain for any battles they think might be coming in the future, yet they haven't been used in battle yet. He knows the will be someday, and so they continue training, relentlessly. Affectionate, warm, gentle, wise, smart, a real hoot. This is Southwind.

Sparkflame ;; Roleplayed by NewYorkHaze
A flame red she-cat with glowing orange eyes. Her eyes match her personality. Sparkflame is a high-strung, Type A personality cat. She's ambitious, likes organization, and status conscious. She knows if she has a mate or not. She knows if she has more or less friends. She knows if her popularity decreases or increases. She is kind at heart, but has an achievement-driven mentality. Sparkflame can be very sensitive, but she cares for other cats. She is truthful and would only lie, tell the half-truth, or say nothing if she really needs to. She always tries to help others, she's a helpful cat, but she is impatient. This she-cat can be patient, but only when she needs to. She can be blunt sometimes and gets to the point. Because of this, she's not fond of rambling cats, she wants other cats to get to the point. Sparkflame is proactive and is time management obsessive. She hates delays and ambivalence. Sparkflame likes to hunt and is a good fighter. She gets irritated and exasperated easily; she even has a short temper sometimes. But despite this, she is kind, caring, and friendly once you get past her high-strung nature. She is energetic and is a bundle of energy. She likes having a chance to get her paws out of camp. Sparkflame is a sociable cat and likes to go to Gatherings. She is a flirtatious she-cat and likes getting toms' attention. Handle this spark of a flame with caution, this she-cat can be difficult to handle; if one can handle her boundless energy and short fuse, one can find a gentle she-cat on the inside.

Lilypad ;; Roleplayed by ~•Łëõ•~
Lilypad is a pretty white she cat with orange and brown spots. She has twinkling green eyes which is where her name comes from. Lilypad is a very calm cat. She doesn't like to fight and would be content to simply laze about in the sun all day. She is a bit vain in the fact that she cares a lot about her appearance. She hates to get her fur dirty and is often teased for having a more kittypet mind set. When faced with danger though Lilypad will rise to the occasion when need be.

Tigerstripe ;; Roleplayed by ~•Łëõ•~
A brown and white tabby tom with gray stripes and amber eyes. Tigerstripe is a fierce cat that enjoys a good fight. His hunting is superb. He does have a fear of heights though which sets him back a bit. He cannot climb trees because of this fear. Tigerstripe tries very hard not to let any of this information slip out by being better at other things. He can swim and enjoys this activity quite a lot. Tigerstripe's parents were both loners and he is determined to be the best clan cat. He does not like those who shun the clans and prides himself on his loyalty.

Fallentree ;; Roleplayed by ~•Łëõ•~
Fallentree is an orange tabby she-cat with green eyes. She has dusty rose colored markings on her chest, paws, muzzle, ear tips, and rings around her tail. Fallentree loves to climb and hunt in the trees rather than on the ground. She is very kind but also a bit feisty. She doesn't like anyone to outshine her and has a bit of a rivalry going on between her and Tigerstripe. Fallentree has been a clan cat all of her life but she still has a problem with loyalty. She doesn't understand why cats need to be loyal to their clan above all. She thinks "isn't there more to be loyal to than just your leader and clan?". Of course she would never outright voice her opinion but sometimes she wonders…

