We had an edited entry from a few weeks ago with instructions. We’re doing this entry solely for the purpose of helping with MyGuy.
For future references, we’ve added a link to this entry in the sidebar of the blog.
You can audibly or manually check into the NBA games (and later - football, etc) to play MyGuy. You can also get to MyGuy without checking in at all. You can be in simultaneous games with MyGuy, playing along with as many as you wish. You can earn up to +1000 points per game. You’re allowed to earn up to 6,000 points a day (including the regular 720 watch points, which is 12 full hours throughout the day). Here’s how to get into the MyGuy games without checking in.
iOS users:
You guys have it easy. Go to What’s On, and click on the Guide button. Simply scroll to the game in question, click on it, and you’re instantly on the show page, with the MyGuy link.
Android users:
You have it a bit tougher for now (although Viggle says Guide is coming to Android this spring). So here’s what you do:
Go through a manual check-in process. That’s simply trying to check in, and getting the “Hmmm….” screen, and “Try Again”, until the prompt comes up to type something in manually. (Mute your TV while you do this so Viggle doesn’t pick up what you’re watching.)
Once on the manual prompt, type in the team name (or if you know the channel number, type that instead).*
When you see the correct game listed, click it. The confirmation window pops up.
DO NOT CLICK CONFIRM. Instead, click the back arrow on your device. This will back you out of the confirmation screen, and drops you back on the show page. The MyGuy link is there.
Go into MyGuy as you normally would, pick a player, and play along.
Do this each time you need to get to another game’s MyGuy.
One of our followers said that if you leave a message in the chatroom or the TV chatter room, it’s easy to get back to them (by going to the Chatter button), to check on your progress, and change your player if needed. We’ve not tried that yet, but they swear by it, so give it a try!
That’s how you get into a game without checking in.
If you have the time to check into a game to get to MyGuy, do so. It can’t hurt. As long as you’re earning points, you’re good. But during prime time, the above instructions might work better for you. The whole process takes a minute or two, but it’s worth it if you’re racking up points for each game.
* Note: Typing “NBA” might not bring up all the ball games, as some are not on DirecTV NBA League Pass (or whatever Dish & other providers call it). We always recommend typing the team name, or the channel number if you know it. A simple search on your TV guide will find them for you.