Are you ready?! The ULTIMATE Online Baby Shower is back, and over the next 8 days we’re going to be showering moms and babies with amazing products from brands like Baby K’Tan, Born Free, Hyland’s Baby, Mabel’s Labels, My True Nature, Thinkbaby, and many (MANY) more! I’ve had so much fun participating in the last few UOBS (Ultimate Online Baby Shower) events that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity bring you more Sampler events and Flash Giveaways.
Want to get in on the action? The answer should be a very loud YES! The UOBS is a blast and you’ll have the chance to give, receive, and win fabulous baby items, many of which are so stylish and will make your parenting life much easier. To start, all you need to do is RSVP! By RSVP’ing to the UOBS, you’ll throw your name in the hat for 1 of 2 AMAZING prize packages AND you’ll get access to the exclusive UOBS calendar so you’ll know where to virtually be and when, so you won’t miss a Sampler event or giveaway!
So, what’s in the RSVP Prize Package?
Prepare to get your socks knocked off!
TWO gift baskets are up for grabs to those who RSVP, and they’re valued at over $400 each!
The prize packages include:
Hyland’s Baby Gas Drops
Thinkbaby Sunscreen & Shampoo bundle
My True Nature Bubble Bath
Baby K’tan Hat
Baby K’tan Carrier
NeatCheeks Package
Babiators Sunglasses
Balboa Baby Bib
NurturMe Package
Tadpoles Play Mat
Tadpoles Organic Layette
Wee Can Too Tempera Paint Set
Wee Nurture Milkmade Nursing Cover
Bobo Buddy
LooHoo Deluxe Starter Kit
Bamboosa Wash Cloth Pack
Lucy Darling Pack
Lucy Darling Frame with Photo
HABA Upsala Baby Gift Set
Born Free 3 pack Glass Bottles
Born Free 2 pack Sippy Cups
Mabel’s Labels Baby Combo Pack
Plus a few more last minute additions!
Want to win one of these fantastic prize packages?
Just head over to my Facebook page to RSVP!
The RSVP prize package is just the beginning though! Starting on the 14th and continuing until the Friday the 21st, we’re going to have LOTS of opportunities for you to gift and (hopefully) receive some of the thousands of items for babies and their mamas. There will be Sampler events, where you gift products or coupons to your friends and family members, and FLASH Giveaways on the Facebook pages of some of the best baby bloggers in the blogosphere! All of these events will be open to the US, but a select few will also be open to Canada! Wondering how you’ll keep track of it all? That’s why you NEED to RSVP! You’ll get access to the official UOBS calendar telling you exactly where to be and when. I’ll do my best to give you a daily update on my Facebook page too!
Let’s talk about the FLASH GIVEAWAYS… because you know how much I LOVE hosting them, and I know how much you all LOVE winning them! This time around there are ten bloggers participating in the UOBS. You’ll want to make sure you “LIKE” all of them on Facebook so you can see their latest UOBS updates and Flash Giveaways!
Here is your UOBS blog squad for November 2014: Game On Mom, Eighty MPH Mom, Happy Mothering, So Easy Being Green, Conservamom, Club MomMe, Thrifty Nifty Mommy, Lo-Wren, Mom to Bed by 8, and of course ME!
Now, let’s talk about those Sampler Events - because they are SO awesome! In case you aren’t familiar with how Sampling works, here’s a brief breakdown: Sampler is ridiculously fun app that allows you to SEND “samplers” or samples to your friends. The “samplers” might be full size products, coupons, discount codes, sample size products, or gift cards for products you think your friends and family members might like to try. Sampling is about SENDING, but if you don’t want to be left out of the fun, the best way to make sure you get a Sampler yourself is by using the “buddy system“. I usually team up with Thrifty Nifty Mommy so I can send her a Sampler and she can send me one too! If you don’t have a buddy, I’ll post a call for buddies on my Facebook page where you can team up with someone else that’s also in need of a buddy. Just be sure that you’re Facebook friends with your buddy. Since Sampler is a Facebook App, you have to be friends with your buddy in order for Sampler to recognize them so you can send Samplers to them or receive Samplers from them. Got it? Good!
How do you let your buddy or friends and family know you want a Sampler? Well, after you RSVP, you can “Wish For” the samples you want to receive on the participating brands’ Facebook pages (it’s all conveniently located on the official calendar). Wishing for an item will notify your friends and family members that you’d love to receive a sample by posting on your Facebook timeline. You can even tag your buddy or friends to make it REALLY clear that you WANT a Sampler! Tagging your friends is also a great way to let them know you want to pair up with them.
Okay, we’ve talked logistics. NOW, let’s talk about the GOODS! I consider myself a baby gear guru and I’m just THRILLED with the brands that have signed on for this fall’s event. We’ve got some wonderful items to introduce you to and hopefully you’ll score some of these great goodies!
