
I'd like to apologise to all other forum readers for the spam, but this message is directed to broadband sysadmins only. I'm writing here because only support communication channel offered in Virgin website is phone line and I don't want oral but written communication on this topic.
My account number is xxx. I have only broadband service from you.
By the way if you can offer me email for support purposes, I'll be more than happy.

My problem is internet connection quality. I suffer from package loss problems. Lately frequantly happens several packages loss and at least several times a day (more then 3 - 5,10,20) I lose internet connection at all - 100% loss for about 5minutes , then the connection is restored.
Here is my last ping statistic:
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1382, Received = 1240, Lost = 142 (10% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 10ms, Maximum = 422ms, Average = 25ms
Because of the nature of my work, I intensively use ssh connections and all the time have 2 or 3 connections open together. I also intensively use voip communications. Admins know how sensitive are ssh and voip on loss problems. These problems seriously affect my work performance.
I already followed up all basic level-one advices (further more I also used to be ISP level-one, two and three long time ago) - constantly reboot my rooter (including hot and cold reboot) , forced rooter to reflash the firmware with the last version and so on. I also don't use torrents or other bandwidth consuming applications. THIS DOESN'T HELP !
SO PLEASE PAY ATTENTION OF MY CONECTION - it is somehow disrupted, probably amplifier levels , bad or noisy line or my modem is faulty.
Thank you in advance!

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