According to the Pacific Whale Watch Association there has been an unprecedented number sightings of large groups of humpback whales near Victoria recently.
Humpback whales were almost all gone by 1966 when commercial whaling ceased in the area. They were listed under the Endangered Species Act for many years. According to the association they now number about 21,000 in the area.
In the last few weeks large pods of 15-20 whales have been spotted. While a great sight, it may also be a sign of unbalanced ocean conditions that may be bringing large numbers to inland waters. These kinds of numbers are usually seen only off Alaska or Hawaii.
The association’s executive director, Michael Harris hopes that by studying what the humpbacks coming to the inland sea are eating, will help provide information on how to recover the population of Southern Resident Killer Whales.
For now, everyone is enjoying what’s been termed the “Humpback Comeback.”
HAPPY HUMP (back) DAY!! Why just breathe when you can also breach <img src="" alt="