Download VTU Industrial Engineering And Management Scheme 2010 [PDF File]
Download VTU Industrial Engineering And Management Syllabus 2010 [PDF File]
Subject Code : 10IP/IM81
IA Marks : 25
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total No. of Lecture Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
BUILDING A STRATEGIC FRAME WORK TO ANALYSE SUPPLY CHAINS: Supply chain stages and decision phase, process view of a supply chain. Supply chain flows. Examples of supply chains. Competitive and supply chain strategies. Achieving strategic fit. Expanding strategic scope. Drivers of supply chain performance. Framework for structuring drivers – Inventory, Transportation, Facilities, Information. Obstacles to achieving fit, Case discussions.
7 Hours
UNIT – 2
DESIGNING THE SUPPLY CHAIN NETWORK: Distribution Networking – Role, Design. Supply Chain Network (SCN) – Role, Factors, Framework for Design Decisions.
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
FACILITY LOCATION AND NETWORK DESIGN: Models for facility location and capacity allocation. Impact of uncertainty on SCN – discounted cash flow analysis, evaluating network design decisions using decision trees. Analytical problems.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
PLANNING AND MANAGING INVENTORIES IN A SUPPLY CHAIN: Review of inventory concepts. Trade promotions, Managing multiechelon cycle inventory, safety inventory determination. Impact of supply uncertainty aggregation and replenishment policies on safety inventory. Optimum level of product availability; importance factors. Managerial levers to improve supply chain profitability.
7 Hours
UNIT – 5
SOURCING, TRANSPORTATION AND PRICING PRODUCTS: Role of sourcing, supplier – scoring & assessment, selection and contracts. Design collaboration.
6 Hours
UNIT – 6
SOURCING, TRANSPORTATION AND PRICING PRODUCTS: Role of transportation, Factors affecting transportation decisions. Modes of transportation and their performance characteristics. Designing transportation network. Trade-off in transportation design. Tailored transportation, Routing and scheduling in transportation. International transportation. Analytical problems. Role of Revenue Management in the supply chain, Revenue management for: Multiple customer segments, perishable assets, seasonal demand, bulk and spot contracts.
7 Hours
UNIT – 7
COORDINATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN: Co-ordination in a supply chain: Bullwhip effect. Obstacles to coordination. Managerial levers to achieve co-ordination, Building strategic partnerships.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
COORDINATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN: The role of IT supply Chain, The Supply Chain IT framework, CRM, Internal SCM, SRM. The role of e-business in a supply chain, The e-business framework, e-business in practice. Case discussion.
4 Hours
EMERGING CONCEPTS: Reverse Logistics, Reasons, Activities, Role. RFID Systems; Components, applications, implementation. Lean supply chains, Implementation of Six Sigma in Supply Chains.
3 Hours
1. Supply Chain Management – Strategy, Planning & Operation – Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindl – Pearson Education Asia – ISBN: 81-7808-272- 1. – 2001.
1. Supply Chain Redesign – Transforming Supply Chains into Integrated Value Systems – Robert B Handfield, Ernest L Nichols, Jr. - Pearson Education Inc – ISBN: 81-297-0113-8. – 2002.
2. Modelling the Supply Chain -Jeremy F Shapiro, Duxbury – Thomson Learning – ISBN 0-534-37363. -2002.
3. Designing & Managing the Supply Chain -David Simchi Levi, Philip Kaminsky & Edith Simchi Levi – Mc Graw Hill.
4. Supply Chain and Logistics Management – Upendra Kachuru
Subject Code : 10IP/IM82
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
PLANT LOCATION: Factors influencing plant location, Theories of plant location and location economics. Plant layout-Objectives of plant layout, Principles of plant layout, types of plant layout, their merits and demerits, facilities design function: Objectives, Types of Layout Problems.
7 Hours
UNIT – 2
MATERIAL HANDLING: Objectives and principles of Material handling, Unit load concept, classification of material handling equipment based systems, different types of material handling equipments
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
PLANT DESIGN: Layout procedures: Immer, Nadler, Muther, Apple James and Reed’s approaches, systematic layout planning, activity relationship chart, relationship Diagram, Space relationship diagram to plant layout
7 Hours
UNIT – 4
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
SPACE DETERMINATION AND AREA ALLOCATION: Factors for consideration in space planning, receiving, storage, production, shipping, tool room and tool crib, other auxiliary service actions, Establishing total space requirement, area allocation factors to be considered, expansion, flexibility, aisles column, area allocation procedure, the plot plan. Sequence demand, Straight line and non directional methods
7 Hours
UNIT – 6
CONSTRUCTION OF THE LAYOUT: Methods of constructing the layout, evaluation of layout, efficiency indices, presenting layout to management
3 Hours
LOCATION MODELS: Single and Multi facility location models, Location allocation problems – quadratic assignment problems.
