About Stores:
Stores application Software is designed to simplify stock management. Now a days handling of stock is very difficult when the number of varieties increases. Fields like Agencies, Automobile, Electrical, Hardware, Chemical, Leather, Provisionals, stationary, fancy items etc. stock management plays an important role.
Either for a merchant or a manufacturer stock management is essential.
Merchant is a person or a group of person who buy raw materials or finished goods and add their profit then sell the same. In this case if the number of items increases handling of items are very difficult.
Manufacturer buy the raw materials in bulk for doing production of multiple orders and keep in their store room safely. Then the required raw materials are issued part by part to manufacture the product. Here to find the order wise consumption details and to tally the stock in hand and stock value details is difficult.
Our Stores application software simplify the stock management. Let us we discuss about this one by one.
Login Screen:
The user can create or login to the application by entering the correct credentials. While login itself user should have to select which company that they want to login. Any number of Companies / Accounts can be created and maintained easily separately. The transactions will never merge with the other company / accounts.
Login Screen
Main Home Screen:
After keying in the Log In details, the software would direct the user to the Stores main page, where the user would be able to access all the forms with primary options.
Main Home Screen
Company information:
Current login company information are shown here. Suppose if we want to modify this current company information like change of address or contact number, simply we change it here itself.
Company Information
Unit of Measurement:
The User needs to fill in all the necessary Units like Kilogram (KGS), Litre (LTR), Numbers (NOS) etc. This master information is a onetime entry whenever we need we simply retrieve this information and save time.
Unit of Measurement
Item Group Name:
Product Categories made easy to classify the items. Before creating the items first we should create the item group name to classify the items separately like Dyeing chemicals as one group and another one as Finishing chemicals. Any number of groups can be created as per our requirement.
Item Group Name Creation
Detailed information about each and every product:
If product or item information maintaining manually it is difficult to get information about one particular item since total items are in hundreds or thousands. By using stores software we can store & retrieve the item details easily.
Item Creation:
Unlimited number of products / spares can be maintained. Item location can be identified through software itself. This helps the newly appointed staff to track the item location. Each and every item can be created one time with certain specifications like:
Unit of measurement,
Location where the item / spare kept in our store room / godown,
Opening balance available with us,
Minimum stock required at any time in our hand,
Purchased price (for receipt entry) and
Selling price / Landing price (for issue entry).
Once here we mentioned the required details then no need to type the specifications again and again while doing transactions like receipts or issues.
Item Creation
Supplier Master Information:
Unlimited number of Supplier contact information can be created and maintained. Here we just update one time then where ever we need to access the Supplier information we retrieve from already stored location.
Supplier Master Information
Customer Master Information:
Unlimited number of Customer contact information can be created and maintained. Here we just update one time then where ever we need to access the Customer information we retrieve from already stored location.
Customer Master Information
Change Password:
Strong security & it is customizable by the user itself. Anytime the user can change the password as per their needs. It is so easy to change.
Change Password
Costing / Quotation:
Quotation need for a merchant:
If the customer requests for the price details before buying, the Quotation entry helps to prepare quickly and the price details are referred from already stored location. So the user can simply select the product the rest of the details can be fetched automatically. This quotation preparation does not reflect with the existing stock since it is a quotation. This report can be previewed before taking print.
Costing need for the manufacturer:
The production manager need to prepare the materials required with price details before manufacturing for one particular order. The costing entry helps to prepare quickly and the price details are referred from already stored location. So the user can simply select the product the rest of the details can be fetched automatically. This costing preparation does not reflect with the existing stock since it is a costing alone. This report can be previewed before taking print. This report also helps to check that the order is worth for the manufacturer or not and to check the sufficient stock in hand for starting the production.
Costing / Estimation / Quotation
Receipts / Purchase Entry:
Purchase entry can be done easily. Whenever items are purchased / inwards the user should update in the Receipt / Purchase entry. It is a multiple entry system so at a time any number of items can be updated. Since the information about the item are stored already in the item creation the user can simply update the data by selecting respective information only quantity alone need to type manually the rest of the details can be simply selected.
Receipts / Purchase Entry
Issue Entry:
Sales entry also can be done easily. Whenever items are Sold / Outwards the user should update in the Issue Entry. It is a multiple entry system so at a time any number of items can be updated. Since the information about the item are stored already in the item creation the user can simply update the data by selecting respective information only quantity alone need to type manually the rest of the details can be simply selected.
Issue Entry
Item wise ledger:
Item wise ledger report is to get the individual item wise report as per the selected starting date and ending date. This report consists of opening balance, receipts, issues and final closing balance. Item wise ledger can be generated easily without any query.
Item wise Ledger Report
All items summary report:
All Items ledger can be viewed in this report. This report shows each item wise opening, item issued, item received and closing balance in same screen. Here no need to do any query for generating the report since automated report will be generated.
All Items Ledger Report
Items to be Purchased:
Minimum order quantity level helps to purchase required items in time. Those who deals many number of items, more than 25 items. It is very difficult to identify that which item is presently no stock and which one is in excess stock. But, here is the solution from us by specifying the minimum order quantity in the item creation itself we derive this report instantly. Here all item ledger are shown one by one along with the shortage. In Shortage column negative balances indicates items that we need to buy.
Items to be Purchased Report
Purchase order number wise issued ledger:
For counter sales we won’t get any purchase orders. Suppose if we are supplying materials to a company or any organization based upon their purchase order, we use this report. Suppose we supplied all items as per their purchase order we no need to see this report. But, if we supplied some part the items due to lack of stock non availability etc., then we need to check the balance items to be supplied as per their purchase order. This reports shows the ledger details, based upon the purchase order number.
Purchase Order Number Wise Report
Issue ledger:
Since our software is a multi-user software, we install in any number of systems and can be accessed in any systems at a time. Centralized data storage is done in server. The rest of the user system can access the data from server with proper security through network. If we have multiple counters for selling the items in various locations, we do entry at a time in all the systems in different counters with auto invoice numbering respectively. If we want to see the sales happened in each counter wise report this will be more useful. At the same time the individual counter cash balances can be verified according to the sales done in the respective counters by verifying this report.
Issue Ledger Report
Stock value report:
It is difficult to find manually, how much of stock with us of all items and to find the entire Stock value. But, Stores application software provides us easy way to see instant Automatic stock details and stock value report without any query.
Stock Value Report
Features of Stores Software:
Strong security & it is customizable by the user itself
Any number of Companies / Accounts can be created and maintained easily
Unlimited number of Suppliers & Customers can be maintained
Product Categories made easy to classify the items
Detailed information about each and every product / spare can be stored & retrieved
Unlimited number of products / spares can be maintained
Item location can be identified through software itself
Purchase & Sales entry can be done easily
Item wise ledger report can print easily
Minimum order quantity level helps to purchase required items in time
All items summary report
Stock value report
Customer wise issued ledger
Purchase order wise issued ledger
Multi user software, so can be installed and accessed in any number of systems
We hope this may be helpful to understand about Stores application software.
Click here for “Stores” Video explanation
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