
To obtain reasonably accurate actionable intelligence, it is important that the people under surveillance believe that they are in a situation which allows them to communicate freely. Obviously, if you know someone is spying on you, you would be cautious about what you say. For many years, people believed that their telephone conversations were secure and private. Today, thanks mainly to Edward Snowden, we know that the US spy apparatus intercepts and records every telephone call made on the entire planet and stores this information forever. Additionally, they monitor all internet activity. This spying is called SIGINT (SIGnals INTelligence).

Now that people know this previously top secret information, they will likely be more cautious when they use any electronic communications medium.

There are other lesser known methods. Long before the Internet, the US reportedly had an agreement with the Catholic Church under which any actionable intelligence obtained during “confession” would be relayed to the government.

In this report, we want to discuss one of the more recent intelligence gathering tools which directly affects you, your physical health and, potentially, your “right” to continue to remain physically alive.

EMR: Electronic Medical Records

Electronic Medical Records originated with the Obama administration and his medical care system commonly known as “Obamacare”. Prior to this, doctors kept a patient’s records on paper in a folder. In this form, the records were confidential. However, those days are gone.

Doctors and hospitals are now required to keep your records on computers in a standardized format specified by the government.

To comply with the law, many doctors hire “scribes” (search: “medical scribes”). These people sit in the same room with you and your doctor and record everything you say. They are essentially equivalent to court reporters. Everything you say is sent to the government and can be used as evidence against you. However, doctors do not volunteer this information and apparently are not required to read you your Miranda Rights, since they do not.

So, let’s take a look at where your previously confidential medical information goes:

“By their own admission, the federal government plans on sharing your data collected with approximately 35 agencies to ‘improve health care.’ These include the IRS, Department of Defense, Agricultural Department, Homeland Security, HHS, CMS, etc. Welcome to the age of ‘population health,’ World Health Organization international codes, ‘health justice,’ and the end of individualized healthcare decisions.”[1]

“Physicians should tell patients that federal and state bureaucrats will use the government EMR to:[2]

track patient’s behavior;

build individualized risk scores on patients;

conduct behavioral modification schemes (note: this means brainwashing);

build profiles of patient lives;

direct medical treatment (note: this means death lists);

reward doctors for limiting access to care.”

REMEMBER: Once your private medical information is sent to the government, it will be kept forever and can be used in whatever ways the government chooses, and those ways will likely be classified so you will never know.

Now, if this was not scary enough, you also need to know that this is a two way system. Not only does your doctor send your records to the government, but the government, based upon this information, can order your doctor to alter your medical treatment to comply with their wishes, which will likely be to your detriment. This means your doctor no longer has the power or authority to care for you using his medical judgment, but instead must obey orders from the government concerning your personal care. This policy could easily be transitioned in the future into a scenario where government bureaucrats could order your doctor to kill you.

Some believe that such a system is already active and was used to order the murder of Joan Rivers (search: “joan rivers murdered”) because of statements she made, which embraced the President.[3]

People need to get a “heads up” and realize that the end result of this process could well parallel the Nazi system, where defective children, disabled adults, and the elderly were routinely exterminated.

The US Medical Mentality

Medical schools in America are basically good schools. Doctors who graduate here have the knowledge to keep you in generally good health and help you to have a long and productive life, if they choose to do so. However, there are other factors which can effect your doctor’s judgment and actions, and you should be aware of these.

To begin, a doctor is destined to have a close, lifelong relationship with pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical companies are immensely wealthy and represent the largest lobby in the US Congress. Early on in medical school, student doctors will be gifted with a rather expensive microscope[4], which they will need to do their classwork. This will be the student’s introduction to the pharmaceutical industry and their message — “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” — should be becoming very clear.

In today’s computer-driven world, everything you do is recorded. When you begin your medical practice, you will be visited constantly by representatives of various pharmaceutical companies, and they will know quite a bit about you. Reportedly, they spend about $30,000 investigating you and analyzing your personality. The representatives they send will be specifically chosen to increase the probability that they can influence you. They will know all the prescriptions you have written and so know if you are prescribing their high-priced drugs or those of a competitor. They will expect you to explain your actions. Correct answers could lead to significant “perks.” Incorrect answers, of course, would result in an unfavorable outcome. So, when you see your patients, this knowledge will affect your judgment.