3 Hours
UNIT – 7
QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO FACILITIES PLANNING: Deterministic models, single and multi facility location models, Location allocation problems – quadratic assignment problem, Warehouse layout models, plant location problems.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
LAYOUT MODELS: Warehouse Layout Models, Waiting line models, Storage models – simple problems, Evaluation, selection and implementation of facilities plan
6 Hours
1. Plant layout and material handling – James M Apple – John Wiely India Pvt Ltd – 2nd Edition.
2. Facility Layout and location – Francies R.L and White J A – Mc Graw Hill – 2nd Edition.
1. Facilities Design -Sunderesh Heragu – PWS Publishing Company-ISBN- 0-534-95183.
2. Plant Layout Design -James M Moore – Mac Millon Co. -1962 – LCCCN61- 5204
3. Facility Planning – Tompkins White – Wiley India Pvt Ltd – 3rd Edition.
Elective IV (Group D)
Subject Code : 10IP/IM 831
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
INTRODUCTION: Definition of Organisation Behaviour and Historical development, Environmental context (Information Technology and Globalization, Diversity and Ethics, Design and Cultural, Reward Systems).
4 Hours
THE INDIVIDUAL: Foundation of individual behaviour, Ability
2 Hours
UNIT – 2
LEARNING: Definition, Theories of Learning, Individual Decision Making, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social making, learning theory, continuous and intermittent reinforcement.
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
PERCEPTION: Definition, Factors influencing perception, attribution theory, selective perception, projection, stereotyping, Halo effect.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
VALUES AND ATTITUDES: Definition – values, Attitudes: Types of values, job satisfaction, job involvement, professional Ethics, Organizational commitment, cognitive dissonance.
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
MOTIVATION: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Mc. Gregor’s theory X and Y, Herzberg’s motivation Hygiene theory, David Mc Cleland three needs theory, Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation.
7 Hours
UNIT – 6
THE GROUP: Definition and classification of groups, Factors affecting group formation, stages of group development, Norms, Hawthorne studies, group processes, group tasks, group decision making.
CONFLICT MANAGEMENT: Definition of conflict, functional and disfunctional conflict, stages of conflict process.
7 Hours
UNIT – 7
LEADER SHIP: Definition, Behavioural theories – Blake and Mounton managerial grid, Contingency theories – Hersey – Blanchard’s situational theory, Leadership styles – characteristics, Transactional, transformation leaders.
8 Hours
UNIT – 8
THE ORGANIZATION: Mechanistic and Organic structures, Minitberg’s basic elements of organization, Organizational Desings and Employee behaviour, organization development – quality of work life (QWL), Team building.
6 Hours
1. Organizational Behaviour – Stephen P Robbins -Pearson Education Publications – 9th Edn, ISBN–81–7808–561-5.
2. Organizational Behaviour – Schermerhorn – Wiley India Pvt Ltd - 9th Edn.
3. Management of Organizational Behavious – Paul Henry and Kenneth H. Blanchard – Prentice Hall of India – 1996.
4. Organizational Behaviour – Fred Luthans – Mc Graw Hill International Edition – 9th Edn., ISBN–0–07– 20412–1
1. Organisation Behaviour – Hellriegel, Srocum and woodman, Thompson Learning – Prentice Hall India – 9th Edition, 2001.
2. Organizational Behaviour – VSP Rao and others – Konark Publishers – 2002.
Subject Code : 10IP/IM 832
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
ESSENTIALS OF COMPUTING: Birth of Computing, Evolution of Modern Computing, What is data?, formation Processing, Information Technologies, Evolution of Information Systems, Evolution of Information Systems, Implementation of Organization, Organizational Learning, Traditional Organizational Information Systems, Moderns Organizational Information System, Deployment of Information System.
6 Hours
UNIT – 2
QUALITY, RE-ENGINEERING METHODOLOGIES AND BUSINESS PARADIGMS: Introduction, Industrial Evolution, Quality Methodologies, Control charts, Lot sampling, Process Capability, Value Analysis, Key Characteristics, Total Quality Management – Basic Principles, TQM Structure, Hoshin, TQM Tools, Six Sigma, Re-engineering Methodologies, Business Process Re-engineering, Artificial Intelligence – beginning, Advancements, Approaches, Neural Networks, Expert Systems, Branches of AI, Emerging Business Paradigms – e-business, classification, system, anwedungen, Produkte in der Datenverbeitung, e-business and knowledge Management, Knowledge Management – The information processing paradigm, Knowledge organization.
