
Database – DB3000
Author – Patricio Ortíz
Date/Time: May 6th, 1982, 22:34 Zulu
Location: Malvinas / Falkland Islands
Playable Sides: Argentina, Britain

Historical Background:

During the Falklands conflict the Argentine Navy sent several resupply missions to land forces at several points on the East Falkland / Soledad island and West Falkland / Gran Malvina, with mixed results. Some missions departed from continental harbors, others from Stanley / Puerto Argentino.

The units departing from Stanley were; Monsunen (40m coastal freighter.) , Forrest (25m trawler.), Penelope (trawler.), and the Argentinian Yehuin (oceanic tug.)

Also departing from continental bases, the ARA Bahía Buen Suceso (3,800 ton 102m Navy transport.) and ELMA Río Carcarañá (10,000 ton 150m merchant cargo.), and other units from Transportes Navales and ELMA, the National flag merchant fleet. The small vessels operated mostly in an isolated way, sailing as close to the coast as possible. The transports which operated from the continent, did so with great risk.

Complementing these vessels, the Argentine Prefectura (Coast Guard.) contributed with two small patrol gunboats, Islas Malvinas and Río Iguazú, which were also used to ship artillery rounds for the army garrison in Goose Green.

The following scenario has a tweak on the historical operations, it adds Argentina´s two Lurssen FPB torpedo boats, ARA Intrépida and ARA Indómita, and an early deployment of the land based MM38 exocet launcher. (This mount was put into action at late stages of the conflict.)

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