
I think probably everyone that is in any of these rooms likely try to check out others wearing glasses as to how strong they are and if there plus or minus. Your right it is very hard to really tell prescriptions and you certainly can't go by the thickness of the lenses due to the various materials they now use. Still the best way to get an idea is by looking for a cut-in but you have to be careful because in order to see that you have to be looking right at their face. And in your case I would not see any cut-in but just that your cheeks may be outside of your glasses just a little bit. With your first glasses it would have been very difficult to even see that since they were so weak. If you can't see either of these things when your checking out someone's glasses it is likely that they are just very weak or if you happen to see a little bit of swirling through their lenses they may have a correction for astigmatisms and not much power either way. Carrie i don't know about you but i know i have been caught more than once, but since I don't bother looking at men's glasses the women just think I am checking them out and don't seem to mind too much. Sometimes I have even gotten a nice smile from them letting me know they saw me. But i'm sure they had no idea i was checking out their glasses mainly and then I have to admit I would check them out as well. Of course i am much more careful if they are with their bf not to get caught. Just like you say you like being checked out, and even by men, you take it just like you should, as a complement on your looks. If you didn't get looks I think that would be worse for a girls image. Kinda nice that guys find you every bit attractive wearing glasses as they did before you started wearing glasses. Sorry that your not attracting as many women as you would like, but your not interested anyway. Just curious, when you started wearing glasses and you heard someone describe you to someone else and they described you but added at the end "and she wears glasses" did that sound or seem strange to hear yourself being described wearing glasses or did you kind of like hearing it since you always wanted glasses anyway?
I guess your right about how wearing fake glasses may be helpful down the road if they are prescribed real glasses they would be much more likely to wear their glasses full time even if they don't need to because they liked wearing the fake ones. I guess that at least played a part in your going straight to full time wear when you got your glasses? With your first prescription you really only needed them if you were going to be doing a lot of close work like reading a book for several hours maybe? Your distance vision was perfect and you could even read without your glasses for a short time. But I guess having worn the fake glasses wearing real ones now was very easy to get used to for distance as well as reading.
So how is the search going for finding some new glasses that you feel will make you look more your age and not like some kid wearing fake glasses? You should be able to find some much like what your wearing but in a smaller size and they would look more real that way. Have you decided if your just going to swap out the lenses in your semi-rimless glasses or just get new ones? You have to be enjoying going in and trying on different glasses at the various shops. Not to mention most of the shops, at least near me, generally have some very attractive young ladies working their and of course they are usually required to wear glasses while working. You should take some pleasure in that as well. If your curious if their glasses are real or not just tell them that you like their glasses and ask if you can try them on? They get that all the time and in fact that is why they are required to wear glasses in the store so customers will want them. And you would be surprised how many will buy the same glasses as an optician or asst. is wearing because they feel like they must be the hottest new glasses if there wearing them. But you will be able to tell if their glasses are real or not and also be able to get a pretty good idea how they compare to your own glasses if they wear plus glasses and you will know about how strong they are if they are wearing minus glasses because of Gemma's glasses. So you will quickly be able to tell if there weaker or stronger than hers.
Is there any optical shops in the mall where the coffee shop is where Danielle's gf works? Maybe you can include a stop there as well after glasses shopping to see if your server friend is still wearing Danielle's spare pair of glasses?

Statistics: Posted by soundmanpt — Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:02 pm

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