Just LOOK at all these fab brands!
NurturMe: I had the opportunity to review NuturMe baby foods in the past (not just once, but TWICE!) and I just love the innovative ideas and the quality of the food coming from this company. The packaging is convenient and I appreciate that you can mix their packets with breast milk, milk, or water to create an organic and tasty meal for your child. Their products are also gluten free, GMO free and kosher certified. When I opened up a special little package from NurturMe the other day, I was so excited to see their new 100% pure quinoa alternative to traditional rice cereals! I will definitely be trying this with our next little one.
Hyland’s Baby: I’ve been a fan of Hyland’s Baby products since I first laid hands on their teething tablets, back when my little guy was cutting his first tooth. They worked wonderfully for us, and we’ve since used dozens of their homeopathic products. Having natural products for my baby is of utmost importance and I love that Hyland’s has products to cover all the bases! I was really excited to see Hyland’s Baby Gas Drops in our UOBS package this time around. These all natural, homeopathic drops provide gentle, temporary relief for your little one’s gas symptoms.
Baby K’Tan: Baby K’Tan is the perfect blend of wrap, sling, and carrier. I can’t wait to use one with our next baby! The fact that these carriers come ready to wear and enables parents to comfortably carry their little one’s from birth to 3 years in multiple positions is simply amazing. I adore the fact that they’re sized so you don’t have yards and yards of extra fabric to wrap around you (and heat you up, especially in Florida) – a wrap without all the wrapping? YES please! Oh, and for our Canadian readers, I hear that Baby K’Tan is going to be having a special giveaway just for you! Stay tuned!
BornFree: BornFree makes some of my absolute FAVORITE sippy cups (you can see them HERE). I’ve contemplating recycling all of our other cups in favor of their awesome straw cups, so I was stoked to receive a package of their training cups in this UOBS. We’re working towards our toddler using a regular cup and I’m sure these will come in really handy! BornFree Grow With Me Training Cups are guaranteed to be leak-free, so that’s a huge relief. Leaking sippy cups are pretty much the WORST! BornFree also makes fantastic bottles for babies – especially when your infant is transitioning from breastfeeding to bottle feeding. BornFree bottles come with a venting system to greatly minimize air intake and colic, and they also don’t leak! BornFree bottles are BPA and PVC-free so you don’t need to worry about harmful chemicals seeping into your baby’s milk.
ThinkBaby: Thinkbaby’s sole purpose is to create alternative products for little ones to adults. I can definitely get on board with that! Their baby wash is free of Parabens, phthalates, 1,4 dioxane, sodium lauryl sulfate and all of those other harmful chemicals that may be lurking in your current brand of wash. Thinkbaby sunscreen is free of biologically harmful chemicals and was the first to pass the Whole Foods Premium Care requirements . There’s no Avobenzone, Oxybenzone, parabens, petroleum, PABA, or UV Chemical absorbers are used, and I certainly feel better about using that on my precious toddler’s skin. It also goes on easily and doesn’t leave behind any greasy or oily residue.
My True Nature: I was introduced to My True Nature during a previous UOBS and I’m very fond of their baby skincare products. Their bubble bath happens to be one of my favorites, so I was thrilled to see it in our UOBS package this fall. Dewey’s Bubble Bath is a pure, natural formula that combines plant-based cleansers and botanicals to create mountains of bubbles that are also perfect for sensitive skin, cradle cap, or eczema. All My True Nature products are made from 100% natural ingredients, perform well, and are free of GMO’s, parabens, petrochemicals, phthalates, sulfates, synthetic dyes, fragrances and preservatives, so you can feel good about using them on your baby’s sensitive skin.
Mabel’s Labels: This is my first time working with Mabel’s Labels but I can see why they’re so popular! They have the most fantastic selection of labels in a variety of sizes, colors, and icons. The Baby Combo pack has such a great mixture of UV resistant, waterproof labels and tags designed especially for all of your little one’s needs.
You’re also going to see some really cool products from these awesome sponsors too!
Babiators: (sidenote, I’m DYING of the cuteness of these kids’ shades!) I do everything I can to protect his tender skin from the sun’s damaging rays, but it’s easy to forget about those sensitive eyes! Although I try to make him wear hats, he just won’t keep them on. I was over the moon excited to get a few pairs of Babiators in this fall’s UOBS. They provide 100% UVA and UVB protection, all while looking so fashionable! Plus, they’re impact and shatter resistant – MAJOR plus for parents of toddlers!
