
Download VTU TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY Syllabus 2010 [PDF]

Subject Code : 10TX52

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

Knitting industries position in India , general terms and principals of knitting technology. Knitting Elements, Elements of knitted loops structures. Comparison of warp and weft knitting. 6 Hours

UNIT – 2

WEFT KNITTING: The four primary weft knitted structures –Plain, Rib, Interlock and purl.Production of above structures on knitting machines. 7 Hours

UNIT – 3

Types of weft knitting machines –flat machines and circular machine. Knit, Tuck and Float stiches. The effect of Tuck and float stiches on knitted fabrics. 7 Hours

UNIT – 4

Ornamentation of weft knit structures: Horizontal striping, intarsia, plating. Derivatives of plain and rib structures. Double knits. 6 Hours


UNIT – 5

Needle selection for weft knit designing: Multi cam track, Pattern wheel, Pattern drum and Electronic selection device. 6 Hours

UNIT – 6

Aspects of knitting science- knitted fabric geometry, tightness factor, robbing back, needle bounce. Different types of positive feeds and their advantage. 7Hours

UNIT – 7

Different cams used on knitting machine. Properties of hosiery yarns. Defects in weft knitted fabrics. Principles of warp knitting; Swinging and shogging motion. 6 Hours

UNIT – 8

Five basic overlap, under-lap variations. Study of tricot and raschel warp knitting machines. Single bar structures. Piller stich, single tricot and atlas structures. Two bar fabrics: Lock knit, full tricot and satin.

7 Hours


1. Knitting Technology-David J Spencer, Pergamon Press 1985, New York

2. Knitting Technology-Ajgaonkar, Universal Publishing Company, Bombay 1998

3. Circular Knitting,-Mammel Schach

4. Knitting Fundamentals, Machines, structures and developments – N.Anbumani, New Age International Pub., 2007.

Question Paper Pattern:

Answer any five full questions selecting at least two questions from Part-A and Part-B.

Subject Code : 10AL51

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

MANAGEMENT: Introduction – Meaning – nature and characteristics of Management, Scope and functional areas of management – Management as a science, art or profession – Management and administration – Roles of management, Levels of management, development of management thought – early management approaches – modern management approaches. 7 Hours

UNIT – 2

PLANNING: Nature, importance and purpose of planning process – objectives – Types of plans (Meaning only) – Decision making – importance of planning – steps in planning, Planning premises – Hierarchy of plans. 6 Hours

UNIT – 3

ORGANIZING AND STAFFING: Nature and purpose of organization, principles of Organizations – Types of organisation – Departmentation –Committees Centralization vs. Decentralisation of authority and responsibility, span of Control, MBO, and MBE( Meaning only) Nature and importance of Staffing – process of selection and recruitment (in brief). 6 Hours

UNIT – 4

DIRECTING & CONTROLLING: Meaning and nature of directing – Leadership styles and motivation theories, communication – Meaning and importance – Coordination, meaning and importance and Techniques of Co – ordination. Meaning and steps in controlling – Essentials of a sound control system – Methods of establishing control (in brief). 7 Hours


UNIT – 5

ENTREPRENEUR: Meaning of Entrepreneur, Evolution of the Concept, Functions of an Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur – an emerging Class. Concept of Entrepreneurship – Evolution of Entrepreneurship, development of Entrepreneurship steps in entrepreneurial process, Role of entrepreneurs in Economic Development: Entrepreneurship in India; Entrepreneurship – is Barriers. 6 Hours

UNIT – 6

SMALL SCALE INDUSTRY: Definition; Characteristics; Need and rationale: Objectives: Scope; role of SSI in Economic Development. Advantages of SSI. Steps to start in SSI – Government policy towards SSI; Different Policies of S.S.I.; Government Support for S.S.I. during 5 year plans. Impact of Liberalization, Privatisation, Globalization on S.S.I., Effect of WTO/GATT Supporting Agencies of Government for S.S.I., Meaning; Nature of Support; Objectives; Functions; Types of Help; Ancillary Industry and Tiny Industry (Definition only) . 7 Hours

