
Download M.Tech. Innfrastructure Engineering and Management Syllabus [PDF]

Subject Code: 14CEM252

IA Marks: 50

No. of lecture Hours/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03

Total No. of Lecture Hours: 52 Exam Marks: 100

Bearing Capacity & Settlement: Presumptive bearing capacity according to BIS, Factors affecting bearing capacity, Factors influencing selection of depth of foundation, types of

shallow foundations, Settlement of Shallow Foundations: Immediate, consolidation, & differential settlements, Factors influencing settlement, Safe Bearing Capacity and Allowable Bearing Pressure.

Shallow Foundations: Principles of Design of foundation, Definition for Shallow and Deep foundation, Requirements for geotechnical and structural aspects of design, Proportioning of isolated footing, combined footing, Strap footing, Strip footing and Raft foundation.

Pile Foundations – Single Pile: Historical Development, Necessity of pile foundations, Classification, Load bearing capacity of single pile by Static formula, Dynamic formula, Pile load test and Penetration tests, Laterally Loaded Pile.

Pile Foundations – Group Effect: Pile groups, group action of piles in sand and clay, group efficiency of piles, settlement of piles, negative skin friction, Under reamed piles.

Well Foundations: Historical Development, Different shapes and characteristics of wells, Components of well foundation. Forces acting on well foundation. Sinking of wells. Causes and remedies for tilts and shifts.

Drilled Piers & Caissons: Construction, advantages and disadvantages of drilled piers.

Design concepts and Advantages and disadvantages of open, pneumatic and floating caissons.

Foundations On Expansive Soils: Definition, Identification, Mineral Structure, Index properties of expansive soils, Swell potential and Swell pressure, Free swell, Tests on

expansive soils, foundation treatment for structures in expansive soil, CNS layer.

Machine Foundations: Basic definitions in vibration, free and forced vibrations, determination of natural frequency, types of Machine foundations, general criteria for design

of machine foundation., vibration analysis of a machine foundation, degrees of freedom of a block foundation, vibration isolation and control.


1. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering – V.N.S. Murthy – Pub: Sai Tech.

2. Foundation Engineering – Braja M. Das – Cengage Learning.

3. Soil Mechanics Foundations – Dr. B.C. Punmia – Pub : Laxmi publications, pvt. Ltd.

4. Foundation Analysis and Design – Bowles J.E. (1996) – 5th Ed, McGraw Hill Pub. Co., New York.

5. Advanced Foundation Engineering – V.N.S. Murthy – Pub : Sai Tech.

6. Pile Foundation.- Chellies

7. Geotechnical Engineering.- P. Purushotham Raj

8. Geotechnical Engineering – Dr. C. Venkataramaiah – Pub : New age Publications.

9. Foundation Engineering – Dr. P.C. Varghese :- Pub : Prentice Hall of India.

Subject Code: 14CEM22

IA Marks: 50

No. of lecture Hours/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03

Total No. of Lecture Hours: 52 Exam Marks: 100

Introduction: Types and component parts of pavements, Factors affecting design and performance of pavements. Highway and airport pavements. Stresses and strains in flexible pavements:

Stresses and strains in an infinite elastic half space – use of Boussinesq’s equations- Burmister’s two layer and three layer theories; Wheel load stresses, various factors in traffic wheel loads; Equivalent single wheel load of multiple wheels. Repeated loads and EWL factors

Flexible pavement design methods for highways and airports: Empirical, semi-empirical and theoretical approaches; Development, principle, design steps of the different pavement design methods including AASHTO, Asphalt Institute, Shell Methods. IRC method of pavement design;

Stresses in rigid pavements: Types of stresses and causes; Introduction to Westergaard’s equations for calculation of stresses in rigid pavement due to the influence of traffic and temperature; Considerations in rigid pavement analysis, EWL; wheel load stresses, warping stresses, frictional stresses, combined stresses.

Rigid pavement design: Design of cement concrete pavement for highways and runways; Design of joints, reinforcements, tie bars, dowel bars. IRC method of design; Design of continuously reinforced concrete pavements;

Use of relevant software in flexible pavement design (KENLAYER, Asphalt Institute, Design Guide 2002) and concrete pavement design (KENSLAB, HIPERPAVE)


