
Download VTU MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 2010 Syllabus

Subject Code : 10ML61

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

DIGITAL TRANSMISSION FUNDAMENTALS: Definition of information. Digital Representation of Information, Block-Oriented information, Stream information. Why digital communication, comparison of Analog and digital transmission, Basic Properties of Digital transmission Systems; Digital Representation of Analog Signals: Bandwidth of Analog Signals, sampling of an Analog signal, digital Transmission of Analog Signals. Characteristics of communications channels: frequency domain characterization. Time Domain characterization. Fundamental limits in digital Transmission, The Nyquist signaling rate, The Shannon channel capacity.

7 Hours

UNIT – 2

LINE CODING MODEMS AND DIGITAL MODULATION: binary phase Modulation QAM and Signal constellations, telephone modem standards, properties of media and Digital transmission systems: twisted pair, coaxial cable, optical fiber, radio transmission, Infrared light. Error detection and correction: Error Detection, Two-dimensional parity Checks, Internet checksum, polynomial codes, Standardized polynomial codes, Error detecting capability of a polynomial code.

7 Hours

UNIT – 3

CIRCUIT SWITCHING NETWORKS: Multiplexing: FDM, TDM, WDM, SONET, SONET multiplexing, SONET frame structure. Transport networks: SONET networks, optical Transport networks, circuit switches, space division switches, Time division switches, the telephone network, transmission facilities, end to end digital services.

6 Hours

UNIT – 4

COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND SERVICES: Evolution of Network architecture and Services: Telegraph Networks and Message Switching, Telephone Networks and Circuit Switching, The Internet, Computer Networks and Packet Switching.

6 Hours


UNIT – 5

APPLICATIONS AND LAYERED ARCHITECTURES: Examples of Protocols, Services and Layering: HTTP, DNS and SMTP. TCP and UDP Transport Layer Services, The OSI Reference Model: The seven layer OSI Reference Model, Unified View of Layers, Protocols and Services. Overview of TCP/IP Architecture: TCP/IP Architecture, TCP/IP Protocol: How the layers work together. Protocol Overview, Application layer protocols and TCP/IP Utilities.

7 Hours

UNIT – 6

DATA LINK LAYER: PEER-TO-PEER PROTOCOLS: Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Service Models; ARQ Protocols and Reliable Data Transfer Service: Stop-and-Wait ARQ, Go-Back-N ARQ, Selective Repeat ARQ, Other Peer-to-Peer Protocols.

6 Hours

UNIT – 7

DATA LINK CONTROLS: Framing, Point to point Protocol, HDLC Data link Control, Link Sharing using Packet Multiplexers: Statistical Multiplexing, Speech Interpolation and the Multiplexing of pocketsize Speech.

6 Hours

UNIT – 8

MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL PROTOCOLS AND LAN: The Medium Access Control Protocols, Multiple Access Communications, Random Access: ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, CSMA, CAMA-CD, Scheduling Approaches to Medium Access Control: Reservation Systems, Polling, Token-Passing Rings; Channelization, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. High speed

Digital Access & connecting Devices. DSL: DSL Technology, cable modems, connecting devices: Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Two-layer switch, router and three layer switches

7 Hours


1. Communication Networks- Alberto Leon- Garcia and India Widjaja Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures, Tata McGraw-Hill 2nd edition.

2. Data Communications and Networking- Behrouz A. ForouzaTata McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition.


1. Data and Computer Communication- William Stallings, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education/ Prentice Hall India.

