
Download M.Tech. Design Engineering Syllabus

(Common to MDE,MEA,MMD,CAE)
Sub Code : 14MDE22

IA Marks :50

Hrs/ Week : 04 E x a m H o u r s : 0 3

Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objective:

This course enables the student to identify failure modes and evolve design by analysis methodology. Design against fatigue failure is given explicit attention.

Course Content:

1. Introduction: Role of failure prevention analysis in mechanical design, Modes of mechanical failure, Review of failure theories for ductile and brittle materials including Mohr’s theory and modified Mohr’s theory, Numerical examples.

Fatigue of Materials: Introductory concepts, High cycle and low cycle fatigue, Fatigue design models, Fatigue design methods ,Fatigue design criteria, Fatigue testing, Test methods and standard test specimens, Fatigue fracture surfaces and macroscopic features, Fatigue mechanisms and microscopic features. 12 Hours

2. Stess-Life (S-N) Approach: S-N curves, Statistical nature of fatigue test data, General S-N behavior, Mean stress effects, Different factors influencing S-N behaviour, S-N curve representation and approximations, Constant life diagrams, Fatigue life estimation using SN approach.

Strain-Life(ε-N)approach: Monotonic stress-strain behavior ,Strain controlled test methods ,Cyclic stress-strain behavior ,Strain based approach to life estimation, Determination of strain life fatigue properties, Mean stress effects, Effect of surface finish, Life estimation by ε-N approach. 12 Hours

3. LEFM Approach: LEFM concepts, Crack tip plastic zone, Fracture toughness, Fatigue crack growth, Mean stress effects, Crack growth life estimation. Notches and their effects: Concentrations and gradients in stress and strain, S-N approach for notched membranes, mean stress effects and Haigh diagrams, Notch strain analysis and the strain – life approach, Neuber’s rule, Glinka’s rule, applications of fracture mechanics to crack growth at notches. 13 Hours

4. Fatigue from Variable Amplitude Loading: Spectrum loads and cumulative damage, Damage quantification and the concepts of damage fraction and accumulation, Cumulative damage theories, Load interaction and sequence effects, Cycle counting methods, Life estimation using stress life approach. 7 Hours

5. Surface Failure: Introduction, Surface geometry, Mating surface, Friction, Adhesive wear, Abrasive wear, Corrosion wear, Surface fatigue spherical contact, Cylindrical contact, General contact, Dynamic contact stresses, Surface fatigue strength. 6 Hours

Text Books:

1. Ralph I. Stephens, Ali Fatemi, Robert, Henry o. Fuchs, “Metal Fatigue in engineering”, John wileyNewyork, Second edition. 2001.

2. Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design, Jack. A. Collins, John Wiley, Newyork 1992.

3. Robert L. Norton , “Machine Design”, Pearson Education India, 2000

Reference Books:

1. S.Suresh , “Fatigue of Materials”, Cambridge University Press, -1998

2. Julie.A.Benantine , “Fundamentals of Metal Fatigue Analysis”, Prentice Hall,1990

3. Fatigue and Fracture, ASM Hand Book, Vol 19,2002.

Course Outcome:

This course enriches the student with state of the art design methodology namely design by analysis and damage tolerant design.

Sub Code : 14MDE 23

IA Marks :50

Hrs/ Week : 04 E x a m H o u r s : 0 3

Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objective:

To include dynamics considerations in the design of mechanisms for engineering applications is the objective of this course.

Course Content:

1. Geometry of Motion: Introduction, analysis and synthesis, Mechanism terminology, planar, Spherical and spatial mechanisms, mobility, Grashoffs law, Equivalent mechanisms, Unique mechanisms, Kinematic analysis of plane mechanisms: Auxiliary point method using rotated velocity vector, Hall – Ault auxiliary point method, Goodman’s indirect method. 6 Hours

2. Generalized Principles of Dynamics: Fundamental laws of motion, Generalized coordinates, Configuration space, Constraints, Virtual work, principle of virtual work, Energy and momentum, Work and kinetic energy, Equilibrium and stability, Kinetic energy of a system, Angular momentum, Generalized momentum. Lagrange’s Equation: Lagrange’s equation from D’Alembert’s principles, Examples, Hamiltons equations, Hamiltons principle, Lagrange’s, equation from Hamiltons principle, Derivation of Hamiltons equations, Examples.

