
Vidya Frazier, Wakeup-World
Waking Times

Although both teachers and parents would undoubtedly agree that the installation of WiFi in schools has a number of benefits, the downsides are just as real: an increasing number of children are getting sick from exposure to WiFi technology that’s been installed in their schools.

Common Symptoms of WiFi Radiation Exposure

The symptoms people experience from exposure to WiFi radiation range across the board, but common ones among children include:

- attention difficulties

- headaches

- sleep problems

- dizziness, fatigue

- digestive disorders

- fatigue

- depression, anxiety

Increasing Number of Professionals Issue Warnings

Although the information about the dangers of wireless internet in schools has been slow to catch on in the US and Canada, an increasing number of governments and authorities in other parts of the world have banned or given cautions about the use of the use of WiFi, especially in schools. Many experts, scientists and doctors are warning schools to take a precautionary approach.

One of the most outspoken and well-known experts concerning the issue of WiFi in schools, Dr. Magda Havas, Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies, Trent University, ON, Canada, states:

“The scientific evidence clearly shows that microwave radiation…now commonly found inside classrooms with Wi-Fi routers causes cancer in laboratory animals, heart palpitations in sensitive adults, reduced sperm motility and viability, and is associated with… cognitive dysfunction, pain, fatigue, mood disorders, dizziness, nausea, weakness, skin problems, and tinnitus.”

She adds that prolonged exposure may increase people’s chances of developing cancer. With children in school for an average of six hours a day, five days a week for 40 weeks a year, they are exposed to 1,200 hours of WiFi radiation in a single school year. “History is simply repeating itself with microwave radiation, just as it did with cigarette smoking, asbestos, lead and DDT.”

A number of organizations, including the Council of Europe, the European Environment Agency, UK Trades Union Congress, the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, and the Russian Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, have also issued strong warnings about all technology that emits the type of radiation that WiFi does.

What Can You Do?

There are parent groups gathering in many school districts across the US and Canada, addressing the problem with school officials. In some cases, school administrators have taken WiFi out of their schools in response to these groups of concerned parents. It can be helpful to join one of the groups.

The other thing you can do is look online for EMF protection for your child. This is important also because you may well have WiFi at home, as well—and your child is also exposed there. Children are even more vulnerable to the effects of WiFi radiation than adults are.

Do shop carefully, though. There are many companies offering inexpensive EMF protection gadgets that have no research behind them. Also look for credible testimonials and make sure the company has a track record.

About the Author

Psychotherapist and writer Vidya Frazier has done extensive research on the effects of environmental influences on health. As someone with the condition known as Electromagnetic Sensitivity, she has especially focused on the health effects of electromagnetic pollution, and has found that using EMF protection products is extremely effective in reducing environmental exposure to EMFs.


1. http://www.techvibes.com/blog/wifi-in-schools-is-a-potential-health-hazard-2013-05-10

2. http://www.wifi-in-schools-australia.org/p/scientific-evidence.html

3. http://www.wifi-in-schools-australia.org/p/page-2.html

4. http://wifiinschools.org.uk/resources/safeschools2012.pdf

5. http://www.magdahavas.com/open-letter-wi-fi-in-schools-3-2012/

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