2. Understanding Data Communications and Networks- William A. Shay, 2nd Edition, Thomson.

3. Data Communications and Networks- by author Codbole Tata McGraw-Hill 2002.

4. Computer Communications and Networking Technologies- Micael A Gallo & William M. Handcock 2003 Edition, Thomson.

Subject Code : 10ML62

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

Heat and cold in medicine: Introduction, Physical basis of heat and temperature Thermography and temperature scales, mapping of body’s temperature, heat therapy, Use of cold in medicine, Cryosurgery and safety aspects

7 Hours

UNIT – 2

Energy, work, power and pressure: Conservation of energy in the body, energy changes in the body, work and power, heat losses from the body, measurement of pressure in the body, pressure inside skull, eye, digestive system , skeleton & urinary bladder, Hyper baric Oxygen Therapy

6 Hours

UNIT – 3

Physics of lung and breathing: Introduction, the air ways, blood & lung interaction, measurement of lung volumes, pressure-air flow-volume relationship of the lungs, Physics of alveoli, breathing mechanism, air-way resistance, work of breathing, physics of some common lung diseases

6 Hours

UNIT – 4

Physics of cardiovascular system: Introduction to cardiovascular system, major components of cardiovascular system, oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in the capillary system, work done by the heart, blood pressure and its measurements, transmural pressure, Bernoulli’s principle applied to cardiovascular system, Blood flow-laminar & turbulent, heart sounds, physics of some cardiovascular diseases

7 Hours



Electricity within the body: The nervous system & neurons. electrical potential of nerves, electromyogram, electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, electroretinogram,electrooculogram, magneto cardiogram & magneto encephalogram Electric shock, high frequency and low frequency electricity in medicine, magnetism in medicine

12 Hours


Sound in medicine: General properties of sound, body as a drum, the stethoscope, Ultrasound picture of the body, Ultrasound to measure motion, physiological effects of ultrasound in therapy, the production of speech

7 Hours

UNIT – 7

Physics of ear and hearing: The outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear, Sensitivity of ears, testing hearing, Deafness & hearing aids Light in medicine: Measurement of light & its units, applications of visible light in medicine Applications of UV & IR in medicine, LASERs in medicine, applications of microscopes in medicine

7 Hours

UNIT – 8

Physics of eyes and vision: Focusing elements of the eye, the retina, diffraction effects of the eye, optical illusion, defective vision & correction,, colour vision & chromatic aberration, Instrument used in ophthalmology


1. Medical Physics-John R. Cameron, James G. Skofronick, 1978.


1. Physics of the Human Body- Herman I.P., Springer

Subject Code : 10ML63

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

CLINICAL LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS: Medical diagnosis with clinical tests, spectrophotometry & instruments, automated biochemical analysis system, clinical flame photometer, ion-selective electrode based analyzers.

6 Hours

UNIT – 2

BLOOD GAS ANALYZERS: Acid-base balance, blood pH measurement, measurement of blood pCO2, intra-arterial blood gas monitoring, complete blood gas analyzer, Blood cell counters: Types of blood cells, methods of cell counting, Coulter counter, automatic recognition and differential counting of cells.

7 Hours

UNIT – 3

AUDIOMETER AND HEARING AIDS: Mechanism of hearing, measurement of sound, basic audiometer, pure-tone audiometer, speech audiometer, audiometer system, Bekesy evoked response audiometer system, calibration of audiometer and hearing aids.

6 Hours

UNIT – 4

INSTRUMENTS OF SURGERY: Principles of surgical diathermy, surgical diathermy machine, safety aspects in electro- surgical units, surgical diathermy analyzer.

7 Hours


UNIT – 5

PHYSIOTHERAPY AND ELECTROTHERAPY EQUIPMENTS: High frequency heat therapy, short-wave diathermy, microwave diathermy, ultrasound therapy unit, electrodiagnostic therapeutic apparatus, pain relief through electrical stimulation, bladder and cerebral stimulators.

6 Hours

UNIT – 6

HAEMODIALYSIS MACHINE: Function of kidney, artificial kidney, dialyzer, membranes for haemodialysis, portable kidney machine.

6 Hours

UNIT – 7

LITHOTRIPSY: Stone disease problems, lithotriptor machine, extracorporeal shock wave therapy. Anesthesia Machine: Need for anesthesia, anesthesia machine, electronics in the anesthetic machine

7 Hours

UNIT – 8

VENTILATORS: Mechanics of respiration, artificial ventilation, ventilators, types of ventilators, ventilator terms, classification of ventilators, pressure volume flow diagrams, modern ventilators, high frequency ventilators, humidifiers, nebulizers and aspirators. Automated Drug Delivery Systems: Infusion pumps, components of drug infusion systems and implantable infusion systems, closed loop control in infusion systems and examples.