13 Hours

3. System Dynamics: Gyroscopic action in machines, Euler’s equation of motion, Phase Plane representation, Phase plane Analysis, Response of Linear Systems to transient disturbances. Synthesis of Linkages: Type, number, and dimensional synthesis, Function generation, Path generation and Body guidance, Precision positions, Structural error, Chebychev spacing, Two position synthesis of slider crank mechanisms, Crank-rocker mechanisms with optimum transmission angle Motion Generation: Poles and relative poles, Location of poles and relative poles, polode, Curvature, Inflection circle. 13 Hours

4. Graphical Methods of Dimensional Synthesis: Two position synthesis of crank and rocker mechanisms, Three position synthesis, Four position synthesis (point precision reduction) Overlay method, Coupler curve synthesis, Cognate linkages. Ana1ytical Methods of Dimensional Synthesis: Freudenstein’s equation for four bar mechanism and slider crank mechanism, Examples, Bloch’s method of synthesis, Analytical synthesis using complex algebra. 12 Hours

5. Spatial Mechanisms: Introduction, Position analysis problem, Velocity and acceleration analysis, Eulerian angles.

6 Hours

Text Books:

1. K.J.Waldron&G.L.Kinzel , “Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery”, Wiley India, 2007.

2. Greenwood , “Classical Dynamics”, Prentice Hall of India, 1988.

References Books:

1. J E Shigley, “Theory of Machines and Mechanism” -McGraw-Hill, 1995

2. A.G.Ambekar , “Mechanism and Machine Theory”, PHI, 2007.

3. Ghosh and Mallick , “Theory of Mechanism and Mechanism”, East West press 2007.

4. David H. Myszka , “Machines and Mechanisms”, Pearson Education, 2005.

Course Outcome:

The knowledge of dynamics considerations in mechanism design is essential to use commercial multi body dynamics software in mechanical engineering design

(Common to MDE,MEA,MMD,CAE)
Sub Code : 14MDE24

IA Marks :50

Hrs/ Week : 04 E x a m H o u r s : 0 3

Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objective:

To teach students how to use the theoretical principles of vibration, and vibration analysis techniques, for the practical solution of vibration problems. The course thus builds on student’s prior knowledge of vibration theory, and concentrates on the applications. Thus the student will fully understand the importance of vibrations in mechanical design of machine parts that operate in vibratory conditions.

Course Content:

1. Review of Mechanical Vibrations: Basic concepts; free vibration of single degree of freedom systems with and without damping, forced vibration of single DOF-systems, Natural frequency.

Transient Vibration of single Degree-of freedom systems: Impulse excitation, Arbitrary excitation, Laplace transform formulation, Pulse excitation and rise time, Shock response spectrum, Shock isolation. 12 hours

2. Vibration Control: Introduction, Vibration isolation theory, Vibration isolation and motion isolation for harmonic excitation, practical aspects of vibration analysis, shock isolation, Dynamic vibration absorbers, Vibration dampers.

Vibration Measurement and applications : Introduction, Transducers, Vibration pickups, Frequency measuring instruments, Vibration exciters, Signal analysis

11 hours

3. Modal analysis & Condition Monitoring: Dynamic Testing of machines and Structures, Experimental Modal analysis, Machine Condition monitoring and diagnosis. Non Linear Vibrations: Introduction, Sources of nonlinearity, Qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems. Phase plane, Conservative systems, Stability of equilibrium, Method of isoclines, Perturbation method, Method of iteration, Self-excited oscillations. 13 hours

4. Random Vibrations : Random phenomena, Time averaging and expected value, Frequency response function, Probability distribution, Correlation, Power spectrum and power spectral density, Fourier transforms, FTs and response. 8 hours

5. Continuous Systems: Vibrating string, longitudinal vibration of rods, Torsional vibration of rods, Euler equation for beams.

