Vitality 2015 will be here before you know it and the folks in Kansas City are already building momentum by issuing The Challenge to friends and neighbors across various communities. Kansas City’s 41 Action News KSHB-TV recently covered how Challenge Groups are fostering positive community experiences centered on fitness.
The Players
ViSalus National Directors Bryan and Stephanie Vignery leverage Challenge Groups and social media to bring people together under Vi’s mission to transform health and wellness.
“We build community with them, we encourage them, we inspire them… and we do it all together,” says Bryan of the 30+ people who attend the couple’s Challenge Groups four days a week including Saturday mornings.
Bryan leads a group of runners, Stephanie runs a boot camp and Stephanie’s mother Nancy Dyer—also a Vi Promoter—heads a walking group. Two additional Promoters have come on board to help facilitate weekly Challenge Groups. The team is working toward hosting Challenge Groups daily in the Kansas City area. The original group has grown considerably since it’s humble beginnings earlier this year.
“We were part of the more than 15,000 people across the globe who helped set the record for the World’s Largest Simultaneous Group Workout back in January,” says Stephanie, adding, “Bryan and I were so inspired, we kept our Challenge Group going. Not only have our efforts brought welcome media attention—more importantly we’ve created meaningful relationships, which is what ViSalus is all about.”
The Vignerys have been committed not only to promoting Challenge Groups, but advocating for balanced nutrition and fitness as essential components of a healthy lifestyle. And it’s turned into a movement within the couple’s community and beyond.
“Our goal is to have this [Challenge Groups] spread throughout the entire Kansas City area to build an even bigger community,” says Bryan. “We want to duplicate our efforts to create the biggest impact possible leading up to Vitality.”
The Game
Similar to Challenge Groups that take place across the country, the Vignerys’ group is open to all ages. It’s truly a family affair. Bryan and Stephanie’s young children participate in kid friendly workouts and lead games that incorporate physical activity like hopscotch, jumping jacks and running contests.
“Following Vi’s Challenge Group model is the first step,” says Bryan, “We don’t deviate from that. And the results are incredibly rewarding. Many of our members are happier and healthier than they’ve ever been. The majority immediately jump on The Challenge and benefit from our great tasting products.”
A natural leader, Bryan makes sure Challenge Group members charge up prior to their workouts with NEON Energy Drink™ or ViSalus GO®, and end sessions with the high quality protein found in Vi-Shape® and Vi Crunch®. He and Stephanie provide samples and even highlight members as soon as they hit the first 10-lb. weight-loss or muscle built milestone.
“I emphasize the 80/20 rule,” says Bryan, “Our group really understands that nutrition is 80% of the game and fitness represents the other 20%. Hosting Challenge Groups is the perfect way to target both areas at the same time.”
The Challenge—Start a Challenge Group!
Starting a Challenge Group has never been easier. The Summer Challenge offers free product credit to Customers who check in as a group on their mobile devices. Participants can earn up to $100 of free Vi products just by working out, having fun and eating right. So get inspired, grab some friends and get on your feet! We see healthy habits in your future.
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