7 Hours


1. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation – by R.S.Khandpur, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003


1. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement – by Leslie Cromwell, Fred J Weibell and Erich A. Pfeiffer, Prentice-Hall India Pvt. Ltd.

Subject Code : 10ML64

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

INTRODUCTION: Historical background. Medical Lasers: Introduction, Laser physics-fundamentals, principles, advances, Medical Lasersfundamentals, principles, advances. Medical Laser Systems-fundamentals, principles. Laser safety-fundamentals.

6 Hours

UNIT – 2

APPLICATIONS OF LASERS IN THERAPY & DIAGNOSIS: Introduction, laser assisted diagnosis and therapy-fundamentals, interaction of laser beams and materials-principles (except 3.3.4).

7 Hours

UNIT – 3

Laser interaction with tissue-principles; laser assisted diagnostics-principles, applications of lasers in diagnosis and imaging-advances, laser surgery and therapy-principles-photothermal & photomechanical mechanisms, thermal interaction between laser and tissue-advances.

6 Hours

UNIT – 4

SINGLE OPTICAL FIBERS : Introduction, historical background, optical fibers-fundamentals, light transmission in optical fibers-principles, optical properties of optical fibers-advances, fabrication of optical fibers-principles, optical fibers for UV, visible, IR light-principles, power transmission through optical fibers-principles, modified fiber ends and tips-principles, fiber lasersadvances.

7 Hours


UNIT – 5

OPTICAL FIBER BUNDLES: Introduction, non-ordered fiber optic bundles for light guides-fundamentals & principles, ordered fiberoptic bundles for imaging devices-fundamentals & principles, fiberscopes and endoscopes-fundamentals, fiber optic imaging systems-advances.

7 Hours

UNIT – 6

ENDOSCOPY: Introduction, endoscopic imaging systems-fundamentals, principles, advances, endoscopic diagnostics-advances, endoscopic therapyfundamentals, endoscopic ultrasound imaging-principles.

7 Hours

UNITS – 7 & 8

CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF FIBER OPTIC LASER SYSTEMS: Introduction, fiberoptic laser systems in cardiovascular disease (except 9.2.6), gastroenterology, gynecology, neurosurgery, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, otolaryngology (ENT), urology, and flow diagram for laser angioplasty & photodynamic therapy.

12 Hours


1. Lasers and Optical Fibers in Medicine by Abraham Katzir, Academic Press, 1998.


1. Therapeutic Lasers – Theory and practice by G.David Baxter, Churchill Livingstone Publications.

2. Medical Lasers and their safe use-David H Shiney, Stephen and L.Trokel, Springer, Springer Verlag publications

3. Elements of fiber optics- S.L.Wymer, Regents PHI

4. Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation- S.K.Venkata Ram Galgotia publications.

Subject Code : 10ML65

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

C++ PROGRAMMING BASICS: Need of object oriented programming, procedural languages, characteristics of OOP, preprocessor directives, data types, manipulators.

6 Hours

UNIT – 2

STRUCTURES: Structures, enumerated data types, Boolean type, Functions: passing arguments, returning values, reference arguments, overloaded functions, inline functions, variable and storage classes.

7 Hours

UNIT – 3

OBJECTS AND CLASSES: objects as data types, constructors, destructors, overloaded constructors. Arrays: Arrays as class member data types, passing arrays, arrays as objects, strings, arrays of strings.

7 Hours

UNIT – 4

OPERATOR OVERLOADING: over loading of unary operators, binary operators, data conversion. 6 Hours


UNIT – 5

INHERITANCE: Inheritance, derived class and base class, overriding member functions, scope resolution, levels of inheritance, multiple inheritances.

7 Hours

UNIT – 6

Pointers, pointers to objects, linked list, virtual functions, static functions, files and streams, input/output operations.

