Attributes of the Creation
This discussion covers the attributes of the Creation in greater detail. It assumed that you have already read our book “Essentials of Mysticism” which is a prerequisite to comprehending what will be covered here.
To begin, you may want to consider the “quality assurance statement” in the beginning of the classic Old Testament of the Christian Bible. You may have overlooked it. The statement is “and God saw that it was good”. It is repeated several times.
Do you have any idea of the complexity of the Creation? For it to function correctly, there can be no mistake in the design. Just look at something relatively simple like the DNA codes for the various forms. Even the tiniest error in the code will result in a seriously defective form or a form which is not viable at all.
Clearly, the Creation is not the work of some amateur. It is very difficult to engineer correctly. However, it is not that hard to destabilize and cause random erratic effects which are generally impossible to predict. So, when “scientists”, with their crazy beliefs that their knowledge somehow makes them “gods”, start playing with critical aspects of the Creation, the results are generally unpredictable disasters.
Normal Spiritual Evolution
Why does the Creation even exist? The only naturally occurring area is the zone called “Anami” (“no name”). It is an area of zero density. Fully mature Souls can function here, however, baby Souls cannot. Therefore, the only known way to allow a young Soul to grow and reach maturity is to artificially increase the density to whatever level the Soul needs to function effectively. If young Souls could somehow be “zapped” into maturity, this would not be necessary. However, they cannot. The quality we call “wisdom” cannot be taught. It must be acquired through experience. However, once acquired, continued experience is not necessary to retain it.
Therefore, the Creator — or, more descriptively, the parent of the young Souls, — causes the Creation to come into existence. There are many levels or “densities” in the Creation. In these densities, young Soul have the opportunity to interface with material “forms” which are appropriate for their level of development. By functioning with the assistance of a form — such as a human body — the young Soul is able to have experiences, make choices and see the consequences of those choices.
All of this is a learning experience. However, none of it is real. It does, however, appear very real to the young Soul. Matter and time are created illusions. They are unreal. They are also temporary. Basically, they are created from nothing by the power of thought and, eventually, return to nothing and cease to exist. The only thing you have that is real is your Soul. It cannot be destroyed. However, everything else is temporary.
Although temporary, all this is absolutely necessary to properly raise young Souls to maturity. Young Souls are given the power of free choice. This freedom is very important because the “kids” must freely choose and sincerely believe that the will of the Creator is the correct philosophy. As long as they choose otherwise, they will never leave the limits of the creation.
They can choose to do whatever they please. However, all choices are associated with various consequences. Some choices cause the young Soul to advance in maturity, however others do not. Only the correct sequence of choices will allow the Soul to return home to its point of origin in Anami as a mature creature.
Souls must learn this on their own. Mistakes will not kill them since Souls are immortal beings, however, mistakes will lengthen the time required to complete their childhood and become mature adults. The Creator does not believe there are “bad” Souls. The Creator believes that, eventually, even though it may require trillions of lifetimes or even billions of trillions of lifetimes, every Soul will eventually realize any mistakes it has been making and choose the correct course. However, it cannot leave the created area until this process completes — no matter how long it may take. Since time is an illusion internal to the Creation, from the viewpoint of the Creator who exists outside of the Creation, the concept of time has no meaning.
Now that we have covered the basics, let us look at the “human condition”. In normal evolution — that which is the intent of the Creator — humans and similar equivalent creatures live a fixed time in a physical body and then the body dies. At this point, their active body is their Astral body and they find themselves on some Astral plane.
Here, they have access to help. They can review all their past physical lifetimes with the help of “counselors” and they can attend classes taught by Ascended Masters (SM-0). If it becomes clear from the review of past lives that the Soul’s development is incomplete because certain critical experiences have not yet occurred, counselors will look and suggest a family somewhere in the Physical Universe where the Soul can incarnate to have the needed experience(s). Souls get to look across time and see the life they will have. Generally, they can see from the evidence that this is something they need and they freely accept this.