6 hours

Text Books

1. Theory of Vibration with Application, – William T. Thomson, Marie Dillon Dahleh, ChandramouliPadmanabhan , 5th edition Pearson Education

2. S. Graham Kelly , “Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration” – McGraw-Hill, 2000

3. S. S. Rao , “Mechanical Vibrations”, Pearson Education, 4th edition.

Reference Books

1. S. Graham Kelly , “Mechanical Vibrations”, Schaum’s Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.

2. C Sujatha , “Vibraitons and Acoustics – Measurements and signal analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.

Course Outcome:

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to solve major and realistic vibration problems in mechanical engineering design that involves application of most of the course syllabus

(Common to MDE,MEA,MMD,CAE)
Sub Code : 14CAE251

IA Marks :50

Hrs/ Week : 04 E x a m H o u r s : 0 3

Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objective:

It aids the students to acquire the basics of optimum design, Classical Optimization Techniques, Non – linear Programming, Unconstrained Optimization Techniques, Integer Programming and Dynamic Programming.

Course Content:

1. Engineering Design Practice: Evolution of Design Technology, Introduction to Design and the Design Process, Design versus Analysis, Role of Computers in Design Cycle, Impact of CAE on Design, Numerical Modeling with FEA and Correlation with Physical Tests.

Applications of Optimization in Engineering Design: Automotive, Aerospace and General Industry Applications, Optimization of Metallic and Composite Structures, Minimization and Maximization Problems, MDO and MOO.

10 Hours

2. Optimum Design Problem Formulation: Types of Optimization Problems, The Mathematics of Optimization, Design Variables and Design Constraints, Feasible and Infeasible Designs, Equality and Inequality Constraints, Discrete and Continuous Optimization, Linear and Non Linear Optimization.

Optimization Theory – Fundamental Concepts, Global and Local Minimum, Gradient Vector and Hessian Matrix, Concept of Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, Constrained and Unconstrained Problems, Lagrange Multipliers and Kuhn Tucker Conditions

10 Hours

3. Sensitivity Analysis, Linear and Non Linear Approximations. Gradient Based Optimization Methods – Dual and Direct.

Optimization Disciplines: Conceptual Design Optimization and Design Fine Tuning, Combined Optimization, Optimization of Multiple Static and Dynamic Loads, Transient Simulations, Equivalent Static Load Methods. Internal and External Responses, Design Variables in Each Discipline.

10 Hours

4. Manufacturability in Optimization Problems: Design For Manufacturing, Manufacturing Methods and Rules, Applying Manufacturing Constraints to Optimization Problems.

Design Interpretation: Unbound Problems, Over Constrained Problems, Problems with No of Multiple Solutions, Active and Inactive

Constraints, Constraint Violations and Constraint Screening, Design Move Limits, Local and Global Optimum .

10 Hours

5. Dynamic Programming: Introduction, Multistage decision processes, Principle of optimality, Computational Procedure in dynamic programming, Initial value problem, Examples.

10 Hours

Text Books:

1. S.S.Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, John Wiley, 2009

2. JasbirArora, Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill, 2011.

Reference Books:

1. Optimisation and Probability in System Engg – Ram, Van Nostrand.

2. Optimization methods – K. V. Mital and C. Mohan, New age International Publishers, 1999.

3. Optimization methods for Engg. Design – R.L Fox, Addison – Wesley, 1971.

Course Outcome:

It provides the student with knowledge required to optimize an existing design with single or multiple objective functions. However the skills have to be acquired through commercial optimization programs

(Common to MDE,MEA,MMD,CAE)
Sub Code : 14MDE252

IA Marks :50

Hrs/ Week : 04 E x a m H o u r s : 0 3

Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objective:

This course focuses on stress-strain relations, yield criteria and associated flow rules for elastic-plastic analysis of components and structures

Course Content:

1.Definition and scope of the subject, Brief review of elasticity, Octahedral normal and shear stresses, Spherical and deviatricstress, Invariance in terms of the deviatoricstresses, Idealisedstress-strain diagrams for different material models, Engineering and natural strains, Mathematical relationships between true stress and true strains, Cubical dilation, finite strains co- efficient Octahedral strain, Strain rate and the strain rate tensor.

