
Download VTU Automobile Engineering 2010 Scheme [PDF]
Download Automobile Engineering 2010 Syllabus [PDF]

Sub Code: 10AU61

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


UNIT-1 Introduction:

General consideration relating to chassis layout, power location, types of automobiles, layout of an automobile with reference to power plant, weight distribution, stability, Numerical problems.

5 Hrs

UNIT-2 Frames:

Types of frames – Two, Three, four wheelers & HV, general form & dimensions, materials, frame stresses, frame sections, cross members, proportions of channel sections, constructional details, loading points, sub frames, passenger car frames, X member type frame, Box section type frame, testing of frames, bending and torsion test, effect of brake application of frame stresses, truck frames, defects, Numerical problems.

5 Hrs

UNIT-3 Front axle and steering systems:

Axle parts and materials, loads and stresses, centre sections, section near steering head, spring pads, front axle loads, steering heads, factors of wheel alignment, wheel balancing, centre point steering, correct steering angle, steering mechanisms, cornering force, self righting torque, under steer and over steer, Steering linkages, steering gears, special steering columns, power steering, trouble shooting, Numerical problems. 7 Hrs

UNIT-4 Propeller shaft, Differential and Rear axle:

construction & types of propeller shafts, whirling of propeller shaft, universal joints, analysis of Hooke’s joint- ratio of shafts velocities, maximum & minimum speeds of driven shaft, condition for equal speeds of thee driving & driven shafts, angular acceleration of the driven shaft, maximum fluctuation of speed, double Hooke’s joint, Numerical problems.

Final drive – construction details, types, Differential-Principle, types of differential gears, conventional and non-slip differentials, backlash, differential lock, inter-axle differential, transaxle types.

Rear axle – Torque reaction, driving thrust, Hotchkiss drive, torque tube drive, construction of rear axle shaft supporting- fully floating and semi floating arrangements axle housings, trouble shooting, numerical problems 9 Hrs


UNIT-5 Brakes-1

Necessity, stopping distance and time, brake efficiency, weight transfer, brake shoe theory, determination of braking torque, classification of brakes, types, construction, function, operation, braking systems - mechanical, hydraulic, disc, drum, details of hydraulic system, mechanical system and components, types of master & wheel cylinders, bleeding of brakes, brake drums, brake linings, brake fluid, factors influencing operation of brakes such as operating temperature, lining, brake clearance, pedal pressure, linkages etc, Numerical problems. 8 Hrs

UNIT-6 Brakes-2

Brake compensation, Parking and emergency brakes, hill holder, automatic adjustment, servo brakes, Power brakes-Air brakes, vacuum brakes and electric brakes and components brake valve, unloaded valve, diaphragm, air-hydraulic brakes, vacuum boosted hydraulic brakes, trouble shooting

6 Hrs

UNIT-7 Suspension:

Objects, basic considerations, Types of suspension springs, construction , operation & materials, leaf springs, coil springs, torsion bar, rubber springs, plastic springs, air bellows or pneumatic suspension, hydraulic suspension, constructional details of telescopic shock absorbers, independent suspension, front wheel independent suspension, rear wheel independent suspension, types, stabilizer, trouble shooting, Numerical problems. 6 Hrs

UNIT-8 Wheels and Tyres:

Types of wheels, construction, structure and function, wheel dimensions, structure and function of tyres, static and dynamic properties of pneumatic tyres, types of tyres, materials, tyre section & designation, factors affecting tyre life, quick change wheels, special wheels, trouble shooting

6 Hrs

Note: Numerical problems shall be simple and limited to the syllabus content of each chapter.