On this planet, Earth, children generally do not remember past lives once they begin a new lifetime. However, this is not universally true and was not true on Earth in some previous Ages. Many human equivalent species on other planets retain all previous memories. Only in rare cases does this occur on Earth.
Protocols For Legitimate Administrators
Administration of the Creation is delegated. Each Plane is administrated by a Plane Lord. There are, additionally, Souls which have duties within the Creation, such as Spiritual Masters (SM-1) and Ascended Masters (SM-0). All the various administrators operate at the pleasure of and with the authority of the Creator (SO-0).
Obviously, you cannot be a legitimate instructor in some area of wisdom unless you have personally had experiences in and have mastered that area. Therefore, to have a valid SM-1 or SM-0 rating you must have personally accessed the Spiritual Planes. No Soul who has reached these levels is required to return to the Creation. So, Souls who hold valid SM-1 and SM-0 ratings are Souls who have successfully completed all the requirements needed to leave the created worlds and have then voluntarily chosen to return to help other Souls even though they are under no obligation to do so. Therefore, they are deserving of a special level of respect.
Lots of religious leaders claim to be Spiritual Masters. They set up cults and generally accumulate significant wealth. Of course, 99+% of them are fake. The few real ones are almost impossible to find. They have no interest in publicity.
You are free not to listen to these masters, but to deliberately harm them will result in severe penalties. For example, you may have heard of the “Curse of Presidents”. This came into existence because the “exceptional” US government wanted to send a clear message to the Native Americans (Indians) that they were a conquered people and must submit to US imperialism. So, they captured a respected leader, killed him, and then forced the other Indians to eat his body to humiliate them into submission. The leader they picked held a valid SM-1 rating.
The assessed penalty was the “curse” (technically called an Absolute Order) that every twenty years — corresponding, incidentally, with the planet’s natural biorhythm cycle — a US President would die in office. Absolute Orders cannot be canceled. So, you may ask, why have no Presidents been dying lately. The last President affected was President Reagan. Reportedly, he was actually successfully killed. However, in the meantime, determined to defeat the will of the Creator, the US had perfected top secret medicine to the point that Mr. Reagan was successfully restored to life and no president has died (from the curse) since.
This does not mean the order is no longer in effect. Something happens to US Presidents every twenty years as scheduled but is prevented by intervention using top secret medicine. Actually, it is impossible to kill a sitting US President. However, the NSA can order a sitting President killed if he defies orders from the “shadow government” which was done in the case of President Kennedy. Normally, they are protected physically by guards and psychically by the “Psy-Core” — a group of trained psychics employed by the government. Other developed countries basically do similar things to protect their leaders. So, for example, even if you could somehow destroy a US President so that nothing remained, the Psy-Core agents would quickly move his consciousness to a clone, which is always prepped and on standby, and business as usual would continue as if nothing had happened. The US is confident, therefore, that it has successfully “defeated God” and is now in absolute control.
Understanding the Two Higher Densities
Why Varying Densities are Necessary
We call the various Planes and Sub-Planes “densities” because it is a more descriptive term. It refers to the density of the matter used to create a specific region. This region, the Physical Universe, is the most dense region. The Astral Planes are less dense. “Matter” in the Astral planes appears to be just as real as matter on the Physical Plane if you are using your Astral body. However, this density is invisible to people operating in a physical body unless they happen to be psychic.
Young Souls need to have some kind of “container” which is at a level (density) that they can comprehend and in which they can operate. When they master a level, they are ready to move to a lower density. If they are not ready, they cannot function. To illustrate this, there are “dead” people at the lower levels of the Astral Universe who seem to be frozen or moving in slow motion. They are totally lost. They have no idea that they are “dead”. If you can Astrally project, you can see them. There are lots of these “people” because mainstream education on Earth — especially in Western societies — excludes any type of legitimate Spiritual education and instead promotes false theories such as scientific atheism and the concept that everything is some random accident due to “evolution”. Consequently, even though people may have productive materialistic lives, they are totally lost when they die, because they have been programmed to believe that death is the end of everything and that nothing exists beyond death.