8 Hours
UNIT – 3
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT – AN INSIGHT: Knowledge Management – Evolution, why now, Limitation of Existing initiatives, value of knowledge, Minimize effort duplication, sharing of best practices, enhanced innovation, imperatives, Organizational knowledge management – The need, key benefits, key benefits parameters, Organizational benefits, core implementation areas, organizational performance, implementation responsibilities, core groups involved, organization barriers, key elements, Organizational knowledge management.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT – AN INSIGHT: The Drivers, Knowledge based driver, technology drivers, Intra – organizational drivers, process drivers, economic drivers, Knowledge Management – Future, Global knowledge economy – characteristics of the knowledge economy, policy implications, business implications, What is knowledge Management, Organizational Knowledge Management Approaches – management structure, funding, Organizational culture and enablers, Technology infrastructure, Organizational knowledge management strategies, Components and function, Learning organization – Knowledge sources, focus on products and processes, Documentation, knowledge dissemination, Organisational learning, value-chaining, skill development.
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
ESSENTIALS OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: Introduction, What is Knowledge? – Data, Information and Knowledge, Wisdom, basic Types of Knowledge, Organizational Knowledge management – types, Capital, classification, Knowledge life cycle, Sources, processes, Knowledge Conversion – Organizational knowledge progression, Organizational knowledge management – technology enablers, organizational intellectual / human capital organizational meta knowledge.
6 Hours
UNIT – 6
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES, SYSTEMS AND TOOLS: Introduction, Organizational Knowledge creation – Knowledge networks, Organizational knowledge mapping techniques, core implementation issues, usage, Organizational knowledge spiral, Organizational Knowledge / capture – Implementation methodology, Knowledge Acquisition Tools, Organizational Knowledge indexing, processing, Document Management System, Database Management Systems Data warehouse, Knowledge Analysis – Data mining, On-line analytical processing, Organizational knowledge dissemination.
6 Hours
UNIT – 7
Introduction, Developing a KM Framework, Implementation Phases, Architectural Components, KM Systems Requirements, Tools, KM Systems Components – Implementation Strategies – Awakening phase, Actionable phase, Implementation phase, maintenance and measurement phase, Organizational Organic capabilities architecture – business, Information, Data, Systems, Computer, Layered Knowledge. Organizational knowledge management architecture – key considerations, Organizational knowledge Repositories – structure, Life cycle, Organizational knowledge refineries, KM applications – Integrative application Interactive application, knowledge processing applicants management, composite application, organizational KM context, Organizational platforms – Enterprises information portals, competitive advantages, enterprise knowledge portal, characteristics, Organizational knowledge measurement framework – Awakening stage, actionable phase, implementation phase, Support phase, Organizational deployment, Organisational knowledge Measurement Techniques – Intangible Assets measurement, intangible Assets Monitor, balanced Scorecard, organizational implementation barriers.
8 Hours
UNIT – 8
K-CAREERS: Introduction, Knowledge Management roles, New organizational roles, Organisational k-role classification, Knowledge management job opportunities – knowledge job approach, generic role requirements, role description, Knowledge architect, Knowledge strategist, Knowledge manager, Research analyst / manager, knowledge management consultant, media specialist, senior market intelligence librarian, ontologies / knowledge engineer, knowledge management specialist, intranet developer / knowledge management content developer, knowledge management director, director of ontologies, ontologist (biological domain), natural language processing specialist (medical/biomedical), knowledge development manager.
6 Hours
1. Knowledge Management -Sudhir Warier – Vikas Publishing House - ISBN: 81-259-1363-7.
1. Hand book on Knowledge Management – C W Holsapple, Springer – 2003 Porter M.
2. Management Toolkit – Practical Techniques for Building a Knowledge Management System – Prentice Hall – 1999
3. An investigation of Knowledge Management characteristics - Joshi K -exington, KY – 1998.
Subject Code : 10IP/IM 833
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
INTRODUCTION: History of quality engineering: Japan versus U.S. track records. Taguchi Approach to Quality: Definition of quality loss function, Off-line and On-line quality control. Taguchi’s quality philosophy.
6 Hours
UNIT – 2
BASIC DESIGNS: Completely Randomised Design, Randomised Block Design, Latin Square Designs, one way analysis of variance and two way analysis of variance.
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
FACTORIAL EXPERIMENTATION -TWO LEVELS: Full Factorial Designs: Experimentation as a learning process. Traditional scientific experiments. Two-factor design. Four-factor design, Replicating experiments. Factor interactions.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
FACTORIAL EXPERIMENTATION-EIGHT AND SIXTEEN RUN EXPERIMENTS: Fractional factorial designs based on eight-run experiments, folding over an eight run and sixteen – run experiment
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
CONSTRUCTING ORTHOGONAL ARRAYS: Counting degrees of freedom, selecting a standard orthogonal array, dummy level technique and compound factor method. Linear graphs and interaction assignment. Modification of linear graphs, column merging method, branching design. Strategy for constructing an orthogonal array. Comparison with the classical statistical experiment design.
