
This story is dedicated to Julian

I knew I was different from other boys at a fairly young age, but I didn’t know just what it was that made me different. And then as I grew older and into puberty I realized that I was attracted to boys, while most of my classmates were beginning to become interested in girls. Of course I hid my attraction to other boys as well as I could, and I was fortunate in that I was not what some of the guys called a “flaming queer”. I didn’t prance around, or mince my steps or wiggle my ass when I walked or anything like that and other than the fact that I wasn’t interested in dating a girl I hope I hid my preferences for boys well.

When I was in my late teens and early 20’s I had a couple of relationships with older men. These relationships were not true romances, and in one case the man was married with a wife and 2 children. The second relationship was more interesting to me because my partner wore glasses and this is when I discovered that I was very much attracted to men who wore glasses. My male glasses wearing partner was extremely nearsighted, and his glasses were quite thick and obviously strong. Without them he was totally helpless, and sometimes our lovemaking involved me removing his glasses and making him my helpless slave.

This relationship didn’t last much more than a couple of years. I didn’t really want to be with him forever, nor did I want to be labeled around the neighborhood as a homosexual, which would have happened if I had lived with him for much longer. There is a point where people start to talk when 2 men share an apartment – even if it is a 2 bedroom one. So we both moved on, and I was out looking for a job.

The folks at the unemployment office sent me to a small firm that was in the business of pre wiring new homes for security systems. They also installed built in vacuum systems as well and the owner, a man named Jake, needed someone willing to learn both jobs. The installation of the piping for a built in vacuum was relatively simple, but learning how to do the wiring for the security systems was going to take me some time.

Jake were probably around 47 or so at the time. He was married to a slightly overweight, kind of dumpy looking lady named Jill. The only redeeming feature I could see for Jill was that she was fairly nearsighted and wore glasses, but of course I was not interested in her at all. Their oldest boy, Zachary, was almost 19 and had been working for his dad since he was around 13. They had another son who was around the shop every day after school, and when I first laid eyes on him I fell in love with Nathan. At the time I first met Nathan he was about 6 months shy of his 15th birthday. I really am not a pedophile in any way, but Nathan was an absolutely gorgeous boy. He wore his blond hair a little long and this framed an angelic face. He could have easily passed for a very attractive girl if he wore his hair tied back into a pony tail, and dressed in a more feminine manner. Nathan was nearsighted like his mother and I suspected that his prescription was already fairly strong for his age since his glasses appeared to have lenses that were in the range of -5D.

I worked with Zach a lot of the time for a few months while I learned the tricks of the trade. Jake had tons of work, and we were busy all the time. But the more I worked with Zach the less I liked him. He was arrogant, and while he was actually quite good at what he did he never let anyone forget how great he was. With his father he was a total rebel, and if Jake suggested doing a job one way Zach would do it differently just to prove he could do it better his way. Naturally this caused a lot of strife, because Jake was always on me to keep Zach on track doing things the way that Jake wanted them done. It seemed that at least once a week Jake and Zach would have a blowup, and Jake would either fire Zach, or Zach would walk off the job. But so far they had always settled their differences within a day or so and Zach would be back at work.

Zach was living with his 17 year old girlfriend Nancy, another person that I didn’t exactly care for. Nancy was one of those people who looked good when you viewed her from one angle, but when you looked again there was something that just wasn’t right. She often drove Zach to work in the morning and sometimes when Jake was a little late we would stand around and chat outside the front door until Jake showed up. Even though his mother and younger brother wore glasses Zach didn’t, nor did Nancy. However, after watching Nancy closely for a while I was pretty convinced that there would be a pair of glasses in her future, as she seemed to be squinting at everything all the time, and as the baby in her belly showed even more I seemed to think that the squinting got worse. I mentioned this to Zach one day, and he agreed that Nancy was having a lot of trouble with her eyes, but she was stubborn and didn’t want to get glasses. I suggested to Zach that maybe he should press the issue because she could possibly kill herself and his baby if she couldn’t see well enough to drive. Sure enough, a few weeks later Nancy was wearing glasses when she drove Zach to work and from the looks of them she hadn’t started to wear them any too soon.

Once Nancy started to wear her glasses for driving it didn’t seem to take very long before she kept them on even while we were standing around waiting for Jake to show up to unlock the door. I could tell from looking at them that they were stronger than what I would have thought should have been a first time prescription, but I didn’t want to express too much interest by asking what her prescription was. The nice thing about wearing glasses was that the glasses helped soften the angles of Nancy’s face and she looked a lot more attractive.