Mintbutterfly ;; Roleplayed by MintOwl
Don't forget I'm with you, she said. Don't be sad, she said. Everything is completely normal now, she said. Well, what she said was wrong. Nothing is normal now. Imagine a cat, so happy and care-free. Diseases float by her nose, but she doesn't catch 'em. This was her mother. Beautiful and graceful the cat ran, her cream-colored pelt flying out behind her like angel's wings. Love flowed through her everlasting light green gaze until you just couldn't hold anymore so it bubbled over out of you. She was the love bringer of Dayclan. Her laugh was contagious. The disease was contagious. It captured her heart. Threw it in the pits of death. But her legacy lives on. In the paws of her offspring. This was Mintbutterfly's mother. At the time, Mintbutterfly was Mintpaw. This chaos hit the apprentice like a flood. The heartbrake and longing... She was her mother's only daughter, and was always her mothers little "butterfly." She was always awkward and out-of-place as a kit, stumbling around and goofy. Her mother loved that about her, though, and babied her even as an apprentice. Mintbutterfly didn't mind, though. She loved her mother very much. . Many say they've never seen a bond closer than theirs. After her mother's death, this usually happy she-cat became very depressed. Soon, she realized, that it was her duty to keep her mother's legacy alive. She broke out of that cacoon she had built around her heart and spread her own wings. She took the nickname her mother had given her and used it in her warrior name. Now it's her who flies through the wind, long brown pelt flowing through the breeze like wings. Her own, mint-leaf colored eyes, giving love to each cat, like a butterfly carries pollen to flowers. The beautiful brown she-cat is loved back and respected. She dreams of being a mother, but she considers herself already one. A mother to her clan. Many look up to her that way. This is also because she takes in any orphaned kit and calls them her own, even if they don't like it. She feels it's her job to spread love to others. Mintbutterfly gets stressed out and hurt easily but she always pushes it back. She's very hard on herself and tries to be perfect. She doesn't believe that she is that pretty, but the truth is she is inside and out. Her legs are long and her paws dainty. She walks with a flick of her paws, which makes her look like she's prancing over the ground. Her eyes are large and round and stick out against her brown pelt. Her fur is soft and gleams with healthiness. Imagine the soft scent of gardenias, sweet and calming; this is the scent of Mintbutterfly. But she, of course, sees none of this. Instead, she sees the beauty in every other cat. She never looks for a mate because she thinks everyone else deserves one before her. It doesn't hurt her at all, though. She loves to see other cat's happiness. It makes her happy. Kits are her dream, but she thinks any tom with her would be happier with someone else. She cares for her clan and is actually fiercly protective over it. If someone harms her "children" then she will be willing to attack. But with this fierceness, comes forgiveness. She is quick to forgive and doesn't hold grudges. Overall, she's not perfect but she is loved. Her mother was wrong, nothing is normal, but it's better.

Dieingembers ;; Roleplayed by ☼Radiation☼
Have you ever seen a fire dieing? The flames disappear leaving only glowing embers. And as the embers die the glowing stops, the red color gone. All is left is a cold, black, burnt piece of wood. The ember is now black with a whitish shell. Dieingembers is a Small and often overlooked she cat with a black under coat. Her fur is topped with a silvery layer. A pattern of white spots complete her fur. Her eyes are a strange orange. They have a yellow gold int to. This makes them seem like they are on fire. Dieingembers was born in a twoleg nest. Her name was Snowy. She had other siblings. for the first six moons they were left alone. But then one by one they were taken away. She was taken with her only other sister, Opal. They arrived at a pet store. The two stayed there for two moons. Then Opal was taken by a twoleg. Dieingembers was then taken back to where she was born. As it turned out it is a breed mill for cats. Within a week she had been mated. She was then put in a cage and given only enough food to live. When she was two moons away from having her kits, a group of twolegs recused all the cats. At the shelter her wounds were healed and she was given more food. Just a few days after she was taken there a huge fire came through. Just a handful of cats survived. And she was one of them. They all ran away together. As them moved through the clans territory's they drifted off. Dieingembers gave birth on the edge of DayClan territory. She gave birth to four and only two lived. They found her and immediately took her in, not even knowing a thing about her. Dieingembers feels thankful for the kind cats of DayClan. Dieingembers is a sweet and loyal clan member. She has two sides. A fierce and swift warrior. Or she can be a soft and graceful she-cat.