Now, for those who have doubts understanding this, there is a respected group known as the Monroe Institute, which trains some of its advanced students to go on out of body trips, find these “lost people”, and try to help them learn how to function now that they are in a lower density. It is not a secret that they do this and have been doing it for some time. It is described in their public literature.
So, to summarize, Souls are placed at a density which they are able to handle effectively based upon their level of Spiritual development. As they develop, they are able to function at some appropriate lower density. Baby Souls originate in the zero density region generally known in Eastern Mysticism as “Anami”. However, as babies, they cannot function there. They must, therefore, go to higher density regions and gradually gain the Spiritual strength to move to increasingly lower densities. Eventually, they will return home to Anami.
Legitimate Administrators
God delegates authority to various Souls to effectively manage the Creation. Each Plane is ruled by a Plane Lord. Plane Lords have absolute authority within their space. Generally, they serve for at least one cycle. In the two highest densities, the Physical Plane and the Astral Plane, one cycle consists of the time between the origin of one Creation until the beginning of the next Creation.
Between Creations there is a dissolution period. During this period — which is equal in length to the active Creation period — nothing exists in the affected densities. The Astral Plane and the Physical Plane are codependent and are always created and dissolved together. This process is known as a “minor dissolution” and occurs much more frequently than a “grand dissolution”.
The present Plane Lord of the two highest densities is Kal. With his mate, Kali, he manages these densities. Kal has the authority to do anything he pleases except violate ICG Directive One.
Kal creates opportunities for experience. Some experiences are quite pleasant and seductive. If you become attached to any of these, this attachment will hold you in Kal’s domain. However, Kal is not holding you prisoner. Directive One prohibits this. You are holding yourself prisoner because of your desires. If you can give them up, you are free to leave. However, this is easier said than done. For example, sex and the notion of male and female only exists in the two lower densities. This concept originates in the lower levels of the Causal Plane. Souls do not have sex. There is no such thing as male and female Souls. Until you understand this, you cannot leave Kal’s domain.
Voluntary vs. Forced Reincarnations
We have discussed the natural sequence for voluntary reincarnation. However, this does not always occur because of interference by black magicians of various types and levels of competence. If a Soul does not freely choose to reincarnate, the reincarnation is considered to be forced.
There are a variety of ways this can be accomplished. One of the earliest technology assisted techniques was accidentally discovered by Robert Monroe. It was described by him in early editions of his books, but may have been redacted from later editions. Monroe — having no Spiritual training and therefore no Spiritual ethics — loved to let scientists use him in experiments. Accidentally, they discovered that Astral projection was not possible if the subject was inside a charged Faraday cage. This is because the electricity flowing through the cage — invisible in this density — is both visible and solid in the Astral dimension and so forms a “net” which holds the spirit prisoner.
So the original forced reincarnation method was to place a dying person inside such a cage with a “freshly pregnant” girl whose future child had not yet been assigned to a Soul. This created a sort of “subspace” of the Universe where only two people existed. When the old person died, the spirit had no choice but to reincarnate in the unborn child because no other option existed. This was when the government realized it could arrange for certain “chosen” people to live physically forever. This technique works but is considered obsolete today and has been replaced with more sophisticated technologies.
Today, the most favorite method is consciousness transfer to younger clone of the older person. Temporal regression technology is also in use which allows you to keep the same body but return it to a younger age.
However, before such high tech solutions were developed, the “priestcraft” — a group of black magicians — had figured out how to trap Souls on lower Astral planes by conning them into believing they were in “heaven” and then forcing them to reincarnate prematurely. This is how mainstream churches operate today.
Forced reincarnations deprive the Soul of necessary developmental activities such as past life reviews and, of course, make it impossible for the Soul to ever ascend and eventually return to the Creator.
Black Magicians
Young Souls are placed inside the Creation to have the benefit of experiences not available elsewhere. This will eventually lead to a state of maturity which will allow the Soul to exit the limits of the Creation and enter the pure Spiritual worlds. No Soul can leave this region until it is developed enough to meet the requirements.