When the summer holidays came that year Nathan, who was now 15, became my job partner. I had a hard time that summer being around Nathan all the time. My gaydar had told me that Nathan would quite likely be a willing sexual partner for me, but my common sense told me that it would be far too dangerous for me to make a move on this kid. I could tell that Nathan was seriously confused and highly stressed about his life and his own sexuality but I just didn’t dare make a move.

It was a relief when fall came and Nate went back to school. I had enjoyed being with him for the summer, but my stress level had gotten pretty high as well and I just needed to work by myself for a while. I was fairly sure that I couldn’t take another summer of working in such close proximity to Nate.

I managed to make it through the winter. It tore me apart to come in from a day on the job to see Nate hanging around the shop, but I managed to keep my tensions fairly well hidden. Shortly before the summer holidays came around that year, the year Nate was 16, he showed up after work wearing a new pair of glasses that were noticeably stronger, and that night my dreams were interrupted with thoughts of having Nate in my bed.

I suppose it was inevitable. Nate worked with me again that next summer, and one day when we were on a job site he came on to me. I was already in love with this kid so it didn’t take much. We hid it as well as we possibly could and we managed to spend at least one, sometimes 2 nights a week together at my place.

When fall came around and Nate went back to school again I had to work with Zach once in a while. I had the feeling that Zach knew that his younger brother and I were spending a lot of time together, but he never said a word. By now Zach’s own son was a year old and Nancy was pregnant again. I noticed one morning when she drove Zach to work that her glasses had gotten even stronger during her second pregnancy.

Nate was devastated when I told him I was quitting my job and moving on. He blamed himself, but I think I convinced him that while I loved him with all of my heart I just couldn’t take the chance of tearing both of our lives apart. He had my cell phone number and I told him that if he ever needed me to give me a call, and I would come running.

I drifted around for a few years. I was never out of work and always seemed to make pretty good money in construction. I had a couple more relationships with men, but I never seemed to be able to bring myself to the point where I could come completely out of the closet and be with them. I was hanging around with a lesbian friend for a while and when she started to complain about wanting to have a kid before it was too late I suggested that we could get married and have a child. Then we could each have our own relationships on the side and no one would know.

Leslie liked this idea. I don’t know if I would have even thought of the idea, or liked it as much if Leslie hadn’t been very nearsighted, and although she wore contact lenses out in public all of the time I knew that her glasses were pretty darned thick from having crashed at her place a few times after partying and then seeing her in glasses the following morning..

Leslie and I had a really decent relationship for a while. Leslie did get pregnant, and we had a daughter who we named Lisa. By the time she was 5 it was evident that Lisa was nearsighted like her mom, and we got Lisa her first pair of glasses. As time went on it was evident that Leslie wasn’t happy with our arrangement. I am not sure if the problem was that she didn’t want to share me with other guys or not, but something seemed to be off. On weekends she often had at least one of her girlfriends over, and I frequently had another guy around so our arrangement should have been working just the way she had originally wanted. I really don’t know what Leslie wanted out of life, and I suspect that she didn’t either. Finally she took off, leaving me with 6 year old Lisa to raise on my own. It was a little difficult at first, but soon everything settled down, and I had Lisa looked after.

It had been around 10 years since I had worked for Jake. I hadn’t kept in contact with that aspect of my life at all, although I frequently thought of my beautiful boy toy Nate. I was a little shocked one day to receive a call from Nate.’’

“Kevin, this is Nate. Do you remember me?” Nate asked.

“I certainly do Nate. I think of you frequently. What can I do for you?” I questioned.

“Dad had a massive heart attack and died last week. Mom is a basket case and I was wondering if you were working, or even if you were would you be able to leave your job for a few days and come and help me out?” Nate asked.

“I think I could do that. Let me see what I can work out and I will get right back to you. I answered.

I made some arrangements and by that evening I called Nate back to tell him I could start in the morning.

The next morning when I drove to the office it felt a little like déjà vu. The office door was already open and I went inside. Nate looked up at me and I could see he was still as gorgeous as ever. His glasses had gotten considerably stronger though, and his eyes were quite minimized behind the thick lenses. He looked great.

“Nate, you look wonderful. I have missed you.” I said.

“I have missed you as well Kevin. Thank you so much for coming to help me out.” Nate replied.

