If you are reading this, thank you! I know I seem to have dropped off the face of my blog. My last post was December 15th! Wow. I was a little shocked when I logged in and seen that. It sure doesn't seem like it was that long ago. Anyhow, I've been giving a lot of thought to a lot of things lately. After the Christmas and New Years break I just kind of went into a relaxed frame of mind. I think I was suffering from a little bit of a burned out feeling. I LOVE the holiday rush, and the excitement that comes with it. It is the absolute most rewarding thing for me as a small business owner to see people choosing my art for their homes, or their friends' homes. It makes me feel like I might be on the right path with my business. Since I feel like so much of what I am doing with my business is heart driven, sometimes I wonder if I should be taking a different approach and ignore my gut. Don't do that. It never feels right! :)
Our cabin at sunset a week ago. We have even more feet of snow piled up now. The sled is almost completely snowed in.
But, back to that feeling of burned out-ness. I was enjoying being a little more present in day to day and just feeling super un-inspired. That is so not typical for me, this time of year. Generally I get hit with inspiration and I put off doing my taxes so I can devote the time that inspiration demands. This year, it just wasn't there. I bought a planner though, and just this morning I set some 2016 goals for VOL25. Here is the planner I bought:
You can find yours here
It has helped give me a little direction which has slowly started me back on that path of being inspired. Yesterday I posted a peek at something new I was experimenting with.
The feedback was soo amazing that I think I have an obligation to finalize details and get this baby listed! :) I also started 3 different illustrations this week for new Science posters, but neither of them felt right so I abandoned each. I'll go back with a fresh set of eyes and pick up on where I left off.
I'm going to try and be more intentional with my time (insert the planner) and that includes this blog. I want to get back to a point where I enjoy writing and sharing some of the behind the scenes that happen. Maybe add in a little more personal content, since I feel that has been lacking. I'm not an over-sharer, but I want to find that balance. It seems like the interaction on blogs (mine specifically) has diminished and I miss that. It always made blogging more enjoyable. "Hello, is anyone even out there?" You know- that feeling.
I've also struggled with what direction to take my newsletters. I had moved to a quarterly newsletter last year. But, I keep hearing that e-mail is a tool to be used. One not at the mercy of facebook changes, etc. So, write more intentionally, make your newsletters something people want to get in the mail. I hear weekly is best in terms of frequency. But, I'm not sure I can stay committed to an email every week. What would I talk about!? hah The benefit to weekly versus quarterly. The newsletter could be shorter. Those quarterly e-mails start cramming in quite a bit of information! Weekly e-mails could be short and sweet with maybe some shared links that I think you might be interested in, and maybe a new product from my shop marked down each week. I'm a list maker- lots of lists in progress with all these thoughts on change.
We've also stuck with our primal/paleo/clean eating habit. It has been an entire year since we've made that switch. It was the best thing I've done for myself/family in a long time. I might start sharing some of my favorite tips, or recipes that relate. I think it has been on more people's minds lately, and it seems like such a scary big change when you are just starting out. But you know what- some of the most rewarding things you will ever do begin with that scary feeling. :)
So, that is my random ramblings that come with a new year. This is also the year we really work Dave Ramsey's plan and work to become completely debt free, and also try to finish my studio building completely out of pocket. 2016 is going to be a big year for change, goal setting and goal achieving! :) I hope you continue to stick it out with me as I find my direction in this big space called the internet!