Onyxfur ;; Roleplayed by Snowybreeze
A Sleek Black She-cat with Dreamy Eyes. Her Green eyes light up any night. Onyxfur’s Birth name Was Joan Satinas. Joan and her Sister Taranee were always close. However, Joan has one unusual trait for her Family, she is deceptively fast. Joan was placed in Squardron 4 because of her speed. This surprised everyone, especially Taranee. Other than her Sister, Joan has one other sibling, her half brother Luca. Luca is in Squadron 6. His father, who was a general of Avalon Everlasting, died in battle before they were born. Just before Joan became a full member of Avalon Everlasting Joan met her Mate. Joan’s mate is Dave Ulimax. Joan is talkative, but Dave is shy. They are yin and yang in their moods, and looks. They are alike in a lot of ways too. They are both fast. They love to hunt. Mainly they like to look up at the city stars. Joan looks for her lost friends in the stars. Joan wants to have kits one day. She wants a kit that is just like Dave, a little polite tom. She Did eventually get her kit, along with 4 more Kits. Then Avalon Everlasting was thrown into Chaos. Joan, her Litter and Her mate left. Eventually they joined Dayclan. She took the Name Onyxfur and He took the Name Blueheart. Her Kits took the names Shykit, Bravekit and Noisekit. Though She is Having a hard time getting the Hang of things she will get the hang of things.

Blueheart ;; Roleplayed by Snowybreeze
A large golden Tabby. He has creamy, Dreamy blue eyes.Blueheart’s birth names was Dave Ulimax. Dave was from the main family of Squadron 4. Most cats thought that he would be really spoiled, but he is polite as can be. His main family is the members of the Ulimax family. He also has his mate, Joan and her family. Sometimes Dave gets a big head, but snaps out of it before Joan sees. It is weird to not only be a part of a Main Family, but the president's family too. He had leadership skills from the beginning. He was also fast from the beginning. He secretly had a crush on Joan. He always did everything he could to impress her, but from afar. He wanted everyone to brag on him. He always imagined that Joan would start their relationship, but eventually he did. She filled his shy gaps. She normally talks when he draws a blank. The best thing that he has going for him is his swift ways. He runs fast, and is only ever beaten by his mate. At first he let her win, but he soon learned that she was barely faster than him. Really, as much as they are alike, they will always be light and dark. They are Yin and Yang. He wants Joan to have youths one day. He wants two boys and two girls. He wants them to always have someone to play with. He was a calm, wise director of his battalion. He always follows orders, even though he may not always agree. He Was a Fair Justice, he did everything that he could to keep Avalon Everlasting together. Joan, her Litter and Dave left. Eventually they joined Dayclan. She took the Name Onyxfur and He took the Name Blueheart. Her Kits took the names Shykit, Bravekit and Noisekit. Dave tires to be a good father and clanmate but he finds it odd to be at the bottom of the Ranks again.

Petrichorpeculiarity ;; Roleplayed by rude.awakening
Have you ever smelled the earth after rain? Just take the time to walk outside, close your eyes, and inhale the amazing scent. It gets him every time. Oh, who am I talking about, you may ask? Petrichorpeculiarity, that's who. He was born in Dayclan, on a particularly rainy day. The moment he was born, he inhaled the aroma of rain on the earth. He smelled petrichor. So, his mother named him Petrichorkit, and from then on he was known as that. Petrichorpeculiarity is a strange cat. He's sweet as could be, and is very helpful. But, you may find yourself questioning yourself. What is it with that tomcat? There's something, just one thing, odd with him. Is it his output of apparent perfection, or is it that peculiar glint to his crisp blue eyes, the ones the sheen of freshly-fallen rain? Whatever it is, you'll have to find it on your own terms. Petrichorpeculiarity isn't planning on aiding you in the discovery of his peculiarity. His slick pelt is the shade of wet earth, a deep brown that may seem to almost smell like loose soil at some times. Though he's an odd feline, Petrichorpeculiarity is a fantastic tom you'd love to be companions with. Just chat with him, and perhaps your dream will come true.