“Where is your brother?” I asked.

“You mean why isn’t Zach here? About 2 years after you left Zach and dad had a really big fight. Zach went out and started his own company, and he and dad never talked again. Dad was really pissed when Zach stole some of his customers. Zach wasn’t even invited to the funeral and Dad never saw his grandchildren after that day.” Nate said.

“I can sort of understand that. The 2 of them were always like fire and gasoline. So what needs to be done?” I asked.

“I have some installs that have to be done right away. I can close up the office and do a couple of them, but with the funeral and everything I am so far behind I won’t ever catch up. If I can’t get the work done my builders might end up going to someone else, and I can’t afford to let that happen. Here are 2 jobs that the drywallers are starting on tomorrow, so I am hoping you can get them both done today.” Nate said.

“Sweetie, it has been 10 years since I pre wired a house. Surely there have been a myriad of changes.” I replied.

“Sure, in the technology. Most everything can be done wirelessly now, but we still run a lot of wires. The panel box is different, but as long as you bring the wires into the rough box and label them like we always did I can take it from there.” Nate replied.

“I can do that Nate. Nice glasses by the way.” I replied.

Nate didn’t say anything, but he certainly blushed. He knew of my preference for strong lenses and he knew that his had passed inspection.

I went out and managed to wire both the houses Nate had assigned to me that day. It took some hustling to get it done, but I felt very happy I had helped Nate out of a jamb. I had never stopped loving the kid.

When I showed up back at the office after I finished Nate wasn’t back yet. I called his cell, and he was en route, so I waited. When he got there we put the vans inside and locked the back garage door. Nate asked me if I could stay long enough to chat for a while, and I agreed as long as my sitter would keep Lisa for a little while longer. Of course that got Nate asking me some questions.

Our chat took longer than I had planned so I was even later that I wanted to be, but Nate and I had ironed out a lot of things. By the time I left I knew that he had never stopped loving me, and I told him that even though I had some other partners I had never stopped loving him. Attitudes had changed considerably towards gay people in the last 10 years, and we felt that we might be able to share a house together. Lisa would need to change schools and I would have to find her some satisfactory day care for after school, but as soon as we got the excess work out of the way we could get a start on making these arrangements. As I was leaving I reached out for Nate and pulled him towards me in a great big hug. I then planted a big kiss right on his lips and he responded right back.

It took a while to get everything under control in both the business and our private lives. Nate had a nice 3 bedroom house that Lisa and I moved into and until I found daycare Nate and I had arranged our jobs so that one or the other of us could be home in the afternoon when Lisa got off school. Nate was wonderful with Lisa and soon Lisa was thinking of us both as her daddy’s.

Nate and I talked a lot. Nate had finally realized that he felt like he was a woman trapped in a man’s body, and a couple of years earlier he had started to take female hormone therapy. I thought that he had appeared to have breasts, but it wasn’t until I saw him naked again that I realized that he actually did have a pair of small, but firm boobs. When we were both home from work Nate would remove his work clothing and put on a brassier and a dress. Then he would change his men’s framed spectacles for a pair of ladies glasses. His hair, which he still wore fairly long, would tie up into a pony tail, and when he was finished with his makeup Nate looked like a very attractive woman. Soon I started to call him Natalie when we were together, and he liked that.

On weekends Natalie, Lisa and I would go out to the mall shopping. We had convinced Lisa that Natalie was now the mother and I was still the daddy. I have to tell you that when Natalie and Lisa were walking together there was no one in the world that could tell that Natalie wasn’t Lisa’s mother. Lisa’s blond hair was worn in the same style as Natalie’s, and Lisa and Natalie had both gotten new glasses with the same frames, although the lenses were a lot different. Natalie had chosen to get myodiscs for her new glasses because I had told her that I really liked myodiscs, and her prescription was right at the point where her lenses were available either way.

Nate’s mom Jill was now able to come back to work in the office and look after the phones along with the billing so Nate and I were able to get all of the backlog cleaned up. Jake’s will was read, and Nate and Jill were left the business together. Jill didn’t really want the business, so she and Nate made arrangements for Jill to sell her share to him.

Things were rolling along quite well, and Nate and I were busy enough to hire another installer. Once Jill had left the company Nate started dressing more like a female, and now as Natalie she was spending her days in the office. No one could tell just from looking at Natalie that she was really a male.

