
palmer loves the tautological truth of taqiyya so much he repurposes it for gay people too:
But it will never end. There is no normalcy. There will be other issues. The idea that many of these people will settle into normal middle class lifestyles in the burbs is nonsense

Some will. Just like the "moderate" muzzies who live in the burbs now. They look and act perfectly white bread except for going to the mosque on friday (for starters). The moderate queers will do their thing on friday or any other day and middle class stuff the rest of the time. Once they gain critical mass they will come out in the open. Both groups already have already infested public education.
Have you met a nice seeming gay? Don't be fooled - Taqiyya!

arthurus has an interesting prediction:
Where homosexuality is the norm women become slaves. That is the history of it. Lesbians who support the homosexual agenda are promoting their own demotion into chattel status- slavery.
Turbo Pig explains why soccer is unamerican:
Uh, it’s soccer...there is something distinctly un-American about a game that routinly ends in a tie. I guess with our rapid decline from a world leader to a soon to be 2nd world state, it is appropro that soccer is gaining more and more popularity...I miss America.
I want the USA back on the pastimes of feral reptile brain brutes:
Liberals have been giving the underclass savages excuses to kill Whiteys. The feral reptile brain brutes are all too happy to do it, since all they know how to do is rape hos, take money from Whiteys, beat and kill Whiteys, get high on drugs and act like slovenly feral indolent non-producers.
Like so many murders, NorthMountain explains that the guys stabbed to death on the DC Metro was asking for it by being liberal:
"Pajama Boy"?

Yes, he certainly appears to have been that. He also appears to have been a very dedicated, committed, hard-core advocate of various leftist causes, and a leader of other young, dedicated leftists. I saw nothing in the article about gun-control specifically. The irony of a dedicated leftist and presumptive gun-control activist being murdered in a situation where armed self-defense might have been helpful is hard to miss. Also hard to miss is that the urban black criminal class, exemplified by the multiply-arrested suspect Jasper Spires, is largely a creation of the leftism advocated by the late Mr. Sutherland. I only regret that Mr. Sutherland did not seem to have had the opportunity to repent, prior to his violent demise at the hand of a wretched excuse for humanity.
Torahman reads a lot into the fact that it's a cakemaker that's the antigay icon:
It is interesting that G-d’s command to Adam & Eve in Genesis was concerning Food: not to eat from a certain tree. The result of doing so was death. In the Book of Acts the first restriction place on new believers was also concerning foods, which allowed them to participate in the life of greater Israel. And now, at the “End of Days” the War on Torah is focused on the hideous mandate to force godly people to crown sexual perversion with a cake. It’s pure poetry! Get ready for war, dear reader, Game On.
hosepipe wishes he lived in a comic book:
The democrats have already GONE full-Joker, Penquin and Riddler....

The republicans NEED to go full-Batman.. O.K. Trump can be Robin..
jimbo123 can't stop birthin', even beyond Obama:
Bush should release his wife’s U.S. Naturalization and Citizenship papers.

How could she pass the U.S. Civics and English exams if she can barely speak English?

And did she ever renounce her Mexican Citizenship and give up her Mexico Passport?

If she didn’t have a Mexican passport, how did Jeb get her into the U.S.?
Terry L Smith's nativist bigotry is not even that subtle:
How did a completely WASP family like the Bush’s, allow one of their sons to wed a foreigner? What kind of corporate business deal was behind that?

I do not want a foreigner, whether a President, vice president, or gnawing on the President’s ear in pillow talk!
Sacajaweau knows all soldiers are equally honorable:
Those southern soldiers were citizens, too. They deserve the same respect as the Northern soldiers.
South Carolina will come to regret the loss of Arm_Bears!
I was actually thinking of retiring to South Carolina.

I, and my money, will stay put now.

Of course, my decision will be offset by the huge spike in Black tourism the state is sure to enjoy going forward.
Kit cat argues that divorce is just a sign of manly success:
Unfortunately men driven by their success have marital problems you can not hold that against them. Rush has had the same problems!!!!! Obammie has NEVER tried to run a successful business, been stressed beyond stressed, or anything like that!!!!! Hillary stayed with her man regardless of his outrageous philandering purely due to POWER!!!!! the fact she stayed makes me sick!!!!!!
You've done it now, gays! cradle of freedom is gonna be mean to you on Free Republic!
So now, no more mr. nice guy to the gays...fags, fags, fags, fags. You are vicious towards us so we do not have to cater to you tender little feelings. FAG! So there.

And you ARE sick. No one else would do the things you do especially in public. Why is it that you always have to be pigs in public? You turn New York City into a sty during your gay pride parade, I don’t know what your so proud of.

Why do most of you guys act like you are doing imitations of neurotic women? Were your mothers neurotic? I wouldn’t be surprised. You had to get it from somewhere.

Oh, you are going to be loved from now on. I have known a few gay people in my life, mostly I felt bad for them I never said a bad word to anybody but I am furious over your take over of our society. You bastards are going to pay.
cradle of freedom thinks gaydar works 100%, and that the private discrimination of the Jim Crow era was a triumphant success:
Most gays have a way about them that gives them away, I am betting that many people who were tolerant of gays before, even though they didn’t approve of their lifestyle, would still go to gay owned businesses, But now, how many people are going to give the gay businesses the cold shoulder?

You can wave your rainbow flags, take us to court, force your way into our traditional parades and into our schools but you cannot force us into your beauty salons, restaurants, shops or other businesses. You will know we are mad when we do not show up at your businesses.
Fido969 knows gay marriage is a conspiracy by shadowy libertarian forces:
It’s a scam by the dim-witted libertarians. They give us gay marriage THEN they tell us that “government should get out of the marriage business”, which it never will.

It was a big bait-and-switch by the pothead wing of the Republican party.
Maceman has no idea what slavery is:
The truth is, Progressive Leftists are opposed to individual liberty as defined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The only real complaint they have about chattel slavery in America two hundred years ago is that the slaves were privately owned.

But they get orgasmic over the idea of slavery to the state.
concerned about politics is waiting for God to do the mass killing he yearns for!
There's going to be another plague that's bigger, better and more deadly than AIDs. It's got to be here by now, just waiting for it's ride. I've been watching for it, but it's taking too long. I wish it would hurry up so we can get to cleaning our country back up and saving those little boys from their depraved attackers.
C'mon homo plague. Let's git 'er done.
griswold3 unironically posts on a political forum:
The legacy of Obama will be the ‘Progressive’s Criminalization of Political Discourse’.
Psalm 73 doomsays September:
Now is the time to fine-tune your preps.
We are two months away from September - for some reason that point in time has been setting off alarms in the backs of our heads....
Lurkinanloomin wishes Bush had gone full nationalist after 9-11:
If Bush had done as I expected any patriotic President to do immediately after 9/11, as Ike did in the ‘50’s, seal the border with troops, start a sweep from north to south “encouraging” more to leave than you have to physically deport, followed by implementation of a visa system that alerts us if someone does not leave so we can find them and escort them out.

If that had been done, we would not have Obama or his destruction.

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