10 hours

2.Material Models, Stress-strain relations, Yield criteria for ductile metal, Von Mises, Tresca, Yield surface for an Isotropic Plastic materials, Stress space, Experimental verification of Yield criteria, Yield criteria for an anisotropic material, flow rule normality, Yield locus, Symmetry convexity, Deformation of isotropic and kinematic hardening, bilinear stress-strain relationship, power law hardening, deformation theory of plasticity, J2 flow theory, J2incremental theory,.

10 hours

3. Plastic stress-strain relations, Prandtl- Rouss Saint Venant, Levy-Von Mises,Experimentalverification of the Prandtl- Rouss equation Upper and lower bound theorems and corollaries, Application to problems: Uniaxial tension and compression, Stages of plastic yielding,.

10 Hours

4. Bending of beams, Torsion of rods and tubes, Nonlinear bending and torsion equations, Simple forms of indentation problems using upper bounds, Application of Metal forming: Extrusion, Drawing, Rolling and Forging.

10 hours

5.Sliplinetheory,Introduction, Basic equations for incompressible two dimensional flow, continuity equations, Stresses in conditions of plain strain conventionforslip-lines,Geometryofsliplines,Propertiesofsliplines, Computational Plasticity- Finite element method, Formulations, Plasticity models

10 hours

Text Books

1. Engineering Plasticity – Theory and Application to Metal Forming Process -R.A.C..Slater, McMillan Press Ltd., 1977

2. Theory of Plasticity and Metal forming Process – Sadhu Singh, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 1999.

Reference Books

1. Introduction to the Theory of Plasticity for Engineers- Haffman and Sachs, LLC, 2012.

2. Theory of plasticity – J Chakrabarty, Butterworth, 2006.

3. Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers – Johnson and Mellor, Van Nostrand, 1966.

Course Outcome:

The students learn the theory of plasticity as a background for nonlinear analysis (Material nonlinearity) by the Finite element method.

(Common to MDE,MEA,MMD,CAE)
Sub Code : 14CAE253

IA Marks :50

Hrs/ Week : 04 E x a m H o u r s : 0 3

Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objective:

The course aims at bringing in clear understanding of finite element modeling for simulation of various manufacturing processes.

Course Content:

1. Finite Element Models of Sheet Metal Forming Processes: Introduction, fundamentals of continuum mechanics- strain and stress measurement, Material Models , FE-Equations for Small Deformations, FE-Equations for Finite Deformations, Flow Approach- Eulerian FE-Formulations for Rigid-Plastic Sheet Metal Analysis, The Dynamic, Explicit Method, Historical Review of Sheet Forming Simulation Plastic Behaviour of Sheet Metal: Anisotropy of Sheet Metals- Uniaxial and biaxial Anisotropy Coefficients, Yield Criteria for Isotropic Materials, Classical Yield Criteria for Anisotropic Materials.

(10 Hours)

2. Advanced Anisotropic Yield Criteria:Banabic-Balan-Comsa (BBC) 2005 Yield Criterion, Banabic-Balan-Comsa (BBC) 2008 Yield Criterion, Recommendations on the Choice of the Yield Criterion, Modeling of the Bauschinger Effect.

Formability of Sheet Metals: Evaluation of the Sheet Metal Formability-method based on simulation test and limit dome height diagram, Forming Limit Diagram- definition, experimental determination, methods of determining the limit strain, factors influencing the forming limit, Theoretical Predictions of the Forming Limit Curves, Semi-empirical Model.

(10 Hours)

3. Numerical Simulation of the Sheet Metal Forming Processes: Simulation of the Elementary Forming Processes. Simulation of the Industrial Parts Forming Processes, Robust Design of Sheet Metal Forming Processes, The Spring-back Analysis, Computer Aided Springback Compensation.

Forging: Classification, various stages during forging, Forging equipment, brief description, deformation in compression, forging defects. Residual stresses in forging.

