
How can you convert a number into words using Oracle Sql Query? What I mean by Number to Word is:

Here’s a classy query which will convert number into words.Please see the query below:

If I pass 234 in number, then the output will : two hundred thirty-four

So how the query works? Well here’s why:

If you look into the inner most part of the query to_date(:number,'j') the ‘j’ or J is the Julian Date (January 1, 4713 BC), basically this date is been used for astronomical studies.

So to_date(:number,'j') it take the number represented by number and pretend it is a julian date, convert into a date.

If you pass 3 to number, so it will convert date to 3rd Jan 4713 BC, it means 3 is added to the Julian date.

Now to_char(to_date(:number,'j'),'jsp'), jsp = Now; take that date(to_date(:number,'j')) and spell the julian number it represents

Hope this helps

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