1. Yoder and Witczak, “Principles of Pavement Design”- John Wiley and sons Inc(second edition) 1975

2. Yang, “Design of functional pavements”- Mc Graw Hill Book Co.

3. Huang, “Pavement Analysis”- Elsevier Publications

4. David Croney, Paul Croney, “Design & Performance of Road Pavements”- Mc Graw hill Book Co.

5. W.Ronald Hudson, Ralph Haas and Zeniswki “Modern Pavement Management”- Mc Graw Hill and Co

6. IRC 37-2001, IRC 81-1997, IRC 58 – 2002, IRC 59 – 1976, IRC 101-1988, Indian Roads Congress

7. Khanna and Justo “Highway Engineering”- Nemchand & Bros, Roorkee

Subject Code: 14CEM23

IA Marks: 50

No. of lecture Hours/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03

Total No. of Lecture Hours: 52 Exam Marks: 100

Introduction to project management processes – Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, and Closing processes; Project Integration Management – Project plan development, Project plan execution, and Overall change control; Project Scope Management – Initiation, Scope planning, Scope definition, Scope verification, and Scope change control;

Project Time Management – Activity definition – work breakdown structure, Activity sequencing – scheduling logic, precedence diagramming method, arrow diagramming

method, Activity duration estimation, Schedule development and analysis – critical path method, program evaluation and review technique, production curves, line-of-balance method, Duration compression, Resource constrained scheduling, Schedule control; Project Cost

Management – Resource planning, Cost estimating, Cost budgeting, and Cost control – earned value method; Project Resource Management – Resource aggregation,

Resource leveling – method of moments, double moments, Resource allocation; Time-cost Tradeoff; Project Quality Management – Quality planning, Quality assurance, and Quality control;

Project Risk Management – Risk identification, Risk quantification, Risk response development and control; Project Procurement Management – Procurement planning, Solicitation planning, Solicitation, Source selection, Contract administration, and Contract


1 T. Hegazy, Computer-based construction project management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2002.

2 S. M. Levy, Project management in construction, 5thed., McGraw Hill, New York, 2007.

3 PMI, A guide to the project management body of knowledge, 3rd ed., Project Management Institute, Pennsylvania, 1996.

4 M. Mawdesley, W. Askew and M. O’Reilly, Planning and controlling construction projects, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, Essex, 1997.

5 J. Kelly, S. Male and D. Graham, Value management of construction projects, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003.

Subject Code: 14CEM24

IA Marks: 50

No. of lecture Hours/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03

Total No. of Lecture Hours: 52 Exam Marks: 100

Environmental Hazards & Disasters- Environmental disasters and environmental stress.

Types of environmental hazards & Disasters, Earthquake Hazards- Causes of earthquakes, distribution of earthquakes, effects of earthquakes, earthquake hazards in India, human adjustment, perception & mitigation of earthquake. Cyclones — Tropical cyclones & local storms,, destruction by cyclones, causes , distribution, human adjustment, perception & mitigation.

Cumulative atmospheric hazards/ disasters- floods, droughts, cold waves, heat waves Conventional earthquake resistant design, Seismic base isolation method, retrofitting,

Training, demonstrations and exhibitions, Information management (Safety, emergencies, management and planning, design, response, user experience problems and case studies, Proper land use practices, long term disaster preparedness measures. Precautions after a major earthquake, Preparedness for medical supply Emergency care (First aid, Home remedies), Disposal of dead bodies (Human and Cattle) , Care for old and orphans.

Physical hazards/ Disasters-Soil erosion and sedimentation– mechanics & forms of soil erosion and sedimentation, factors & causes of soil erosion and sedimentation, conservation measures of soil erosion. Chemical hazards/ disasters-release of toxic chemicals, nuclear explosion,

Approaches in Disaster reduction / Management- Pre- disaster stage (preparedness) – Preparing hazard zonation maps, predictability/ forecasting & warning, preparing disaster preparedness plan, Land use zoning, preparedness through (IEC) Information, education & communication pre-disaster stage (mitigation), Disaster resistant house construction, population reduction in vulnerable areas, awareness

Emergency Stage – Rescue training for search & operation, immediate relief, assessment surveys

Post disaster stage- Rehabilitation, Political administrative aspect, social Aspects, economic, environmentalaspects.

Disaster Management- An integrated approach for disaster preparedness, mitigation & awareness. Meteorological observatory, Seismological observatory, Hydrology Laboratory, Industrial Safety inspectorate, Institution of urban & regional planners, Chambers of Architects, Engineering Council, preparedness of various govt departments, Education on disasters, Community involvement Management cell, Central crisis management core group, damage reconnaissance, Management of relief and rehabilation ( Infrasture rehabilation, Housing rehabilation, Social rehabilation ), Role of volunteers, Emergency operation centres, Information system, Danger zone restrictions, Cooperation with local authority, Coordination for international relief, Role of government, NGO’s, Bussiness and donors, Role of remote sensing in relief operations, Information management and related technologies in engineering and disaster management. The design and management of Disaster Information Resource Network, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Regional data base, Contacts and Sources, CD – ROM Library for Natural Disaster Management, Regional Disaster Documentation Centre,

Non Governmental Organisations.

