
waggle is pleased to welcome PawPack as an expert adviser in the field of all-natural pet nutrition and products. Keep an eye out for monthly product reviews and insights as part of our ongoing partnership with PawPack.

Your dog is everything: your best friend, confidant, security system, workout partner, and all around team champ. Naturally, he or she deserves the best. But juggling work, happy hours, and long walks on the (dog friendly) beach often leaves little time for shopping. Enter PawPack: high-quality all-natural treats, toys, and dog products delivered to your door each month.

Los Angeles-based founders Alli Ross and Ian Tenenbaum launched PawPack in 2014 with the goal of making high-quality pet care easily accessible and convenient. The PawPack concept was inspired by Alli and Ian’s love and commitment to their animals (they have seven).

The inspiration? Alli and Ian’s adopted cat, Mr. Whiskers (don’t worry, they love dogs too). After adopting Mr. Whiskers, Alli and Ian learned that their new family member had a severe health issue requiring a complete overhaul of his diet and lifestyle. As they worked to quickly transition Mr. Whiskers’ diet to all-natural, grain-free products, Alli and Ian realized how challenging and time consuming it was to research and track down the reputably best products. Through this process, Alli and Ian saw an opportunity to help other pet owners by curating the finest quality pet products. Thus, they created PawPack as a way to make healthy, sustainable living easy and accessible to everyone (and the pets they love).

What sets PawPack products apart? You can rest assured your four-legged buddy is receiving only all-natural and grain-free foods and treats with a 100% allergy guarantee. The PawPack team does the legwork to stay on top of the latest industry news, trends, and product developments in order to stock the best (and most safe) pet goods.

“We’ve all grown up with rescue animals the majority of our lives, and seriously consider our pets family. Since they solely rely on us for their care, we have a responsibility to give our pets only the very best,” says co-founder Ian. “That’s why PawPack is so special—we promise all of our customers the most wholesome treats, toys, and chews every month so they can discover brands that fit their healthy lifestyle. There’s a movement towards grain-free and all-natural living which is also integral, and that’s why we’ve committed to such specifications in our box.”

And the product testers? Winston heads up the toy testing department while Mr. Whiskers manages the tasting kitchen. The rest of Alli and Ian’s pack are on standby to ensure the PawPack dog products are animal tested and approved. What’s more, while your dog (or cat) enjoys sampling new products each month, a portion of every PawPack sale goes to help rescue animals in need of a little extra TLC.

Is your dog a socialite with lots of four-legged friends? Stay tuned for the “Give a Gift” launch later this month, which will let you gift the special pups in your dog’s life (just in time for the holidays, too). You can also bring your pooch to meet the team in Los Angeles at two upcoming events: the Doggie Street Festival and Adopt-a-thon on September 19th and Best Friends Animal Society Strut Your Mutt on October 10th. Just look for the PawPack booths!

PawPack makes it effortless for you to bond with your pet while promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, offering a curated subscription service that provides you and your dog or cat with a box of surprise products each month that will always be all-natural and grain-free. The Paw Pact is a solemn promise to provide only the most wholesome selection of all-natural and grain-free foods, treats, toys, grooming products, and accessories, with a 100% allergy guarantee. Use the promo code WAGGLE  for 10% off your PawPack!

The post PawPack Delivers Only the Best for Your Best Friend appeared first on waggle.

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