(10 Hours)

4. Rolling :Classification, forces and geometrical relationships in rolling., Deformation in rolling, Defects in rolled products, Residual stresses in rolled products. Torque and Horsepower. Drawing and Extrusion:Principles of Rod and wire drawing, variables in wire

drawing, Residual stresses in rod, wire and tube drawing, Defects in Rod and wire drawing. Extrusion equipment, Classification, variables in extrusion, Deformation in extrusion, Extrusion defects, Work done in extrusion.

(10 Hours)

5. Composite Materials and Honeycomb Structures: Manufacturing processes and environmental requirements for manufacturing of composite components, NDT methods and quality control, sandwich structures and adhesive bonding. Heat Treatment Processes: Purpose of heat treatment and theory of heat treatment processes, heat treatment of alloys of aluminum, magnesium, titanium, steel and case hardening.

(10 Hours)

Text Books

1. Dorel Banabic,Sheet Metal Forming Processes: Constitutive Modeling and Numerical Simulation, Springer, 2010.

2. Dieter G.E. Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill, 1986.

3. ASM Metals Handbook –Volume II.

Reference Books:

1. Aircraft Materials and Manufacturing Process – George F.Titterton, published by Himalayan books, New Delhi, 1968.

2. Aircraft Production Technology and Management – ChennaKeshu S and Ganapathy K K, Interline Publishing, Bangalore, 1993.

3. SachG “Fundamentals of working of metals” Pergamon Press.

4. N Bhatnagar, T S Srivatsan, “Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials”, IK International

5. Phillip F. Ostwald, Jairo Muñoz, “Manufacturing processes and systems”, John Wiley, 1997.

6. Stephen F. Krar, Arthur Gill, “Exploring advanced manufacturing technologies”, Industrial Press, 2003.

7. Kobayashi “Metal forming and finite element methods”, Oxford, 1989.

8. PrakashMahadeo Dixit, Uday S. Dixit, “Modeling of metal forming and machining processes”, Springer, 2008.

9. Dorel Banabic,“Advanced Methods in Material Forming”, Springer, 2007.

10. Schuler GmbH., “Metal forming handbook”, Springer, 1998.

Course Outcome:

Students will be able to analyse the behaviour of materials during forming.

(Common to MDE,MEA,MMD,CAE)
Sub Code : 14MDE254

IA Marks :50

Hrs/ Week : 04 E x a m H o u r s : 0 3

Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objective:

This course is of interest to turbo machinery designers. Specifically modeling of bearings, shafts and rotor stages (compressors, turbines including blades) to predict instability like whirling including gyroscopic and corialis effect.

Course Content:

1. Fluid Film Lubrication: Basic theory of fluid film lubrication, Derivation of generalized Reynolds equations, Boundary conditions, Fluid film stiffness and Damping coefficients, Stability and dynamic response for hydrodynamic journal bearing, Two lobe journal bearings.

Stability of Flexible Shafts: Introduction, equation of motion of a flexible shaft with rigid support, Radial elastic friction forces, Rotary

friction, friction Independent of velocity, friction dependent on frequency, Different shaft stiffness Constant, gyroscopic effects,

Nonlinear problems of large deformation applied forces, instability of rotors in magnetic field. 12 Hours

2. Critical Speed: Dunkerley’s method, Rayleigh’s method, Stodola’s method. Rotor Bearing System: Instability of rotors due to the effect of hydrodynamic oil layer in the bearings, support flexibility, Simple model with one concentrated mass at the center

6 Hours

3. Turborotor System Stability by Transfer Matrix Formulation: General turborotor system, development of element transfer matrices, the matrix differential equation, effect of shear and rotary inertia, the elastic rotors supported in bearings, numerical solutions.