7 Hours
UNIT – 6
STEPS IN ROBUST DESIGN: Case study discussion. Noise factors and testing conditions. Quality characteristics and objective functions. Control factors and their levels. Matrix experiment and data analysis plan. Conducting the matrix experiment, data analysis, verification experiment and future plan.
7 Hours
UNIT – 7
SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO FOR STATIC PROBLEMS: Evaluation of sensitivity to noise. S/N ratios for Smaller-the-better, Larger-the-better, Nominal-the-best and Asymmetric Cases
7 Hours
SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO FOR DYNAMIC PROBLEMS: S/N ratios for Continuous-continuous, continuous-digital, digital-continuous, digitaldigital cases. Introduction to Taguchi Inner and Outer Arrays
7 Hours
1. Quality Engineering Using Robust Design – Madhav S. Phadke - Prentice Hall PTR, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632.
2. Design of Experiments – D.C. Montgomery – John Wiley and Sons - 2002.
1. Designing for Quality – Robert H. Lochner and Joseph E. Matar, – an Introduction Best of Taghuchi and Western Methods or Statistical Experimental Design – Chapman and Hall Madras – 2nd edition.
Subject Code : 10IP/IM 834
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Two phase simplex method, Revised simplex algorithm and its applications.
6 Hours
UNIT – 2
ADVANCED LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Sensitivity analysis, Integer Programming –graphical technique and Gomory’s technique.
7 Hours
UNIT – 3
SPECIAL TYPE OF LPP: Solutions of Assignment and Travelling salesman problems using Branch and Bound Approach.
GOAL PROGRAMMING: Introduction and simple formulation.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
NON-LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Kuhn – Tucker conditions, QPP - solution using Wolfes algorithm
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Characteristics and DP model, Computational procedure -Simple problems only
6 Hours
UNIT – 6
ADVANCED CPM TECHNIQUES: CPM – Elements of crashing, least cost project scheduling. Flow in networks; Determination of shortest route, Determination of Maximum flow through the networks, Minimal Spanning Tree. Resource Allocation for optimal utilisation of resources
8 Hours
UNIT – 7
QUEING THEORY: M/Ek/1, M/D/1, M/M/C and MG1
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
MARKOV CHAINS: Discrete Stochastic Process, Markovian process, Stationary Markov chains, Markov diagrams, Ergodic and Absorbing Markov chains, Steady State probabilities, stochastic matrix, transition matrix and their applications.
7 Hours
1. Introduction to Operation Research -Taha H A – Prentice Hall of India - 6th edition, 1999.
2. Principles of Operations Research theory and Practice -Philips, Ravindram and Soleberg– Theory and Practice – Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
1. Introduction to Operation Research -Hiller and Libermann – McGraw Hill – 5th edn.
2. Operations Research -S.D. Sharma – Kedarnath, Ramnath & Co – 1996
3. Operations Research Theory and Application – J K Sharma – Pearson Education Pvt Ltd – 2nd Edn – ISBN-0333-92394-4.
Subject Code : 10IP/IM 835
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
DATABASES AND DATABASE USERS: Introduction, characteristics of data base approach, intended uses of a DBMS, advantages and implication of database approach.
2 Hours
DATABASE SYSTEMS CONCEPTS AND ARCHITECTURE: Data models, Schemas and instances, DBMS architecture and data independence, database languages and interfaces, database system environment, classification of data base management systems.
5 Hours
UNIT – 2
DATA MODELING: High level conceptual data models for database design. Entity types, entity sets, attributes, and keys. Relationships, relationship types, roles and structural constraints. Weak entity types. ER diagrams 6 Hours
UNIT – 3
RECORD STORAGE AND PRIMARY FILE ORGANIZATION: Secondary storage devices, buffering of blocks, placing file records on disk, operations on files, heap files and sorted files, hashing techniques.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
INDEX STRUCTURE OF FILES: Single-level and multilevel ordered indexes, dynamic multi level indices using B-trees and B+ trees.
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
RELATIONAL DATA MODEL AND RELATIONAL ALGEBRA: Brief discussion on Codd rules, relational model concepts, constraints and schemas. Update operation on relations, basic and additional relational algebra operations and queries in relational algebra.
Structured Query Language (SQL): Data definition in SQL2. Basic and complex queries in SQL. Insert, delete, update statements, and views in SQL, embedded SQL.
9 Hours
UNIT – 6
DATABASE DESIGN: Design guidelines for relational schemes, functional Dependencies, normalization -1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th normal forms. Database design process, factors influencing physical database design guidelines and guidelines for relational systems.
6 Hours
UNIT – 7
SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: System cat log for RDBMS, transaction processing and system concepts, properties of transactions, brief discussion on concurrency, control and recovery techniques, database security and authorization.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
BRIEF DISCUSSION ON: Distributed databases, Objected oriented databases, next generation databases and interfacing with other technologies.