1. Automotive Chassis – P.M. Heldt, Chilton & Co.

2. Automotive Mechanics – N.K. Giri , Khanna Publications, New Delhi,2004


1. Automotive chassis and body – P.L. Kohli, TMH

2. Automobile Engineering Vol. I – Kirpal Singh, Standard publications, New Delhi,

3. Introduction to automobile engineering – N.R. Khatawate, Khanna pub. New Delhi

4. Automotive mechanics – Joseph I Heintner, Affiliated East West Press, New Delhi/Madras,1967

5. Automobile engineering – G.B.S. Narang, Khanna Publications, New Delhi, 1982

6. Automobile Engineering – T.R. Banga & Nathu Singh, Khanna Publications, 1993

Sub Code: 10AU62

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


UNIT-1 Power Required for Propulsion

Various Resistances to Motion of the Automobile, Traction, tractive effort Performance curves, acceleration gradeability, drawbar pull, Numerical Problems. 6 hrs

UNIT-2 Clutch

Necessity of clutch in an automobile, different types of clutches, friction clutches namely Single plate clutch, multi plate clutch, cone clutch, centrifugal clutch, electromagnetic clutch, hydraulic clutches, Clutch - adjustment, Clutch troubles and their causes, requirements of a clutch , Clutch materials, clutch lining Vacuum operated clutch, Numerical problem

8 hrs

UNIT-3 Fluid Coupling & One way clutches:

Constructional details of various types, percentage slip, one way clutches (Over running clutch) like sprag clutch, ball and roller one way clutches, necessity and field of application, working fluid requirements, fluid coupling characteristics. 6 hrs

UNIT-4 Hydrodynamic Torque converters:

Introduction to torque converters, comparisons between fluid coupling and torque converters, performance characteristics, slip, principles of torque multiplication, 3 and 4 phase torque converters, typical hydrodynamic transmission. 6 hrs


UNIT-5 Gear box

The need for transmissions, Necessity of gear box, Calculation of gear ratios for vehicles, Performance characteristics in different gears , Desirable ratios of 3speed & 4speed gear boxes, Constructional details of , Sliding-mesh gear box , Constant-mesh gear box, synchromesh gear box, auxiliary transmissions, compound transmissions , numerical problems

8 hrs

UNIT-6 Epicyclic Transmission

Principle of operation, types of planetary transmission, Calculation of gear ratio in different speeds, Wilson planetary transmission, Ford-T model gear box , Pre selective mechanism, Vacuum control, pneumatic control, hydraulic control in the planetary gear system , Over drives , Numerical problems

6 hrs

UNIT-7 Hydrostatic Drives

Principles of hydrostatic drives, different systems of hydrostatic drives, constant displacement pump and constant displacement motor, variable displacement pump and constant displacement motor and variable displacement motor, variable displacement pump and variable displacement motor, applications, plunger type pump and plunger type motor, advantages and limitations, typical hydrostatic drives, hydrostatic shunt drives.

6 hrs

UNIT-8 Automatic & Electric Transmissions

Automatic transmission – Principle, general description and Working of representative types like Borgewarner and general arrangement & description of electric transmission, their working principle & control mechanisms, limitations 6 hrs


1. N.K Giri, ‘Automotive Mechanics’, Khanna Publication, New Delhi, 2004

2. Automatic vehicle transmission, John Wiley Publications 1995

3. Auto Design by R.B.Gupta, Satya Prakash Publications


1. Crouse W.H. “automotive transmissions and power trains”, McGraw Hill Co. 5th edn, 1976

2. Newton K and Steeds. W. “motor Vehicle”, Butter Worth’s & Co., Publishers Ltd, 1997

3. Kirpal Singh, “Automobile engineering –. Vol.1, Standard Pub. 2004

4. G.B.S.Narang “Automobile Engineering’, Khanna publication, New Delhi

5. Joseph I Heitner, “Automotive mechanics “, Affiliated East West Press, New Delhi

6. Fundamentals of Automatic Transmission by William Hasselbee.

7. P.M. Heldt,”Torque converters”, Oxford & IBH, 1975

Sub Code: 10AU63

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


UNIT – 1 Bending stresses in curved beams

Introduction, Analysis of stresses in curved beams, stresses in beams of standard cross sections.

05 Hrs

UNIT – 2 Cylinders & cylinder heads

Introduction, thick cylindrical shells subjected to internal pressure, Lame’s Equations, Clavarino’s equations, Birnie’s equations, Barlow’s equations, compound cylinders, stresses due to different types of fits, cylinder heads and cover plates. 07 Hrs

UNIT – 3 Springs

Introduction, types of springs, terminology, stresses and deflection in helical coil springs of circular and non-circular cross sections, springs under fluctuating loads, concentric springs. Leaf Springs, stresses in leaf springs, equalized stresses, length of spring leaves.