God does not create evil. There is no such thing as some legitimate “Master of Evil” somewhere creating chaos. Souls have, however, the power of free choice. As Souls progress in their understanding of how the Creation operates, they gain the ability to take actions which affect the Creation. These actions can have positive or negative results. Actions which promote Spiritual evolution are positive. Actions which deliberately hinder Spiritual evolution are negative. IGC Directive One prohibits these actions. However, since Souls have free choice, some will choose to do such things. These Souls fall into the general category of “black magicians”. The only difference between these Souls and other Souls at the same level of development is attitude. Black magicians simply do not care about the consequences of their actions. Generally, they feel that the power to do something gives them the right to do it regardless of the effect this may have on other beings or the Creation. So, for example, they would believe that having a gun conveys the right to go kill anything you please. Such a belief would not last long, of course, because their actions would be recognized and others would interfere and stop them. Obviously, then, successful black magicians must be a bit more subtle. Black magicians cannot effectively operate in Spiritually advanced societies because they would be immediately recognized, identified and stopped. So, they seek opportunities to exploit the innocent who are unaware of their true intentions or their methods.
One of the lessons young Souls must learn is the nature of evil. Unfortunately, this generally involves having experiences with evil. However, these lessons must be learned somehow to become a mature Soul.
Souls who follow the Right Hand Path of Good have the same powers as those who choose the Left Hand Path. However, they will not use them to deliberately harm others. This choice is not made out of fear of some punishment but, rather, out of respect for the Creator and the purpose of the Creation.
In the beginning of the MK ULTRA project — and this is documented in an early episode of the PBS program “NOVA” — the government sought out legitimate psychics and tried to pay them to harm or even kill others. They simply could not understand why the psychics refused since many live modestly. They just assumed that everyone was just as evil as they were and would do anything for enough money. Anyway, they solved the problem by training military people who were already conditioned to obey orders without question to become psychic. This was the origin of the “remote viewer” secret program.
Unfortunately, this planet, Earth, has become a happy home for black magicians. Conservatively — very conservatively — 90% of the human population here is either practicing some form of black magic or is under the control of others who do. It is generally believed that Souls who have the misfortune to incarnate here have little chance of escape. The few who do are looked upon by entities on higher planes as heroes because they somehow managed to free themselves from the intense evil here on Earth. IGC has recommended that the only practical way to free the innocent Souls trapped here would be to destroy the planet.
Philosophical systems used here — especially the system of predatory capitalism used in the United States — require that you choose the Left Hand Path to be successful. You must eliminate all emotion, compassion and regard for the feelings of others. You have no ethics and you acquire money by any means possible. You are then rewarded as a “successful capitalist”. Honest people are excommunicated, thrown in prison or even killed since they are a threat to making a profit. A few positive Spiritual groups remain but must hide to avoid being killed since they are considered a threat to the majority who have dedicated their lives to evil.
Choosing the Left Hand Path immediately blocks access to the Spiritual worlds and confines you to created worlds and generally further confines you to the higher densities. However, black magicians don’t care. They love it here. They thrive on the thrill of destroying the lives, hopes and dreams of innocent Souls.
Catholic Example
We are going to use the Catholic Church to illustrate how most mainstream religions on this planet operate.
First, let’s review some basic attributes of the Astral Plane. When some physical object — like a building — is created on Earth, an exact duplicate is also created somewhere on the Astral Plane. The structure does not have to have any special importance for this process to occur. It is just an automatic aspect of the system. For example, if you can do Astral travel with some competence, you can find the duplicate of the neighborhood where you grew up. Because the Astral Plane operates at a lower density from Earth, everything is pristine and beautiful. So, your old neighborhood, for example, will appear to have just been built.