7 Hours

UNITS – 7& 8

DATA STRUCTURES: data representation, matrices, stacks, Queues, skip lists and Hashing, binary trees.

12 Hours


1. Object oriented programming in TURBO C++-Robert Lafore, Galgotia Publications.2002.

2. Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++- Sartaj Sahni, Tata McGrawHill Publications.


1. Object Oriented Programming with C++-E Balaguruswamy, Third edition, TMH2006

2. C++ the complete reference-Herbert Schildt, Fourth edition, TMH, 2003

3. Data Structures using C++- D.S.Malik, Thomson, 2003.

Subject Code : 10ML661

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

A review of Microelectronics and an introduction to MOS Technology. Introduction to IC technology, the IC era, metal oxide semi conductor (MOS) and related VLSI technology. Basic MOS transistors, MOS characterization, enhancement mode transistor action, depletion mode action, MOS fabrication. CMOS fabrication, thermal aspects of processing Bi CMOS technology

7 Hours

UNIT – 2

Basic electrical properties of MOS and BiCMOS circuits, Drain to source current IDS verses voltage VDS relationship, aspects of MOS transistor threshold voltage Vt, MOS transistor transconductance Gm and output conductance Gds.

6 Hours

UNIT – 3

The pass transistor, the nMOS inverter, determination of pull up to down ratio (Zpu / Z pd) for an nMOS inverter driven by another nMOS inverter, alternative forms of pull up. The CMOS inverter, MOS transistor circuit model, some characteristics or NPN bipolar transistor, latch up in CMOS circuits, BiCMOS latch up susceptibility.

7 Hours

UNIT – 4

MOS AND BICMOS CIRCUIT DESIGN PROCESS: MOS layers, stick diagram, design rules and layout, general observations on the design rules. 2.5μm double metal double poly CMOS rules, 1.2μm double metal single poly CMOS rules, layout diagrams, a brief introduction to symbolic diagrams, translation to mask form.

6 Hours


UNIT – 5

BASIC CIRCUIT CONCEPTS: sheer resistance R, sheet resistance concept applied to MOS transistor and inverter, area capacitances of layers, standard unit of capacitance Cg, some area capacitance calculation, the delay unit τ, inverter delays, driving large capacitance loads, propagation delays, wiring capacitance, choice of layers.

7 Hours

UNIT – 6

SCALING OF MOS CIRCUITS: Scaling models and scaling factors for device parameters, some discussions on scaling and limitations of scaling, subsystem design and layout. Some architectural issues, switch logic gate restoring logic. Examples of structured design

6 Hours

UNIT – 7

SUBSYSTEM DESIGN PROCESS: Some general considerations. An illustration of design processes, computational elements. Some observations on the design process, regularity, design of an ALU subsystem.

7 Hours

UNIT – 8

PRACTICAL ASPECTS AND TESTABILITY: Some thought on the performance, further thoughts on floor plans/layout, input /output pads, thoughts of system delay, ground rules for successful design, CAD tools for design and simulation, aspects of design tools, test and testability.

6 Hours


1. Basic VLSI design- Dougles A Pucknell, 3rd edition, PHI

2. Principles of C MOS VLSI design-Neil West and Eshranghian, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 2002.


1. Introduction to VLSI system – Mead & Conway, Addison Wesley, 1980

2. CMOS circuit design layout and simulation-Jacob Baker, Li & Boyce, PHI 1999.

3. Modern VLSI design- Warne Wolf, Pearson Education, 2000.

4. VLSI design technologies for Analog & Digital circuits- Gieger Allen Strader, McGraw Hill.

Subject Code : 10ML662

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING: Introduction, A digital signal processing system, the sampling process, discrete time sequences, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), linear time invariant systems, Digital filters, Decimation and Interpolation, Analysis and Design tool for DSP systems.