08 Hrs

UNIT – 4 Clutches & brakes

Introduction, types of clutches, design of Clutches (single plate, multi plate and cone clutches). Brakes, energy absorbed by a brake, heat dissipated during braking, single block brakes and simple band brakes.

07 Hrs


UNIT – 5 Spur & helical gears

Introduction, spur gears, standard proportions of gear systems, stresses in gear tooth, Lewis equation and form factor, design for strength, dynamic load and wear load. Helical Gears: definitions, formative number of teeth, design based on strength, dynamic and wear loads.

06 Hrs

UNIT – 6 Bevel and worm gears

Bevel Gears: terminology, formative number of teeth, design based on strength, dynamic and wear loads. Worm Gears: terminology, design based on strength, dynamic, wear loads and efficiency of worm gear drives. 06 Hrs

UNIT – 7 Sliding and rolling contact bearings

Introduction, principle of hydro dynamic lubrication, assumptions in hydrodynamic lubrication, bearing characteristic number and modulus, Sommerfeld number, coefficient of friction, power loss, heat Generated and heat dissipated, design of journal bearings. Rolling contact bearings: types of bearings, static equivalent load, dynamic load rating, bearing life, selection of ball and roller bearings.

06 Hrs

UNIT – 8: Belts, and rope drives

Introduction, power transmitted, ratio of belt tensions, centrifugal tension, condition for transmission of maximum power, design of flat belts. V-belts: ratio of belt tensions, selection of V-belts. Rope drives: advantages, classification and designation of rope drives, selection of rope drives.

7 Hrs


1. Design Data Hand Book by K. Mahadevan and K.Balaveera Reddy, CBS Publication.

2. Design Data Hand Book – K. Lingaiah, McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed. 2003.

3. P.S.G.Design Data Hand Book- PSG College of Tech Coimbature


1. A text book of Machine Design: R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta, S. Chand & co.

2. Design of Machine Elements: V.B. Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd Edition 2007.


1. Machine Design: Robert L. Norton, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.

2. Mechanical Engineering Design: Joseph E Shigley and Charles R. Mischke. McGraw Hill International edition, 6th Edition 2003.

3. Machine Design: Hall, Holowenko, and Laughlin (Schaum’s Outlines series) Adapted by S. K. Somani, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.

4. Maleev & Hartman’s Machine Design, Grover O.P., CBS Publishers.

5. Design of Machine Elements: M. F. Spotts, T. E. Shoup, L. E. Hornberger, adopted by S. R. Jayram and C. V. Venkatesh, Pearson Education, 2006.

6. Machine design-II: J.B.K. Das, Sapna book house, Bangalore.

Sub Code: 10AU64

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


UNIT-1 Storage Battery:

Principle of lead acid cells, plates and their characteristics containers and separators, electrolyte and their preparation, voltmeter, effect of temperature on electrolyte, its specific gravity, capacity and efficiency, methods of charging from D.C. mains, defects and remedies of batteries, care of idle and new batteries. Recent development in batteries

6 Hrs

UNIT-2 Generator/ Alternator:

Principle of generation of direct current, generator details, shunt, dynamos, armature reaction, action of three brush generator and battery in parallel, setting of third brush, voltage and current regulators, cutout - construction, working and adjustment. Construction of A.C. systems.

6 Hrs

UNIT-3 Starter Motor & Drives:

Battery motor starting system, condition at starting, behaviour of starter during starting series motor and its characteristics, consideration affecting size of motor, types of drives, starting circuit.


UNIT-4 Ignition systems:

Ignition fundamentals, Types of solid state ignition systems, components, construction And operating parameters high energy ignition distributors, Electronic spark timing And control. 6 Hrs


UNIT-5 Wiring and Lighting system:

Earth return and insulated systems, 6volts and 12 volts system, fusing of circuits, low and high voltage automobile cables, diagram of typical wiring system. Principle of automobile illumination, head lamp mounting and construction, sealed beam auxiliary lightings, horn, windscreen-wipers, signaling devices, electrical fuel pump, fuel, oil and temperature gauge(Dash board instruments)


UNIT-6 Heating and Air conditioning:

Conventional heating and ventilation, Air conditioning theory and systems, seat heaters.