Although you learned how to practice medicine competently, in your last year of medical school your attitude will likely change. Here, instead of mainly medical classes, you will have classes on “how to maximize profit.” Unfortunately, “maximizing profit” and “taking adequate care of patients” are opposing objectives. You can’t do both. You will have to choose.

This conflict does not exist in any other civilized country, because all other civilized countries use socialized medicine. The concept of “maximizing profit” does not exist. Neither do medical bills. If you go to Europe and talk about medical bills, you will get strange looks, because no one there has ever heard of them.

Also, in your last year in medical school, you will be trained to have an “attitude adjustment.” You will be taught that the patients who come to you for help are not really human beings, but are simply “diseases that walk on two legs.” This is what doctors are actually being taught in the United States. Other civilized countries generally have compassion for others. Unfortunately, in the US, only money matters.

Consequently, regardless of your personality when you began medical school, when you finally graduate there is a high probability that you will have become a sociopath.

Flawed Medical Model

Because doctors are trained to seek ways to maximize profit, it is important to them that people get and stay sick. Healthy people do not visit doctors. This is apparently the basis of the protocol which delays medical treatment until symptoms appear and then treats only symptoms, never looking for the actual cause.

This is a flawed model and is dangerous and unnecessary. Over one hundred years ago, techniques were developed to detect disease before symptoms appeared and so prevent the disease from ever occurring. This was done by scanning and interpreting the human aura using special filters. Psychics can see people’s auras naturally, but most people cannot. However, special filters can allow anyone to see the human aura. This work was pioneered by Walter Kilner and perfected over one hundred years ago. However, after World War II, when the National Security Act was passed, certain knowledge, which was already in the public domain, was recalled. This knowledge was suppressed as well as access to the special dye — dicyanin — which could allow anyone to see human auras. This knowledge is used in Top Secret Medicine (see our book) to keep the elite healthy, but is forbidden to “ordinary” people to make sure they stay sick and doctors stay wealthy. It’s a scam, pure and simple. Most illnesses are totally preventable, and the masses suffer needlessly to fuel the profits of the medical industry.

Medical Records Protocols in Other Countries

In the United States, doctors and medical facilities are considered to be the “owners” of your medical records. Hospitals will sell you copies of your records, but will never give up the originals.

However, in many other countries, your medical records are considered to be your property, and you keep them. When you need to see a doctor or hospital, you bring your medical records with you. When you leave, your records are returned to you, and you are responsible for keeping them. Doctors and hospitals do not retain any of your records. They are considered to be your property.

Extra-Judicial Systems

Extra-judicial systems operate similar to normal judicial systems with a few critical differences. The most obvious of these are:

You are presumed guilty unless you can prove you are innocent.

You do not get a trial, and you have no rights. Once an “expert” pronounces you guilty, you are guilty and will remain guilty unless you can pay to prove otherwise.

Generally, you do not have the right to know the identity of the “expert” who pronounced you guilty. This information is confidential “to protect the expert.”

The “expert” does not need any evidence to convict you. His/her “opinion” is all that is needed. No specific evidence is required.

You have none of the rights you would normally expect in the “conventional” justice system such as the presumption of innocence or the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses against you; however, your legal status as a guilty person is identical to that of someone who was properly convicted at a “legitimate” trial.

Obviously, governments love extra-judicial systems. Imagine a society where some cop could walk up to you on the street and say, “There was an armed robbery down the block. You look guilty to me. You have “shifty eyes (or whatever). I am pronouncing you guilty and I will now take you to the state prison where you will begin your twenty year sentence”.

Guilty by Expert Opinion

Now, let’s look at some real examples of this process in action.

In the first case[5], the mom was hungry on the way to the hospital to have her baby and ate a bagel, which happened to have some poppy seeds on it. The hospital drug tested her without her knowledge, convicted her by “expert opinion” of being a drug addict and, therefore, an unfit mother, and CPS agents attacked her and took the baby. She was lucky. The ACLU took her case, got her baby back, and she was awarded significant damages. However, the ACLU has resources. If it had not been for their assistance, she may never have been reunited with her child and would have also been considered a “convicted drug addict” for the rest of her life — guilty by “expert opinion.”

In a second case[6], the poppy seeds were in salad dressing. This mom lost her child for seventy five days.

There are serious implications when you grab a mother’s newborn child. This deprives the child of the initial mother’s milk, which transfers the mothers natural immunities to the baby. There is no way to compensate for this loss later, and, therefore, the child will not have the natural protections from diseases and other adverse events it would have had if it had not been snatched away from mom at birth.