Now, mainstream religions have a central headquarters which is generally quite exotic. Like all other structures, it has a duplicate on the Astral Plane. So, Vatican City, the headquarters of the Catholic Church on Earth, has an exact duplicate on the Astral Plane. However, because of the lower density matter, it is absolutely clean and beautiful. It is located in an area we call “the belief system territories”. The headquarters of other religions, cults and belief systems are also here but are separated “horizontally” so one group never meets any other groups or even knows they exist.
The Catholic area is their particular Astral “real estate”. It is the place they call “heaven”. Obviously, it is not, but their followers believe it is. Catholics are told that, when they die, they will get a “new heavenly body”. Actually, this is the person’s Astral body and they already have it and can use it now if they learn Astral Projection. The Astral Body — or “light body” — is part of every person from birth. It is naturally shinny (sparkles) and beautiful and, after death, it returns to the way it was at about twenty years old and, of course, is in perfect health and complete. If you were damaged or lost limbs in your physical life, this had no effect upon your Astral body which is still perfect and complete.
So, now let’s get into how these religions operate. Baptism, initiation or whatever it may be called, is a psychic process to create an invisible link between you and the place in the belief system territories which that religion calls “heaven”. Since you were never given any legitimate Spiritual knowledge, you will be inclined to accept this, since you know nothing else.
So, when a Catholic dies, the psychic predisposition kicks in and leads them to “Catholic heaven”. They see the Vatican (the duplicate) and likely some dead relatives as well as Priests and so on. Since this is what they have been taught their whole lives, they accept that they are now “in heaven”.
On the chance that they figure out they are not, they will be held there by force. The place is guarded and you cannot leave. If you are doing Astral projection and happen to find this place, the guards will kick you out. Eventually, you will be forced to reincarnate back on earth in — if possible — a Catholic family. You will now lose your memories of what has just happened and be sent to Catholic school where you will be “reindoctrinated” and the whole process will repeat. This will continue indefinitely unless you somehow “wise up”.
If you do wise up and decide to break the cycle, you must do this while you are physically alive. In one case, the person took all the Baptismal Documents, marked through them all with a large black “X”, and mailed them back to the church. After that, he had nightmares where he was attacked by “demons”. He successfully fought them off and, when the attacks stopped, he knew he had broken away from the control of the church sand was now free at last.
Catholic Priests, Cardinals, or whatever, are a cult of black magicians who capture and hold innocent Souls. Anyone who pays attention to the news should realize that a group of men who rape children cannot possibly have any relation to the true God.
Stable Positive Example – Monroe
Robert Monroe (Monroe Institute) wrote three books about his Astral travels. However, Monroe had no occult training. When he found himself in his Astral body, he actually believed that he had discovered some “new world” and, apparently, had no idea that people had been doing these things ever since people originated. Since he knew nothing about the occult, he began inventing words and phrases to describe his “new” discoveries. Having never heard the word “Astral”, he invented the phrase “out of body”. Today, science seems to prefer to use his invented nomenclature instead of standard occult nomenclature which has been in standard use for ages.
Monroe describes a “stable positive” planet Earth located in the year 3000. In this future Earth, people primarily use their Astral bodies. They have physical bodies, but keep them in some type of stasis most of the time. No technology is described. No technology would be needed, because the inhabitants could provide for all their needs using their own abilities. Astral bodies don’t need to eat. Astral bodies don’t need transportation devices because they can instantly travel to any place they can visualize and desire. Astral bodies don’t need external communication devices, because they can visit friends instantly just by thinking about them.
This system has typical attributes of stable positive systems. Beings can provide for all their needs using their own internal abilities and without the need of any external devices.
There is considerable missing data in Monroe’s description. Obviously, the beings realize that their physical bodies are mere “containers” to be used if the need arose to do something physical. However, there is no indication that the people knew that the Astral body they were using was also a “container”. It does not appear that Monroe realized this either. It appears to be a common belief that the Physical plane (called Earth in most contemporary religions) and the Astral plane (mistakenly called “heaven”) is all that exists. This may explain why people in Monroe’s world of the year 3000 showed no desire to advance further.
