Maharashtra state board technical education for diploma in the state of Maharashtra is the controller. This department has recently announced the academic events for 2014-2015 upcoming years. Now the students are searching for their winter exam time table in the website. But there were no details about the exams and time table. Here we have the details about the starting of classes and the date of class test, date of exam form filling, date of practical exam and the date of the theory exams.
The third and fifth semester classes are started on the June 30 and this odd semester is continuing till October 18. For the first semester students the classes are commencing from July 21st and it will continue till October 31st. And the class test for the students are conducted by the MSBTE board and this exam responsibility will be taken by the diploma colleges under MSBTE. For the third and fifth semester students there was two exams will conducted one is on august month and the second is on October month as it is same for the first year students also.
And the now the exam form filling is going on it will be ended on the august month without and with fine dates are ended on the august month. After the form filling the MSBTE will declare the winter exam timetable 2014 on the website. When it was released means the students can download their time table in our website. But now we don’t have the time table link to you. So search our website regularly to get your exam time table. After the time table the practical exams will be started for the third and fifth semester students on October 27th to November 8th of 2014. And the theory exams for the third and fifth semester students are started from November 11th to December 1st of 2014.
For the first semester students the practical exams are started on November 1st to November 8th after this the theory exam will be started as with the second and third year students. Our website has the full details about the MSBTE diploma exam time table 2014 winter. So stay with us for the further information. And the exam result will be declared on second week of January 2015.
Click here for the MSBTE winter time table 2014