
WA state Premier Colin Barnett today went to the Governor General to dissolve parliament and officially start the election period.

In a press conference Mr Barnett defended his government’s track record managing the economy and running the state.

WA has been through “a period of extraordinary growth… (and) through some very volatile periods,” said mr Barnett, discussing the economic climate the state has faced in the past eight and a half years.

“I am very conscious right now that the economy is difficult for many people,”

“families, households are concerned about managing their family budget.”

He also discussed some of the policy differences between the Liberal party and Labor party in the upcoming election.

“It has been a liberal government that has been able to negotiate internationally with governments, with world business to get major projects under way in this state, the Labor government wasn’t very good at this,” said mr Barnett.’

“the liberal party supports the development of uranium industry in this state, Labor opposes that,”

“the liberal party supports GM technology… they can be good for the environment”

“we will achieve a better result in the GST, the Labor party position is never to change the GST.”

Opposition Leader Mark McGowan also officially launched his party’s election campaign today at a press conference in parliament.

Mr McGowan discussed the importance of reigning in public spending, managing the state’s debts and promised  return to surplus by the end of his first term.

Outlining a plan to cut spending in the senior executives roles in the public sector to reduce debt, he said that Labor was the party that was serious about tackling debt, pointing the growth in debt under the Barnett government.

He also discussed the cancelling of the freight link project and re-allocating the $1.7 billion dollars from that project into Metronet, which he says will produce more jobs and improve congestion more.

Mr McGowan also promised to keep Western Power publicly owned, saying “Barnett will sell Western Power, then retire”.

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