6 Hours
1. Fundamentals of database systems -Ramez Elmasri and Shamkanth B. Navathe – Addison Wesley Publishing Company – 6th Edition.
2. Database Management System – Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke – TATA McGraw Hill – 3rd Edition – ISBN 0-07- 1231511
1. Database Management Design – Gary W. Hansen and James V. Hanesn – PHI Pvt. Ltd. – 2nd Edition.
Subject Code : 10IM 836
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION: Definition- Levels of strategy- Roles of Strategist- Strategic Management Process benefits and limitations. Mission-Objectives -Social responsibilities.
6 Hours
UNIT – 2
STRATEGY FORMULATION: Strategic Thinking, SWOT analysis- Techniques for environmental analysis- TOWS matrix, Balanced Score Card, Steps in strategy implementation -formulation of SBU strategy.
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
STRATEGY FORMULATION: Leadership implementation communicating the strategy- Annual and Functional objectives- Development of policies- Organisational Implementation- Evaluation and control. reward system.
7 Hours
UNIT – 4
STRATEGY AND STRUCTURE: Strategy- Structure relationship. Organizational restructuring and Transformation, Principles of Organization.
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
STRATEGY EVALUATION AND CONTROL: Strategic control- Premise and Implementation control strategic Surveillance special alert control- Operational control- Steps in Operational Control, Types of Operational control.
7 Hours
UNIT – 6
PORTFOLIO STRATEGY: Business portfolio analysis- BGC matrix, GE multi matrix, an evaluation of Portfolio models – factors influencing portfolio
6 Hours
UNIT – 7
COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS AND STRATEGIES: Structural analysis of industries threat of entry rivalry among existing competitors, threat of substitutes; Bargaining power of suppliers; structural analysis and competitive strategy -competitor analysis value chain.
7 Hours
UNIT – 8
BUSINESS GROWTH: Reasons, Risks and indicators of Business growth- Mergers and acquisitions. Management of M& A, determination of strategic purpose; screening, evaluation and choice, pitfalls in M&A, Defence strategies.
GLOBALIZATION: Meaning and Dimensions, Globalization of Indian business, Barriers to change, Implementation of marketing and change.
7 Hours
1. Strategic Management – Francis Cherunilam – Himalya Publishers,
2. Business Policy and Strategic Management – Azhar Kazmi – Tata McGraw Hill -2nd Edn.
3. Strategic Management – Michael Porter – Prentice-Hall – 1984.
1. Business Policy and Strategic Management – P Subba Rao - Himalya Publishers – 1st Edition.
2. Corporate Strategic Management -R.M.Srivastava, Pragati Prakashan , Meerut – 1st Edition.
3. Strategic Management – Robert A Pitts and David Lei – Vikas Publishing House- 1st Edition.
4. Business Environment for Strategic Management - K.Aswantappa – Himalaya Publishers -1st Edition.
Elective V (Group E)
Subject Code : 10IP/IM841
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Introduction, definition, underlying assumption, important of AI, AI & related fields State space representations, defining a problem, production systems and its characteristic, search and control strategies – Introduction, preliminary concepts, examples of Search problems.
6 Hours
UNIT – 2
UNIFORMED OR PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS: Examples of search problems, Uniformed or Blind Search, Informed Search, Or Graphs, Heuristic Search techniques – Generate and Test, Hill climbing, best first search, problem reduction, constraint satisfaction, Means – Ends Analysis.
8 Hours
UNIT – 3
KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION ISSUES: Representations and Mapping, Approaches, Issues in Kr, Types of Knowledge procedural Vs Declarative, Logic programming, Forward Vs Backward reasoning, Matching, Non monotonic reasoning and it logic.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
USE OF PREDICATE LOGIC: Representing simple facts, Instance and is a relationships, Syntax and Semantics for Propositional logic, FOPL, and properties of Wffs, conversion to causal form, Resolution, Natural deduction
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
STATISTICAL AND PROBABILISTIC REASONING: Symbolic reasoning under uncertainly, Probability and Bayes’ theorem, Certainty factors and Rule based systems, Bayesian Networks, Dempster – Shafer Theory, Fuzzy Logic
8 Hours
UNIT – 6
EXPERT SYSTEMS: Introduction, Structure and uses, Representing and using domain knowledge, Expert system shells. Pattern recognition, Introduction, Recognition and classification process, Learning classification Patterns, Recognizing and Understanding Speech.
6 Hours
UNIT – 7
INTRODUCTION TO KNOWLEDGE ACUQISTION: Types of learning, General learning model, and performance measures.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING: Perceptons, Checker Playing examples, Learning, Automata, Genertic Algorithms, Intelligent Editors.
