Subject Code : 10IP /IM 52
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
INTRODUCTION: Engineering Decision- Makers, Engineering and Economics, Problem solving and Decision making, Intuition and Analysis, Tactics and Strategy
6 Hours
UNIT – 2
INTEREST AND INTEREST FACTORS: Interest rate, simple interest, Compound interest, Cash- flow diagrams, Exercises and Discussion.
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
PRESENT WORTH COMPARISON: Conditions for present worth comparisons, Basic Present worth comparisons, Present worth equivalence, Net Present worth, Assets with unequal lives, infinite lives, Future worth comparison, Pay – back comparison, Exercises, Discussions and problems.
7 Hours
UNIT – 4
EQUIVALENT ANNUAL WORTH COMPARISONS: Equivalent Annual Worth Comparison methods, Situations for Equivalent Annual Worth Comparison, Consideration of asset life, Comparison of assets with equal and unequal lives, Use of sinking fund method, Annuity contract for guaranteed income, Exercises, Problems.
7 Hours
UNIT – 5
RATE OF RETURN CALCULATIONS: Rate of return, Minimum acceptable rate of return, IRR, IRR misconceptions, Cost of capital concepts, replacement models.
4 Hours
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES: Identifying and Defining alternatives, IRR analysis of mutually exclusive alternatives, Capital Budget view point, Ranking criteria.
3 Hours
UNIT – 6
DEPRECIATION: Causes of Depreciation, Basic methods of computing depreciation charges
3 Hours
ESTIMATING & COSTING: Components of costs such as Direct Material Cost, Direct Labour Cost, Fixed, Over – Heads, Factory Costs, Administrative – Over Heads, First Cost, Marginal Cost, Selling price, Estimation for simple components
4 Hours
UNIT – 7
REPLACEMENT ANALYSIS: Introduction, reasons for replacement, Individual Replacement of machinery or equipment with/without value of money, Group Replacement Policies, Problems.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
EFFECTS OF INFLATION: Causes, consequences and control of inflation. After tax actual cash flow comparisons, Lease/ Buy decisions
2 Hours
BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS Basic Concepts Linear & non-linear break even analysis.
4 Hours
1. Engineering economics – RIGGS J.L. – McGraw Hill – 2002.
2. Engineering economy – PAUL DEGARMO – Macmillan Pub. Co. - 2001.
3. Engineering Economy – Naidu, Babu and Rajendra – New Age International Pvt. Ltd. – 2006
1. Industrial Engineering and Management – OP KHANNA – Dhanpat Rai & Sons – 2000
2. Financial Management – I M PANDAY – Vikas Publishing House - 2002.
3. Engineering economy – THUESENH.G. – PHI – 2002
Subject Code : 10AL 51
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
MANAGEMENT: Introduction – Meaning – nature and characteristics of Management, Scope and Functional areas of management – Management as a science, art of profession – Management & Administration – Roles of Management, Levels of Management, Development of Management Thought – early management approaches – Modern management approaches.
7 Hours
UNIT – 2
PLANNING: Nature, importance and purpose of planning process – Objectives – Types of plans (Meaning Only) – Decision making – Importance of planning – steps in planning & planning premises – Hierarchy of plans.
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
ORGANIZING AND STAFFING: Nature and purpose of organization – Principles of organization – Types of organization – Departmentation – Committees- Centralization Vs Decentralization of authority and responsibility – Span of control – MBO and MBE (Meaning Only) Nature and importance of staffing–Process of Selection & Recruitment (in brief).
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
DIRECTING & CONTROLLING: Meaning and nature of directing – Leadership styles, Motivation Theories, Communication – Meaning and importance – coordination, meaning and importance and Techniques of Co – Ordination. Meaning and steps in controlling – Essentials of a sound control system – Methods of establishing control (in brief).
7 Hours
UNIT – 5
ENTREPRENEUR: Meaning of Entrepreneur; Evolution of the Concept, Functions of an Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur – an emerging Class. Concept of Entrepreneurship – Evolution of Entrepreneurship, Development of Entrepreneurship; Stages in entrepreneurial process; Role of entrepreneurs in Economic Development; Entrepreneurship in India; Entrepreneurship – its Barriers. 6 Hours
UNIT – 6
SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES: Definition; Characteristics; Need and rationale; Objectives; Scope; role of SSI in Economic Development. Advantages of SSI Steps to start and SSI – Government policy towards SSI; Different Policies of SSI; Government Support for SSI during 5 year plans. Impact of Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization on SSI Effect of WTO/GATT Supporting Agencies of Government for SSI, Meaning, Nature of support; Objectives; Functions; Types of Help; Ancillary Industry and Tiny Industry (Definition Only)
7 Hours
UNIT – 7
7 Hours
UNIT – 8
PREPARATION OF PROJECT: Meaning of Project; Project Identification; Project Selection; Project Report; Need and Significance of Report; Contents; Formulation; Guidelines by Planning Commission for Project report; Network Analysis; Errors of Project Report; Project Appraisal. Identification of business opportunities: Market Feasibility Study; Technical Feasibility Study; Financial Feasibility Study & Social Feasibility Study.