The Golden Age was a stable positive system since the physical bodies in use then were autonomous. The bodies were also considerably larger and distinct male and female forms did not exist. Anyone could choose to reproduce and create a new form if it chose to do so.
Stable Negative Example – Bielek
Al Bielek describes a stable negative society he found in the year 2749. Now, you may have noticed, the year 2749 and Monroe’s year 3000 are too close for both scenarios to be true. Monroe’s year 3000 was the original future for humanity. However, when the experiments in time conducted in the year 1943 linked with the experiments being conducted in the year 1983, the time stream for Earth was altered. Monroe’s future may exist “somewhere” but it is no longer accessible to us. Our presently scheduled future is the Al Bielek 2749 future. Mr. Bielek has quite a few free YouTube videos if you are interested in this subject.
Bielek describes a totally stable negative world which is “ruled” by a computer using artificial intelligence. Everyone’s basic needs are provided free. People are required to choose some type of “work” just so they will be occupied and not just sit around idle. However, no money is in use. You just have the right to whatever you need to be comfortable. There is no evidence of Spirituality in any form.
This is an ideal example of a stable negative society. People seek to compensate for the natural abilities they once had but lost due a “Spiritual fall” by creating technology to imitate a “Golden Age” type scenario. Such systems generally remain until some unforeseen event destroys them. This could be something like a magnetic pole shift, erratic emissions from the Sun or a shower of asteroids. Any of these would likely wreck the support technology and the people, having become totally dependent upon technology, would return to some type of “stone age” existence assuming they survived at all.
Contemporary Stable Negative
Stable Negative societies occur when people lose access to their natural abilities and then gradually compensate for the loss using technology. We are building a stable negative society today which would — in time — lead to the Beilek Model.
In Stable Positive systems, individuals are autonomous creatures. Everything they need is incorporated in their being. This was the state of existence during the Golden Age. Stable Negative systems approximate this state using technology to compensate for their shortcomings due to lost abilities. Externalization, however, has obvious vulnerabilities not present in Stable Positive systems. The most obvious is that necessary abilities which have been externalized can malfunction or be switched off by various forces not under the control of the dependent creature.
A great example of this is today’s addiction to “smart phones”. In past times, people had to learn how to use their brain to remember things. Now, everything has been transferred to some external device. If it malfunctions or is lost or switched off, you have no idea where you are (GPS maps) or how to contact anyone, because all this information is no longer in your brain but, instead, in an external device. Since kids as young as three years old use these devices for pretty much everything they would have previously done with their natural brain, anything which separates them from their “artificial brain” practically reduces them to a mindless zombie. Another issue no one apparently considers is that — although it is not that easy to “read minds” — everything done on a smart phone is sent to the government where it is recorded and stored forever and can be used as evidence against you. Your natural thoughts are private, but your electronic thoughts are not.
People in the Golden Age naturally lived approximately 100,000 years. Today, (the “chosen”) people have figured out how to live essentially forever by such techniques as transferring their consciousness to a young clone duplicate when they are near death or using time regression devices to return to an earlier age. However, both techniques require sophisticated technologies. If access to these technologies is somehow lost, so are the enhancements they provide.
Also, technology is primarily an attribute of this density or dimension. It cannot leave here. Therefore, neither can you if your existence is dependent upon technology. If your abilities were natural, you would be free to explore other densities. However, because you are no longer a self-sufficient creature, you cannot. Also, this density is not permanent and will eventually go into dissolution and cease to exist. When this happens, matter and time will also cease to exist and none of your fancy technology will survive. Those Souls who are self-sufficient because they spent their time and effort developing their natural abilities will be free to leave, however those who have learned to survive and thrive with the assistance of technology will not, because the technology that sustains them will no longer exist.
Although it is appealing for people who believe in scientific atheism or similar philosophies to seek stable negative systems, these systems are a Spiritual trap. It is not possible to maintain a stable negative system forever because of periodic scheduled dissolutions. People inhabiting these systems may feel content, safe and comfortable. However, while enjoying all their created creature comforts, they have made no Spiritual progress at all. Consequently, when a scheduled dissolution takes out their “world”, they find themselves as “lost Souls” without a clue as to what has happened or what to do about it.