Lucy Darling: When my little guy was born, milestone stickers were just starting to become a cool new thing. Fast forward a few years and while there are a few brands out there making these stickers, Lucy Darling has totally taken the cake with their SUPER adorable baby stickers! They have 60 (yes, SIXTY) different stickers so you can capture each and every milestone your little one makes. They also have pregnancy belly stickers (SO cute), nursery art prints, and alphabet cards. I honestly want ALL of them! Perhaps the best part? All of their products are made in the USA!
Tadpoles: You may remember that we’ve reviewed Tadpoles products here on Viva Veltoro before. Their Moses Basket is absolutely precious and Tadpoles blankets are just about the softest on the market! As the Baby & Kids division of Sleeping Partners, they have a large selection of lovely products for babies. I received the Quilted Nylon Puffer Blanket and Quilted Nylon Stroller Cover in my UOBS package and can’t wait for the colder weather to arrive so we can start testing them out!
Balboa Baby: Balboa Baby Balboa designs contemporary, unique products using luxurious fabrics and distinctive prints for moms and babies, all the while remaining affordable. They’ve got a fabulous line of slings, nursing covers, high chair and shopping cart covers, stroller liners, car seat canopies, diaper bags, blankets, and even super cute bibs like the one shown above!
Wee Can Too: WHY did I not think of this?! Wee Can Too creates art supplies with plant based ingredients that are safe for little ones to use (and even ingest!). No chemicals, no preservatives, no additives – their products are natural and safe! My toddler LOVES to paint and I’m so thankful to have been introduced to their Tempura paints! They also have veggie crayons and sidewalk chalk. I know what my little guy will be getting in his stocking this year!<
Bamboosa: Bamboosa creates cloth and baby products that are USA made and sweatshop-free. They pride themselves on creating high quality, comfortable, sustainable, AND affordable clothing. Getting all of those things in one brand is pretty tough, but Bamboosa makes it look easy. I was sent their baby washcloths in my UOBS package and I tell you what, they are amazingly soft! If you’re a cloth diapering parent, these would also make fantastic wipes!
Bobo Buddy: Does your little one use a pacifier? Isn’t it just the worst when it falls out and you have to search and search to find it? Well, allow me to introduce you to Bobo Buddy, an adorable plush toy that attaches to your little one’s paci. With Bobo Buddy attached to your baby’s paci, it will be much easier to keep track of. Plus, they are adorable! Just check out how cute that Caterpillar is!
Loo Hoo: If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know I L-O-V-E wool dryer balls. For real. I can’t believe we ever lived without them. Do yourself and your family a favor and research what’s in your dryer sheets. Well, that might not be so easy because dryer sheet manufactures aren’t even required to list the chemicals that go into their products on the box! Luckily, there’s a better way to keep your clothes soft and static free – wool dryer balls! LooHoo wool dryer balls are made from 100% wool and only wool. That makes them natural, sustainable, biodegradable, and chemical free. Just throw these balls in your dryer and your clothes will come out scent free, soft, fluffy, static-free, PLUS they also reduce drying time (saving you time and money).
HABA USA: HABA is back again for another UOBS (they’re third timers actually!) and I couldn’t be more pleased! Every year they’ve offer cute and functional items for our UOBS mamas and they never disappoint! I love HABA’s ec0-conscious apporach to manufacturing and their creative and innovative product designs. Their products stimulate and facilitate a child’s learning and they’re also really durable.
Wee Nurture: I’ve seen a lot of breastfeeding covers in my day, but none as chic and discreet as Wee Nurture’s Milkmade Nursing Cover. Unlike traditional covers, Milkmade’s patented design is the only breastfeeding cover that doesn’t enclose the baby. It’s got a sleek, hourglass shape that hugs the mother’s neck, and a hidden pouch that holds her breast. When baby is ready to eat, just lift the flap on the Milkmade cover and baby can enjoy feeding and you can feel confident that your not exposed. Don’t you just love the color too?!
Neat Cheeks: How many times have you reached into your diaper bag and pulled out a baby wipe to wipe down your child’s face? I’m guilty of it! It must taste terrible (yuck!). That’s why I’m super happy that Neat Cheeks is participating in the UOBS! Their facial wipes are sweet, plush, and moisturizing! These are a new staple in our bag!
Summer Infant: Summer Infant is a UOBS veteran and I just love their products. I especially love our Summer Infant 3D Lite Stroller. Their lightweight umbrella stroller is FAB! I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us for this UOBS!
So, are you ready for the UOBS?
Make sure to RSVP HERE (mobile friendly link!)
Follow along with us on social media using the #UOBS hashtag so you don’t miss a thing!
Disclosure: I am a participating blogger in the Ultimate Online Baby Shower and have received several promotional items and monetary compensation. All thoughts expressed are my own and may differ from yours. Information is not intended to be medical advice. Talk to your doctor regarding medication for your child.
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