UNIT – 7


UNIT – 8

PREPARATION OF PROJECT: Meaning of Project; Project Identification; Project Selection; Project Report; Need and Significance of Report; Contents; formulation; Guidelines by Planning Commission for Project report; Network Analysis; Errors of Project Report; Project Appraisal. Identification of Business Opportunities. Market Feasibility Study; Technical Feasibility Study; Financial Feasibility Study & Social Feasibility Study. 7 Hours


1. Principles of Management – P.C. Tripathi, P.N. Reddy; Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition.

2. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development & Management – Vasant Desai–Himalaya Publishing House

3. Entrepreneurship Development – Small Business Enterprises – Poornima M Charantimath – Pearson Education –2006, 2nd Edition.

4. Management and Entrepreneurship – N.V.R. Naidu & T. Kirshna Rao, I.K. International, New Delhi – 2008.


1. Management Fundamentals – Concepts, Application, Skill Development – 1st Edition , Robert Lusier – Thomson ,

2. Entrepreneurship Development – S S Khanka – S Chand & Co.

3. Management – Stephen Robbins – Pearson Education / PHI -17th Edition, 2003.

Question Paper Pattern:

Answer any five full questions selecting at least two questions from Part-A and Part-B.

Subject Code : 10TX53

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

Objects of ring spinning, study of different drafting systems and type of draft. Roller setting draft and its importance. Principles of twisting, factors affecting the twist calculation. Actual and practical TPI, Principal of winding and types of builts. 7 Hours

UNIT – 2

Rings and Travelers. Different types of rings, selection of rings and manufacture of rings. Types of travelers, traveler numbering both in direct and indirect system. Manufacture of travelers. Functions of lappets and separators. Forces acting on traveler. Faulty packages of Ring frame and remedial measures.

7 Hours

UNIT – 3

Modern developments of Ring frame and salient features of the present day ring frame. Calculations of Ring frame such as production efficiency and count etc. Various quality control studies at Ring frame such as breakage study, idle spindle study, snap study and yarn parameter such as U%, CV%, Neps etc., 7 Hours

UNIT – 4

Doubling frame – objects of doubling and conditions to get balanced double yarn. Preparation of doubling, Types of doubling systems. Threading different types of doubling systems. Defects in doubling and remedies. Properties of cabled, voile and poplin yarn. 6 Hours


UNIT – 5

Detailed study of sewing threads such as manufacture properties and applications of sewing threads. Hosiery yarn and its application, Fancy yarns and its production . 6 Hours

UNIT – 6

Open-end spinning – principle and objects of open-end spinning. Classification of open-end spinning. Comparison of open-end and ring spinning. Technique of rotor spinning and detailed study of rotor spinning such as initial drafting, transport zone, twisting and yarns formation. 7 Hours

UNIT – 7

Types of opening rollers and rotors and their effect on the performance of OE machine. Calculations of OE machines and comparison of OE and Ring yarn. Modern developments in OE machine. 7 Hours

UNIT – 8

Quality control in Ring spinning, Doubling & OE Spinning. 6 Hours


1. Manual of Cotton Spinning-Vol V, Ed, AFW COULSON 1958, Textile Institute, Manchester

2. Technology of short staple spinning- Vol III and IV, W Klein, 1989, Textile Institute Pub. Manchester

3. Spun Yarn Technology- Oxteby 1987, Butterworths, London

4. Cotton Spinning Calculations- T. K. Pattabhiraman, 1979, Soumaya Pub, Bombay

5. O. E. Spinning- R. Rajgopalan, 1981, Textile Association of India, Delhi

6. Spinning in 70s-P.R. Lord, 1970, Merrow Pub. Co. Ltd. London


1. Contemporary Textile Engineering-F Happy, 1981, ACADEMIC press Inc.

2. Hand book of Cotton Spinning-William Taggart, 1979, Universal Pub. Corp.

3. Essential facts of Practical Cotton Spinnning-T. K. Pattabhiraman, 1979, Soumaya Pub, Bombay.

4. NCUTE Publications on spinning.

Question Paper Pattern:

Answer any five full questions selecting at least two questions from Part-A and Part-B.

