2 mark Questions:
1. max heapis sorted in array H=50,40,37,32,28,22,36,13
2.what are AVL insertion in which single rotation is successful?
3. What is skip list?
4.In array representation of union operation , what -1 represent on a particular index
questions of 3 marks
1.What is a heap data structure and what are it two types?
2. which implementation of disjoint set is better with respect to space and why?
3. A program? Given output.
4.consider the min heap rerpresented in the following array?
4 questions of 5 marks.
1.interting 40 in max heap?
2.here is an array of ten integers.
5 3 8 91 7 0 2 64
Draw this array after the first iteration of main loop of insertion sort ?
3.Consider the following is threaded binary tree?
1. name of two divide and conquer algorithm
2. height of a tree is 5 find sum of heights
3. What is a skip List?
4. What is an Equivalent relation?
4 questions of 3 marks
1. What are the properties of equivalence class?
2. How heap sort works to set a set of data
3. How can we search an element in skip list?
4. Give one example of Hashing
4 questions of 5 marks.
1. How we can implement Table ADT using Linked?
2. Suppose we have the following representation child nodes and Parent node of the node D
3. .Consider the following max heap. Add node 24 in it and show the resultant Heap.
4. Give any three characteristics of Union by Weight method.
2 mark Questions:
1. What is a skip List?
2. Give one example of Hashing
3. For smaller lists, linear insertion sort performs well, but for larger lists, quick sort is suitable to apply." Justify why?
4. Give the difference between strict and complete binary tree.
4 questions of 3 marks
1. What is an Equivalent relation?
2. Give the effect of sorted data on Binary Search.
3. Give any three characteristics of Union by Weight method.
4. Give the operation names that we can perform on Table abstract data type
4 questions of 5 marks.
1. Heapify the elements of the following array (reading from left to right ) into a Min Heap and show that Min Heap contents in the form of array as shown below,
original array
2. Give any three characteristics of Union by Weight method.
3. Here is an array with exactly 15 elements: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. Suppose that we are doing a binary search for an element. Indicate any elements that will be found by examining two or fewer numbers from the array.
4. Explain the following terms:
1. Collision
2. Linear Probing
3. Quadratic Probing