The Underground World
The secret underground world is an excellent example of a stable negative system. It is essentially a self-sufficient area (set of areas) where “high” technology combined with black magic is used to approximate some type of utopia.
People live forever by transferring their consciousness to a younger clone of themselves. This latest method of “everlasting life” has become so common now that the original and new (clone) bodies have been assigned the code words “cola” and “uncola”. Also, facial recognition software is sufficiently sophisticated for investigators to pretty much prove that some young person is actually a copy of some deceased much older person.
Top Secret Medicine (see our book) keeps them in perfect health and the environment is perfect by scientific standards. Here, they work to perfect more high technology and plan to survive any sort of natural disaster (magnetic pole shift, asteroid storm) that might come their way. Their efforts definitely lead in the direction of Al Bielek’s world of 2749 and not Monroe’s world of 3000. Although primitive by comparison to 2749, they are developing the tools to create such a world. Incidentally, if you had a time machine, you could go to 2749. However, if you had the ability to sit here and patiently wait for 2749, it would never come. This dimension will go into dissolution long before then.
The obvious motivation to put all the necessary effort into creating stable negative systems such as the underground world now present on Earth is the belief that nothing exists beyond physical death or the fear that potentially unpleasant things exist beyond death. The later fear is justified if you have spent your life practicing black magic which, unfortunately, many of these people have. They face potential banishment — the most severe penalty allowed under IGC law. However, hiding underground only delays their fate because no physical structures will exist after dissolution. Anyway, however you look at it, it is stupid. If, instead of fighting nature and trying to conquer nature, you chose to live in harmony with nature you would have nothing to fear and would eventually ascend to lower densities where life is simpler and much more pleasant. But, some people are just stubborn and apparently want to keep the status quo at any cost.
Attributes and Limitations of Paths
There are three main paths and many variations. These are the Left Hand Path, the Right Hand Path and the Middle Path. The Middle Path allows direct access to the Source. The Adam and Eve story in the Christian Bible shows Adam and Eve were originally placed on the Middle Path. With no knowledge of duality (“the knowledge of good and evil”), they had direct access to the Source. Then they were warned that should they choose to explore the worlds of duality (“eat the apple”) access to the Source would be immediately lost (“you will (Spiritually) die”). Of course, they could not resist “exploring”, and so humanity has been exploring ever since.
It is not easy to use the Middle Path, because the human forms in use today are naturally out of balance due to being male or female. Although the Souls of males and females are equal, the forms are not. Each has its own attributes. Anyone who can see Auras can’t help but notice that the Auras of males and females have opposite “spins”. So, to get to the Middle Path in meditations you need to first get above the level where sex originates to avoid being out of balance. Then, you can peruse the neutral or Middle Path.
The book, Tibet’s Great Yogi Milarepa by W. Y. Evans-Wentz, describes how Milarepa first became a master of the Left Hand Path and acquired all the power and riches that come with that achievement but then realized that other areas and experiences existed which were blocked and beyond his power to reach. To reach these, he had to give up the Left Hand Path and everything he had achieved and begin from scratch studying the Right Hand Path. He became a master of the Right Hand Path before he died and no one has reported seeing Milarepa on the higher planes, so he likely left the Creation and now resides in the Spiritual Planes. However, his teacher, Marpa, has reportedly been spotted on one of the higher Astral Planes where he teaches as an Ascended Master. Since such an achievement in a single lifetime is so rare — and Milarepa is the only documented case — you can appreciate why he was given the title “Tibet’s Great Yogi”.
Above Causal
There appears to be little interest in the planes above those in the Astral Universe since mainstream religion has convinced people that the Astral Planes are “heaven” and that is the end of their “spiritual” quest. Magicians know of and can access the Causal Plane for good or otherwise.