6 Hrs

UNIT-7 Engine management Systems:

Combined ignition and fuel management systems. Exhaust emission control, Digital control techniques – Dwell angle calculation, Ignition timing calculation and Injection duration calculation. Complete vehicle control systems, Artificial intelligence and engine management. Hybrid vehicles and fuel cells.


UNIT-8 Chassis Electrical systems:

Antilock brakes (ABS), Active suspension, Traction control, Electronic control of automatic transmission, other chassis electrical systems, Central locking, Air bags and seat belt tensioners.

8 Hrs


1. Tom Denton, “Automobile Electrical and Electronic systems” SAE publication, 2000.

2. P.M. Kohli, ‘Automotive Electrical Equipment”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.


1. Heinz Heisler, Advanced Engine Technology. SAE Publications, 1995.

2. Ulrich Adler, “ Automotive Electronic Systems”, Robert Bosch, GMBH, 1995

3 Bosch Technical Instruction Booklets

4. A.P. Young & Griffiths, “Automobile Electrical Equipment” , ELBS & Newnes Butterworths, London

5. W. Judge, “Modern Electrical Equipment

6. Electrical Equipment for Automobiles by Parker and smith S.

Sub Code: 10AU65

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


Unit 1: Introductory concepts and definitions:-

Modes of heat transfer: Basic laws governing conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer; Thermal conductivity; convective heat transfer coefficient; radiation heat transfer ; combined heat transfer mechanism.Boundry conditions of 1st , 2nd and 3rd Kind Conduction: Derivation of general three dimensional conduction equation in Cartesian coordinate, special cases, discussion on 3-D conduction in cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. (No derivation). One dimensional conduction equations in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates for plane and composite walls. Overall heat transfer coefficient. Thermal contact resistance boundary conditions of 1st, 2nd and 3rd kind. Numerical problems and Mathematical formulation. 07 Hrs

Unit 2: Variable thermal conductivity:

Derivation for heat flow and temperature distribution in plane wall. Critical thickness of insulation without heat generation, Thermal resistance concept. Its importance, Heat transfer in extended surfaces of uniform cross-section without heat generation, Long fin, and short fin with insulated tip and without insulated tip and fin connected between two heat sources. Fin efficiency and effectiveness. Numerical problems.

06 Hrs

Unit 3: One-dimensional transient conduction:

Conduction in solids with negligible internal temperature gradient (Lumped system analysis), Use of Transient temperature charts (Heisler’s charts) for transient conduction in slab, long cylinder and sphere; use of transient temperature charts for transient conduction in semi-infinite solids. Numerical Problems

06 Hrs

Unit 4: Concepts and basic relations in boundary layers:

Flow over a body velocity boundary layer; critical Reynolds number; general expressions for drag coefficient and drag force; thermal boundary layer; general expression for local heat transfer coefficient; Average heat transfer coefficient; Nusselt number. Flow inside a duct- velocity boundary layer, hydrodynamic entrance length and hydro dynamically developed flow; flow through tubes (internal flow)(discussion only). Numericals based on empirical relation given in data handbook

Free or Natural Convection:

Application of dimensional analysis for free convection- physical significance of Grashoff number; use of correlations free convection from or to vertical, horizontal and inclined flat plates, vertical and horizontal cylinders and spheres, Numerical problems. 07 Hrs


Unit 5: Forced Convections:

Applications of dimensional analysis for forced convection. Physical significance of Reynolds, Prandtl, Nusselt and Stanton numbers. Use of various correlations for hydro dynamically and thermally developed flows inside a duct use of correlations for flow over a flat plate, over a cylinder and sphere. Numerical problems. 06 Hrs

Unit 6: Heat Exchangers:

Classification of heat exchangers; overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling and fouling factor; LMTD, Effectiveness-NTU methods of analysis of heat exchangers. Numerical problems.

