
Ready for your next adventure involving genealogy and family history? Looking for ways to get more involved with the genealogy community? Put your current skills to use and develop new skills by joining the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) management team.

A national genealogy society doesn’t run itself nor can it provide a meaningful membership experience without the help of its volunteers. FGS is currently looking for individuals to assist with upcoming projects and activities; these run the gamut from managing national conferences and events to providing benefits to FGS member-societies. FGS delivers key resources to genealogical societies within the United States and we need your help to make this happen.

A variety of skill sets are needed, including:

Preserve the Pensions: Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas to help spread the word about preserving the pensions of the soldiers from the War of 1812. Skills needed include writing articles for publications and blogs, contacting societies, suggestions for advertising, using social media, and promoting the project.

Outreach: Work to form partnerships and relationships with people and organizations outside of the family history community; build community ties to local history and genealogical societies (e.g., librarians, archivists, historians, etc.).

Education: Assist in producing and planning the FGS My Society radio show; help manage the FGS Wiki, webinars, and other online educational platforms.

Membership: Interact with FGS members to help create and implement membership benefits; work with current and help develop new membership acquisition and renewal plans.

Administration and Office: Assist with general FGS operations on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis including managing e-mails, website management, and other key roles.

E-mail volunteers@fgs.org and provide your contact information, a brief bio and list of skills, and please identify which volunteer opportunities you feel are best suited to your skills.

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