
Are you interested in applying for US citizenship but find it difficult to separate some of the myths and misconceptions floating around the internet from fact? There can be a lot of confusing information online (or word of mouth) about the process of applying for US citizenship, which is why we’re going to bust some of the biggest myths and misconceptions below:

Myth 1: US citizenship is too expensive

Actually, it’s cheaper to pay the current one-off USCIS filing fee of $680 than it is to stay a permanent resident in the United States. This is because permanent residents must pay the $450 fee to renew their green card every 10 years, and the same fee also applies whenever you lose or damage your green card.

Myth 2: US citizenship tests are extremely difficult

There are plenty of free resources you can use to help you prepare for the English and civics tests, and as long as you study, you will be able to pass them. However, if you do fail the first time, you will get a second chance to retake the test.

Myth 3: There’s no benefit compared to permanent residence

Although permanent resident status allows you to live and work in the United States, the benefits of becoming a US citizen are significant. First, once you become a US citizen, your status cannot be revoked and you cannot be deported. You’ll also have the privilege of being able to travel with a US passport, and your family members will be given priority help if they wish to immigrate to America. Minors of US citizens are automatically granted citizenship, and you will be able to vote in US elections.

Myth 4: You can pay someone to give you all the questions of your US citizenship interview

This is impossible, as no one knows what the questions will be ahead of time. There are sample questions online, but you will be wasting your money if you pay someone to provide you with the questions you will face in your exam.

Myth 5: It’s okay to tell some white lies on your US citizenship exam paper

Never do this, no matter how much it could improve your chances. Lying on any US immigration form could lead to criminal charges as well as affecting your chances of ever being able to become a US citizen. If you’re worried about anything in particular before your exam, we recommend you seek advice from a qualified attorney or US immigration expert.

Myth 6: You have to apply without any help

Actually, seeking help can greatly improve your chances of passing your exam and becoming a US citizen. VisaPlace provides immigration services and gives friendly, professional advice to help you on your way.

Why Legal Help for Citizenship Applications is Important

As you can see, there are a lot of myths out there, and each can cause you problems. In addition to all the myths, many immigration blogs either have wrong or outdated information. Therefore, if you’re interested in applying for US citizenship, you should seek legal advice from an immigration lawyer who is experienced and current.

The legal team at VisaPlace have assisted countless individuals to successfully attain US citizenship, and we can help you, too.  The first step is assessing your specific situation. Fill out our free immigration assessment form and we will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss your eligibility and options.

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