Your Doctor is Now a Government Snitch

EMR essentially makes your “trusted” doctor a government snitch. In government language, your doctor is now a CI (“confidential informant”) and is obligated to report to his masters.

You know, people don’t like snitches. And sometimes snitches swim with the fishes.

It is important that you realize that your doctor is a government CI so that you can take appropriate defensive measures to make certain he/she never obtains any sensitive information about you which could have adverse effects. If your doctor orders lab work, check first to see what personal information the tests could reveal that could possibly be used against you. Obviously, you must say something to your doctor; however, always remember he/she is a government CI, so choose your words carefully.

Also, it is not a crime to lie to your doctor, especially when the questions are of a non-medical nature and have nothing to do with your health.

Also, and perhaps most important, never allow the doctor to talk to your children when you are not present.

The British System of Legalized Patient Murder

The British have, for some time, been using a system which authorizes doctors to legally murder patients without their consent by denying them necessary medical care[7]. Under this system, a doctor can put someone on a “death list.” Doctors are paid £50 (about $75) for every person added to the list. Once on the death list, you will be refused medical treatment for any condition you may have. Consequently, death is virtually guaranteed. The system is similar to that portrayed in the fiction ABC-TV movie The Last Child, which aired on ABC in 1971 as the “movie of the week.”

However, Britain is not some kind of “iron curtain” country. Consequently, if you have financial resources, you can leave and go to some other country and receive needed medical treatment. Therefore, the death list system essentially means “death for the poor,” since the rich can afford to pay to continue to live.

There are influential people within the United States who advocate the implementation of a similar system.

“In 2014, WND reported Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who helped craft Obamacare as health policy adviser at the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, said he thought people should die at the age 75.”[8]

Bill Gates[9] [10] [11] [12] has also advocated murdering the elderly. Of course, it would not apply to himself or his friends.

Alan Greenspan has similar thoughts.[13]

Both men feel, essentially, that old people are “useless eaters” (sound familiar?) who are of no use to society and are a drain upon the economy. Greenspan believes the elderly are the cause of the financial problems in the US. Bill Gates agrees. However, neither of these men are exactly “spring chickens.” Obviously, they don’t want to die. So, clearly, they are suggesting this fate for “those other people” such as the poor and homeless.


4th Amendment Rights

“To have standing to claim protection under the Fourth Amendment, one must first demonstrate an expectation of privacy, which is not merely a subjective expectation in mind, but an expectation that society is prepared to recognized as reasonable under the circumstances.”[14]

The EMR system clearly violates the 4th Amendment, because people generally believe and assume that conversations between themselves and their doctor are confidential. And, in reality, these conversations have been confidential in the past. EMR changed that, however, patients were never told. They were led to believe — by deliberate omission — that nothing had changed. Can you imagine how patients would react, if a sign on the wall of a doctor’s office said: “Everything you say here is being recorded and sent to the government.”? This is the actual truth, but just imagine how you would feel, if you went to your doctor’s office and saw a sign like this. Likely, you would turn around and leave.

5th Amendment Rights

The Fifth Amendment guarantees that you cannot be forced to give information about yourself, which could be used to somehow incriminate you. So, many people “take the Fifth Amendment” and refuse to answer questions. If someone from law enforcement interrogated you, the law requires them to first read you your “Miranda Rights.” Specifically, they must say to you:

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?

With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?

Your medical records will be sent to the government and will be made available to both federal and state law enforcement agencies, BUT you will not be read your Miranda Rights AND, very likely, you will have no idea that any of this is happening, because you were never told and you just assumed that conversations with your doctor were private.


Childhood should be a simple, carefree time. However, times have changed, and your kids are in serious danger from a variety of sources.

Here, we are concerned with those “experts” who feel they have the right to brainwash your child and force your child to live a life not of his/her choosing, because “they know best.”

The umbrella name for this collection of presidents is “co-parenting”. Co-parenting is the philosophy that, although you are the natural parents of your children, the government and its various minions are “co-parents,” and their authority over your children is equal or greater than yours, and they can order your children raised as they choose and take them away from you by force, if you refuse.

The dangers to your child are numerous, so we will just cover some basics.