10 Hours

4. Turborotor System Stability by Finite Element Formulation: General turborotor system, generalized forces and co-ordinates system assembly element matrices, Consistent mass matrix formulation, Lumped mass model, linearised model for journal bearings, System dynamic equations Fix stability analysis non dimensional stability analysis, unbalance response and Transient analysis. 14 Hours

5. Blade Vibration: Centrifugal effect, Transfer matrix and Finite element, approaches.

8 Hours

Reference Books:

1. Cameron, “Principles of Lubrication”, Longman Publishing Group, 1986

2. Bolotin , “Nonconservative problems of the Theory of elastic stability”, Macmillan, 1963

3. Peztel, Lockie , “Matrix Methods in Elasto Mechanics”, McGraw-Hill, 1963.

4. Timosenko , “Vibration Problems in Engineering”, Oxford City Press, 2011

5. Zienkiewicz, “The finite element method in engineering science”, McGraw-Hill, 1971

Course Outcome:

Provides the student understanding of modeling a rotating machine elements theoretically. However rotor dynamic analysis demands FE modeling using a commercial FEA software

(Common to MDE, MMD, MEA ,CAE)
Sub Code : 14MEA255

IA Marks : 50

Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03

Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective:

This course would facilitate understanding of the stages involved in automobile system design. The student will be exposed to industrial practices in design of various systems of an automobile.

1. Body Shapes: Aerodynamic Shapes, drag forces for small family cars.

Fuel Injection: Spray formation, direct injection for single cylinder engines (both SI & CI), energy audit.

12 Hours

2. Design of I.C. Engine I: Combustion fundamentals, combustion chamber design, cylinder head design for both SI & C. I. Engines.

8 Hours

3. Design of I.C. Engine II: Design of crankshaft, camshaft, connecting rod, piston & piston rings for small family cars (max up to 3


10 Hours

4. Transmission System: Design of transmission systems – gearbox (max of 4-speeds), differential.

Suspension System: Vibration fundamentals, vibration analysis (single & two degree of freedom, vibration due to engine unbalance, application to vehicle suspension.

10 Hours

5. Cooling System: Heat exchangers, application to design of cooling system (water cooled).

Emission Control: Common emission control systems, measurement of missions, exhaust gas emission testing.

10 Hours

Text Books:

1. Design of Automotive Engines, – A .Kolchin& V. Demidov, MIR Publishers, Moscow

2. The motor vehicle, Newton steeds &Garratte – Iliffee& sons Ltd., London

3. I.C. Engines – Edward F Obert, International text book company.

Reference Books:

1. Introduction to combustion – Turns

2. Automobile Mechanic -, N.K.Giri, Khanna Publications, 1994

3. I.C. Engines – Maleev, McGraw Hill book company, 1976

4. Diesel engine design – HeldtP.M.,Chilton company New York.

5. Problems on design of machine elements – V.M. Faires&Wingreen, McMillan Company., 1965

6. Design of I.C.Engines – John Heywood, TMH

Course Outcome:

The student will be able to apply the knowledge in creating a preliminary design of automobile sub systems.

(Common to MDE,MEA,MMD,CAE)
Sub Code : 14MST21

IA Marks :50

Hrs/ Week : 04 E x a m H o u r s : 0 3

Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objective:

Mechanics of composite materials provides a methodology for stress analysis and progressive failure analysis of laminated composite structures for aerospace, automobile, marine and other engineering applications.

Course Content:

1. Introduction to Composite Materials: Definition, Classification, Types of matrices material and reinforcements, Characteristics & selection, Fiber composites, laminated composites, Particulate composites, Prepegs, and sandwich construction.

Metal Matrix Composites: Reinforcement materials, Types, Characteristics and selection, Base metals, Selection, Applications Macro Mechanics of a Lamina: Hooke’s law for different types of materials, Number of elastic constants, Derivation of nine independent constants for orthotropic material, Two – dimensional relationship of compliance and stiffness matrix. Hooke’s law for two-dimensional angle lamina, engineering constants – Numerical problems.Invariant properties.Stress-Strain relations for lamina of arbitrary orientation, Numerical problems. 10 Hours

2. Micro Mechanical Analysis of a Lamina: Introduction, Evaluation of the four elastic moduli, Rule of mixture, Numerical problems. Experimental Characterisation of Lamina- Elastic Moduli and Strengths

Failure Criteria: Failure criteria for an elementary composite layer or Ply, Maximum Stress and Strain Criteria, Approximate strength criteria, Inter-laminar Strength, Tsa-Hill theory, Tsai, Wu tensor theory, Numerical problem, practical recommendations.

10 Hours

3. Macro Mechanical Analysis of Laminate: Introduction, code, Kirchoff hypothesis, Classical Lamination Theory, A, B, and D matrices (Detailed derivation), Special cases of laminates, Numerical problems.

