
Erin Schumacher, Guest
Waking Times

Editor’s Note: Many of us want to boost our health and rid our bodies of toxins and pesticides, but it is easy to get overwhelmed by the variety of resources available when it comes to fasting, dieting and detoxing.

The new book, 40 Days of Juicing, by health coach, yoga instructor and writer Erin Schumacher is a concise approach to juice feasting. Yes, Erin’s book is a FEAST of delicious recipes – from hydrating fruit juices, to nourishing vegetable drinks, fizzy cocktails, and warm soups. It will inspire you to keep juicing for all 40 days as you journey towards a healthier body and a sharper mind. 

We are excited to announce that from Sunday August 4 to Tuesday August 6, 2013, Erin is offering her e-book for FREE to Waking Times readers! Download the book here, and start your 40 Days of Juicing today. You can also purchase a hardcopy and paperback version if you want a physical copy of the book. Enjoy!! ~Waking Times

Here’s more from Erin Schumacher about juicing:

Are you experiencing the level of energy and good health you desire? If you’re like most people, you could use an energetic boost! Green juices could be your answer to start getting results. Find out for yourself why thousands of people are turning to green juices for more energy, better health, detox and weight loss!

There are many benefits of juicing and that was part of the reason I went on a journey of 40 days of juicing! For 40 days I drank nothing but fruit and vegetable juice, water, tea, and kombucha. Occasionally I added in certain organic, cold-pressed oils and avocado to supply my body with the fat it needed to stay healthy and support a healthy detoxification.

To go on a 40 day Juice Feast is no small feat and it’s not something I’d suggest to just anyone. You need to be already at a certain level of health to embark on a cleanse like this one. However, when one adds in even just one vegetable juice to their daily routine, the benefits start to stack up! But before we get into the benefits, lets answer a couple of other questions first.

First of all – What is juicing and how to do you do it?

A juicer separates the fibrous pulp of vegetables (and harder fruits) from the liquid, which contains all the vitamins and minerals; this is called a juice. Most juicers can easily juice a variety of harder fruits and vegetables including (but definitely not limited to): kale, cucumbers, carrots, celery, beets, ginger, garlic, radishes, swiss chard, bok choy, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and apples. There are a variety of juicer types on the market (see informational video here) that operate in slightly different fashions from each other. But the result is the same: pure vitamins and minerals extracted from the vegetables in liquid form that is easily absorbed straight into the blood stream.

How is juicing different from fasting?

Fasting is the complete abstinence from all food and nutrients in any form while drinking water according to thirst. There are definitely many benefits of fasting (just like juicing), however a water fast must be properly supervised by a trained practitioner. In addition, when one is fasting, you’ll want to be resting both body and mind. Juicing on the other hand can mean a variety of things. You can simply be adding juices into your diet while continuing to eat food. Or you can partake on a juice feast (as opposed to a juice fast) where you consume as much juice as you desire and remove food from your diet! This continues to provide the body with nutrients and calories so that you can go about your daily routine without interruption. Remember, though, that a juice feast is also a cleanse for the body and should be treated as such. However, because one is still consuming calories, it tends to be easier and more satisfying for most.

What are the benefits of juicing?

1. High Vitamin and Mineral Content

When you juice a fruit or vegetable, you drink them in liquid form, which goes immediately into the bloodstream and the body’s systems. Fresh juice nourishes your body with vitamin-rich and easy-to-digest nutrition.

2. Detoxifying for the Body

Fresh juices are full of the vitamins and minerals that our bodies require that we sometimes don’t get. When our bodies are satisfied in their needs of proper nutrients, energy is freed up to cleanse the body of trapped toxins. This can also lead to weight-loss, more energy and a better overall mental aptitude.

3. Youthful Energy and Appearance

When you load up on all the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in a concentrated cup or two of juice daily, it helps to fight wrinkles, eliminate free radicals, and add moisture and a glow to your skin.

4. Weight-Loss

Juicing helps us to maintain (or achieve) our normal body weight. When we give our bodies the nutrients they need, it can easily get to homeostasis. Juicing can take the place of high-calorie snacks, and, because there is so much nutrition in one glass of vegetable juice, many find that their less-healthy cravings go away.

5. Adding Missing Nutrition to the Diet

Juicing puts a larger variety of vegetables into your diet. We tend to get into a routine with our vegetable choices. But with juicing, you can get a much larger variety of vegetables into the diet, leading to a wider variety of minerals and vitamins present in your body.

As you can see, juicing really is beneficial for us all. Start your day off right! Quit making excuses and start making juice!!

As a juicy benefit to you, my e-book 40 Days of Juicing if available for free download for the next 3 days only! I also have a hardcopy and softcopy version if you prefer the book placed right next to your juicer for easy access!

About the Author

Erin Schumacher is a Certified Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner (CNHP; CHNP) She specializes in detoxification programs, internal cleanses, and helping clients build strong immune systems. She also travels internationally to do raw food workshops, yoga retreats, and personal coaching. In addition, Erin is a Certified Power Yoga Instructor and a Certified Raw Food Chef from the SunKitchen. For more information, visit ErinSchumacher.net.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of WakingTimes or its staff.

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