
root wrote:

I have few things that absolutely terrify me.

A no-knock is pretty much #1 on that list. If I am woken out of sleep to someone crashing through my door? I am toast. Either at the outset, or when the pissed off cops say I fell on the concrete after we figure out what the fuck happened.

You don't have much to worry about in Wenatchee. Just after the columbine shooting we had active shooter drills at school(Eastmont High School). They ran a lock down drill, and then the "SWAT" team came and cleared the building.

They opened the door to my classroom, tossed in a simulated flashbang(chemlight) and then had a hard time getting into the room because when they all tried to enter the door at the same time and got stuck.

Statistics: Posted by rayjax82 — Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:06 am

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