7 Hours
1. Principles of Management – P.C.Tripathi, P.N.Reddy – Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development & Management – Vasant Desai – Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Entrepreneurship Development – Poornima.M.Charantimath – Small Business Enterprises – Pearson Education – 2006 (2 & 4).
4. Management & Enterpreneruship-N V R Naidu, IK Internatioal, 2008
1. Management Fundamentals – Concepts, Application, Skill Development – Robers Lusier – Thomson.
2. Entrepreneurship Development – S.S.Khanka – S.Chand & Co.
3. Management – Stephen Robbins – Pearson Education/PHI – 17th Edition, 2003.
Subject Code : 10IP /IM 53
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
PRODUCTIVITY: Definition of productivity, individual enterprises, task of management, Productivity of materials, land, building, machine and power. Measurement of productivity, factors affecting the productivity, productivity improvement programmes, wages and incentives (simple numerical problems)
7 Hours
UNIT – 2
WORK STUDY: Definition, objective and scope of work study. Human factor in work study. Work study and management, work study and supervision, work study and worker.
6 Hours
UNIT – 3
INTRODUCTION TO METHOD STUDY: Definition, objective and scope of method study, activity recording and exam aids. Charts to record movements in shop operation – process charts, flow diagram, flow process charts, travel chart and multiple activity charts.( With simple problems)
7 Hours
UNIT – 4
MICRO AND MEMO MOTION STUDY: Charts to record movements at work place – principles of motion economy, Therbligs and classification of movements, Two Handed process chart, SIMO chart, and micro motion study. Development, definition and installation of the improved method, brief concept about synthetic motion studies.
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
INTRODUCTION TO WORK MEASUREMENT: Definition, objective and benefit of work measurement. Work measurement techniques: WORK SAMPLING, need, confidence levels, sample size determinations, random observation, conducting study with the simple problems.
6 Hours
UNIT – 6
STOP WATCH TIME STUDY: Time Study, Definition, time study equipment, selection of job, steps in time study. Breaking jobs into elements, recording information. Rating & standard Rating, standard performance, scale of rating, factors affecting rate of working, allowances and standard time determination.
7 Hours
UNIT – 7
ERGONOMICS: Introduction, Areas of study under Ergonomics, System approach to Ergonomics model, Man-Machine System. Components of Man- Machine System and Their functions – Work capabilities of Industrial Worker, Study and Development of Stress in Human body and their consequences. Computer based ergonomics
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
DESIGN OF MAN-MACHINE SYSTEM: Fatigue in industrial workers.
Quantitative, qualitative representation and alphanumeric displays. Controls and their design criteria, control types, relation between controls and displays, layouts of panels and machines. Design of work places, influence of climate on human efficiency. Influence of noise, vibration and light.
7 Hours
1. Introduction to work study, ILO – III Revised Edition, 1981
2. Motion and Time study – Ralph M Barnes – John Wiley – 8th Edition, 1985.
3. Motion and Time study – Marvin E. Mundel – PHI -1st edition.
4. Work Study and Ergonomics – S Dalela and Sourabh, – Chand Publishers – 3rd edition.
1. Human Factors in Engineering Design – S Sanders and E J McCormick – Mc Graw Hill – 6th Edition.
2. Industrial Engineering Hand book – Maynard.
3. Engineered work Measurement – Wledon – ELBS – 1991.
Subject Code : 10IP /IM 54
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
INTRODUCTION: CAD/CAM, Product cycle & CAD/CAM, Design process, Application of Computers for Design, Traditional Production Planning & Control, Computerized Integrated Production Management System, Advantages & Disadvantages of CAD & CAM. FUNDAMENTALS OF CAD: Comparison of general design process and CAD process, Concept of manufacturing data base, general consideration of Hardware for a typical CAD system.
7 Hours
UNIT – 2
COMPUTER GRAPHICS SOFTWARE & DATA BASE: Introduction, Software Configuration of a Graphics System, Functions of a Graphics Package, Constructing the Geometry, Transformations, Data Base Structure & Content, Wire-Frame versus Solid Modeling, Introduction to exchange of modeling data-Basic features of IGES, STEP, DXF, DMIS. 7 Hours
UNIT – 3
INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS: Introduction, Basic Concepts, Discretization, Element types, Nodes & degrees of freedom, Mesh generation, Constraints, Loads, Preprocessing, Application to static analysis.