Do you know, for example, why doctors are so eager to inject your baby with vaccines containing mercury as soon as they can. Mercury is the only element, which can bond with, and therefore inactivate, gold. Gold, which exists naturally in the human body, is related to longevity. By inactivating it, you shorten the lifespan. In the “Golden Age,” hemoglobin was based upon gold, and the average life span was one hundred thousand years. Today, hemoglobin is based upon iron (Fe), because we are now in the “Iron Age.” However, traces of gold are still necessary and important.

Besides the many dangers of vaccines, which are generally forced upon kids, whether they want them or not, there is the newer danger of mind control agents. In most states, schools can order your kid drugged with dangerous psychotropic drugs, which will destroy them and cause non-reversible damage, which will have effects for the rest of their lives. If you resist drugging your kids, the school can order them taken from you and placed somewhere else so they can be drugged by force. The CCHR, a group opposed to forced psychiatry, recently won a case in Texas[15] [16], in which they were victorious in their efforts to change the existing laws so that Texas kids can no longer be force drugged or ripped away from their parents for refusing to drug them.

There is a reason “crystal meth” is an illegal street drug. It causes brain damage. It is part of the same family of drugs (amphetamines), which are the most popular drugs given to school kids. It fries their brains too. However, since doctors recommend it, parents think it is safe. Although legal, these drugs are in Schedule II (the most restrictive in the US) for a good reason.

Evading EMR

If You Refuse to Answer Non-Medical Questions

Doctors are asking patients invasive personal questions, which have nothing to do with medicine. In this example[17], a young mother bringing her kid in for a checkup was interrogated about guns in her home. Basically, she told the doctor it was none of his business and refused to answer. She was immediately kicked out and warned she could never return. So, this is what you can expect if you dare to refuse to reveal any personal details of your private life, about which the doctor may be curious. It is strictly a “my way or no way” relationship.

In a related incident, a man who admitted he owned a gun was attacked by CPS (Child Protection Service) shortly after returning home from the doctor. They demanded to search his home even though they apparently had no warrant[18].

In this article[19], a lawyer gives advice on what to do if you are attacked by CPS agents. You do have rights, however most people do not know them.

One legal way to block your doctor from giving out your information is to REFUSE to sign the HIPPA form when you first meet the doctor. The doctor cannot refuse to see you if you refuse, and by refusing you are blocking your doctor’s ability to inform on you to the government[20].

This can become a serious problem in smaller towns with few doctors. The doctors can easily become dictators who will use the threat of denial of essential medical care to force you to obey them and submit to any sort of interrogation they may desire. This is apparently perfectly legal, since, although doctors are government informers, they are legally free to refuse service to anyone as suits their whim.

Doctors Who Refuse

Many doctors don’t like EMR. Doctors who choose “concierge medicine” (search using this phrase) do not need to submit to EMR and generally treat their patients as real human beings (as opposed to just “a disease, which walks on two legs”). Unfortunately, there is a downside. Since the government systems will excommunicate such doctors, you will need to pay them cash. This may be a good value for those who cherish their privacy and constitutional freedoms.

Alternate Medicine

The current medical system is relatively new considering the history of the planet. Obviously, people survived before the advent of modern medicine, since we would not exist today if they had not. There is legitimate herbal medicine (generally suppressed, because you can’t patent natural plants).

You should also consider that spiritually advanced people did not need any of the expensive medical gadgets you would find in a hospital today. A competent psychic healer could diagnose health issues simply by using his Astral vision to “look inside” a person and could correct problems without any need for invasive surgeries. However, humanity has spiritually degraded now, and these talents have become quite scarce. However, you should realize such things are possible and that they were common in previous ages.

The American Police State

You live in a police state basically modeled after Nazi Germany. You have already lived sixteen years under Nazi US presidents[21], and there is a high probability that you are about to start another eight years of Illuminati rule[22]. In case you have not realized this, let’s take a walk through your typical day.

You leave home in the morning to go to work. Your smart phone is constantly reporting your location. Also, every time you cross a traffic signal, the cameras read your license plate number and record the time, and this is immediately sent to the government. If you happen to have a conversation with someone with you in the car, remember that the microphone in your smart phone can be remotely activated and your conversation can be monitored.

If you have a relatively good job, you likely had to sign agreements, when you were hired, giving up most of your civil rights. It’s much worse if you have a security clearance, because one wrong word could get you sent to prison for espionage.

Now, you are going home after completing your period of slave labor so you can get some money to live another day. Again, your location will be constantly monitored as you drive home.