India Specific Land Subsidence, Coastal Erosion, Cyclone , failure of hill slopes,Ecological planning for sustainability & sustainable development in India, sustainable rural

development, Role of Panchayats in disaster mitigations

Environmental policies & programmes – Institutions & National Centres for Natural Disaster reduction, Environmental Legislations in India, Awareness, Conservation Movement,

Education & training.


1 . R.B.Singh (Ed) Environmental Geography, Heritage Publishers New Delhi

2 Savinder Singh Environmental Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhawan

3 Kates,B.I & White, G.F The Environment as Hazards, oxford, New York

4 R.B. Singh (Ed) Disaster Management, Rawat Publication, New Delhi

5 H.K. Gupta (Ed) Disaster Management, Universiters Press, India

6 Dr. Satender , Disaster Management t in Hills, Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi

7 A.S. Arya Action Plan For Earthquake,Disaster, Mitigation in V.K. Sharma (Ed) Disaster Management IIPA Publication New Delhi

8 R.K. Bhandani An overview on Natural & Man made Disaster & their Reduction CSIR, New Delhi

9.M.C. Gupta Manuals on Natural Disaster management in India, National Centre for Disaster Management,IIPA, New Delhi

10 Disaster Mitigation Experiences & Reflectios by Pardeep Sahni, Alka Dhameja, and Uma Medury.

11 Disaster Management Report by Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Govt. of India.

Subject Code: 14CEM251

IA Marks: 50

No. of lecture Hours/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03

Total No. of Lecture Hours: 52 Exam Marks: 100

Introduction: Introduction to Pavement Maintenance Management System, Components of Pavement components of pavement management systems, pavement maintenance measures, planning investment, research management Maintenance Measures, PMMS objectives.

Requirements and Evaluation of flexible pavements – Design requirements, factors affecting structural condition of flexible pavements, structural behavior and evaluation of

structural condition of pavements. Design methods for flexible pavements, design of overlays by Benkelman Beam Rebound Deflection Technique.

Pavement Serviceability concepts, Evaluation of riding quality by psycho- physical method.

Pavement Maintenance Measures, Implementation of Maintenance management programs.

Pavement Performance Evaluation: general concepts, serviceability, pavement distress survey systems, performance evaluation

Pavement Performance Prediction: concepts, modeling techniques, structural condition deterioration models, mechanistic and empirical models, HDM and other models, comparison of different deterioration models. Functional condition deterioration models, unevenness prediction models and other models, comparison. Modeling in rehabilitation budget planning, case studies, Problems.

Ranking and Optimization Methodologies: Recent developments, sample size selection, economic optimization of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation.

Design alternatives and Selection: Design objectives and constraints, basic structural response models, physical design inputs, alternate pavement design strategies and economic evaluation, reliability concepts in pavement engineering, life cycles costing, analysis of alternate pavement strategies based on distress and performance, case studies and Problems.

Expert systems and Pavement Management: role of computers in pavement management, applications of expert systems for managing pavements, expert system for pavement evaluation and rehabilitation, knowledge – based expert systems, case studies.


1. Ralph Hass, Ronald Hudson and Zanieswki, “Modern Pavement management”- Krieger Publications.

2. W. Ronald Hudson, Ralph Haas and Waheed Uddin, ‘Infrastructure Management’- Mc Graw Hill

3. Proceedings of North American Conference on Managing Pavement.

4. Proceedings of International Conference on Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements.

5. NCHRP, TRR and TRB Special Reports.

6. Freddy L Roberts, Prithvi S Kandhal et al, “Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, mixture design and construction”- (2nd Edition), National Asphalt Pavement Association Research and Education Foundation, Maryland, USA.

Subject Code: 14CEM21

IA Marks: 50

No. of lecture Hours/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03

Total No. of Lecture Hours: 52 Exam Marks: 100

Principles of concrete mix design : concrete materials, mix proportioning and early age properties, strength, permeability and durability.

Concrete mix design procedures : IS/ACI British Standards, mix design procedures using fly ash, fibers and design of high performance concrete.

Concreting operations – practices and equipment, batching; mixing; transporting; shuttering and staging; placing and compacting; curing, accelerated curing; finishing and jointing.

Properties and techniques of construction: for concrete, admixtures, polymers, epoxy resins, pozzolanic materials and fly ash, fibre reinforced concrete, light weight concrete,

heavy weight concrete, foam concrete, high performance concrete.

Inspection and quality control of concrete construction – stages, principles, checklist, statistical controls, procedures.

Special cement and concrete -Advances in concrete construction; Non-destructive evaluation of concrete structures; Cement-based composites; Special concrete operations,

shotcrete, grouting, under water concreting, hot and cold weather concrete, pumpable concrete, ready mixed concrete.

