Here's a list of pictures of 10 jobs that no longer exist today...
1. Bowling Alley Pinsetter
Bowling alley pinsetters were young boys employed at bowling alleys to set up the pins for clients.
2. Human Alarm Clock
Knocker-uppers were essentially alarm clocks – they were hired to ensure that people would wake up on time for their own jobs. They would use sticks, clubs or pebbles to knock on clients’ windows and doors.
3. Ice Cutter
Before modern refrigeration techniques became widespread, ice cutters would saw up the ice on frozen lakes for people to use in their cellars and refrigerators. It was a dangerous job often done in extreme conditions.
4. Pre-radar Listener for Enemy Aircraft
Before radar, troops used acoustic mirrors and listening devices like these to focus and detect the sound of engines from approaching aircraft.
5. Rat Catcher
Rat catchers were employed in Europe to control rat populations. They ran high risks of suffering bights and infections, but helped prevent these from spreading to the public.
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