
WASHINGTON (WJLA) - One of the two pit bull puppies allegedly strangled by James Edward Jones has made a remarkable recovery after being placed in critical condition.

Jones, 29, of Wheaton, has been charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty, aggravated cruelty to an animal and unlawful cause of suffering or pain to an animal.

Since being arrested, Jones has posted bail and is awaiting trial; scheduled for August 8 at 8:30 am.

On the morning of June 5, 2015, Montgomery County police officers responded to a call received about a man causing harm to his young dogs.

Upon arrival at the intersection of Georgia and Price Avenues, police located a man, identified as Jones via his driver's license, hyped up on narcotics causing injury to his two pit bull puppies.

In one hand, Jones held a six-week-old black female pit bull by the neck, while in the other, held a six-week-old tan male pit bull, also by the neck. According to police reports, Jones was strangling both puppies, causing them to foam at the mouth, gasping for air.

The officers asked Jones to put the animals down repeatedly, but he declined, clutching the necks of the two puppies even harder. In an attempt to break the puppies free, the officers grabbed onto Jones' arms; Jones tensed his body, pulling the dogs closer and holding them tighter.

After some time passed, the officers were able to trip Jones to the ground while a bystander, Shawn Schmitz, grabbed a hold of the tan puppy, though the black puppy was still tight in Jones’ possession.

More pleading from the officers ensued, but to no avail. The police then deployed a Taser, which had no effect on Jones. After more pleading, the officers called for backup.

Two more officers arrived, and together they successfully apprehended Jones, while also retrieving the black puppy.

The two puppies were immediately transferred to the Metropolitan Emergency Animal Clinic located in Rockville, where both dogs were in poor condition.

The tan male pit bull puppy was placed in critical condition, as his lungs were severely damaged from the strangulation. His lungs also filled with blood, causing him to vomit blood; his chances of survival were slim. However, after much care, the outlook for the male puppy is much brighter, and according to the clinic, he is expected to make a full recovery.

The black female pit bull puppy was placed in poor condition (not nearly as bad as the male); she is expected to make a full recovery as well. Both dogs have endured a considerable about of trauma to their bodies.

Jones was transported in a "reeves" stretcher to Holy Cross Hospital. He was released, arrested and has since posted his bail.

WJLA’s Kevin Lewis will have the exclusive full story today at 4:30 pm on ABC7!

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