06 Hrs

Unit 7: Condensation and Boiling:

Types of condensation (discussion only) Nusselt’s theory for laminar condensation on a vertical flat surface; use of correlations for condensation on vertical flat surfaces, horizontal tube and horizontal tube banks; Reynolds number for condensate flow; regimes of pool boiling pool boiling correlations. Numerical problems. 07 Hrs

Unit 8: Radiation heat transfer:

Thermal radiation; definitions of various terms used in radiation heat transfer; Stefan-Boltzman law, Kirchoff’s law, Planck’s law and Wein’s displacement law. Radiation heat exchange between two parallel infinite black surfaces, between two parallel infinite gray surfaces; effect of radiation shield; intensity of radiation and solid angle; Lambert’s law; radiation heat exchange between two finite surfaces-configuration factor or view factor. Numerical problems.

07 Hrs


1. Heat transfer, by P.K. Nag, Tata Mc Graw Hill 2002.

2. Heat transfer-A basic approach, by Ozisik, Tata Mc Graw Hill 2002


1. Heat transfer, a practical approach, Yunus A- Cengel Tata Mc Graw Hill

2. Principles of heat transfer by Kreith Thomas Learning 2001

3. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer by Frenk P. Incropera and David P. Dewitt, John Wiley and son’s.

4. Heat & Mass transfer, by Tirumaleshwar, Pearson education 2006

Sub Code: 10AUL67

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 50

1. Writing technical specifications and description of all types of chassis and transmission components of automobiles, including body and interiors (two wheeler, four wheeler and heavy vehicle – one each)

2. Trouble shooting charts for major parts like clutch, gear box, differential, brakes, and wheels with tyres, steering system and suspension.

3. Testing and servicing of electrical components like battery, starting system, ignition system, central locking system, lighting system, and alternator. Experiments on microprocessors related to automobiles

4. Dismantle and assemble of major systems (clutch system, Gear boxes, Propeller shaft, Differential, Front and Rear axles, brake system, steering system and suspension system) and identifying remedies (like backlash adjustment, brakes adjustment, bleeding of brakes) for the possible problems based on trouble shooting charts.

5. Draw sketch of seating arrangements, seats for commercial vehicle and study the comfort levels provided for driver and passengers.

6. Draw sketches of different mechanisms of door, seat adjustments mechanisms.

Scheme of examination

One Question from Chapter 1, 2, 5 & 6 10 marks

TWO Questions from Chapter 3 & 4 30 Marks

Viva-Voce 10 Marks

Sub Code: 10AUL68

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 50

1. Testing of Single Cylinder, Twin Cylinder and multi cylinder SI / CI engines for performance, calculate BP, Thermal, volumetric efficiencies, and BSFC with emission testing.

2. Study one engine performance by changing parameters like valve timing, ignition timing, carburetor nozzle jet.

3. Conduct Morse test for finding FP, IP, Indicated thermal efficiency and Mechanical efficiency.

4. Study of engine performance using alternate fuels like alcohol blends/ bio diesel / LPG.

5. Performance test on computerized IC engine test rig.

6. Study and testing on MPFI Engine and Variable compression Engine.

7. Tuning of engines. Study and practice on computerized engine analyzer.

8. Exhaust Emission test of Petrol and Diesel engines

Scheme of examination

TWO Questions from Chapter 1 to 8 40 Marks

Viva-Voce 10 Marks

Sub Code: 10AU661

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


UNIT-1 Introduction:

Role of computers in design and manufacturing. Influence of computers in manufacturing environment. Product cycle in conventional and computerized manufacturing environment. Introduction to CAD, Introduction to CAM. Advantages and disadvantages of CAD and CAM.

3 Hrs

UNIY-2 Hardware for CAD:

Basic Hardware structure, Working principles, usage and types of hardware for CAD – Input devices, output devices, memory, CPU, hardcopy and storage devices. 6 Hrs

UNIT-3 Computer graphics:

Software configuration of a graphic system, function of graphics package, construction of geometry, wire frame and solid modeling, Geometry transformation – two dimensional and three dimensional transformation, translation, scaling, reflection, rotation, CAD/CAM integration. Desirable modeling facilities. Introduction to exchange of modeling data – Basic features of IGES, STEP, DXF, and DMIS


UNIT-4 Introduction to Finite element analysis:

Introduction, basic concepts, discretization, element types, nodes and degrees of freedom mesh generation, constraints, loads, preprocessing, and application to static analysis.

