
photos from Facebook / Folded and Hung / IM Agency Manila / Ash Reginald Evasco Photography

March 14, 2013

How weird....it's already almost 2:00 AM and I still can't sleep! So, technically it's morning already, right? The morning of the 14th of March. Haist!!!

Anyway, before I attempt to fall asleep again, lemme introduce you first to this very strikingly gorgeous and boyishly handsome male model....

Garrett Zebley.

Ok. I didn't hear any drum roll. Everyone must have held their breath. LOLZ!

Though, sorry, Garrett is no longer single. He's the loving boyfriend of a cheerful and bubbly friend of mine, Franchesca, who's also a supermodel herself.

Oh...Dear Lord....I know you're not being unfair. Having these two gorgeous models as boyfriends and girlfriends. A couple.

But....how about me? Me? Me? Me? I want my own Garrett Zebley, too! Huhuhuhuhuhu!

Please bring Jonathan Norder back to Manila. Now. (LOLZ! Just kidding. Teehee! Oh....issue again!)

Fine. Enough with that.

Anyhow....I'm sorry but that photo above is the only photo of Garrett that I have where he's wearing a shirt. The next ones....he'll be topless already. I'm SO sorry. As in. Swear. Super.

I don't mean to post these shirtless photos of Garrett Zebley. Believe me.

I don't intend to make you, my dearest readers, fall in love with this boyishly handsome male model.

I'm sorry, too, Franchesca. He just....dazzles me. CHOZ! *Friends zone alert*

Ok. I won't say anything anymore.

Again....I won't say anything anymore. Teehee!

Don't forget to "like" Garrett Zebley on Facebook. (https://www.facebook.com/ZebleyGarrett)

A very hot hot hot male model heaven good morning greeting.

♥ Mwah! ♥



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