Shear Deformation Theory, A, B, D and E matrices (Detailed derivation) 10 Hours

4. Analysis of Composite Structures: Optimization of Laminates, composite laminates of uniform strength, application of optimal composite structures, composite pressure vessels, spinning composite disks, composite lattice structures

10 Hours

5. Manufacturing and Testing: Layup and curing – open and closed mould processing, Hand lay-up techniques, Bag moulding and filament winding. Pultrusion, Pulforming, Thermoforming, Injection moulding, Cutting, Machining, joining and repair. NDT tests – Purpose, Types of defects, NDT method – Ultrasonic inspection, Radiography, Acoustic emission and Acoustic ultrasonic method.

Applications: Aircrafts, missiles, Space hardware, automobile, Electrical and Electronics, Marine, Recreational and sports equipment-future potential of composites. 10 Hours

Text Books:

1. Autar K. Kaw, Mechanics of Composite materials, CRC Press, 2nd Ed, 2005.

2. MadhijitMukhopadhay, Mechanics of Composite Materials & Structures, Universities Press, 2004.

Reference Books:

1. J. N. Reddy, Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates & Shells, CRD Press, 2nd Ed, 2004.

2. Mein Schwartz, Composite Materials handbook, McGraw Hill, 1984.

3. Rober M. Jones, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Taylor & Francis, 1998.

4. Michael W, Hyer, Stress analysis of fiber Reinforced Composite Materials, Mc-Graw Hill International, 2009.

5. Composite Material Science and Engineering, Krishan K. Chawla, Springer, 3e, 2012.

6. Fibre Reinforced Composites, P.C. Mallik, Marcel Decker, 1993.

Course Outcome:

This course provides the background for the analysis, design, optimization and test simulation of advanced composite structures and components.

Design Engineering Laboratory – Lab 2
Sub Code : 14MDE26

IA Marks :25

Hrs/ Week : 6 E x a m H o u r s : 0 3

Total Hrs:84 Exam Marks :50


1) These are independent laboratory exercises

2) A student may be given one or two problems stated herein

3) Student must submit a comprehensive report on the problem solved and give a

Presentation on the same for Internal Evaluation

4) Any one of the exercises done from the following list has to be asked in the Examination for evaluation.

Course Content:

Experiment #1

Structural Analysis

Part A: FE Modeling of a stiffened Panel using a commercial preprocessor.

Part B: Buckling, Bending and Modal analysis of stiffened Panels.

Part C: Parametric Studies.

Experiment #2

Design Optimization

Part A: Shape Optimization of a rotating annular disk.

Part B: Weight Minimization of a Rail Car Suspension Spring.

Part C: Topology Optimization of a Bracket.

Experiment #3

Thermal analysis

Part A: Square Plate with Temperature Prescribed on one edge and Opposite edge insulated.

Part B: A Thick Square Plate with the Top Surface exposed to a Fluid at high temperature, Bottom Surface at room temperature, Lateral

Surfaces Insulated.

Experiment #4

Thermal Stress Analysis

Part A: A Thick Walled Cylinder with specified Temperature at inner and outer Surfaces.

Part B: A Thick Walled Cylinder filled with a Fluid at high temperature and Outer Surface exposed to atmosphere.


CFD Analysis

Part A: CFD Analysis of a Hydro Dynamic Bearing using commercial code.

Part B: Comparison of predicted Pressure and Velocity distributions with Target solutions.

Part C: Experimental Investigations using a Journal Bearing Test Rig.

Part D: Correlation Studies.

Experiment #6

Welded Joints.

Part A : Fabrication and Testing.

Part B : FE Modeling and Failure Analysis .

Part C : Correlation Studies.

Experiment #7

Bolted Joints.

Part A : Fabrication and Testing.

Part B : FE Modeling and Failure Analysis .

Part C : Correlation Studies.

Experiment #8

Adhesive Bonded Joints.

Part A : Fabrication and Testing.

Part B : FE Modeling and Failure Analysis .

Part C : Correlation Studies.

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