5 Hrs

UNIT-5 NC, CNC, DNC Technologies:

NC, CNC, DNC, modes, NC elements, advantages and limitations of NC, CNC. Functions of computer in DNC 5 Hrs


UNIT-6 CNC tooling:

Turning tool geometry, milling tooling system, tool presetting, ATC, work holding.

4 Hrs

UNIT-7 CAM Programming: Overview of different CNC machining centers, CNC turning centers, high speed machine tools 3 Hrs

UNIT-8 CNC Programming: Part program fundamentals-steps involved in development of a part program. Manual part programming, milling, turning, turning center programming.

10 Hrs

UNIT-9 Introduction to Robotics: Introduction, robot configuration, robot motion, programming of robots, end effectors work cell, control and interlock, robot sensor, robot applications.

9 Hrs.


1. CAD/CAM Principles and Application by P.N. Rao, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. CAD/CAM by Groover, Tata McGraw Hill.


1. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms – S.E. Goodman, S.T. Headetmiemi, McGraw Hill Book Company – 1988.

2. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics by Newman and Sproull, Tata McGraw Hill, 1995.

3. NC Machine Programming and Software Design – Chno-Hwachang, Michel. A. Melkanoff, Prentice Hall, 1989.

4. Numerical control and CAM, Pressman RS and Williams JE, John Wiley.

5. Computer Graphics by Steven Harrington, McGraw Hill Book Co.

6. CAD-CAM by Chris McMahon & Jimmie Browne – Pearson education Asia 2001.

7. CAD/CAM – Ibrahim Zeid, Tat McGraw Hill, 1999.

8. Computer Aided Manufacturing by P.N. Rao, N.K. Tewari and T.K. Kundra Tata McGraw Hill 1999.

9. Introduction to FEM, T Chandra patta Ashok D Bebgundu.

Sub Code: 10AU662

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


UNIT-1 Air conditioning Fundamentals:

Basic air conditioning system,- Air conditioning principles, Air-conditioning types, temperature and pressure fundamentals, types of compressors and refrigerants. 4Hrs

UNIT-2 Air Conditioning Systems

Classification, layouts, central I unitary air conditioning systems, components like compressors, evaporators, condensers, expansion devices, fan blowers, heating systems, Automotive heaters, Types, Heater Systems, Air conditioning protection, Engine protection.


UNIT-3 Load Analysis

Outside& inside design consideration, factors forming the load on refrigeration & air conditioning systems, cooling & heating load calculations, load calculations for automobiles, effect of air conditioning load on engine performance. 11Hrs


UNIT-4 Air Distribution Systems.

Distribution duct system, sizing, supply I return ducts, type of grills, diffusers, ventilation, air noise level, layout of duct systems for automobiles and their impact on load calculations.

8 Hrs

UNIT-5 Air Routing & Temperature Control

Objectives, evaporator air flow, through the re-circulating unit, automatic temperature control, duct system, controlling flow, vacuum reserve, testing the air control of air handling systems


UNIT-6 Air conditioning service:

Air conditioner maintenance & service- causes of air conditioner failure, leak testing guide, discharging the system, Evacuating the system, charging the system, servicing heater system, removing & replacing components, trouble shooting of air conditioning system, compressor service, methods of dehydration, charging & testing. 8Hrs

UNIT-7 Air Conditioning Control

Common control such as thermostats, humidistat, control dampers, pressure cut outs, relays


Text Books:

1. Mark Schnubel, “Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning”, Thomson Delmar Learning, 3rd edition, NY.

2. William H. Crouse & Donald L. Anglin, “Automotive Air Conditioning. McGrawHill, Inc., 1990.

3. ASHRAE Handbook-1985 Fundamentals

Reference Books:

1. Boyace H. Dwiggins, ”Automotive Air – conditioning”

2. SamSugarman, “HVAC Fundamentals. Fairmont Press, ISBN0-88173-489-6.

3. Paul Weisler, “Automotive Air Conditioning, Reston PublishingCo.Inc.1990.

4. Paul Lung, “Automotive Air Conditioning, C.B, S. Publisher & Distributor, Delhi.

5. MacDonald K. L “ Automotive Air Conditioning “, TheodoreAudel series, 1978

Sub Code: 10AU663

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


UNIT-1: Introduction to composite Materials

Definition, classification and characteristics of composite materials – fibrous composites, laminated composites, particulate composites. Properties and types of Reinforcement and Matrix materials.