6 Hours
1. Artificial intelligence – Elaine Rich & Kevin Knight – M/H 1983.
2. Artificial intelligence in business, Science & Industry – Wendry B.Ranch, Vol – II application – Ph 1985.
3. to expert systems – waterman, D.A., Addison – wesley inc.- 1986.
4. Building expert systems – Hayes, Roth, Waterman, D.A (ed) – AW 1983.
5. Designing expert systems – weis, S.M. and Kulliknowske, London Champion Hull – 1984.
Subject Code : 10IP/IM 842
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
JIT-AN INTRODUCTION: Speed of JIT movement, the new production system research association of Japan, some definitions of JIT, core Japanese practices of JIT, creating continuous manufacture, enabling JIT to occur, basic element of JIT, benefits of JIT.
6 Hours
UNIT – 2
MODERN PRODUCTION SYSTEM: Key feature of Toyota’s production system, basic framework of Toyota production system. KANBAN SYSTEM – other types of kanban’s, kanban rules, adapting to fluctuations in demand through kanban, whirligig, determining the number of kanban’s in Toyota production system, detailed kanban system example, supplier kanban and the sequence schedule for use by suppliers.
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
PRODUCTION SMOOTHING IN TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM: production planning, production smoothing, adaptability to demand fluctuations, sequencing method for the mixed model assembly line to realize smoothed production, Criticism of Toyota production system by the communist party of Japan. EDP system for support of the Toyota Production system. Shortening lead time in Toyota Production system – reducing the setup time. Automation in Toyota production system, some comparisons with other manufacturers.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
GLOBAL IMPLEMENTATION OF JIT: JIT in automotive industry, JIT in electronics, computer, telecommunication and instrumentation, JIT in process type industry, JIT in seasonal demand industry, other manufacturing industries, JIT in service and administrative operations, conclusion.
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
JIT IMPLIMENTATION SURVEYS: JIT implementation in US manufacturing firms-analysis of survey results, just in time manufacturing industries, just in time production in West Germany, just in time production in Hong Kong electronics indu8stry, conclusion.
6 Hours
UNIT – 6
DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF JIT MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: plant configurations and flow analysis for JIT manufacturing, comparison of JIT’s “demand pull” system with conventional “push type” planning and control systems, quality management system for JIT, product design for JIT human resource management in JIT, flexible workforce system at Toyota, creation and maintenance of teams for JIT, union organization and conduct of industrial relations in JIT, interface of JIT with advanced manufacturing technology, assessing performance in JIT manufacturing systems, product costing information systems in JIT manufacturing, an example of overhead allocation in JIT, potential for developing countries, potential for small manufacturing.
9 Hours
UNIT – 7
SUPPLY MANAGEMENT FOR JIT: JIT purchasing-the Japanese way, some studies in JIT purchasing, experience of implementation organizations, surveys of JIT purchasing, buyer-seller relationship in JIT purchasing, Quality certification of suppliers in JIT purchasing, some problems in implementation of JIT purchasing, reduction freight costs in JIT purchasing, monitoring supplier performance for JIT purchasing, audit in JIT purchasing, implementation of JIT to international sourcing, frequency of shipments, inventory policy, supplier reaction capability, quality, communication sole sourcing, delivery performance and supplier flexibility, conclusion.
7 Hours
UNIT – 8
FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF JIT: Implementation risk, risks Due to inappropriate understanding of JIT, risks due to technical, operational and people problems, risks associated with kanban system, some important activities to be performed during implementation, steps in implementation, a project work to approach to implementation, conclusion.
6 Hours
1. Just In Time Manufacturing – M.G. Korgaonker – Macmillan India Ltd.- 1992,
2. Japanese Manufacturing Techniques – Richard J. Schonberger - The Free Press – Macmillan Pub. Co., Inc. New York – 1988.
Subject Code : 10IP/IM843
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
INTRODUCTION: Definition of Automation, Reasons for Automation, Arguments for and against Automation, Manufacturing industries, Types of Productions, Functions in Manufacturing, Organization & Information processing in Manufacturing.
