
Today is really exciting as I am sharing my first project using Silhouette curio. It is an electronic cutting machine just like Silhouette portrait or Silhouette Cameo but in addition to cutting it also does other cool things like etching, stippling, embossing, debossing, etc. I have been owning this machine for the past year and I feel bad to say that I haven't used it much as my first try with this machine was a major fail. I purchased a lot of new things to try with this machine in thanksgiving day deals but never got around to it.  I tried to cut leather for this project but it ended up it tearing the leather as well as the cutting mat. Later, I learned the mistake was with the blade(Returned and got a new blade) as well as with the leather.

Finally, after a year I made up my mind to try another project which also ended up in failure. It is an etching project. It wasn't a total fail but the result was not what I expected and it was taking a lot of time to perfect. Never got the result even after many tries. So I gave up that and then moved on to try stippling. Well, First try with this wasn't smooth either but on my second try, I got what I wanted. It was a great success so I am super excited to share with you all.

I don't know whether it is with the machine or it is something I am doing wrong.I always felt very comfortable working with Silhouette portrait but trying my best with the curio. Hope one day I will get comfortable with it to share more projects with you all.( If you are a curio user, would love to hear your experience in the comments below). For now, I am excited to share the stippling art I made and what worked for me. Are you ready?

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