6 Hrs.

UNIT-2: Fibre reinforced plastic processing

Lay up and curing, fabricating process – open and closed mould process – hand lay up techniques – structural laminate bag molding, production procedures for bag molding – filament winding, pultrusion, pulforming, thermo – forming, injection, injection molding, liquid molding, blow molding.


UNIT-3: Fabrication of Composites

Cutting, machining, drilling, mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonding, joining, computer aided design and manufacturing, tooling, fabrication equipment. 8Hrs


UNIT-4: Application of composites

Automobile, Aircrafts, missiles, Space hardware, Electrical and electronics, marine, recreational and Sports equipment, future potential of composites. 2Hrs

UNIT-5: Metal Matrix Composites

Reinforcement materials, types, characteristics and selection base metals selection – Need for production MMC’s and its application 10 Hrs

UNIT-6: Fabrication Process for MMC’s

Powder metallurgy technique, liquid metallurgy technique and secondary processing, special fabrication techniques 8 Hrs.

UNIT-7: Study Properties of MMC’s

Physical Mechanical, wear, machinability and other properties. Effect of size, shape and distribution of particulate on properties 6 Hrs.

UNIT-8: Introduction to shape memory alloys 2 Hrs.


1. Composite Science and Engineering by K.K.Chawla Springer Verlag

2. Introduction to composite materials by Hull and Clyne , Cambridge University Press , 2nd edition , 1990


1. Meing Schwaitz, “Composite materials hand book”, 1984, McGraw Hill Book Company.

2. Robert M. Jones, “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd.

3. Forming Metal hand book, 9th edition, ASM handbook, V15. 1988, P327- 338.

4. Mechanics of composites by Artar Kaw, CRC Press. 2002.

5. Composite Materials by S.C. Sharma Narosa publishing house, New Delhi 2000

6. Principles of Composite Material mechanics by Ronald .F. Gibron,

7. Mc Graw Hill International, 1994

Sub Code: 10AU664

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


Unit 1: Introduction

Equilibrium equations in elasticity subjected to body force, traction forces, stress strain relations for plane stress and plane strain, Boundary conditions, Initial conditions, Euler’s Lagrange’s equations of bar, beams, Principal of a minimum potential energy, principle of virtual work, Rayleigh-Ritz method, Galerkins method., Guass elimination Numerical integration.

07 Hrs

Unit 2: Basic Procedure

General description of Finite Element Method, Engineering applications of finite element method, Discretization process; types of elements 1D, 2D and 3D elements, size of the elements, location of nodes, node numbering scheme, half Bandwidth, Stiffness matrix of bar element by direct method, Properties of stiffness matrix, Preprocessing, post processing.

07 Hrs

Unit 3: Interpolation Models:

Introduction, Polynomial form of interpolation functions- linear, quadratic and cubic, Simplex, Complex, Multiplex elements, Selection of the order of the interpolation polynomial, Convergence requirements, 2D Pascal triangle, Linear interpolation polynomials in terms of global coordinates of bar, triangular (2D simplex) elements, Linear interpolation polynomials in terms of local coordinates of bar, triangular (2D simplex) elements, CST element. 06 Hrs

Unit 4: Higher Order and Isoparametric Elements:

Lagrangian interpolation, Higher order one dimensional elements- quadratic, Cubic element and their shape functions, properties of shape functions, Truss element, Shape functions of 2D quadratic triangular element in natural coordinates , 2D quadrilateral element shape functions – linear, quadratic, Biquadric rectangular element( Nodded quad lateral element), Shape function of beam element, Hermite shape function of beam element. 06 Hrs


Unit 5: Derivation of element stiffness Matrices and load Vectors:

Direct method for bar element under axial loading, trusses, beam element with concentrated and distributed loads, B matrices, Jacobian, Jacobian of 2D triangular element,, quad lateral , Consistent load vector, Numerical integration. 07 Hrs

Unit 6: Heat Transfer Problems:

Steady state heat transfer, 1d heat conduction governing equation, boundary conditions, one dimensional element, Functional approach for heat conduction, Galerkin approach for heat conduction, hat flux boundary condition, 1D heat transfer in thin fins. 06 Hrs

Unit 7: Applications I:

Solution of bars, stepped bars, plane trusses by direct stiffness method. Solution for displacements, reactions and stresses by using elimination approach, penalty approach.