7 Hours

UNIT – 2

COMPUTATIONAL ACCURACY IN DSP IMPLEMENTATION: Introduction, Number formats for signals and coefficients in DSP systems, Dynamic range and precision, Sources of error in DSP implementations, A/D conversion error, DSP computational error and D/A Conversion error.

7 Hours

UNIT – 3

Digital Signal Processing Devices: Introduction, Basic architectural features, DSP computational building blocks, Bus architecture and memory, Data addressing capabilities, Address generation unit, Programmability and Program execution, Speed issues.

6 Hours

UNIT – 4

PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS: Introduction, Architecture of TMS320C54xx digital signal processors: Bus structure, Central processing unit, internal memory and memory mapped registers, Data addressing modes of TMS320C54xx processors, Memory space of TMS320C54xx processors.

6 Hours


UNIT – 5

TMS320C54xx Instructions and programming, On-chip peripherals, Interrupts of TMS320C54xx processors, Pipeline operation of TMS320C54xx processors.

7 Hours

UNIT – 6

IMPLEMENTATION OF BASIC DSP ALGORITHMS: Introduction, The Q-notation, Linear Convolution, Circular Convolution, FIR Filters, IIR Filters, Interpolation Filters, Decimation Filters, Adaptive Filters, butterfly computation, FFT implementation on the TMS320C54xx

7 Hours

UNIT – 7

INTERFACING MEMORY AND PARALLEL I/O PERIPHERALS TO PROGRAMMABLE DSP DEVICES: Introduction, Memory space organization, External bus interfacing signals, Memory interface, Parallel I/O interface, Programmed I/O, Interrupts and I/O, Direct memory access (DMA). Interfacing Serial Converters to a Programmable DSP device: Introduction, Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI), A multi channel buffered serial port (McBSP).

6 Hours

UNIT – 8

A CODEC INTERFACE CIRCUIT: CODEC-DSP interface circuit. Applications of programmable DSP devices: Introduction, A DSP system, DSP-based Biotelemetry receiver, A speech processing system, An image processing system.

6 Hours


1. Digital Signal Processing-Avtar Singh and S. Srinivasan, first edition , Cengage Learning.

2. Real Time Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals, Algorithms and implementation using TMS Processor-V.Udayashankara, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2010


1. Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach, Emmanuel C Ifeachor and B W Jervis, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

2. Digital Signal Processors- B Venkataramani and M Bhaskar, Tata- McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.

Subject Code : 10ML663

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100


UNIT – 1

BASIC CONCEPTS, STATICS & JOINT MECHANICS : Introduction, Force Types, Resolution and composition of forces, Resultant of force and couple, vector method for resultant force determination, Parallel forces in space, Equilibrium of coplanar forces, Human joint forces, Mechanics of the elbow, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Ankle Joint, Problems & Examples.

7 Hours

UNIT – 2

DYNAMICS: Introduction, Human body links and data, linear motion, Angular motion, Newtons law of motion, Impulse & momentum, Work and energy, Problem and examples.

6 Hours

UNIT – 3

MECHANICS OF SOLIDS: Introduction, Stress, Axial load and normal stress, Stress-strain, Torsion, , Moment of inertia , Geomatrical properties of human bone, problems and examples.

7 Hours

UNIT – 4

TISSUE MECHANICS: Introduction, Mechanical properties, Biological properties, Bone as composite material , Properties, Viscoelestaicity, soft tissue mechanics, Testing of soft tissues.

6 Hours


UNIT – 5

BIOFLUID MECHANICS: introduction, Viscosity and viscometry, Capillary viscometry, Blood, Models of Peripheral circulation, coagulation, Blood rheology, synovial fluid.