Specklefrog ;; Roleplayed by MintOwl
Five little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicious grubs. One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool. Now there are four little speckled frogs. Four little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicious grubs. One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool. Now there are three green speckled frogs. Three little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicoius grubs. One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool. Now there are two little speckled frogs. Two little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicious grubs. One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool. Now there is one little speckled frog. One little speckled frog, sat on a speckled log, eating some delicious grubs. One jumped into the pool where it was nice in cool. Now there are no little speckled frogs. That one frog that jumped off first was her She was born on a log and by log I mean a safe home where everything was handed to her. That's right, Specklefrog was born half-kittypet. They had sweet two-legs who fed them and gave them water and let them go outside and play. They never took them to the cutter, even after her mother had gotten pregnant with a wild cat. Every night she could curl up to her mother's warmth in a nice bed made of soft pink two-leg stuff, stuffed with white fluff. She had everything so nice. The two-legs even bought them special food, unlike the housecats across the street. So, in a way, they were eating nice "grubs." Her mom had a sweet, soft name: Harpor. Most of the kits had equilly precious names: Tinkerbell, Opal, and Toby. Hers, however, was Frog. That's right; Frog. Her dad had insisted on naming her this. As a kit, Specklefrog blamed him for all the mocking from her two sisters. They had beautiful names, why couldn't she have a pretty name? As the kits grew up, Frog realized something set her apart from the other kits. They all had long, beautiful pelts like their mother. Her sisters had the prettiest calico markings and the most beautiful set faces. Why wasn't she growing long fur? Why did she still have calico markings but her fur wasn't glossy and long? In fact, her fur was only the top layer coat. Why didn't she have a thick coat? Her face was not beautifully set. It looked rather gross. Where did the answer lie? Her father. She looked just like her father. Specklefrog remembered the sad, pitiful looks her mother gave her as a kitten. It still leaves a pain in her heart like no other. See, Specklefrog is what is known as a Cornish Rex. She could never be beautiful like her sisters. Instead she had almost no fur! Her father died before Specklefrog left the home due to too much cold weather. After that, her mother was always careful to keep her inside. Even during Greenleaf! But there was wild blood running through this ugly she-cat's pelt. She was not going to deal with being locked up. Specklefrog dreamed of catching mice and hunting with wild cats in the forest. She dreamed of leading her own group of cats, being respected despite her hideous look. So that's what she did; she escaped. Out into the wild she knew she was going to have to find somewhere warm or else she'd share the same fate as her father. She traveled through the warm weather, keeping a good lookout for signs of the cold season. But moons past and she found herself not getting cold. Why was this? Wasn't the weather supposed to change? Curious about where she was, she went deep into the golden fields. She thought she had scented cats, but where were they? It wasn't until she stumbled upon a patrol that she realized she was in Dayclan. The patrol was surprisingly kind to her, probably because she wasn't quite full grown. They took her in and renamed her Specklepaw. She learned the ways of the warriors and became Specklefrog in no time. She found it ironic how the name traveled with her. Wouldn't she ever escape it? Before then, she had never known her fathers name and never thought to ask. This bewildered the cats of Dayclan. But why? Why was his name so important now? Specklefrog was blown away when she heard what his name was...Let's take a look at her appearance. We already established she isn't the most beautiful cat in the world. Imagine a weak snow, barely covering the ground with it's soft flakes, now put it on her pelt. It's somewhat curly and short like the newly fallen snow and it covers her whole undercoat. Thin layers of black and brown are scattered here and have a frosty look to the edges of their color like frozen shards. The pigment ranges from a light golden-brown to a dark black like they were burned by the ice. One patch of black covers the area around her left eye and another patch of golden-brown expands over the right eye. A small patch of medium-brown covers her mouth and her large, pointed ears are dappled with the same color, like snow-laden mountains. The insides of her ears are a pearly pink, speckled with black towards the base. Her nose is the same shell-pink and stands out against her little fur. Her pads are rough from traveling so long and training to prove her self and are a dark brown-black shade. Her face is shaped in an odd cone shape and her eyes seem to bulge out, but their color is actually very pretty. They are dark green, like a tree frogs back. But that is not was earned her the name frog because her eyes weren't open when she was first born, of course. She has a long, tall stature with a somewhat fragile appearance. But this is the exact opposite of what she really is. Cornish Rex's are known to be hardy and live long as long as they don't get too cold. The Medicine cat makes sure to take care of her in Leaf-bare, though, and in Dayclan it doesn't get too cold. Her build makes it easy to keep her balance during a battle and slip under her enemies paws. Specklefrog has a short temper but normally cats listen to her. She has a voice that demands attention when she speaks, and her sharp green gaze reinforces it. She has no need to let loose her fiery temper unless someone talks back to her. Her wrath is heard of but not many experience it because they've learned by now to be "extra good" around her. Specklefrog is not the dainty queen that her name makes her out to be. She is fierce and proud like a lion and holds her ground in an argument. She is not one to kiss up to others and she doesn't care for those who kiss up to her. She treats Dayclan like her family and will talk to you like family also. Specklefrog is one of the hardest working cats in the clan and she is not afraid to whip out tooth and claw to defend it. Her personality is as wild as any forest-born cat and she is respected for that. Really, there is not much else you can do but respect her, because no one wants to meet that nasty temper. She doesn't forget the kindness her clanmates have shown her, though, so she is kind and caring most of the time. It's only the moons of mockery that have made her hard and distrusting at times. But who could blame her? Specklefrog doesn't have a hard time falling in love, but she does have a hard time finding someone to love her back. But now, she has decided to just let it come. She hopes that if she does find someone who can look past her hideous features and she has kits that they aren't burdened with her appearance. The difference, though, between them being burdened with just the appearance and her is that she will be a loving mother who always treats them like they are the most beautiful cats in the world. She will give them nice names and names that they could be proud of, just like hers. She is proud to be named after her father, who was a well-respected, fierce warrior, Frogspirit.

