
1 Day. 100+ Presentations. 42 Winners.

The region has become more open to businesses and multinational companies than ever, and thus becoming more open to a competitive market that is shaped and formed by nothing less than exceptional services, customers, and experiences.

The Gulf Customer Experience Awards recognise and celebrate the delivery of an exceptional customer experience, enabling businesses from across the Gulf to compete for the ultimate accolade in the world of customer, digital and employee experience.

The “Gulf Customer Experience Awards” recognise great customer experience across the region with the Finals and Awards Ceremony being the culmination of an engaging and exciting awards journey for all participants.

With all-things-digital becoming more popular than ever in the Gulf, the “Gulf Digital Experience Awards” have been designated to give the digital arena the recognition it deserves and give participants the opportunity to showcase and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Moreover, delivering a great employee experience is a win-win ticket to achieving great customer experiences. The “Gulf Employee Experience Awards” are introduced to recognise the hard work, leadership and focus that goes on behind the scenes, out of customers’ view, to ensure not only great customer experience but great business results too.

Organisations, teams, individuals - leaders, managers, inspiring people from all over are eligible to apply. There are 39 categories to choose from including Sector, Discipline, and People as well as the Digital Experience and Employee Experience Categories too.

The awards will be held on January 18 2017 in Dubai, UAE, so make sure to apply here before the entry deadline, which is October 12 2016.

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