
Warung Aja
Location: Opposite Masjid Bukit Setongkol, Kuantan
Rating: 4 1/2stars

Thanks to Etty for introducing this awesome place for lunch to me and my friends! Seriously all the food spread are simply delicious and they serve only the best for customers. Besides,the price is so reasonable compare to other food place around Kuantan.

Di Warung Aja ni,lauk-pauk yang dihidangkan teramat berbeza dengan kedai-kedai lain. Tidak salah jika aku klasifikasikan masakan-masakan lauk tengah hari di Warung Aja ni bertaraf lauk di hotel 5 bintang! Sangat sedap dan ada kualiti selain daripada hiasan pinggan yang sangat minimalist tetapi menarik minat mata dan juga perut :D Setiap lauk disediakan dalam kuantiti yang tidak terlampau banyak,maka kualiti setiap lauk dapat dijaga oleh chef Warung Aja ni.

Melalui pemerhatian, Warung Aja dimiliki oleh sepasang atuk dan nenek yang sangat rajin dan sporting habis.

both images credited to Google

Apart from that,what make this Warung so special than others is,the shop lot itself is at the owner's housing area. You will find that the tables were arranged under pokok jambu air and you will have that feeling like you are eating at you kampung!! Plus,the owner which at the age of almost like our grandmom usually play P.Ramlee songs through stereo at the warung. Double awesome!!

While indulging yourself with delicious meals,you can listen to P.Ramlee songs and make you feel like you are living in those years like Allahyarham P.Ramlee and friends. This is really RARE!

You should stop by and have a pleasant lunch at Warung Aja if you were at Kuantan

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