
reference: viXra:1207.0069v1

title: On Two New Techniques for Gravitational Waves

authors: Dhananjay P. Mehendale

category: Astrophysics

type: submission

date: 2012-07-18 07:36:21

We propose two new novel techniques for detecting gravitational waves. First technique is based on detecting variation in angular speed of the system of two circular disks connected by a light rod, kept perpendicularly to incoming gravitational wave, in the y-z plane say. This dumbbell-like system is kept in y-z plane in free rotational motion with constant speed, and further in vacuum to avoid any dissipation, and with as much high speed as possible, such that it will be revolving around the axis of rotation parallel to say x axis that passes through the center of mass of this assembly of two disks connected by light rod. The idea to achieve variation in angular speed is based on the principle of conservation of angular momentum. The synchronization is arranged so that there will be elongation when the centers of circular disks are along the line parallel to y axis and contraction when the centers of circular disks are along line parallel to z axis. Due to conservation of angular momentum this must result in detectable variation in the otherwise constant angular speed in absence of gravitational waves passing through this apparatus. This variation in angular speed is to be measured to conclude the arrival of gravitational waves! The second technique that we propose is based on combination of Weber-like setup using single cylindrical bar to act as a resonant antenna as per the idea of Joseph Weber [1] and the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) based upon idea of generating current by tunneling [2]. This tunneling current is managed by setting up suitable potential difference between sharp tips of suitably fixed probes and surface of suspended Weber bar or its spherical version [3]. We propose to keep the STM probes rigidly fixed at a predefined suitable locations and at constant distance between tips and surface of suspended Weber bar or its spherical version. Now, STM works on simple idea of applying potential difference between surface to be scanned and the probe having a sharp tip producing tunneling current from tip of probe to surface or surface to tip of probe depending upon polarity. This current is further amplified for using it as input for image producing software. We give here a proposal to use this arrangement for the process of detecting gravitational waves. Even with very small change in size (length) of Weber bar or its spherical version on passing of gravitational waves we hope to get detectable change in the amplitude of amplified current. Due to contractions and expansions encountered with suspended Weber bar upon the passing of gravitational waves there can be detectable change in the quantity of tunneling electrons. responsible for quantity of current flowing between tip of probes and Weber bar or its spherical version. This idea of achieving detectable change in the amplitude of tunneling current on arrival and passing of gravitational waves, essentially because of variation in distance between probes fixed suitably at different locations and resonating Weber bar, may lead us to successful detection of gravitational waves!

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