6 Hours
UNIT – 4
NC, CNC, DNC TECHNOLOGIES: NC, CNC, DNC, Modes, NC Elements, Advantages and Limitations of NC, CNC. Functions of computers in DNC.
CNC MACHINE TOOLS: CNC tooling, Turning tool geometry, Milling tooling system, Tool presetting, ATC, Work holding, Overview of different CNC machining centers, CNC Turning centers, High speed machine tools.
7 Hours
UNIT – 5
CNC PROGRAMMING: Part program fundamentals, Steps involved in development t of a part program, Manual part programming, Milling & Turning Center Programming. 7 Hours
UNIT – 6
APT PROGRAMMING: APT Programming in Drilling, Milling & Turning
6 Hours
UNIT – 7
INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS: Introduction, Robot configuration, Robot motions, End effectors, Work cell, Control & Interlock, Robot Sensor, Robot applications.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
PROGRAMMING THE ROBOTS : Robot-Programming Languages, Introduction to different languages and writing the programming for palletising operation 6 Hours
1. CAD/CAM – Mikell P. Groover and Emory W. Zimmers Jr - Pearson Education Inc – 2003.
2. CAD/CAM Principles and Applications – P.N. Rao – TMH, New Delhi – 2002.
1. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics – Newman and Sproull – Tata McGraw Hill – 1995.
2. CAD/CAM – Ibrahim Zeid – Tata McGraw Hill – 1999.
3. Computer Aided Manufacturing – P. N. Rao, N. K. Tewari and T. K. Kundra – Tata McGraw Hill – 1999.
Subject Code : 10IP /IM 55
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
DESIGN FOR STATIC STRENGTH: Design considerations; Codes and Standards, static loads and factor of safety. Theories of failure: Maximum Normal Stress Theory, Maximum Shear Stress Theory, Distortion energy theory. Failure of Brittle and Ductile materials. Stress concentration. Determination of stress concentration factor. 7 Hours
UNIT – 2
DESIGN FOR FATIGUE STRENGTH: S – N Diagram, low cycle and High cycle fatigue. Endurance limit. Modifying factors: Load, Size and Surface finish effects. Fatigue stress concentration factor. Fluctuating stresses. Goodman and Soderberg Relationship. Stresses due combined loading, Cumulative fatigue damage. 6 Hours
UNIT – 3
KEYS, COUPLINGS, COTTER AND KNUCKLE JOINTS: Design of Keys, Design of rigid flange coupling, Bush and Pin type Flexible Coupling, Design of Cotter and Knuckle joints. 6 Hours
UNIT – 4
DESIGN OF SHAFTS: Design of shafts subjected to torsion, bending moment and combined torsion moment and axial loading. ASME and BIS Codes for design of transmission shafting. Design for strength and rigidity. Shafts under fluctuating loads and combined loads. 7 Hours
UNIT – 5
DESIGN OF GEARS: Introduction to Spur, Helical and Bevel Gears. Design of Spur gear, Lewis equation, form factor, stresses in gear tooth, Dynamic load and wear load. 6 Hours
UNIT – 6
RIVETED JOINTS AND WELDED JOINTS: Types of riveted joints, failures of riveted joints, Boiler joint, Efficiency. Types of welded joints, Strength of butt and fillet welds, Eccentrically loaded welds. 7 Hours
UNIT – 7
DESIGN OF SPRINGS: Types of springs, Stresses in Coil springs of circular and non-circular cross-sections. Tension and compression springs. Stresses in Leaf springs. 6 Hours
UNIT – 8
LUBRICATION AND BEARINGS: Mechanism of lubrication, Viscosity, Bearing Modulus, Coefficient of friction, minimum oil film thickness. Heat generated and Heat dissipated.
Examples of journal bearing and thrust bearing design.
BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS: Bearing life, Equivalent bearing load, Selection of Deep groove ball bearings. 7 Hours
1. Mechanical Engineering Design – Joseph Edward Shigley – Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi – 1986.
2. Machine Design – VL. Maleev and Hartman – CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi – 1983.
3. Design of Machine Elements – V. B. Bahandari – Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi – 2000.
1. Machine Design – Robert. L. Norton – Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi – 2001.
2. Theory and Problems of Machine Design – Hall, Holowinko, Laughlin Schaums – Outline Series – 2002.
3. Elements of Machine Design – N. C. Pandey and C. S. Shah – Chorotar Publishing house – 2002.
Subject Code : 10IM 56
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 100
UNIT – 1
THE ROLE OF STATISTICS IN ENGINEERING (DATA SUMMARY AND PRESENTATION): Statistical Thinking, Collecting data, Statistical Modelling Frame work, measure of central tendency and variance, Importance of Data summary and Display, Tabular and Graphical display:
6 Hours
UNIT – 2
DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES AND PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Discrete Random variables, Probability distributions and Probability mass functions, Cumulative distribution functions, Mean and Variance of a discrete random variable, Discrete uniform distribution, Binominal distribution, Hyper Geometric distribution, Poisson distribution and their Applications.