06 Hrs

Unit 8: Applications II:

Solution of beam problems, heat transfer 1D problems with conduction and convection.

07 Hrs

Text Books:

1. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Chandrupatla T. R. and Belegundu A. D., 2nd Edition, PHI, 2000

2. The Finite Element Method in Engineering, Rao S. S., 4th Edition, B. S. Publications, Elsevier, 2006.

Reference Books:

1. Textbook of Finite Element Analysis, P. Seshu, PHI, 2004.

2. Finite Element Method, J. N. Reddy, McGraw Hill International Edition.

3. Finite Element Analysis, C. S. Krishnamurthy, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, New Delhi, 1995.

4. The FEM its basics and fundamentals: O.C.Zienkiewicz, Elsevier, 6e.

5. Finite Element Methods, by Daryl. L. Logon, Thomson Learning 3rd edition, 2001.

Sub Code: 10AU665

IA Marks: 25

Exam Marks: 100


Unit 1: Introduction

Basic concepts of Quality, Meaning and definition of quality, Quality control, objectives of quality control, Quality Characteristics, Quality costs, Quality of Design, Quality of conformance, Concepts in quality management, quality planning, quality measurement, trouble shooting, diagnostic techniques, System approach to quality management. 6 Hrs

Unit 2: Basic Statistical Concepts

Concept of variation and its types, Variables and Attributes, Frequency distribution and its graphical representation (Frequency Polygon, Histogram, and Ogive), Central tendency and Measures of dispersion (Mean, Median, Mode, Range, and Standard deviation), Numerical Problems

06 Hrs

Unit 3: Probability and Probability Distributions: Theory of Probability, Types of Probability distributions: Hyper geometric, Bi-nominal, Poisson and Normal distributions, Numerical Problems

06 Hrs

Unit 4: Control Charts for Variables

Theory and definition of control chart, Control charts for X – Bar and R charts, Type I and Type II errors, Numerical Problems 08 Hrs


Unit 5: Process Capability

Methods of calculating process capability, Natural Tolerance limits, Numerical problems

05 Hrs

Unit 6: Control Charts for Attributes: Control charts for defects and defectives – p, np,c, and u charts and their applications, Numerical problems 07 Hrs

Unit 7: Acceptance Sampling

Basis concepts, Sampling by attributes, single, double and multiple sampling plans, use of sampling table, Sequential sampling plan, construction and use of Operating Characteristic curves, Numerical problems

07 Hrs

Unit 8: Failure statistics and Reliability

Failure density, Failure rate, Mean failure rate, Mean time to failure, Mean time between failure, maintainability, Availability, Concepts and meaning of reliability, Reliability prediction, Bath tub curve, component and system reliability, redundancy and its uses, interaction between reliabil1ty and maintenance, Numerical problems 07 Hrs

Text Books:

1. Statistical Quality Control, E. L. Grant and R.S. Leavenworth, Tata McGraw- Hill publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi

2. Concepts in Reliability Engineering, L.S. Srinath

Reference Books:

1. Statistical Quality Control, R. C. Gupta, Khanna Publishers, Delhi

2. Statistical Quality Control, Manohar Mahajan, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi

3. Statistical Process Control and Quality Improvement, Gerald M. Smith, Pearson Prentice Hall

4. Statistical Quality Control for Manufacturing Managers, W S Messina, Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York

5. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Montgomery Douglas C., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken

6. Quality Planning and Analysis, Juran, Tata Mc Graw Hill

7. Principles of Quality Control, Jerry Banks, Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.

8. Introduction to Reliability and Quality, Thomson.R

9. Reliability Engineering, E. Balaguruswamy, Tata Mc Graw Hill


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