
Jono Lancaster was born with a genetic disorder called Treacher Collins Syndrome because of which he didn’t have proper cheekbones.

As a result of the genetic disorder his eyes drooped down and he had trouble hearing. His doctors told his parents that he would never walk and talk. They were horrified and put him up for adoption within 36 hours.

Jono had been abandoned by his parents, but then a woman named Jean could look past his genetic disorder and fostered him.

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“Yes, his face did look different, but it didn’t put me off wanting to look after him.”

Facebook | Jono Lancaster

Jean then decided to officially adopt him at the age of 5.

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20 year on, Jono is now an impressive young man who has been able to conquer his genetic disorder. He now has a message to share and inspire people with.

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Jono was subjected to abandonment and widespread bullying as a result of his genetic disorder. He knew that the only way he could survive the world was if he believed in himself and remained positive in the face of adversities.

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“I’ve had to be positive throughout my whole entire life. Everybody just looks at me and underestimates me, and I’ve always had to prove people wrong.”

Twitter | @Jono_Lancaster

“Over the years, I have learned how to act positive. It kind of comes naturally to me now.”

Facebook | Jono Lancaster

Jono loves going to the gym because it’s the one place he can constructively release pent up energy. It’s also the one place where everything is within his control.

Facebook | Jono Lancaster

Jono says that he can never consider getting a facial reconstruction surgery. “[It’s] not me. God made me like this and I was born like this for a reason.”

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Jono wanted to meet his biological parents when he turned 25. The adoption agency sent them a letter regarding Jono’s request to meet them.

Facebook | Jono Lancaster Darren Irwin Photography

Jono’s biological parents told the agency that they had no interest in meeting him, and that they didn’t want him to try and contact them again.

Facebook | Jono Lancaster

Jono was heartbroken with this rejection yet again. However, he again channeled that sadness, and allowed it to inspire him even further.

Facebook | Jono Lancaster

Jono has garnered a vast social media following, and he has been able to touch the lives of many people who think he’s an inspiration. He now spends a lot of his time traveling around the world and meeting new people.

The post Abandoned Because Of A Genetic Disorder, He Is Now An Inspiration! appeared first on Viral Sprint.

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