
Garda Trentino – represented by Ingarda spa touristic office – renewed its deal with Vitesse after a successful 2013 strengthening its strong appeal over a wide international community focused on sport. Even in 2014, Vitesse will be in charge of press office and broad-spectrum communication referred to several projects and events taking place in this area.

“Vitesse felt at ease with Alto Garda’s international environment immediately, supporting our activities with full dynamic commitment – Ingarda President Marco Benedetti explained -. We enjoyed a very intense and gratifying year indeed, with our image and media exposure boosting impressively”.

“Throughout the year, our staff had been working under pressure all-around – Ingarda Director Roberta Maraschin added -. Vitesse succeeded in giving efficient and on-time service, meanwhile showing a proactive and analytical behavior we deeply appreciated”.

“We feel proud to highlight one of the most beautiful Italian places, the absolute favorite by a huge international audience. Passion is the key-word: sharing Ingarda persons’ expertise and love for local beauties was an absolute privilege”, argued Maurizio Evangelista, Vitesse General Manager.


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