Of course, the Causal Plane is roughly just the midpoint of the Creation with two planes — the Mental and Etheric above it. The Causal Plane has its own Plane Lord and the two upper Planes have their own Plane Lord. The upper part of the Etheric Plane is the only area which survives during a Grand Dissolution. It must survive because it is the origin of the four “elements” — Earth, Air, Fire and Water — which will be used to regenerate the Creation. If these were lost, regeneration would not be possible and also those Souls who have gone into suspense because they are not ready to enter the imperishable Spiritual Planes above would also be lost. Obviously, this is not acceptable. The fifth “element”, Ether — symbolized by the dodecahedron in sacred geometry — can transcend the barrier which separates the created worlds from the Spiritual worlds. There are many different types of forms in the created worlds, however only those forms which incorporate the Ether element in their makeup are capable of comprehending Spirituality. Study of the basic elements, which are the precursors to matter, falls into the science known as sacred geometry. There are many references available on the internet if this interests you. In top secret physics, scientists are just realizing that understanding subatomic particles is not enough and they must go to the level above matter which is the basic “elements”. In this quest they are approaching Alchemy — the original science and father of the watered down science of today called chemistry — which was perfected and in use in previous epochs here on Earth.
Let’s quickly refresh our knowledge of the basic attributers of the various forms using the chart from our technical book TEXT:
Class #
Elements Used
Examples (from Earth)
Group I
Earth, air, fire, water, ether
Human beings
Group II
Earth, air, fire, water
Quadruped mammals
Group III
Air, fire, water
Group IV
Earth, fire
Reptiles, insects
Group V
In the present epoch, governments started making contact with aliens around 1913 and this has continued. The two groups commonly mentioned are insectoids (Greys) and reptilians. Both of these are Group IV creatures. What that means is that they are incapable of comprehending Spiritual matters. Such thoughts and concepts are simply not available to them. Since their form limits them to the material creation, over time they have developed skills in that area which, obviously, include space travel. That’s just great for them, but you must remember you have access to areas they can never reach. Therefore, regardless of what fancy technology they may have, you are superior.
Humans can do just fine with no technology as illustrated in the Stable Positive Monroe example. However, these creatures cannot. So, just in case the knowledge of alien races should someday become public, remember that you must analyze the form to see what class of creature it is before getting too chummy with it. Obviously, there are many human equivalent races out there with Group I forms. However, the vast majority are lower forms, so you need to use some discretion when contemplating relationships.
Earth humans are Group I creatures and so their bodies contain all five elements making them Spiritually capable. Unfortunately, by some estimates, only about 35% of human bodies actually contain human Souls. Because of the state of affairs here, Souls are not anxious to do lifetimes on this planet. When viable human bodies are produced and no human Soul wants them, the system will allow non-human Souls to use those forms rather than let them go to waste. So, people who act more like animals than people may actually be animals. Animals that get temporary use of human bodies do not become human. At death, they return to their natural dimension. Since we accept anything having a human form as human, this can lead to unfortunate consequences.
If you were not one of the people with a human Soul, you would not be interested in reading this, so let’s go over the basic steps to exit the created worlds and enter the Spiritual worlds.
The Mental Worlds are the largest plane. It is easy to get lost there and so become distracted from your goal of Spirituality. You are not your mind and you can’t take your mind with you into the Spiritual Planes. Only Souls can go there — nothing else. All the “bodies” you have been using to exist inside of the Creation must be dropped and left behind. So, the secret of safely transgressing the Mental Worlds is to subdue and quiet the mind. Then the path forward will become accessible.
It is a rare privilege to be in a position to return home to your origin in the Spiritual Worlds. If you are able to realize that this opportunity is available, you should make every effort to achieve this goal. You have had millions of lifetimes with the opportunity to use various forms to acquire experience. You can hang around and have more. However, if you have reached the point where possible future options fall into the category of “been there — done that”, then it is time for you to take that final step and leave the Creation, cross over into the imperishable Spiritual Planes and start the journey back to your point of origin.
© 2016 W C Vetsch. All rights reserved.