Revolutionreign ;; Roleplayed by Littletail11
Fangs like daggers. Claws like arrows. Revolutionreign is made to be a war machine. He has large ears for outstanding hearing. He has sharp eyesite and an incredible sense of smell. His legs are long making him a swift runner. Revolutionreign has ginger fur so radiant only the sun compares. His white underbelly glistens like snow. Yet every cat has its weakness, its Achilles heal and this cats Achilles heal is literally his heal which surges with pain and even the smallest nip to his heal might bring him down. Revolutionreign got his scar and his name when training with the rogues. He was snatched from his family around 2 moons by the rogues. They made him one of them naming him Revolution because they felt like with him they could have a successfully defeated others in a revolution. He spent a little more than 10 moons with the rogues, training, often staying up late into the night perfecting moves. Eventually he escaped deciding he could no longer lead such an awful life. So he went to Dayclan. Fangs like daggers. Claws like arrows. Revolutionreign is always ready to strike.

Lavenderbreeze :: Roleplayed by Jadekit7
The life of Lavenderbreeze isn't the one of a easy cat nor is it the one of a clan cat. Her life started out in a city. Her mother was a strong independent cat with a regal way about her. Known as Lavender back then she looked up to her mother. Her mother was a kittypet they live in a big fancy home. With warm food to fill there bellies every night and a warm place to sleep. Life with her brother was a good one. But one night it was stripped from her. Two twoleggeds snuck into her housefolks home and stole her, and her brother. Her mother fought to keep them but in the end she didn't make it. She was killed right in front of her. They were taken to a small filthy twolegged nest. Filled with other cats and such. She was a pure breed Russian Blue. They later found out that was why the were kidnapped. Her and her brother were soon bought and were seperated from eachother. She now lived in a home will a old lady who had many cats. It was always noisey and crowded. It stunk of cat filth. She had a little food and fights broke out daily to cats being agitated and hungry.One night the old twolegged women left the window open just a little due to the lack of food she was able to escape. She felt grass on her feet for the very first time. She had always been captive in her life for the first time she was free. She ran into the forest but little did she know leaf-bare was on the way. For a while she couldn't hunt she did not know how so she ate twolegged trash. One night she ate something and got horriably sick. She crawled under a bush and she felt like death was comeing her way. The next morning she woke up warm and happy. She woke up in a twolegged home a old woman sat in a

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