
Original Title: Tangled Ties to a Manatee

Author: Kalen Cap

Release Date: May 5th 2012

Genre: Humor, Crime Thriller

A pregnant manatee is rare at any zoo, and a first for the Grove City Zoo in Ohio. Ankh is a delight to zoo patrons, a concern to its staff, and the unintentional victim of two con men. She has no idea how many human relationships, problems, and dreams tangle around her.

Jerry is a young developmentally disabled man who happily follows Ankh's pregnancy on the zoo's webcam. He has a shy crush on Janelle, a pretty college student who volunteers for his group home’s outings to the zoo.

Jerry's Aunt Vera also loves nature and runs an environmental retreat center. But all is not well, with Vera or the center. The center needs money and is under investigation as a cult.

Amid their college studies, Janelle and her friend Cecily try to help. Instead, Janelle re-awakens an old obsession in Vera when an innocent tarot reading hints at how the center might be saved.

Two bumbling con men are attempting to sabotage the region’s electrical grid as part of a lucrative scheme. But Jerry accidentally gets in their way and becomes their captive.

When the con men surprisingly succeed in bringing the grid down, it spells danger for Ankh, her unborn pup, and the many people tied to them both. With investigations of their own, Cecily and Janelle try to untangle it all to find Jerry, save a manatee’s life, and rescue Vera from herself.

Tangled Ties to a Manatee is a humorous crime thriller with environmental themes that is revealed through multiple points of view. The novel emphasizes college-aged characters, though not all, such as the developmentally disabled ones, are in college.




1. Tell us something about your book
that is not part of the book description (blurb).

One story thread that didn't make it
into the blurb is the romantic and antagonistic entanglements of the characters
Steven and Leeanne. Steven teaches the college course that Cecily and Janelle
are in together. Leeanne is the head vet in charge of the manatee Ankh's care.
Steven and Leeanne receive their newly minted certificate of divorce during the
extended weekend of the novel's timeline. But, they both find they haven't yet
worked through their enmeshment entirely yet.

2. Your book cover is nice..  Who is your designer and what do YOU think
about the cover?

I love the cover. I'm very lucky in
that regard from what I've heard about the experiences of other debut authors.
Derek Murphy of creativindie.com is the designer. I gave him a simplified
mockup a friend of mine helped me with, and he took the idea and created a
design that works well. He worked with me over several iterations and changes.
I'm happy with the outcome and glad I took the referral for him from Joanna
Penn during a webinar arranged by Dana Lynn Smith.

3. What are your current literary
works?  Any sneak peaks?

I'm early in the process of writing
a novel with the working title, "The Peace Cipher." It is largely set
in Ottawa County, Ohio, and the main protagonists attend the fictional Sandusky
Bay Community College there. For now, I'll just say artifacts are stolen from a
museum exhibit, and the genre is a type of crime thriller.

4. What movie and/or book are you
looking forward to this year?

For a movie, that would be Finding
Nemo in 3D. It was already amazing, so I'm anticipating that the effects will
be spectacular.

For a book, I'd have to give a shout
out to a fellow indie author Kirkus MacGowan and the book "The Sixth
Deadly Sin," the second in the John Reeves series he's developing. I was
fortunate to be able read his "Fall of Billy Hitchings" in its
entirety as part of a critique forum before its release last November. He's
done a great job of getting the message out about his debut novel while
maintaining an unaffected approachable style. I'm interested to see what
happens in his next book.

5. If you could invite any 5 people
to dinner who would you choose?

The Kielburger brothers, Craig and
Marc, of "Free the Children" organization, Dr. Lois Lee of
"Children of the Night" organization, Jane Goodall, and Ellen

6. What's the craziest writing idea
you've had?

Probably the idea when the place
itself in the setting becomes one of the characters among the story's other
characters living at the place.  The
place could be small, such as a house, or large, such as a planet. For a
planet, the character idea would be somewhere between Gaia of Ancient Greece
meeting the Gaia hypothesis, for example. But, I haven't found the way to make
that palatable to readers in a story with other characters simultaneously.

If that isn't understandable,
remember that you did ask for "craziest."

7. Please tell us in one sentence
only, why we should read your book.

Life is more often about the
journeys of persons connected with each other, whether for a short time or a
lifetime, than it is about one protagonist's epic journey alone, and the
humorous crime thriller "Tangled Ties to a Manatee" reveals connected
journeys of compelling characters in a great read that is uniquely, cohesively


8. Tell us your most rewarding
experience since being published.

I have such an awesome and
far-reaching support network. Seeing how excited and happy people are for me as
my novel's launched has been the best part of this.

9. What's one piece of advice you
would give aspiring authors?

Forget about ever being ready, just
start and keep writing anyway.

10. If you could jump in to a book,
and live in that world, which would it be?

"Hope for Animals and Their
World: How Endangered Species Are Being Rescued from the Brink" by Jane

Oh, wait. I'm already here in that

11. If someone wrote a book about
your life, what would the title be?

Huh?   (That's not a question, that's the title.)

12. What is your favorite scene in
the book and why do you love it?

My favorite scene in "Tangled
Ties to a Manatee" is when Cecily and Janelle come upon Jerry when he's
with Ankh. It is point in the novel where two long-parallel storylines finally
intersect. What happens next to the characters in that specific setting is
extraordinary and touches the characters' lives in a way that significantly
matters to them thereafter, for better or worse.

13. What TV show/movie/book do you
watch/read that you'd be embarrassed to admit?

Rugrats. It's awesome!

14. What is one book everyone should
read (apart from yours)?

Horton Hatches an Egg and/or Horton
Hears a Who. Go team Horton!

15. What is your favorite way to
spend a rainy day?

Well, I live in Columbus, Ohio, so
that's fairly routine. I write some, check in with social networks, run on a
treadmill or otherwise workout, do something regarding environmental activism,
whether writing an article or updating an organization's social network pages,
then watch a film or hang out with friends, and read, of course. That's if I'm
not scheduled for my full time hourly job that day.


Favorite place?

Great Lakes, particularly Ottawa county, Ohio

Best Christmas present?

such as "The Winter Solstice: the Sacred Traditions of Christmas," by
John & Caitlin Matthews

Favorite book?


Favorite author?


Favorite smell?


Favorite series?

Halo Awards (annual award show series)



Favorite writing spot?


Favorite movie?

Jack Flash

Favorite dish?

bars, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut

Favorite color?


Favorite quote?

doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

A bunch of small gifts or one big expensive one?

bunch of small ones

Your best trait?


Your worst trait?



Kalen Cap is a writer living in Columbus, Ohio. Active in a variety of causes, particularly with regard to the environment, he often brings such concerns into his fiction writing.

Tangled Ties to a Manatee is his debut novel.

He has had poetry published and several plays, both one act and full-length, produced locally. Two short stories have been published as well. "Feral" is a short story published in Off the Rocks, v. 14, ed Allison Fradkin, NewTown Writers Chicago, 2010, pp. 119-126. "Transforming Oracle" is a self-published short story available at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/29507

AUTHOR ONLINE: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Google+


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