
Tonight is the night where every wrestling fan gets an early Christmas.  It is the one PPV event that even the most jaded of fans still watch with great anticipation of the events that will unfold.  Wrestlemania is upon us for its thirtieth rendition of the annual tradition.  Not sure if it is the WWE Network and its great coverage of the event, the card itself or the combination of both; but this is the most excited I’ve been for a Wrestlemania event in some time.  Not to say that I don’t always get excited for the event, it is just that there is something different in the air tonight.

Sure there will be things that irritate fans since there truly is no pleasing everyone.  However I get the feeling that tonight is going to feature the potential for some big time “Wrestlemania moments.”  With that in mind I wanted to look ahead and what I consider to be the top five potential mark out moments for me personally tonight.  Obviously I don’t expect all of these to happen but most of these are fairly reasonable which adds to my excitement tonight.


I’m usually all for keeping tag teams together and I am a big fan of The Real Americans but in recent months it has become very apparent that the Universe is dying to embrace Cesaro.  While the possibility always exists for the duo to turn face I think Cesaro is just dying to break back out of a tag team and return to being a singles star.  Mick Foley himself has gone on record to say that he predicts big things for Cesaro on tomorrow’s Raw and I couldn’t agree more.  With Cesaro and Swagger being on the verge of imploding I think the chances are very high that they reach the point of no return following a loss tonight.  The best guess would be some sort of miscommunication between the two the causes Cesaro or Swagger to get pinned as a result.   While a split alone would be enough to pop the crowd tonight the most over move in Cesaro’s repertoire is the Cesaro Swing.  So what better way to establish Cesaro as a face and split up the team than Cesaro hitting the swing on his former partner?  Gives the crowd a reason to cheer and sets up a face Cesaro for his first post Real Americans feud.


I know that sounds kind of odd but we aren’t that far removed from it looking like the threesome was about to tear each other apart.  While I think it is time for the Real Americans to go their separate ways, I still “believe in the Shield.”  Don’t get me wrong I very much think Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins will all have very bright solo careers I just don’t see a reason they need to split just yet.  I’m very curious as to where the face turn takes the guys and won’t be shocked if it is simply short term, there is no denying that the Shield is one of the easiest to cheer bad guy groups in sometime.  Even as heels they never came off as the tired “cowardly heel” cliche that is beat into the ground sometimes.  It does seem fairly certain that Roman Reigns is being groomed to be the first breakout star of the group which will almost certainly result in his exit, I just don’t see the need for it now.  While a Shield win makes the most sense tonight it isn’t absolutely necessary.  Instead I’ll be happy just to see one of the better stables in recent years remain together by the end of the show.


This is my dark horse for potential match of the night.  John Cena gets a lot of flack sometimes but the guy is more than capable of putting on quality matches, especially against brawlers.  Of course I am biased a bit on this one because Bray is one of my favorite newcomers to the main roster and this a very big match for a guy trying to breakout.  Regardless of the outcome I think two things are guaranteed in this match.  Number one, for twenty minutes we are going to see a very fun and physical match.  Number two, this doesn’t end here.  Rather Wyatt or Cena walks away the winner I can’t see this being the lone match in this feud.  That said a win at Wrestlemania trumps a win at any other event every time.  With this being their first encounter in an official one on one bout, I think it is important to have Wyatt go over and look strong.  Sure the door would be open for Cena to avenge the loss down the road, the fact is Wyatt needs it more than John.  While losing won’t completely derail Wyatt it would certainly slow the momentum and be much more significant than losing at Extreme Rules or another event down the road.  Cena on the other hand is such an established talent that losing does nothing to his character.  Unfortunately Cena is the safe bet and my official prediction, especially based on his booking in recent months.  Though if we are doing what is truly “best for business”, then Bray goes over and further establishes himself as one of the biggest heels in the business.


I certainly need to file this one in the “not likely to happen bin” but there is no way I can’t at least mention it.  CM Punk is my favorite wrestler of the current crop so him coming back is without a doubt a huge moment.  The biggest problem is I’m not sure where it fits into the current layout.  Without a doubt it would lead to one of the biggest pops of the night if it happened, and only made even louder if he walked through the curtain.  What would it accomplish though?  Punk isn’t at a point where he just drops in and says hello, he would be setting up a match.  What is the match though?  I guess that is what worries me the most about the scenario, the obvious answer would be involving himself in the main event.  I worry that doing so takes away from what hopefully will be the perfect ending to Wrestlemania XXX.  Does he come out to help Bryan?  Does he turn on Bryan?  I could see WWE recreating a Benoit/Guerrero type moment with a returning Punk and Bryan I would just like to keep anything further from developing until at least Raw the next night.  In the end it doesn’t matter though, it will be impossible for me not to lose my shit like a little kid if Punk shows up in any capacity at all.


Sometimes there is nothing wrong with the most obvious conclusion to a story.  We don’t need a crazy twist to sell us on wrestling we just need something compelling and ultimately satisfying.  The fans have been clamoring for Bryan to be the champion for awhile now.  The WWE teased us at SummerSlam and have dangled the carrot in front of us ever since.  When you look back at Bryan’s history at Mania the story only becomes more compelling.  His match with Sheamus was pulled from the card, then he follows it up by losing the World title to Sheamus the next year in 18 seconds.  Outside of the tag match with Team Hell No he really has never had a chance to shine.  Yet here we are at Wrestlemania XXX and the reality is we will probably witness Daniel Bryan wrestle between 50-60 minutes tonight.  Sure it may be obvious that Bryan will be in the title match but that doesn’t make it any less compelling.  Triple H’s character has spent over half a year doing everything in his power to keep Bryan from being champion.  Tonight Bryan not only exercises that demon but he finally walks away the champion.  The only truly satisfying end to Wrestlemania is Daniel Bryan leading the sold out crowd in his “YES” chant as he holds the belt high.

Those are the top moments I look for tonight with really only one of them being what I feel is a necessity, but them all being more than welcome  if they occur.  Be sure to comment below what are some potential mark out moments you are looking for.

The post 5 Things To Mark Out For At Wrestlemania XXX appeared first on Vortex Effect.

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