6 Hours
PRODUCTION CONCEPTS & MATHEMATICAL MODELS: Manufacturing Load Time (MLT), Components of operation time, Capacity, Utilization, Availability, Work in Process(WIP), Automation Strategies. (Numerical treats). 7 Hours
UNIT – 3
PRODUCTION COST ANALYSIS METHODS OF EVALUATING INVESTMENT ALTERNATIVES: Costs in Manufacturing, Break-even Analysis, Unit Cost of Production, Cost of Manufacturing Lead Time & Work-in-process, Other Difficult-to-quantify Factors. 7 Hours
UNIT – 4
DETROIT-TYPE OF AUTOMATION: Automated Flow Lines, Methods of Work part Transport, Transfer Mechanism, Buffer Storage, Control Functions, Automation for Machining Operations, Design & Fabrication Considerations. 6 Hours
ANALYSIS OF AUTOMATED FLOW LINES: General Terminology & Analysis, Analysis of Transfer Lines without storage, Partial Automation, Automated Flow Lines with storage buffers, Computer simulation of Automated Flow Lines. (Including Numericals). 7 Hours
UNIT – 6
ANALYSIS OF ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS & LINE BALANCING: The assembly process, Assembly Systems, Manual Assembly Lines, Line balancing problem, Methods of line balancing, Computerized Line Balancing Methods, Other ways to improve line balancing, Flexible Manual Assembly Lines, Design for automated assembly, Types of automated assembly systems, Parts feeding devices, Analysis of multi station assembly machines, Analysis of single station assembly machine. (Including Numericals).
7 Hours
UNIT – 7
AUTOMATED MATERIAL HANDLING AND STORAGE SYSTEMS: The Materials Handling Function, Types of material handling equipments, Analysis for Material Handling Systems, Design of systems, Conveyor systems, Automated guided vehicle systems, Storage system performance, Automated storage & retrieval system, Carousal storage system, Work in process storage, Interfacing handling & storage with manufacturing.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
AUTOMATED INSPECTION AND TESTING: Statistical quality control, Automated inspection principles & methods, Sensor technologies for automated inspection, Co-ordinate measuring machines, other contact inspection methods, Machine vision, Optical inspection methods, Non- Contact inspection methods.
6 Hours
1. Automation Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing – Mikell P. Groover – PHI, New Delhi – 2003.
1. CAD/CAM – Mikell P. Groover and Emory W. Zimmers – PHI, New Delhi – 2003.
2. Numerical Control and Computer aided Manufacture – Pressman and Williams – PHI – 1991.
Subject Code : 10IM844
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS: An Overview, Opening Vignette: Evaluating the Quality of Journals in Hong Kong, DSS Configuration, What is a DSS? Characteristics and Capabilities, Components of DSS, The Data Management Subsystem.
6 Hours
UNIT – 2
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS: The Model Management Subsystem, The Knowledge-Based Management Subsystem, The User Interface (Dialog) Subsystem, The User, DSS Hardware, Distinguishing DSS from Management Science and MIS, DSS Classifications.
7 Hours
UNIT – 3
DATA WAREHOUSING, ACCESS, ANALYSIS, MINING AND VISUALIZATION: Opening Vignette: OBI Makes the best out of the Data Warehouse, Data Warehousing, Access, Analysis and Visualization, The Nature and Sources of Data, Data Collection, Problems and Quality, The Internet and Commercial Database Services.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
DATA WAREHOUSING, ACCESS, ANALYSIS, MINING AND VISUALIZATION: Database management Systems in DSS, Database Organization and Structures, Data Warehousing, OLAP: Data Access, Querying and Analysis, Data Mining, Data Visualization and Multidimensionality, Geographic Information Systems and Virtual Reality, business Intelligence and the Web.
7 Hours
UNIT – 5
MODELING AND ANALYSIS: Opening Vignette: Dupont Simulates Rail Transportation System and Avoids Costly Capital Expense, Modeling for MSS, Static and Dynamic Models, Treating Certainty, Uncertainty and Risk, Influence Diagrams, MSS Modeling in Spreadsheets.
6 Hours
UNIT – 6
MODELING AND ANALYSIS: Decision analysis of a few alternatives (decision tables and decision trees), Optimization via Mathematical Programming, Heuristic Programming, Simulation, Multidimensional Modelling – OLAP, Visual Interactive Modeling And Visual Interactive Simulation, Quantitative Software Package – OLAP,. Model Base Management.
7 Hours
UNIT – 7
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: Opening Vignette: Osram Sylvania Thinks Small, Strategizes Big Develops the Info Net HR Portal System, Introduction to DSS Development, The Traditional System Development Life Cycle, Alternate Development Methodologies, Prototyping:
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: The DSS Development Methodology, DSS Technology Levels and Tools, DSS Development Platforms, DSS Development Tool Selection, Team – Developed DSS, End User-Developed DSS, Developing DSS: Putting the System Together, DSS Research Directions and the DSS of the Future.
7 Hours
1. Decision Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence – Efraim Turban, Jay E Aronson – Pearson Education – 6th Edn – ISBN – 81- 7808-367-1.
Subject Code : 10IM845
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
INTRODUCTION: Concepts, terms, and definitions of reliability and related performance measure, Terminology in reliability, Failure rate, MTBF, Life test, importance of reliability, definition, meaning of adequate performance, reliability-engineering Programme and its scope, Typical applications. 6 Hours
UNIT – 2
RELIABILITY MANAGEMENT: Reliability goals & policies, economics of reliability, reliability data Collection.
