
DrGlen Hepker posted a blog post

How happy do you want to be?

What is 'true love?' What is friendship, in the deepest sense? What brings us a feeling of fulfillment on a personal level and on a professional level? (An inquiry from a reader of my blog and book.) Response: Humbly and respectfully, I believe substantive insight into these dynamics can be realized by way of lovingly embracing the notion of Acting Without Acting, i.e., endeavoring to do the right thing for the right sake - without the need for selfish recognition or hidden agendas. It is in the wonderfully healthful spirit of 'true honesty,' promoting of 'true happiness' and 'true freedom'…but most importantly, needing less and less to hide behind. It is in learning to better and better play the part of the unblemished witness to one’s internal and external environments - in a genuinely benevolent and altruistic spirit of deep and abiding 'true appreciation.' It is learning to HONESTLY display oneself with dignity, decency, goodness, and grace...no matter what. It is SO very much about realizing that we are all so very much more in the same common boat than we so often think and act. It is SO very much about supporting others in their healthful goals. There is a 'true love' beyond, yet inclusive and in splendid harmony with, friendship, familial, and romantic love. It is the living embodiment of 'true forgiveness' – forgiveness of ourselves and others, without the dire heaviness of significant co-dependence. It is in better and better alleviating the pernicious weight of hate, greed, and ignorance. It is SO much about enjoying loving sparkling spine-tingling feelings in interaction/harmony with others...a loving resplendent quintessential lightness of being. It is 'true health,' answering to what may be the greatest of responsibilities...making the world a better place (vs. tearing it down). It is learning to more and more skillfully gather an impeccable appreciation of the bright beautiful light of life. Please ask yourself…when is the last time you had truly sweet and innocent, loving, spine-tingling real fun? As a child? Ever? What true joy it is - selfless…light…shared. It is back to The Garden. Oh boy! — Dr. Glen Hepker (Copyright 2011) http://www.amazon.com/Glimpse-Heaven-Philosophy-True-Health/dp/1463687125/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1331358849&sr=1-1 http://www.aglimpseofheaven-thephilosophyoftruehealth.com http://aglimpseofheaventhephilosophyoftruehealth.wordpress.com/ http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-glimpse-of-heaven-glen-hepker/1035762087?ean=9781463687120&itm=1&usri=glen+hepker Author Profile: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0067CUOO2 Amazon Reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Glimpse-Heaven-Philosophy-True-Health/product-reviews/1463687125/ref=cm_cr_pr_btm_recent?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending http://www.youtube.com/user/DrGlenHepker http://www.aglimpseofheaven-thephilosophyoftruehealth.com http://www.facebook.com/DrGlenHepker http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Glimpse-of-Heaven-The-Philosophy-of-True-Health-by-Dr-Glen-Hepker/104924689550574 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Glen-HepkerMason-City-Wellness-Center-LLC/191216940920742 https://plus.google.com/105426078636169792994/posts https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/111390454317819523128/111390454317819523128/posts https://twitter.com/AGlimpsofHeaven https://twitter.com/DrGlenHepker http://pinterest.com/drglenhepker/ http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/9969523-drglen http://www.quora.com/DrGlen-HepkerSee More

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