Subject Code : 10TX54

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

DOBBY LOOMS- Working principles of different types of dobbie’s such as negative, positive, cam, paper, cross border, dobbies. 6 Hours

UNIT – 2

Pattern preparation for dobbie’s.

JACQUARD- Working principles of single lift single cylinder. Double lift single cylinder. Double lift Double cylinder and cross border jacquard. 6 Hours

UNIT – 3

Methods to increase the figuring capacity of jaquards. Piano card cutting machine. Card punching. Card lacing, casting out in jacquard. London and Norwich harness mounting systems. 7 Hours

UNIT – 4

TYPES OF HARNESS TIE-ups. Modern developments in dobbies and jacquards. 7 Hours


UNIT – 5

Classification of shuttles looms. Comparative study of Weft Insertion rate of different shuttles looms. Study of various types of Rapier looms: Raper drives, Devas and Gabler systems. 6 Hours

UNIT – 6

Study of Projectile looms: Stages of weft insertion, torsion bar picking mechanisms, Conjugate cam beat-up.

6 Hours

UNIT – 7

Study of air and Water jet looms. Consolidation of picking force in air jet picking systems. Types of selvedges, weft accumulators. 7 Hours

UNIT – 8

Circular looms, Multiphase flat looms. 7 Hours


1. Principles of Weaving-By ATC Robinson, R. Marks, 1976, Textile Institute, Manchester, London

2. Shuttleless Weaving Machine-Oldrich Talavasek and Uladimin, Svary, Elsevlin, 1981 Scientific Pub. Co., New YORK

3. Modern Weaving Theory and Practice-,ISHIDA

4. Weaving, Machines, Mechanisms & Management- D.B.Ajgaonkar, Talukdar


1. Modern Preparation and weaving Machinery-A Ormerod, 1983, Butterworths London.

2. Cotton Weaving by -V. Gordev, P Volkov, L Blinov 1987. Mir PUB.

3. Weaving Mechanism- Vol I & II, Prof. N N. Banerjee 1982, Textile Book House, WEST BENGAL.

4. NCUTE Course material-Woven Cloth Production-IIT, New Delhi, 2000

Question Paper Pattern:

Answer any five full questions selecting at least two questions from Part-A and Part-B.

Subject Code : 10TX55

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

INTRODUCTION TO TEXTILE PRINTING – An overview of the printing process. Selection of dyes/pigments/auxiliaries and textile substrate to suit the end use of the printed textile materials. 6 Hours

UNIT – 2

The constituents and characteristic of printing paste. Brief study of different binders, thickeners, solvents, discharging agents and other ingredients of printing paste. 6 Hours

UNIT – 3

STYLES OF PRINTING – Direct, discharge, resist and special styles- chemical and mechanisms used for the above styles. 7 Hours

UNIT – 4

METHODS OF PRINTING – Printing by Hand block, Roller, hand screen, semi-automatic screen, flat bed and rotary screen printing methods. Developments in printing machinery. 7 Hours


UNIT – 5

TRANSFER PRINTING – Principle, mechanisms and continuous transfer printing – Transfer printing machinery The print paste preparation and preservation. Printing of natural and synthetic fibre fabrics with various classes of dyes/pigments. 6 Hours

UNIT – 6

METHODS OF PRINT FIXATION – Drying, curing by dry heat, steam fixation etc. Finishing process an overview – objects and methods of finishing. Classification of various finishes – Various finishing chemicals used and their properties. 6 Hours