7 Hours
UNIT – 3
CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLES AND PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Continuous random variables, Probability distributions and probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions, Mean and Variance of a continuous random variable, uniform distribution, Normal distribution, Normal approximation to Binominal and Poisson distribution, Exponential distribution and their Applications.
7 Hours
UNIT – 4
ESTIMATION THEORY: Statistical Inference, Random sampling, Properties of Estimators, Sampling distribution, Sampling distribution of mean, variance and proportion. Introduction to confidence intervals.
6 Hours
UNIT – 5
STATISTICAL INFERENCE FOR A SINGLE SAMPLE: Hypothesis testing, Inference on the mean of a population (variance known and unknown), Inference on the variance of a normal population, Inference on a population proportion.
7 Hours
UNIT – 6
STATISTICAL INFERENCE FOR A SINGLE SAMPLE AND TWO SAMPLES: Testing for Goodness of Fit, Inference for a difference in Means, Variances known, Inference for a difference in means of two normal distributions, Variances unknown, Inference on the Variances of two normal populations, Inference on two population proportions.
7 Hours
UNIT – 7
SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSIONS AND CORRELATION: Simple Linear Regression, Properties of Least square Estimators and Estimation of variances, Common abuses of regression, Prediction of new observations, Assessing the adequacy of regression model, Transformations to a straight line, Introduction to multiple regression (no problems), Correlation.
6 Hours
UNIT – 8
DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS: Strategy of experimentation, completely randomized single – factor experiment, Tests on individual treatment means, the random effects model, the randomized complete block design, one way analysis of variance and two way analysis of variance.
6 Hours
1. Applied statistics and Probability for Engineers – Douglas C Montgomery, George C Runger – John Wiley and Sons – 2nd Edn, ISBN- 0-471-17027-5.
2. Statistics for Management – Richard I Levin, David S Rubin – Prentice Hall India – 6th Edn, ISBN-81-203-0893-X.
1. Probability and Statistics in Engineering – William W Hines, Douglas C Montgomery – John Wiley and Sons – 2nd Edn.
2. Business Statistics for Management and Economics – Daniel, Terrell - Houghton Mifflin Company – 6th Edn, ISBN-0-395-62835-0
3. Probability and Statistics – Walpole & Mayer, MacMillan Publishing Company -1989.
Subject Code : 10IML 57
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 50
(Individual experiments)
Determination of Flash point and Fire point of lubricating oil using Abel
Pensky Martins Apparatus
Determination of Calorific value of solid and gaseous fuels.
Determination of Viscosity of a lubricating oil using Redwoods and Say bolts
– Viscometers.
Group experiments
Performance Tests on Four stroke Petrol and Diesel Engines, Calculations of
IP, BP, Thermal efficiencies, SFC, FP and heat balance sheet
Performance Test on Four stroke Petrol – Calculations of IP, BP, Thermal
efficiencies, SFC. Multi cylinder petrol / diesel engine (Morse Test)
Calibration of Venturi meter, Flow through pipes
Performance test on centrifugal and reciprocating pumps
Note: A minimum of 12 exercises are to be conducted.
Subject Code : 10IPL/IML 58
IA Marks : 25
Exam Marks : 50
Recording Techniques: Preparing the following charts and diagrams
(Minimum 3 Charts)
1. Outline process chart, Multiple Activity Chart
2. Flow process chart and Flow diagram, String diagram
3. Experiments on the Application of principle of motion economy
Two handed process chart
4. SIMO chart
5. Exercises on conducting method study for assembling simple
components and office work.
6. Development of Layout plans using SLP technique
7. Experiments on Line balancing. (demo only)
1. Rating practice using: walking simulator, pin board assembly, dealing a deck of cards
2. and marble collection activity
3. Determining the standard time for simple operations using stopwatch time study
4. Exercises on estimating standard time using PMTS.
5. Measurement of parameters (heart beat rate, calorie consumption) using walking simulator
6. Measurement of parameters (heart beat rate, calorie consumption, revolutions per minute) using ergometer
7. Effect of Noise, Light, Heat on human efficiency in work environments.
Note: A minimum of 12 exercisers are to be conducted
1. ILO Introduction to work study – III Revised Edition, 1981.
2. Motion and Time study – Ralph M Barnes , John Wiley – 8th Edition, 1985.
3. Engineered work Measurement – Wledon – ELBS – 1991.
4. Motion and Time study – Marvin E. Mundel – PHI – 1st edition.
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