7 Hours

UNIT – 6

CARDIOVACULAR MECHANICS: Introduction, Heart, Conduction system, Heart sounds, Heart rate, cardiac cycle, ECG, Cardiac output, Diseases of the cardiovascular system, Artficial Heart valve, Design of valves,

6 Hours

UNIT – 7

RESPIRATORY MECHANICS: Lung RC, Static lung mechanics, mechanics of breathing, Flow volume curves, Characteristics of respiration, Lung compliance, Surface tension, Elastic properties of lung, Distribution of ventillation in upright lung, effects of forced or gentle expiration to RV

6 Hours

UNIT – 8

HUMAN LOCOMOTION : Introduction, Gait analysis, Motion analysis, Energy consideration, Muscle function, Force data, Measurement devices, Kinematics, Other methods of Analysis, EMG data transmission, Quantification of EMG, Applications,

7 Hours


1. Text Book of Biomechanics –Subrata Pal, Viva Books, 2009.


1. The biomedical Hand book-Joseph.D.Bronzino CRC Press, 2nd Edition2, 2000.

2. Introduction to biomechanics of joints & joint replacement mechanical Engg-D.Dowson, V Wright 1987 publication.

Subject Code : 10ML664

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 100

Part – A

UNIT – 1

NUMERICAL COMPUTATION: Motivation and objectives / Number Representation/ Machine Precision/ / Round off Error /Truncation Error / Random Number Generation.

6 Hours

UNITS – 2 & 3

LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SYSTEMS: Motivation and objectives / Gauss- Jordan Elimination/ Gaussian Elimination/LU Decomposition/ IIIConditioned systems/ Iterative Methods.

13 Hours

UNIT – 4

EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Motivation and objectives/ The Characteristic polynomial/ Power methods/ Jacobs’s method/ householder transformation/ QR method/ Danilevskys Method/ Polynomial Roots.

7 Hours


UNIT – 5

CURVE FITTING: Motivation and objectives/ Interpolation/ Newtons Difference Formula/ Cubic Splines/ Least square/ Two- Dimensional Interpolation.

7 Hours

UNIT – 6 & 7

ROOT FINDING: Motivation and objectives/ Bracketing methods/ contraction mapping method/ secant Method/ Mullers Method/ Newton’s Method/ polynomial roots/ Nonlinear systems of equations.

12 Hours

UNIT – 8

OPTIMIZATION: motivation and objectives/ Local and Global minima/ Line searches/ steepest Descent method/ Conjugate- Gradient Method/ quasi- Newton Methods/ Penalty Functions / Simulated Annealing

7 Hours


1. Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers using MATLAB and C-ROBERT J.SCHILING & SANDRA HARRIS, Cengage Learning.


1. Applied Numerical methiods with Matlab for Engineers and Scientist, Selvan .C. Chopra, second edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Applied Numerical Analysis- GERALD AND WHETELY, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.

3. Numerical Receipies in C- WILLIM PRESS ET.AL, Cambridge publishers, New Delhi.

Subject Code : 10MLL67

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 50

1. Plotting the characteristics & Determination of parameters of: Resistive strain gage (b) Photoelectric transducer (c) Temperature transducers: RTD / thermocouple / thermistor

2. Determination of characteristics of: (a) Polarized electrode; (b) Nonpolarized electrode (c) Multipoint electrode

3. Design & Testing of: (a) DC amplifier (b) Isolation amplifier

4. Design & Testing of: (a) Instrumentation amplifier; (b) Transducer bridge with amplifier

5. Design & Testing of Electronic Thermometer

6. Recording of ECG: (a) Determination of time & amplitude of QRS complex, (b) Calculation of Heart Rate, (c) Determination of Cardiac Vector

7. Recording of (a) EEG (b) EMG (c) EOG

8. Measurement of Hearing threshold using Audiometer and plot its characteristics

9. Measurement of pH of a given solution using pH meter

10. Determination of solution concentration using Colorimeter/Spectrophotometer

11. Measurement of Blood Pressure using Sphygmomanometer & Digital meter

12. Recording of Pulse Rate using Photoelectric transducer and Respiratory Rate using Strain gage/ Thermistor

13. Plot the signals using: (a) Strip chart recorder (b) X-Y recorder

14. Study of (a) Ultrasound transducers & Ultrasonic blood flow meters, (b) Nerve stimulator, (c) Bladder stimulator.

Subject Code : 10MLL68

IA Marks : 25

Exam Marks : 50

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