UNIT – 7

CALENDERING AND VARIOUS CALENDERING MACHINES USED. SANFORIZATION – principle and the process. Resin and anti-crease finish on cotton and protein fibre fabrics. Water repellent finishes, fire retardant and fire proof finishes. 7 Hours

UNIT – 8

Finishing of woolen materials, silk fabrics and blended products. Finishing of synthetic fibre fabrics – heat setting, de-lustering, anti-static, soil release, etc.Finishing of knitted fabrics. Fundamentals of computerized colour matching – K/S evaluation and principle of spectrophotometers. 7 Hours


1. Textile printing – V.A.Shenai, Sevak publications, Mumbai,1996

2. Textile printing – L.W.C. Miles, Butterwoths publications

3. An Introduction to Textile Finishing – J T Marsh, B Publications, 1979


1. Rendering with Pen and Ink-Thames and Hudson Publication

2. Printed Textiles- A Guide To Creative Design Fundamentals, Terry and Gentelle

3. Chemical Processing NCUTE Publications 2000 & 2001

Question Paper Pattern:

Answer any five full questions selecting at least two questions from Part-A and Part-B.

Subject Code : 10TXL56

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 50

1. Study of passage of material through Ring Frame and demonstration of its working and functions of each parts.

2. Calculation of spindle speed, front roller speed TPI through gearing diagram and also by changing the pulleys and concerned change wheels

3. Calculation of Twist constant through gearing and also TPI calculation for different TCP

4. Break Draft, Main Draft and Total draft calculation through gearing diagram.

5. Calculation of Draft constant and break draft constant, calculation of DCP for different counts of yarn

6. Study of building mechanism and different types of builds.

7. Working of Ring Frame and calculation of count of yarns for the roving fed by changing the wheels

8. Maintenance schedule of Ring Frame

9. Passage of material through Ring Doubler and demonstration of its working

10. Calculation of Spindle Speed, TPI through gearing on doubling frame

11. Calculation of twist constant, TPI & TPM for different TCP.

12. Demonstration and calculation on O.E. Spinning machine.

13. Practicing and piecing on Ring Frame and study of end breaks

Subject Code : 10TXL57

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 50

1. Study of dobbies.

2. Pattern preparation for dobby loom.

3. Study of different types of jaquards.

4. Study of harness and its tie-ups.

5. Preparation of squared paper design for 100 hooks jacquard and cord punching.

6. Study of single jersey knitting machine: drive, knitting elements, yarn feed mechanisms, take down mechanisms and practice of knitting.

7. Study of Rib knitting machine: drive, knitting elements, yarn feed mechanisms, take down mechanisms and practice of knitting.

8. Study of Interlock knitting machine: drive, knitting elements, yarn feed mechanisms, take down mechanisms and practice of knitting.

9. Analysis of knitted fabrics for WPI, CPI, Stitch density, Stitch length, loop shape factor, GSM, Kc, Kw, Ks, tightness factors for single jersey and rib structures as per standard.

10. Analysis of knitted fabrics for design: loop diagram, feeder diagram and graphical motions.

11. Analysis of modified single jersey design: loop diagram, feeder diagram and graphical motions.

12. Study of spirality of single jersey fabrics.

13. General study of shuttles looms.

Subject Code : 10TXL58

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 50

1. Preparation of colour charts by light, pigment, chromatic circle and Brewster’s theory.

2. Preparation of printing paste using pigment colours

3. Printing practice using Hand blocks and screens with various classes of dyes

4. Preparation of screens for screen-printing.

5. Resist style ( batik) of printing on fabrics

6. Discharge style of printing on cotton, PET and silk

7. Tie and dye printing

8. Anti-crease finishing of cotton using formaldehyde and non-formaldehyde based chemicals

9. Softening of cotton and wool

10. Water proof finishing on cotton

11. Experiments on fastness properties of dyed and printed fabrics

12. Evaluation of dye uptake- K/S using spectrophotometer

13. Experiments on Finishing of garments.

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