COMPONENT LIFE: Failure distribution function, reliability function and hazard rate function, interrelationships, MTTF, MTBF, bath tub curve (Mortality curve), conditional reliability function, constant and time dependant failure models.
PRACTICAL FAILURE PATTERNS: Failure behaviour of mechanical, electrical, electronic parts, common failure distribution.
7 Hours
UNIT – 3
COMBINATORIAL RELIABILITY (RELIABILITY OF SYSTEMS): Reliability analysis of systems: (Success-Failure models only) Analysis of Series, parallel, series parallel and parallel series configurations. R out of n configurations, redundancy improvement factor, stand by systems.
7 Hours
UNIT – 4
TECHNIQUES FOR COMPLEX SYSTEMS RELIABILITY EVALUATION: Inspection methods, event space methods, path tracing methods, decomposition methods, cut set methods, tie set methods.
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
DESIGN FOR RELIABILITY: System effectiveness measures and life cycle cost analysis, reliability allocation, methods for reliability in design, failure analysis, systems safety and fault tree analysis, multistate model. Failure mode effect and criticality analysis. 6 Hours
UNIT – 6
MARKOV MODELS FOR SYSTEM RELIABILITY: Reliability analysis of state dependent systems, Markov analysis, stand by system analysis, Load sharing systems.
6 Hours
UNIT – 7
MAINTENABILITY AND AVAILABILITY: Analysis of Down time, Repair Time distributions, maintainability, Maintenance increment, Design for maintainability. Availability analysis, Different forms of availability, system availability analysis, mission availability, Availability of stand by system.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
ANALYSIS FAILURE DATA: Types of life testing, data collection, Empirical methods, Estimation of Static life, types of life testing: Development of confidence intervals, acceptance test procedures for life estimation using exponential, weibull and Gamma distribution models. Sequential life tests and acceptance criteria.
APPLICATION AND CASE STUDIES: Case example involving redundancy, burning tests, preventive maintenance analysis. Repairable system analysis, Software reliability.
8 Hours
1. Concepts of Reliability Engineering -L. S. Srinath – Affiliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd -2nd edn
2. Reliability Engineering -Dr. Balaguru Swamy –Tata McGraw Hilll – Fourth Edition –2003
3. An introduction to Reliability and Maintainability -Charles E Ebeling – TMH – Edition 2000, .ISBN 0-07-042138-2
1. Reliability Hand Book – Ireson and Grant -1995
2. Mathematical Theory of Reliability and Mathematics – Barlow and Proschan – 1st edition.
3. Probability Reliability & Engineering approach-Shooman-1976.
4. Practical Reliability Engineering – Patrick D.T.O – John Wiley and Sons – 2002.
5. Introduction to Reliability Engineering – E E Lewis – John Wiley & Sons – 2nd edition.
6. Reliability Technology -J S Gurjar- I K International Publishing house Pvt. Ltd -1991.
Subject Code : 10IM 846
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
OVERVIEW AND CONCEPTS: Need for Data Warehousing, Basic Elements of Data Warehousing, Trends in Data Warehousing.
Project planning and management, collecting the requirements.
7 Hours
UNIT – 2
ARCHITECTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURE: Architectural components, Infrastructure and metadata.
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
DATA DESIGN AND DATA REPRESENTATION: Principles of dimensional modeling. Dimensional modelling advanced topics, data extraction, transformation and loading, data quality.
8 Hours
UNIT – 4
INFORMATION ACCESS AND DELIVERY: Matching information to classes of users, OLAP in data warehouse, Data warehousing and web.
Physical design process, data warehouse deployment, growth and maintenance.
7 Hours
UNIT – 5
INTRODUCTION: Basics of data mining, related concepts, Data mining techniques.
6 Hours
UNIT – 6
DATA MINING ALGORITHMS: Classification, Clustering.
6 Hours
UNIT – 7
DATA MINING ALGORITHMS: Association rules.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
Web content mining, Web structure mining and Web usage mining.
6 Hours
1. Data Warehousing Fundamentals – Paulraj Ponnian, John Wiley.- 1st edition
2. Data Mining Introductory and advanced Topics – M.H. Dunham - Pearson education – 2002.
3. Data mining concepts and techniques – Han, Kamber – 2nd edition
1. The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit – Ralph Kimball, John Wiley – 2nd edition.
2. Mastering Data Mining – M Barry and G. Linoff – John Wiley – 1st edition.
3. Building the Data warehouses – W. H. Inmon, Wiley Dreamtech - 1st edition.
4. The Data Warehouse Toolkit – R. Kimball – John Wiley – 2nd edition.
5. Decision Support and Data warehouse systems – E.G. Mallach - TMH.- 2000.