Construction techniques for reinforced concrete elements – materials, principles and procedures for beams, slabs, columns, foundations, walls and tanks, design and fabrication of formwork fo r R.C.C elements, features of slip forming and precautions, details of special shuttering required for lining of tunnel, procedures and precautions.

Pre-stressed concrete construction- principle, methods, materials, tools and equipment for the construction of pre-stressed concrete, segmental precast elements, post tensioning.


1. Gambhir, M.L. , Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

2. Orchard, Concrete Technology, Applied Science Publishers Ltd. London

3. Neville, Brooks, Concrete Technology, Addison – Wesley, England

4. Neville A.M., Properties of Concrete, The English Language Book Society and India

5. Publishing , London

6. Raina V.K., Concrete for Construction , Tata-McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New

7. Delhi.

4. Swamy, . New Concrete Materials, Surrly University Press, London

5. Young, Concrete, Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey.

6. Waddell, et.al: Concrete Construction Handbook, McGraw Hill Inc.

7. Sood, Hemant et al.; Laboratory manual in Concrete technology M/S CBS

8. Publications and Distributors, New Delhi.

9. Sood, Hemant; Jyoti P.M. ; Software on Concrete Mix Design ConMD – 2000,

11. Shetty, M.S.’ Concrete Technology, M/S S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi

12. Mehta P. Kumar & Monteiro, Paulo J.M., Concrete Microstructure , Properties and Materials, M/S Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai.

Subject Code: 14CEM253

IA Marks: 50

No. of lecture Hours/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03

Total No. of Lecture Hours: 52 Exam Marks: 100

Various Statistical Measures. – Basic probability, sample space, events, axioms of probability conditional probability, independent events. Random variables,

continuous/Discrete random variables, exception, valance, convenience, conditional distributions, moment generating functions.

Multiple regressions. Distributions, Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Uniform, Normal, Exponential, Chisquare T and F.

Sample statistics, empirical distributions, and goodness of fit, sampling from normal populations.

Parameter estimation, moment method, maximum likelihood, interval estimated.

Hypothesis Testing, Significance Intervals.

Numerical Methods Basic: Summary of basic concepts from Linear algebra and numerical analysis, Matrices, Operation counts, Matrix Norms, Type of Errors in Numerical computation.

Numerical Integration Gaussian Quadrature, Romberg Integration, Adaptive Quadrature.

Matrix Factorization And Linear System :

Cholesky Factorization, QR factorization by House holder matrices Lufactorization and Gaussian elimination, partial pivoting, error Analysis (statement of result) soling triangular system by substitution, solving full systems by factorization. Lu-factorization for banded and sparse matrices, storage schemes, Iterative Methods, Jacobi, Gauss – Seidal and SOR Iterations, Conjugate gradient method, preconditioning.

Introduction to: Spss / Sas software / Matlab Statistical Tool Box,Use Of Mathematical Software


1. Miller, Freund Hall ‘Probability and Statistics for Engineers’ –, Prentice India Ltd.

2. Pipes and Harvill ‘Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physiscists’-. McGraw Hill International Edition.

3. Sampling techniques-Cochran, Wiley Series.

4. Numerical methods, E. Balaguruswami, Mc Graw Hill publication.

5. Numerical Methods: Problems & Solutions, Jain Mk ,Iyengar Srk,Jain Rk, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Code: 14CEM16

IA Marks: 25

Practical / Week: 03 Exam Marks: 50

Spread sheet programming. Programming management problems such as price forecasting,

regression analysis, inventory models, Operation Research and project management

problems. Database Management using popular DBMS like Access. Introduction to Project

Management Softwares- MS Project & Primavera Working on Practical Projects.

Modelling / Hadling actual practical project management projects.


1. Raina V.K., (1988), “Construction Management practice”, Tata – McGraw Hill publishing co. Ltd.

2. Punmia B.C. and Khandelwal K.K., (1989), “Project Planning and Control with PERT. and CPM”, Laxmi Publication II Edn..

3. K K Chitkara, (1999), “Construction Project Management”, Tata- McGraw Hill publishing co. Ltd.Publication.

4. Rain Diana, “Training Guide to Microsoft Access”, BPB Publications, New Delhi

5. Step by step Microsoft access(CD ROM),PHI Delhi

6. User Manual- MS Project & Primavera P6

7. Ang and Tang, (1984) “Probability concepts in engineering planning and design”, Vol. I and II, Wiley International.

8. Kottegoda N.T., Rosso Renzo, (1998) “Statistics, Probability and Reliability for Civil and Environmental Engineers”, Mc-Graw Hill International.

9. AICTE Continuing Education Programme, “Quantitative Methods in Construction Management”

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