Now, you are safe in your house. Not quite! Your smart meter is watching and listening. Smart meters send an interrogation signal allowing them to identify and control any “smart” appliance in your home.

Eventually, all appliances will be smart, but for now you may have one of the newer “smart TV sets.” It contains a hidden camera and microphone, and so it can watch you and listen to you in your home. It can learn much more, if you are stupid enough to connect it to the internet. However, either way, the smart meter can also monitor you using your smart TV.

So now, having relaxed in the “safety and privacy” (nonexistent) of your home, it is time for bed. What could possibly happen while you are peacefully sleeping? Plenty! You see, your smart meter is sending out a special signal about every five or ten seconds. This pulsed digital signal affects your brain waves. Some people are more sensitive than others and actually get seriously ill. Research “smart meters” if you are interested in reports from affected people.

Now it is time to get up and get ready to return to your slave labor job once again.

Today, no privacy, civil rights or constitutional freedoms remain. Additionally, you have been under some sort of mind control ever since you were born. Today’s young people will be the first generation to have grown up drugged with mind control agents. These agents chemically negate the qualities which make human beings superior to animals. Consequently, the planet will soon be populated by a new drug-induced race of sub-human creatures, which will be incapable of creativity or free will. They will be ideal, submissive slaves for the New World Order, and they will freely accept this, since they have never known true freedom since they were born.

Children of the ruling oligarchs, of course, will have been allowed to develop naturally, will not be drugged, and will have been educated in special private schools reserved specifically for them. They will be taught that it is their right to rule and that it is the duty of “the others” to obey and follow their commands without question.

references and credits

[1] “Electronic Medical Records — Government Medicine 101”, by Jane Lindell Hughes, MD, FACS. Congress Blog, February 25, 2015.

[2] “Will Your Doctor Refuse the Government EMR?” by Twila Brase, RN, PHN. Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, January 22, 2014.

[3] “Do It For Denmark!” Spies Rejser.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

[4] Doctor X. Intern. Harper & Row, 1965.

[5] “Victory for Woman Whose Newborn Baby Was Taken Away After Poppyseed Bagel Caused Positive Drug Test,” by Kristen Gwynne. Alter-Net, July 3, 2013.

[6] “Mother ‘lost custody of newborn when she failed opiate test – after eating poppy seed salad dressing’,” by Fiona Roberts. Mail Online, July 19, 2011.

[7] “Revealed: How GPs are paid £50 bonus to put elderly on ‘death lists’,” by Jonathan Petre and Stephen Adams. Mail Online, 19 October 2013.

[8] “‘Death panels’ resurrected under new Medicare rules,” by Bob Unruh. WND, January 5, 2016.

[9] “Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population,” by Mike Adams. Natural News, October 01, 2010.

[10] “Bill Gates EXPOSED! Wants Depopulation Through Vaccines,” by Knowledge Resource, February 3, 2013. (Agenda 21: Vaccines to Reduce Population.)

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

[11] “Bill Gates: End-of-Life Care vs. Saving Teachers’ Jobs.” FORA.tv, July 8, 2010.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

[12] “The Real Story Behind Bill Gates And ‘Death Panels’,” by Paul Joseph Watson. Prison Planet, September 14, 2010.

[13] Doctor X. Intern. Harper & Row, 1965.

[14] Fourth Amendment.

[15] “CCHR Texas Issues.” CCHR Texas.

[16] “The Drugging of Our Children — Documentary Video.” APFN.org.

[17] “Family and pediatrician tangle over gun question,” by Fred Hiers. Ocala.com, July 23, 2010.

[18] “You May Feel Some Pressure,” by Dave Kopel. America’s 1st Freedom, June 18, 2015.

[19] “Ten Things You Must Do If CPS Knocks at Your Door,” by Chris Branson. CPS Defense.com.

[20] “You Are Not Required to Sign HIPAA ‘Privacy’ Forms or the ‘Notice of Privacy Practices’ Acknowledgement Statement.” Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom.

[21] SEARCH: “bush family nazi”.

[22] “Hillary Clinton: 6th Level Illuminati Witch & Sadistic Monarch Slave Handler.” Before It’s News, February 13, 2014.

additional resources

“Your Medical Records May Not Be Private: ABC News Investigation,” By Jim Avila and Serena Marshall. ABC News, September 13, 2012.

EndGame. The documentary by Alex Jones.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

© 2016 by Walter C. Vetsch. All rights reserved.

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