Increased business meant that things were a little tight financially, but before long we started to have some money in the bank. Natalie had been to see some doctors with the idea of having a sex change operation as well as getting breast implants. The sex change part of it wasn’t too important to me, and I actually worried a little if I would find Natalie as attractive to me if she no longer had the male genetailia. But I was fine with the idea of Natalie having her breasts enlarged. So Natalie had the implants, and now she had a c-cup, which wasn’t huge, but was still a much bigger size than before.

Natalie was saving all of her money for the sex change part of it. I discussed my worries with her and we eventually realized that having the operation would finally give Natalie her own identity. So I decided that just knowing that I had fallen in love with Nathan it really shouldn’t make much of a difference if Nathan was now a real life Natalie. I did however put my foot down when Natalie suggested that she could maybe have her eyes fixed as well, and I told her that I could handle the conversion to Natalie, but I couldn’t take the loss of her strong glasses as well. She was upset because her prescription had continued to climb during the 3 years we had been living together and at age 30 her prescription had hit -26D for her glasses. After I impressed on Natalie how important her strong glasses were to me, she decided that I was worth more to her than having her eyes fixed.

By now Lisa was 10 years old, and her prescription was right at -9D for her glasses. Because Natalie also had to wear glasses Lisa didn’t seem to have a problem with the fact that she had poor eyesight and also had to wear strong glasses. So that was another argument I used on Natalie before the topic was forgotten.

I had been trying to track down Leslie to see if I could have her sign off on a divorce, as well as possibly giving Natalie parental rights. When I did finally contact her she wanted to come to see Lisa and myself, so we arranged for her to come for a visit.

When Leslie showed up I was surprised to see that she was wearing glasses out in public and I was shocked at how strong her glasses appeared. She wore a brown plastic frame that was slightly oval in shape, and the temples were quite wide. But the lenses were tiny circles that were positioned right in front of her eyes. I asked her what happened to her eyesight, and she explained that she had retinal detachments in both eyes and the doctors had a great deal of difficulty getting her retinas to reattach. When she did finally get her eyes stabilized she had lost a lot of her vision, and now her prescription was right around -33D, a good 12D stronger than it was before. She showed up with her partner, who was very nice, and treated Leslie wonderfully. Apparently Leslie really didn’t have very good eyesight even with her strong glasses, and her partner helped her get around.

Leslie and Lisa and I had a very productive and pleasant visit. Leslie realized that with her poor vision she would not be able to look after Lisa if anything happened to me, so she agreed to sign over her parental rights to Natalie, and to give me an uncontested divorce. The only thing she asked for was to be able to visit Lisa once in a while, and Natalie and I readily agreed to that.

Natalie finished with her operations, and now her male organs are gone, replaced with indoor plumbing. The only indication that Natalie might have been a male is her Adams apple, but they did go in and soften it a little so a person would have to look long and hard to be sure that it was a male Adams apple. Once the decision was made that she would go for the full Monte Natalie’s vision stopped getting any worse, and now her prescription has stabilized right at -28D. We are still running the business as husband and wife, and the money is steadily trickling in.

Natalie had a big surprise a few weeks after she finished with her operations. She was contacted by her brother Zach and he wanted to come and see her. Natalie discussed this with me and I told her that it was her decision, but that my suggestion was that she have him stop by the office after we finished work.

A few days later Zach did stop by. Much to my surprise he did not say anything negative about the fact that his brother was now his sister, and merely mentioned that he always knew that Natalie was more like a girl than a boy. Zach also wanted to resume relations with their mother Jill, who had also accepted Natalie’s sex change albeit reluctantly. I think the fact that Jake had died before he and Zach could settle their differences had given Zach a bit of a wake up call.

Jill was actually thrilled that Zach wanted to resume familial ties. It had eaten at her that she had not seen her two older grandchildren since the oldest one was 3 years old. Nancy had been pregnant for the third time when Jake and Zach had their big blow up, but she had lost that baby, and then she had 2 more children that Jill had never seen. So the following weekend we were going to have a family reunion at Jill’s place.

I hadn’t seen Nancy, nor had I even thought of her for many years. It was quite a surprise when I did see her. She had gained a little weight, but that only helped as she had been quite thin as a young girl. But her glasses had increased in strength considerably. From the looks of it she appeared to be wearing high index lenses with a prescription somewhere between -12D and -14D, although it is really hard to tell with the high index lenses. I knew that she had gained about -2.50D or so of myopia with the birth of her first child, and likely about the same with her second. But it also looked as if she gained even more with her miscarriage as well as the birth of her last 2 kids. She was seriously myopic now, and I liked her appearance wearing her strong glasses.

