
How do I give my creative dreams wings? Well it’s a long story – have you got an hour or two? Just kidding – I’ll give you the Coles note’s version AND a mind map to illustrate how some of it unfolded. My Creative Dreams are a work in progress – I like to think of my dreams as a journey. To be truthful I’m not one of those folks who map out the next 5, 10 or 20 years in a sitting and then pretty much manage to manifest them all! For me it’s been an organic process. I wanted to inspire women to embrace who they are through the vehicle of their creativity. The best way to do this was to share my journey with them.

If you want to skip this long blog post then you could just check out this mind map for the pared down version of how i gave my creative dream wings.

1. The Magic Cottage – What got the ball rolling in an exciting way is when I surrounded myself with my Tribe of people – I call them my Bohemian Tribe. These are friends from all walks of life who are funky, creative, spiritual and some of them are eccentric to boot! They believed in my vision and encouraged me along the way when I stumbled and was letting fear get the best of me. It all started with my magic cottage – I bought a plan white and baby blue cottage which I transformed with the help and encouragement of my Bohemian Tribe into a colourful oasis of joy, bliss and creativity! Painting the cottage just the way I liked it and listening to the inner voice that encouraged me to follow what I loved opened many doors. My home was featured on Weird Homes TV show along with a number of other shows. It was also featured in magazines and newspaper articles.


2. Magazines – I had always wanted to see my artwork featured in magazines. I knew folks liked my whimsical and inspirational art but didn’t know how to get it featured in magazines. I was invited to feature work in Artella Magazine many years ago (after joining their online community) – that was the beginning! Then I was featured in Cloth Paper Scissors, Somerset Studios, Altered Couture, Scrapbooking and Beyond, Studios, Creative Homes and more! Most magazines have submission guidelines online that you can check out before sending your submissions in. Along the way I was nurtured and encouraged by an online community that formed on my blog’s forum called the GPS – Glitter Power Sisters. They were so awesome, encouraging and supportive! I did eventually meet some of the GPS in Arizona – we created our own personal retreat.

I began blogging 9 years ago and so that too was very instrumental in making many of my dreams a reality. Blogging was the thread that wove through all of these diverse dreams.

3. Journal Bliss (my book) – one of my dreams from many, many years ago was to have my own book. After being featured in magazines I became more known and when I was asked to submit art for Kaleidoscope (a mixed media book) and also Living the Creative Life I jumped at the opportunity. Being featured in those books opened the door to pitching my own book idea and VOILA! A dream came true with the publication of Journal Bliss five years ago. I felt truly blessed to be able to encourage and inspire women to be more creative by art journaling their lives. What a rush!

4. Glittergirl Van – One of the greatest joys of my life was having the opportunity to paint my van! It all happened organically when I heard that the cast of a TV show was going to be filming at an art car festival in Vancouver. They were on the lookout for Women Art car artists. I had e-mailed the folks to let them know I’d like to paint my van – I had also mentioned I’d appeared on the TV show Weird Homes. So they invited me to visit them on site and they interviewed me extensively. I told them what I had planned on doing. And then – I HAD TO DO IT!! Ack! They wanted me to photo document the process of painting the van which I did. Later, they pieced the photos and my interview together for a show on Women and Art cars. I had so many creative adventures with my van which I dubbed Glittergirl. It was painted with inspiring quotes, and joyful images not to mention glitter. Glittergirl sparked many transformative conversations. GG is now in art car heaven but her memory lives on through the door which graces my backyard garden!

5. Violette TV – Another creative dream was to have my own TV show. About 15 years ago I had a story idea for a TV show called the Creative Spirit. I pitched a couple of networks my brilliant idea but was sadly rejected. I gave up on that idea for many years. Seven years ago I was surfing Youtube when I came across a video from Suzi Blu – I felt I had found a kindred spirit! I loved what she was doing and proceeded to ask her some questions. Suzi was very gracious – she kindly gave me a bit of advice and encouragement about cameras and editing programs. So off I trundled to buy a video camera and an editing program and created my own YouTube channel. Unbeknownst to me I HAD created my own TV show which I tentatively called Violette TV. I have created over 60 videos! Next I plan on starting the interview creative people in my own community. One never knows what will happen next until you step forward and take a chance.

6. Creative Community – my next adventure is to create an online community so that’s what is in the works right now – I’m looking for a good platform to deliver videos, podcasts and ideas.

So you see – giving your creative dreams wings is not always a linear process – it’s important to follow the breadcrumbs and let your dream unfold gradually. It really helps if you have guides or Sherpas along the way – speaking of which Andrea Schroeder is such a person.  She is hosting a blog hop in celebration of a special Give your Dreams Wings e-course :

The Give Your Dream Wings Blog Hop is a peek inside the process of how inspiring people make the magic happen. We’ve got some of the internet’s most inspiring bloggers sharing how they give their dreams wings – what they do that supports, nurtures and encourages their tender dreams to come to life.

This is happening in celebration of the new e-course of the same name by Andrea Schroeder of the Creative Dream Incubator.  The Give Your Dream Wings e-course shows you how to nurture and grow YOUR dream, for free, in only 10 minutes a day.  You do not have to wait until you have more time or money!

Love Violette xo

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