Probably the biggest surprise was with Zach’s children. Thirteen year old Scott was the oldest and was a spitting image of Zach. I could tell that Zach was going to have the same problems with Scott as Jake had with him. Then there was 12 year old Chris. The second I laid eyes on Chris I had a sneaking suspicion as to the reason why Zach wanted to talk with Natalie again. Looking at Chris was like looking at younger image of Natalie and I was sure that Chris was also a girl in a male body. The glasses that Chris wore at 12 seemed to be a bit stronger than Natalie wore when she was that age, and they would likely only get stronger as he grew older. The 2 younger children were quite nice looking and appeared to be just ordinary kids. Carrie was 10, and Damien was almost 9.

I introduced Lisa to all the kids, and they went off to play in the back yard. Scott seemed to be quite interested in Lisa and that surprised me a little because 13 year old boys generally don’t want much to do with 10 year old girls, especially girls who wear strong glasses like Lisa.

I was the first one to bring the subject up. “Chris seems a lot like Natalie was when she was his age.”

“So much so it is scary. Nancy and I are thinking that maybe Chris is like Natalie and seems to be a girl trapped in a man’s body. We are having a hard time dealing with the thought that he might be transgendered and we were hoping Natalie could help us through this since she knows from experience what it is like.” Zach said.

“Just for the heck of it Zach, when was it that you first realized that your younger brother was more like a girl than a boy?” I asked.

“I can’t say for sure. There were a lot of things that indicated he was different. Nathan always wanted to wear mom’s clothing and her glasses all the time when he was as young as 10. He played with our action figures as if they were dolls, and he always wanted a female doll to play dress up with. And Chris is exactly the same way. He even was wearing Nancy’s old glasses when he was 5 years old.” Zach said.

“I guess that Nancy’s glasses were stronger than your mom’s because Chris seems to have stronger glasses at age 11 than Natalie did when she was 14 or 15. Chris must have gotten his eyes used to a stronger prescription at an earlier age.” I replied.

“That is possible. I think he was wearing my old -7.50D glasses around that time. I am sure that they were too strong for him because now he is actually wearing around that same prescription.” Nancy replied.

“Your glasses look quite nice on you now Nancy. How strong are they?” Natalie asked.

“These are my new ones and they are -14.50D. My eyes started to go bad when I was pregnant with Scottie, and they have just kept getting worse and worse with each child. And they recently got worse again without me even being pregnant.” Nancy replied.

“That is only a little more than half of my prescription. But I blame my poor eyesight on the stress I went through growing up as a girl in a man’s body. I wonder if you were to have something done with Chris now would his eyes stop getting worse and worse?” Natalie asked.

“What do you mean do something?” Zach asked.

“You can ignore the problem and suffer the consequences, or you can follow Natalie’s lead and start Chris on female hormones right now. Then when he is a little older he can have the sex change operation and he can become Christine for real. If he grows up as a female he should be a better adjusted person, although Natalie seems to have adjusted quite well.” I replied.

“So we had better get in to see some doctors then. Can you give us the name of your doctor Natalie?” Nancy asked.

With Natalie’s help Nancy got Chris set up with the doctors that had helped Natalie. The doctors decided that since Chris was so young it would be to his benefit to have the sex change operation right away, so soon Chris was Christine for real, complete with the same indoor plumbing that Natalie had. It would have been a problem to send Christine back to the same school that she had gone to as a he, so Zach and Nancy sent Christine off to a private school where no one knew her. She is now taking the female hormones and she is turning into as attractive a young lady as Natalie was. It seems that we chose the right course for her although her glasses are still getting thicker.

Lisa seems to be growing up as a well adjusted young lady. She and Scott are hanging around together a little more often than a father would like, but Zach turned out to be a much better person that I had anticipated, so it might not be all bad. Her vision is still deteriorating, but at a fairly slow pace. Her latest prescription at the age of 15 is -14D, and while I am sure that it will increase I hope it doesn’t get any higher than Leslie’s got before she had the detached retina’s.

I need not have worried about my feelings for Natalie changing in any way after she lost her male reproductive organs. We are still as much in love as we were that summer so long ago when Natalie was still Nathan and was only 16 years old.

Feb 2013

Statistics: Posted by Specs4ever — Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:52 pm

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